Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

"Unable to connect to game server. Please make sure you have a valid internet connection."

  • Sithgear75
    This kind of service really makes me want to drop crowns on the stuff getting released next week, if the issue is even resolved by then...

    It's better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you are not.
  • burukusu
    Soul Shriven
    You can add me to this list... Although I am also having re-connection issues. Port forwarding did not improve the situation.
  • SeaUnicorn
    Oh wow we are getting close to 24 hours of service down. Do we get our subscription money back? Its 24 hours of not delivered service that people pay for.
  • howard8844_ESO
    This needs to be resolved soon, or I am going to cancel my ESO Plus membership. Will not put my hard earned money in unreliable service.
    Edited by howard8844_ESO on 8 August 2015 21:30
  • Sithgear75
    slofwnd wrote: »
    Oh wow we are getting close to 24 hours of service down. Do we get our subscription money back? Its 24 hours of not delivered service that people pay for.

    At the very least, people that pay for ESO Plus SHOULD have a day (or however long it's going to be) added to our subscription time before renewal is needed. Whether or not that happens is a different matter.
    It's better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you are not.
  • Porska
    From a fairly frustrated subscriber who has been here since PC release.

    I have played many MMOs on PC. Here are some recent ones.

    Arma 2-3
    And so many more that I don't want to think about.

    All I can say is out of all of the dev teams of the above ZOS is definitely the most incompetent I have encountered. I was there for PC release and dealt with the 3-4 days of early access that we actually didn't get. Or the vamps and bash builds in pvp, the list doesn't stop guys. I will continue to play oh yes.....but I lost hope in ZOS over a year ago.

    From your random frustrated subscriber.
  • cmorning
    Is not just ps4. X box is not working either
  • BenzZos
    Unable to play since Friday night on xbox, was traveling between zones by road and cannot log back in.
  • Sithgear75
    Hey everyone, apologies for the delay. We did experience some login issues last night, and there may be some residual effects today. If you haven't already, please try completely turning your console off (basically doing a hard reboot); this has helped some players. Otherwise, we are continuing to investigate. Thanks for your patience, and if you haven't already, please reach out to Customer Support so they can actively troubleshoot with you.

    The bold part is rather annoying. I opened my ticket almost 20 hours ago. The only response I got was the automated, generic "Don't use wifi, make sure your system software is up to date, blah blah blah" one. I called and sat on hold, for over an hour, listening to that looping music/recommendation to use online support or a call back.

    How am I supposed to troubleshoot with anyone if there is no one to troubleshoot with? What are you all doing to troubleshoot? Why haven't you all asked us to do a trace route to your console server IP address, then post or PM you the results? Why haven't you all started a thread asking our ISP and geographical location to get a better idea of who/where is affected? Why aren't you all posting an update to what's going on?

    Edited by Sithgear75 on 8 August 2015 21:54
    It's better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you are not.
  • AlaskeyLandshark
    Same *** different day, still can't play, customer support gave a canned response.

    Cancelling eso plus, not paying for something I can't play.
  • metalguru
    Soul Shriven
    Having this problem too... Since last night:
    1. PS4
    2. NA
    3. Yes - Error started last night. Also started seeing "this may be an unusually long load time"... Sometimes immediately!
    4. Not after seeing that error. I have to try to log in again. Sometimes I don't get the error for 5 minute or so. Sometimes I can get to my main character, other times it's just endlessly "loading" with no error.
    5. I am getting kicked from login - or the game if I manage to get in. I got kicked with this error about 4 times trying to leave a cave. Now I'm in another cave and got kicked trying to leave. Can't get back on now.... Endless "loading" before character choice.
    6. I am able to log into EU server no problem.
  • lance15lb
    Soul Shriven
    Thanks for the reports, folks! We wanted to ask a few questions. Those who are seeing "Unable to connect to game server. Please make sure you have a valid internet connection."
    1. What platform are you on?
    2. What server are you logging into?
    3. Have you been able to play before?
    4. Were you able to play after seeing this error?
    5. Are you getting kicked from the game with this message or seeing it upon your login attempt?
    6. Are you able to successfully log in on a different server?

    We know this is a lot of information, but we appreciate your assistance!

    1) Xbox One
    2) NA
    3) Yes, I've been able to play before
    4) Yes, But for a minimal amount of time. No more than half an hour tops.
    5) Both
    6) I haven't tried
  • Rjthakid
    BoozeKashi wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Gina, it's kind of difficult to work with CS when we get gaffed off with a canned response to "Contact Console Manufacturer" Ticket Closed. That just causes more frustration.

    Sony has actually confirmed there is nothing wrong with my console, nor my connection, by the way.

    Understood, and we also confirmed that the issue doesn't lie with Sony or Microsoft's services. Only thing we can tell you at the moment is we're continuing to investigate. We'll let everyone know when we have a solution.

    In case anyone missed it, this is the last note we have. They're aware of the issue and they're investigating.

    This sucks but it's where we're at for now.
  • MrGigglypants
    response works for me.
  • trezomnar
    In the hopes that it'll help:

    What platform are you on? PS4
    What server are you logging into? NA
    Have you been able to play before? Yes
    Were you able to play after seeing this error? No
    Are you getting kicked from the game with this message or seeing it upon your login attempt? login attempt
    Are you able to successfully log in on a different server? Eu works, just not NA
  • Thevgamedude
    Soul Shriven
    Rjthakid wrote: »
    BoozeKashi wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Gina, it's kind of difficult to work with CS when we get gaffed off with a canned response to "Contact Console Manufacturer" Ticket Closed. That just causes more frustration.

    Sony has actually confirmed there is nothing wrong with my console, nor my connection, by the way.

    Understood, and we also confirmed that the issue doesn't lie with Sony or Microsoft's services. Only thing we can tell you at the moment is we're continuing to investigate. We'll let everyone know when we have a solution.

    In case anyone missed it, this is the last note we have. They're aware of the issue and they're investigating.

    This sucks but it's where we're at for now.

    Yeah nice job posting something a day after the servers being that way.....reaaallly nice.
  • Daedalos
    I'm going to try deleting and reinstalling the game, it's not like there gonna fix it anytime soon anyway. I'll let you guys know how that works out. Also I have guild mates that live in PA and NY who are playing with no issues right now, I'm in NJ and can't even log into one of my characters. When I do get to character selection screen I can create and play with a new character for a little while until I get booted and then I can't get back on.
    Edited by Daedalos on 8 August 2015 23:00
  • Basada
    Soul Shriven
    slofwnd wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno you call inability to login of whole regions and being kicked out of the dungeons a "residual effects"? It's a major cross-server screw-up that was not fixed! And it's been ongoing for 16 hours now. And for all the wasted time we get this lame message? Reach out to customer support does not achieve anything, since you setup automatic response that says check your Internet, connect PSN and closes the ticket.

    They are too busy watching PTS servers on PC this weekend to care about console players. They truly dont give a *** ie. Message via twitter a day later and still no fix.
  • Dancheek
    I haven't been able to get out of my current zone and do anything for the past 24 hours. This is pretty ridiculous.

    Got disconnected earlier in cyrodiil and took 15min to get back just to be stuck and unable to use wayshrines again...
  • Skoamroth
    Soul Shriven
    Still down, same story as everyone else. Have we made any headway?

    It's now Sat evening, peak 24 hours lost. Bugs happen and I'm a pretty forgiving consumer, but it might be time to call some people in to work to knock this problem out. Going all weekend without a game I shelled out $60 for would certainly lessen my opinion of ZOS.
  • kgortner
    Soul Shriven
    Let's be positive people. Look at this as a time to play all your old games you used to slave over. Complaning about this problem only shows ZOS how addicted you are!

    BigBudz - Ebonheart - PC
    DreamOfBudz - Ebonheart - PS4
  • Tyler017
    Soul Shriven
    deleting and reinstalling the game didn't work for me.
  • Helvion
    Soul Shriven
    Heh, invest in crap servers get crap results....also helps to hire competent network administrators!
  • syaeger310
    Soul Shriven
    This is ridiculous.
  • PopeJohnPwner
    Soul Shriven
    This may be the final straw for me in terms of customer support, and will eventually sour me on the game completely. Automatic replies and good faith only stretch so far.
  • jakehargusub17_ESO
    I didn't even get an automated reply. I got nothing back after filing a ticket early this morning.
  • kindbeer23
    Soul Shriven
    Finally decided to create a forum account so I could log a ticket on the issue but then I saw this thread. At least now I know it's not just me. I've been able to log in here and there but no use of way shrines without crash. Can't enter any caves either and crashes when I go from zone to zone as well. Pretty much every time a load in to a different area is required. Hope they fix it soon. This is my last weekend before next semester starts and I was really looking forward to playing.
  • Basada
    Soul Shriven
    I've played ALOT of mmos starting with Ultima Online all the way to the mmos of today and ive never seen a company act so slowly to fix major issues, let alone to give a response. Hell even Bungie (yes they claim its not an mmo but it is) gets off their ass and fixes stuff immediately when game has issues and also gives constant updates as to what is going on. ZOS is crap customer support and it also shows in the game itself which compared to other big mmos is sub par anyways. The only reason most of us tolerate and are committed to playing this game is the love for Elder Scrolls universe thanks to Bethesda's amazingly good single player games.
    Get off your ass ZOS! Pull your resources off of watching PTS and get the game fixed!
  • seraphis11
    Soul Shriven
    I started having issues earlier this morning, I got dc'd while doing Cyrodiil quests and wasn't able to log back in for awhile.
    Got back in after an hour or so, finished the quests then went to the wayshrine and tried to port to Mournhold multiple times and every time I would get a hanging load screen then get pushed back to log in screen.

    I was able to log back in fine, just couldn't port to Mournhold, so I tried going to Davon's Watch. That worked fine, all buildings in Davon's Watch worked fine I.E. bank, inn, etc.

    I then tried leaving Davon's Watch and going to Willowgrove via wayshrine which didn't work, kept getting pushed back to log in screen.

    I created a fresh character on the EU server, logged into it then logged back out into the NA server and my regular character. This has almost fixed my problem, I can now freely teleport to many wayshrines such as Willowgrove in Reaper's March (one that was inaccessible to me previously)

    I am also able to tarvel to Vulkel Docks wayshrine and many others.

    Traveling to Mournhold wayshrine still causes DC


    PS4 NA Ebonheart Pact

    Has anyone else been able to get past load screens successfully yet?
    Edited by seraphis11 on 9 August 2015 00:27
  • lumpenprole
    Soul Shriven

    Me too. Ps. I'm dying over here.
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