Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

"Unable to connect to game server. Please make sure you have a valid internet connection."

  • Pyro117
    Thanks for the reports, folks! We wanted to ask a few questions. Those who are seeing "Unable to connect to game server. Please make sure you have a valid internet connection."
    1. What platform are you on?
    2. What server are you logging into?
    3. Have you been able to play before?
    4. Were you able to play after seeing this error?
    5. Are you getting kicked from the game with this message or seeing it upon your login attempt?
    6. Are you able to successfully log in on a different server?

    We know this is a lot of information, but we appreciate your assistance!

    [*] What platform are you on? PS4
    [*] What server are you logging into? North America
    [*] Have you been able to play before? Yes
    [*] Were you able to play after seeing this error? Yes
    [*] Are you getting kicked from the game with this message or seeing it upon your login attempt? This usually happens when switching areas (traveling) and I first get the message "this might be an unusually long load time" then I am kicked from the game with the above message. I just log right back into the game
    [*] Are you able to successfully log in on a different server? Never tried

    Ever since the last patch this problem has been happening once per night of playing. I rarely had this problem before the last patch.

  • WellJustSayin
    Guys.. This problem isnt on OUR end.

    This has been happening since the last patch. Something is broken and usually devs will come out and say it to help ease people, but im shocked that ZOS is taking the "blame sony" approach to this. Really shows how they really feel about console gamers imo, they think we're stupid and cant tell for ourselves that this problem is on THEIR end and not ours. I dont have this problem with any other game im playing.

  • Brightxdawn
    I am getting this crap too. Not cool.
  • Brightxdawn
  • apollopovey
    Soul Shriven
    Found this http://community.virginmedia.com/t5/Gaming/Response-from-Elder-Scrolls-Online-re-disconnections-on-Virgin/td-p/2876244

    It's pretty much a fault with VM's Super Hub 2 and their recent firmware update. I've ended up buying a £35 wireless router and setting the SH2 to modem mode and this has worked a dream. Not ideal though as VM should have fixed this.
  • wormfudge
    Yes, obviously
    No, it barred me from gaming all night with this message although I have a valid connection
    Login attempt and when kicked
    Yes, I could get on the Europe server fine.

    Is this a joke? I bought a game to play it and since the last patch I am constantly bugged. My games crashed nightly, I get kicked offline more and more often. I think everyone here deserves a reply at this point, this is clearly a Zenimax issue which needs resolved. If you guys worked as hard on this issur as you do flagging people who use profanity on the forums, there'd likely be no issues.
  • WellJustSayin
    Found this http://community.virginmedia.com/t5/Gaming/Response-from-Elder-Scrolls-Online-re-disconnections-on-Virgin/td-p/2876244

    It's pretty much a fault with VM's Super Hub 2 and their recent firmware update. I've ended up buying a £35 wireless router and setting the SH2 to modem mode and this has worked a dream. Not ideal though as VM should have fixed this.

    So VM cant fix it and we have to go out of our way to find a workaround for this issue??
  • Pyro117
    Found this http://community.virginmedia.com/t5/Gaming/Response-from-Elder-Scrolls-Online-re-disconnections-on-Virgin/td-p/2876244

    It's pretty much a fault with VM's Super Hub 2 and their recent firmware update. I've ended up buying a £35 wireless router and setting the SH2 to modem mode and this has worked a dream. Not ideal though as VM should have fixed this.

    So VM cant fix it and we have to go out of our way to find a workaround for this issue??

    You do realize that VM is Virgin Mobile and has nothing to do with Zenimax/ESO - right? I think you should go over to the VM community forums and complain about the issue there. Nothing Zenimax can do to fix an internet provider issue.
  • WellJustSayin
    Pyro117 wrote: »
    Found this http://community.virginmedia.com/t5/Gaming/Response-from-Elder-Scrolls-Online-re-disconnections-on-Virgin/td-p/2876244

    It's pretty much a fault with VM's Super Hub 2 and their recent firmware update. I've ended up buying a £35 wireless router and setting the SH2 to modem mode and this has worked a dream. Not ideal though as VM should have fixed this.

    So VM cant fix it and we have to go out of our way to find a workaround for this issue??

    You do realize that VM is Virgin Mobile and has nothing to do with Zenimax/ESO - right? I think you should go over to the VM community forums and complain about the issue there. Nothing Zenimax can do to fix an internet provider issue.

    Where in that post did I say anything about ZOS fixing it? I clearly, clearly asked if VM said anything about fixing it, or if we just have to go get our own router to work around the issue. I was pretty clear in that post.
  • Brightxdawn
    Just kicked again. All devices in home have a valid connection except ESO.
  • Sinjah
    Soul Shriven
    What platform are you on?

    What server are you logging into?
    North America

    Have you been able to play before?
    Yes, had it from day one. Always had the issue but not enough to complain about, now it's gotten worse. I notice it occurs mostly at night.

    Were you able to play after seeing this error?
    Sometimes for a few minutes to an hour it will let me on, then kick me off again. Other times it won't let me on at all and keeps telling me login failed.

    Are you getting kicked from the game with this message or seeing it upon your login attempt?
    Kicked from the game. My character suddenly can't run or interact with anything, then I'm kicked off.

    Are you able to successfully log in on a different server?
    Sometimes, but I don't play on the Europe server so it's not really applicable.
    Edited by Sinjah on 7 August 2015 15:59
  • MacPhreak
  • illuzian
    To those having this issue,

    I as well have been getting extreme lag/getting booted back to the main menu screen. From there I am unable to login again.

    Having played around with every setting I can think of I believe I have minimized the amount of times this issue occurs simply by removing myself from all voice chat channels and setting my MTU on my PS4 to 1432. At first I tested with just the removal of voice chat and noticed it helped quite a bit.

    For now I am monitoring and have yet to experience any lagging/booting in the past 5 hours, whereas it used to happen every 20 minutes. If anyone else could test this it would be appreciated. :)

    Edit: I still get slight periods of lag where all characters stop moving, but it hasn't lasted for more than a few seconds, where before it would continue until I was booted from the game.

    Bad news, since my last posting indicating it was fixed... it's now confirmed definitely not fixed. Pretty much back to a lag fest :(
  • nonotuseamus
  • Severeds
    What platform are you on?

    What server are you logging into?

    Have you been able to play before?
    Yes an hour ago...

    Were you able to play after seeing this error?
    Was fine an hour ago

    Are you getting kicked from the game with this message or seeing it upon your login attempt?
    Unable to connect make sure you have internet connection (can't log in)

    Are you able to successfully log in on a different server?
    Yes I can log into European server fine
    Edited by Severeds on 8 August 2015 01:04
  • Sithgear75
    Thanks for the reports, folks! We wanted to ask a few questions. Those who are seeing "Unable to connect to game server. Please make sure you have a valid internet connection."

    What platform are you on? PS4
    What server are you logging into? North America
    Have you been able to play before? Yes
    Were you able to play after seeing this error? Yes I was in Cyrodiil.
    Are you getting kicked from the game with this message or seeing it upon your login attempt? Upon my login attempt.
    Are you able to successfully log in on a different server? Yes I can log into the European server just fine.

    I rebooted my PS4 and power cycled my router before checking again, still the same result. I can get online with other PS4 games without a problem.

    Using a wired connection. All proper ports forwarded. System up to date, blah blah blah.
    Edited by Sithgear75 on 8 August 2015 02:58
    It's better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you are not.
  • BambooScramble
    Having this problem for a few hours now.
    NA server, Xbox One, kicked from loading area screen. Haven't been able to get past area loading screen over 5 times now. Yes, I can enter EU server. No, so far, I haven't been able to play again yet...
  • Sithgear75
    It's better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you are not.
  • usrevenge
    [*] What platform are you on? PS4
    [*] What server are you logging into? North America
    [*] Have you been able to play before? Yes
    [*] Were you able to play after seeing this error? no
    [*] Are you getting kicked from the game with this message or seeing it upon your login attempt? I was in cyrodil, had a never ending load screen, closed the app. restarted and game no longer works.
    [*] Are you able to successfully log in on a different server? yes EU works fine.
  • Rjthakid
    These answers will be the same as the ones above. It looks like this is an issue on the PS4 NA server.

    What platform are you on? PS4
    What server are you logging into? NA
    Have you been able to play before? Yep. I play every day.
    Were you able to play after seeing this error? I can log in intermittently, but I keep getting kicked.
    Are you getting kicked from the game with this message or seeing it upon your login attempt? I get kicked with a message saying I'm unable to connect to the server.
    Are you able to successfully log in on a different server? Just tried EU. Got in with no problem.

    Can someone advise what's going on?
  • nastynate
    Soul Shriven
    I've never had this problem until a few days ago, if I'm lucky enough to get in to play it doesn't last long. I just logged in and as soon as I got into the game it d/c'd me, tried to reconnect about 5 times with no luck.... I give up!

    Yes, I'm vet 1 have lots of play time.
    Mostly it just boots me, I get this error and I cannot get back online
    Didn't try, I can't even play in my own region not going to waste my time trying another.

  • Sithgear75
    I love the canned reply when making a support request.


    Thank you for contacting The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited customer support team! We understand you are experiencing an issue logging into the game.

    You can resolve most login issues by ensuring the following:

    1. Your console is connected to your router with a network cable instead of WiFi
    2. You have forwarded the appropriate ports in your router (please refer to your console manufacturer’s Customer Support Team for assistance)
    3. You have downloaded all required System Updates for your console

    If your issue continues, please refer to your console manufacturer for additional assistance. Should you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to ask by replying directly to this email for further assistance.

    Best Regards,
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited Team

    Shift the blame some more please...
    I suppose I need to contact Sony and ask why I can connect to the European server, but not the North American one...

    Edited by Sithgear75 on 8 August 2015 03:03
    It's better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you are not.
  • cvanover83
    Soul Shriven
    I want so badly to like this game. But this NA server is too frustrating.
  • Sithgear75
    Just checked and still cannot log in.
    It's better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you are not.
  • KundaliniHero
    What platform are you on?

    What server are you logging into?

    Have you been able to play before?
    Yes, everyday with no real problems

    Were you able to play after seeing this error?
    yes but barely, it kicks me if I try to travel anywhere and then i have to fight to log back on, the wheel just spins indefinitley at log in. I reset and try again, eventually it works.

    Are you getting kicked from the game with this message or seeing it upon your login attempt?
    kicked from the game with this message.

    Are you able to successfully log in on a different server?
    Yes I can log into European server fine
  • Sithgear75
    So, what the hell?! STILL cannot log into the US PS4 server, but I can log into the EU PS4 server. Over 12 hours and not a peep from ZOS.
    It's better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you are not.
  • cvanover83
    Soul Shriven
    I'm going to give this game until noon est and I will be taking my business elsewhere, for good.
  • BoozeKashi
    #209 posts and not a single peep from ZOS?

    Received only the same canned response from Tech Support. This is NOT Sony's problem nor any issue with the console manufacturer. That is just silly.

    TESO, need a response on this or at least acknowledge the problem, or directions to get refund for game purchase and ESO Plus sub.
  • AaronLannister
    BoozeKashi wrote: »
    #209 posts and not a single peep from ZOS?

    Received only the same canned response from Tech Support. This is NOT Sony's problem nor any issue with the console manufacturer. That is just silly.

    TESO, need a response on this or at least acknowledge the problem, or directions to get refund for game purchase and ESO Plus sub.

    LOL we have the same problem with the console text chat topic, we have over 2000+ posts and counting on this matter, not a word at all from ZoS.
  • sqootchimari
    Same problem with the game on the x-box forums, same issues and same time frame, no responses other than try turning your console off for five minutes.
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