Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

"Unable to connect to game server. Please make sure you have a valid internet connection."

  • Yaden101
    IbarraDoug wrote: »
    It is sad that so many are having this problem and they haven't said anything about what to do or if they're fixing it.

    This is my main concern with this problem too, the fact that they haven't fully acknowledge it. They have, however, stated in two other threads that they were "investigating" the issue on the Xbox One Technical Support page but I still feel like this error isn't getting enough attention.
  • IbarraDoug
    It's their loss. They're losing money from me.
    Soul Shriven
    Fix this problem, please.
  • MaximumAttackG
    this will happen to me randomly, ill be playing fine for like 4 hours then all of a sudden im lagging and get removed from the game and all of a sudden have an invalid Internet connection, yet I can play any other online game flawlessly.. this game has the worst stability problems ive ever seen, its quite pathetic and I often wonder if im wasting my time even playing a game that was made half heartedly.
    Edited by MaximumAttackG on 30 June 2015 04:29
  • IbarraDoug
    4 hours? I'm jealous!
  • jreesemang11
    Soul Shriven
    The PSN is down due to maintanence. If you do not have your PS4 as your primary device when their system updates and repairs you will not be able to verify licenses until psn is done with its maintenance. This usually only effects non-disc related games and apps. To activate ps4 as your primary go to settings PSN/account management then activate ps4 so this won't happen again.
  • sadler66
    Soul Shriven
    Yeah, this game is completely unplayable. Got in for about 20 minutes then disconnected 3 times within 5 minutes ... nothing I can do but play something else.
  • grantrytare
    Same for me. First time though. On PS4 eu server
  • IbarraDoug
    @ZOS_Ann @ZOS_TristanK @ZOS_SamuelB

    Can someone at ZOS please let us know that you're looking into this issue.
  • tastyvalentine
    Soul Shriven

    "What platform are you on?
    What server are you logging into?
    Have you been able to play before?
    Were you able to play after seeing this error?
    Are you getting kicked from the game with this message or seeing it upon your login attempt?
    Are you able to successfully log in on a different server?"

    Before the mantience, but not since...
    Log in long enough to start my new redguard, but after two minutes im kicked. Then unable to reconnect for a few attempts. Get back in then kicked again
    Seeing it from getting kicked, seeing timeout errors on login sttempts.
    Havent tried, but why would i want to unless i want to change servers?

    Answered for me. Now fustrated. Had to download that 16 gig patch four times! ( my brothers and mine...x2) on a *** 1.3 mbs dsl. Best we can get out here in the country... Now cant even login. How am i expected to buy limited timed items if i cant even get into your *** game? About ready to cut my losses and go play another mmo. Never had these issues on any mmo i played at launch. My recomendation, tell pc gamers to chill about new content, and get all hands on deck to fix this game asap. This is rediculious after a year waitng just to get on consoles. Rant done... Had to vent. Cause jeese....
  • Herpit
    Soul Shriven
    Same problem here. Weekend was business as usual but after the last update I began to have trouble logging and to stay logged in. Any solution?
  • IbarraDoug
    No solution
  • Herpit
    Soul Shriven
    This is very sad. I did buy the pre sale because it was crazy to play but now I am totally discouraged with this lack of concern for us players. So he had abandoned the mmo and I dedicated only to offline games. I think he was right. I'm going back to my The Witcher at least I can have fun and not have the feeling of having lost my money.
    Edited by Herpit on 1 July 2015 11:52
  • Murbayn
    Been having an issue like this, but ONLY in banks.
    I enter a bank, goto talk to the banker and it shows the "X", but when I hit it, no response. The game has basically disconnected me.
    About a minute later I'm disconnected with "Could not connect to server. Check your internet connection"
    I can immediately log back in though and speak with banker just fine.
    btw this doesn't happen EVERY time, but at least 4 times an hr if I'm talking to the banker frequently.

    System: PS4
    Server: NA
    maintenance: This has only happened to me since maintenance.
    Other server: Have not tried on European.
  • beenbadder
    I can get in but get kick out shortly after.
  • Ashendreg
    Soul Shriven
    This is getting rather annoying! I get kicked from server in combat then log in to find a dead body. Any technical solution to that, ZOS?!

    1 day to download 15 gig patch which fixes ***! You had 1 year to test this crap game for consoles.
  • GodlessMimicry
    This is happening to me right now in the middle of a keep defense.
  • Herpit
    Soul Shriven
    What bothers me most is the lack of response. It is as if the company was [snip] for us already that for what seems we are a minority. It just shows a lack of professionalism.

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Cursing & Profanity]
    Edited by ZOS_UlyssesW on 11 July 2015 22:06
  • IbarraDoug
    We are a minority. But the problem is bigger than I had assumed given by the nearly 2k views to this thread.
  • TechQuiLah
    Soul Shriven
    Same problems as others above.

    1. What platform are you on? PS4

    2. What server are you logging into? EU & NA (EU is my preference, however I tried the NA when the EU wasn't working. NA encountered the same error after working once).

    3. Have you been able to play before? Very Briefly on three occasions- twice on the EU and once on the NA. Playing the game typically involves me continually trying to log into the server and being told to check whether or not I have a valid internet connection. Funnily enough my internet connection is just fine.

    4. Were you able to play after seeing this error? Once or twice. I might get 1 brief game play off 50 login attempts: played a total of 3 times.

    5. Are you getting kicked from the game with this message or seeing it upon your login attempt?
    Seeing the same error both on the login attempt (having chosen server, character and then elected to play the game I am unable to go past 'requesting character load') & also when changing zones (ie leaving starting zone and entering Tamriel for the first time or Entering the first dungeon in the starter city).

    6. Are you able to successfully log in on a different server? As above, I attempt log ins of both NA and EU servers and the same error occurs on both.


  • samuraidoc
    Soul Shriven
    Same issues. PS4, NA server, century link 40mb/s. All other online games work fine. WHEN I can log it, boots me after about 5 minutes. Was so close to taking my copy back to game stop yesterday for a refund but couldn't bring myself to do it. Love the series too much. Was hoping to get some time in during the 4th of July weekend but....HAA HAAA HAHAAHAAAHAAHAHAHAAAHAAHAAHHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAA.

    Seriously.....any freaking day now for an update please. This is how you lose loyal customers!
  • IbarraDoug
    Would Gamestop give a refund? I'd take one.

    Just 55 GB of space that's legitimately unusable.
  • sadler66
    Soul Shriven
    Xalion wrote: »
    I wanted to post an update with the hopes that it might help others who are having this problem. I was running a more indepth analysis of my network today to make sure local equipment wasn't causing the problem. While doing this, I noticed that my outgoing ICMP packets were being dropped. I did a bunch of troubleshooting, and finally found an error in the firmware of my cable modem that was dropping all outgoing ICMP packets.

    This modem was the Arris TG862 - this is a common modem that Comcast provided to their customers for several years. The bug in the firmware is that when the security level is set to "medium", all outgoing ICMP packets are dropped. This is contrary to the desired behavior (medium security is supposed to drop all incoming packets - not all outgoing). I've confirmed that the manufacturer knows about the defect - and just hasn't bothered to fix it because ICMP is generally not used and so they don't consider it important.

    I changed my level to a custom security level to allow outgoing ICMP packets and haven't been kicked since in several hours of playing.

    I don't know why - frankly I cannot think of a single good reason ESO would need ICMP packets. I am thinking that the firmware may be dropping more than just ICMP packets and I just didn't notice those. However, for those having problems check to see if that is your modem type and possibly adjust your security settings to allow outgoing ICMP.

    As a side question - could one of the ZOS reps check and see if ICMP is used for anything? I just want to know if this was coincidental or if it might be the cause of the problem.

    I have this same router and this looks to be the solution. I only wish I read your post in a little more detail before I had to learn it all on my own :smiley:
  • jewnied
    Soul Shriven
    Having this problem on both servers. Can log in and play for 5 minutes then it freezes and kicks me out. Trying to log back in, without resetting the ps4, and it says no valid Internet connection... I don't have comcast and my ps4 is using an ether net cord not wifi. I am getting kicked from in game and can play for another 5 minutes if I reboot the ps4.
  • jewnied
    Soul Shriven
    jewnied wrote: »
    Having this problem on both servers. Can log in and play for 5 minutes then it freezes and kicks me out. Trying to log back in, without resetting the ps4, and it says no valid Internet connection... I don't have comcast and my ps4 is using an ether net cord not wifi. I am getting kicked from in game and can play for another 5 minutes if I reboot the ps4.

    Also says "network features for this application cannot be used"...latest update is installed and everything. Wth..I'm almost to 50!! And this crap happens.
  • FelixofMars
    Soul Shriven
    This started happening last night and it still says the same. I don't even get to choose what server I am on. and clearly PS4 as its the PS4 forum!
  • agentjayd007
    Soul Shriven
    Looks like PSN is having some issues...

  • FelixofMars
    Soul Shriven
    Looks like it is down now, but it was happening last night to.
  • sadler66
    Soul Shriven
    sadler66 wrote: »
    Xalion wrote: »
    I wanted to post an update with the hopes that it might help others who are having this problem. I was running a more indepth analysis of my network today to make sure local equipment wasn't causing the problem. While doing this, I noticed that my outgoing ICMP packets were being dropped. I did a bunch of troubleshooting, and finally found an error in the firmware of my cable modem that was dropping all outgoing ICMP packets.

    This modem was the Arris TG862 - this is a common modem that Comcast provided to their customers for several years. The bug in the firmware is that when the security level is set to "medium", all outgoing ICMP packets are dropped. This is contrary to the desired behavior (medium security is supposed to drop all incoming packets - not all outgoing). I've confirmed that the manufacturer knows about the defect - and just hasn't bothered to fix it because ICMP is generally not used and so they don't consider it important.

    I changed my level to a custom security level to allow outgoing ICMP packets and haven't been kicked since in several hours of playing.

    I don't know why - frankly I cannot think of a single good reason ESO would need ICMP packets. I am thinking that the firmware may be dropping more than just ICMP packets and I just didn't notice those. However, for those having problems check to see if that is your modem type and possibly adjust your security settings to allow outgoing ICMP.

    As a side question - could one of the ZOS reps check and see if ICMP is used for anything? I just want to know if this was coincidental or if it might be the cause of the problem.

    I have this same router and this looks to be the solution. I only wish I read your post in a little more detail before I had to learn it all on my own :smiley:

    Well .. I take it back -- this doesn't seem to help -- still getting disconnected. Must of just had a random stretch that was okay .. but not anymore -- 2 disconnects in 15 minutes.
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