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Official Discussion Thread for "Thieves Guild: First Look"

  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Cously wrote: »
    Scrolling combat text (SCT)
    Will it include a DPS meter and buff tracker and improved character sheet information?

    This is pretty crucial. I was under the impression that a buff/debuff tracker was going to come with the scrolling combat text, it is pretty crucial on console given how hard it is to track the visuals of certain buffs...

    @ZOS_GinaBruno can you confirm?
    SCT will not include a traditional buff/debuff tracker, but that is something we're actively working on for a future update. It will display some info when you CC your target, though.

    Darkheart wrote: »
    To have 64 Bit Client, do we need to download the whole client again?
    No, it will just be a small download as part of the patch.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Enodoc
    Darkheart wrote: »
    To have 64 Bit Client, do we need to download the whole client again?
    @Darkheart I would imagine you'd need a new download, but hopefully just specifically the client part of it (inside ~\game\client), which isn't very big; it's the ~\depot and ~\vo_x downloads that take up all the drive space and download usage, and I would imagine they should remain the same.
    Never mind, Gina beat me to it :)
    Edited by Enodoc on 21 January 2016 16:35
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  • Dominoid
    Sempars wrote: »
    **Prioritization of animations during combat

    what does that mean? stopping animation canceling?

    Not removing animation cancelling.
  • ListerJMC
    petraeus1 wrote: »
    ListerJMC wrote: »
    @petraeus1 yes I saw stuff like that too! I just really want a nice headdress for my Redguard and I think I saw some in there which makes me happy. Or at least something better than the silly helmet Redguards get with their veteran armor!

    I just had another thought though, I don't suppose we have the option to work against the guild if we don't want to choose the thug life?

    @listerjmc I can't help but think we might have with Justice PvP, but since that's been cancelled, I doubt it. I dunno, I remember they also had plans for PvE things for the Enforcers, so there might still be something to do in that regard. Doesn't seem like it from the current announcement though.

    Yeah I'm thinking no based on what I saw, but thought I'd ask! Maybe it's too much of a spoiler to say ;). Either way this should be good fun!
    PC NA & EU || Mammoth Guilds - Victory or Valhalla || Altmer sorcerer main
    "Wood Elves aren't made of wood. Sea Elves aren't made of water. M'aiq still wonders about High Elves."
  • Pensola
    "Hours of exciting new story content and quests that will take you through all your favorite areas of Tamriel"
    I had thought it too hard to be true, but if this means that there are daily/regular/just quests in general that sends you around old zones, I am even MORE sold than I was when I saw the trailer!
  • Sempars
    I'm sure they will be adding new Styles to the game to. I really wish there was a way to change your armor styles now without having to re-craft a new damn set :/
  • Kas
    "Hours of exciting new story content and quests that will take you through all your favorite areas of Tamriel"

    PvP content confirmed xD
    Edited by Kas on 21 January 2016 16:47
    @bbu - AD/EU
    Kasiia - Templar (AR46)
    Kasiir Aberion - Sorc (AR38)
    Dr Kastafari - Warden (~AR31)
    + many others
  • Benegon
    The first guy looks like he could be from assassin's creed lol. Looks cool. I'm not in to the camel mount I really need a direwolf to ride. Any idea how big the zone will be compared to other zones? I'm looking forward to the 64 bit client. Cross alliance grouping and all that stuff is cool too.
  • starlizard70ub17_ESO
    Sempars wrote: »
    I'm sure they will be adding new Styles to the game to. I really wish there was a way to change your armor styles now without having to re-craft a new damn set :/

    Need to give your crafter something to do, ;)
    "We have found a cave, but I don't think there are warm fires and friendly faces inside."
  • Saturn
    Saturn wrote: »
    Hopefully the new skills for Thieves' Guild are exciting, perhaps even a stealth for non-nightblade characters? And I'm interested to see what kind of Ultimate we'll get too.

    They said passive skill line so no new ability or ultimates by the looks of it.

    Oh man that makes me sad in the pants region :(
    "Madness is a bitter mercy, perhaps, but a mercy nonetheless."

    Fire and Ice
  • MissBizz
    Cously wrote: »
    Scrolling combat text (SCT)
    Will it include a DPS meter and buff tracker and improved character sheet information?

    This is pretty crucial. I was under the impression that a buff/debuff tracker was going to come with the scrolling combat text, it is pretty crucial on console given how hard it is to track the visuals of certain buffs...

    @ZOS_GinaBruno can you confirm?
    SCT will not include a traditional buff/debuff tracker, but that is something we're actively working on for a future update. It will display some info when you CC your target, though.

    Darkheart wrote: »
    To have 64 Bit Client, do we need to download the whole client again?
    No, it will just be a small download as part of the patch.

    Oh :( I don't even like SCT... I just wanted buff trackers.. :'(
    Lone Wolf HelpFor the solo players who know, sometimes you just need a hand.PC | NA | AD-DC-EP | Discord
  • Benegon
    MissBizz wrote: »
    Cously wrote: »
    Scrolling combat text (SCT)
    Will it include a DPS meter and buff tracker and improved character sheet information?

    This is pretty crucial. I was under the impression that a buff/debuff tracker was going to come with the scrolling combat text, it is pretty crucial on console given how hard it is to track the visuals of certain buffs...

    @ZOS_GinaBruno can you confirm?
    SCT will not include a traditional buff/debuff tracker, but that is something we're actively working on for a future update. It will display some info when you CC your target, though.

    Darkheart wrote: »
    To have 64 Bit Client, do we need to download the whole client again?
    No, it will just be a small download as part of the patch.

    Oh :( I don't even like SCT... I just wanted buff trackers.. :'(

    Neither do I but at least it is coming in a future update...hopefully with Dark Brotherhood!
  • Preyfar
    MissBizz wrote: »

    "Access to content from other alliances in any order you choose upon reaching Veteran Rank 1"
    Do we still have to finish Coldharbour, or does it just open up for us? And if so, what happens to Cadwell's?
  • MissBizz
    Benegon wrote: »
    MissBizz wrote: »
    Cously wrote: »
    Scrolling combat text (SCT)
    Will it include a DPS meter and buff tracker and improved character sheet information?

    This is pretty crucial. I was under the impression that a buff/debuff tracker was going to come with the scrolling combat text, it is pretty crucial on console given how hard it is to track the visuals of certain buffs...

    @ZOS_GinaBruno can you confirm?
    SCT will not include a traditional buff/debuff tracker, but that is something we're actively working on for a future update. It will display some info when you CC your target, though.

    Darkheart wrote: »
    To have 64 Bit Client, do we need to download the whole client again?
    No, it will just be a small download as part of the patch.

    Oh :( I don't even like SCT... I just wanted buff trackers.. :'(

    Neither do I but at least it is coming in a future update...hopefully with Dark Brotherhood!

    I hope so too. Crossing my fingers now!
    Lone Wolf HelpFor the solo players who know, sometimes you just need a hand.PC | NA | AD-DC-EP | Discord
  • Khaos_Bane
    Dominoid wrote: »

    What? I figured it was coming but now? No more Silver and Gold! Explore at will. Does this mean they have already completed the conversion of these zones to "battle leveled" zones?

    Great question, exactly what I was wondering. @ZOS_GinaBruno you must tell us.
    Edited by Khaos_Bane on 21 January 2016 17:29
  • Fruity_Ninja
    Cously wrote: »
    Scrolling combat text (SCT)
    Will it include a DPS meter and buff tracker and improved character sheet information?

    This is pretty crucial. I was under the impression that a buff/debuff tracker was going to come with the scrolling combat text, it is pretty crucial on console given how hard it is to track the visuals of certain buffs...

    @ZOS_GinaBruno can you confirm?
    SCT will not include a traditional buff/debuff tracker, but that is something we're actively working on for a future update. It will display some info when you CC your target, though.

    Darkheart wrote: »
    To have 64 Bit Client, do we need to download the whole client again?
    No, it will just be a small download as part of the patch.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno Thankyou kindly for the reply :)

    Glad it's being actively worked on, promising signs indeed.
    *crosses fingers for Dark Brotherhood*

  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Scraelos wrote: »
    A new passive skill line exclusive to members of the Thieves Guild
    Players without DLC will not gain access to that skill line? Will these 'exclusive' passive skills break balance? Or it is free DLC available for everyone?
    Only those that have access to the DLC will be able to use the passives. The focus is going to be to improve your toolset as a thief, and won't affect other players.

    Dominoid wrote: »
    Access to content from other alliances in any order you choose upon reaching Veteran Rank 1
    What? I figured it was coming but now? No more Silver and Gold! Explore at will. Does this mean they have already completed the conversion of these zones to "battle leveled" zones?
    Not quite yet, no. What this means is that once you reach VR1, the Silver and Gold alliances will unlock even if you haven't finished the main quest yet, and can progress in any order you'd like.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Khaos_Bane

    Dominoid wrote: »
    Access to content from other alliances in any order you choose upon reaching Veteran Rank 1
    What? I figured it was coming but now? No more Silver and Gold! Explore at will. Does this mean they have already completed the conversion of these zones to "battle leveled" zones?
    Not quite yet, no. What this means is that once you reach VR1, the Silver and Gold alliances will unlock even if you haven't finished the main quest yet, and can progress in any order you'd like.

    Thank you for the clarification. Obviously, not yet means you intend them to scale in the future when vet ranks are removed. FANTASTIC !!!

    Edited by Khaos_Bane on 21 January 2016 17:56
  • Gilvoth
    What are you looking forward to the most?

    obviously increased sneak speed.
    also, a way to heavily increase my gold income. and banked gold.
  • Zaldan
    The Thieves Guild DLC game pack and base game patch will be available on the PTS in early February. :)

    Hopefully more bugs will be killed than spawned this time around.
    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain.
    Niidro tiid wah fusvok dirkah.

  • altemriel
    Cously wrote: »
    A 64-bit client for PC and Mac
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Will this increase performance demand on the hardware? Will we need to upgrade our PCs?

    Scrolling combat text (SCT)
    Will it include a DPS meter and buff tracker and improved character sheet information?

    Access to content from other alliances in any order you choose upon reaching Veteran Rank 1
    Thank you so much for this! A welcome addition for roleplayers and altaholics. Will it scale like Orsinium?

    Prioritization of animations during combat
    Does it mean animation cancelling will be gone?

    animation cancelling stays in the game fortunatelly:

    64 bit: I doubt that they would increase the hardware requirements! just improves the performance! that would be a pretty bad move to the people who already have bought the game and would need to upgrade their PCs :)
    Edited by altemriel on 21 January 2016 18:03
  • lolo_01b16_ESO
    Dominoid wrote: »
    Access to content from other alliances in any order you choose upon reaching Veteran Rank 1
    What? I figured it was coming but now? No more Silver and Gold! Explore at will. Does this mean they have already completed the conversion of these zones to "battle leveled" zones?
    Not quite yet, no. What this means is that once you reach VR1, the Silver and Gold alliances will unlock even if you haven't finished the main quest yet, and can progress in any order you'd like.
    Does this mean I can't enter silver at level 45 anymore, even if I have finished the main quest at that point?
  • altemriel
    @ZOS_KaiSchober @ZOS_GinaBruno guys, there is a new skill line mentioned. What about the people, who do not buy this DLC? Will it not cause disbalance for them?

    Or will the new skill line be availiable in the base game patch (also to people who do not buy this DLC)?

    I hope you do not intend to make this game pay to win?
  • altemriel
    Alucardo wrote: »
    "Prioritization of animations during combat." Is this going to be an answer to remove weaving from game?

    We're not removing weaving, but improving the animations and responsiveness during combat so you can clearly see an ability's impact. We'll be getting into the details of this in the coming weeks!

    It kinda sounds like you're nerfing animation cancelling considering that is the practice of.. cancelling animations. I'm sweating right now @ZOS_GinaBruno

    no :)
    check Kai`s reply:
  • reften
    Scraelos wrote: »
    A new passive skill line exclusive to members of the Thieves Guild
    Players without DLC will not gain access to that skill line? Will these 'exclusive' passive skills break balance? Or it is free DLC available for everyone?
    Only those that have access to the DLC will be able to use the passives. The focus is going to be to improve your toolset as a thief, and won't affect other players.

    Dominoid wrote: »
    Access to content from other alliances in any order you choose upon reaching Veteran Rank 1
    What? I figured it was coming but now? No more Silver and Gold! Explore at will. Does this mean they have already completed the conversion of these zones to "battle leveled" zones?
    Not quite yet, no. What this means is that once you reach VR1, the Silver and Gold alliances will unlock even if you haven't finished the main quest yet, and can progress in any order you'd like.

    Please put items in game worth stealing. Can I steal someone's perfect roe? Or a gold mat? V16 mats? Make it worthwhile
    Bosmer (Wood Elf)
    Moonlight Crew (RIP), Misfitz (RIP), Victorem Guild

    VR16 NB, Stam build, Max all crafts.

    Azuras & Trueflame. Mostly PvP, No alts.

    Semi-retired till the lag is fixed.

    Love the Packers, Bourbon, and of those will eventually kill me.
  • billcage
    "Not quite yet, no. What this means is that once you reach VR1, the Silver and Gold alliances will unlock even if you haven't finished the main quest yet, and can progress in any order you'd like."

    Really i liked this idea.This change looks like compatible with ESO's flexibility concept.Definitely , Tamriel should be open area for any level players
  • altemriel
    awesome :)!!

    I am totally looking forward to it!!!

  • altemriel
    camel mounts, awesome :smiley: !
  • altemriel
    Witar wrote: »
    This new location is a group content like craglorn right?

    good question.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_KaiSchober , could you guys confirm if the new location would be so group-forced content like Craglorn, or if it would be also soloable??
    Edited by altemriel on 21 January 2016 18:15
  • Gilvoth
    it better be soloable
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