I'm part of a really great guild. Social, friendly, help out new players, good trade - everything a good guild should be.
We are all full up though! Despite us removing inactive players after about 20 days we just can't meet the demand.
It saddens me we have to either kick players or turn people away. Either friends of current guildmates or new players looking for a really good guild. We want good players and they want us.
We have had nearly a year now of seeing how things work in game and we have an obvious influx of new players tonight. Just stand by the gate in Daggerfall and you will see exactly what I mean.
All these new players want to feel welcome and are looking for a great guild to be part of. Great guilds make a huge difference to the player experience. Players make friends and then they want to stick around - even at the times the gameplay may be getting them down a bit.
So please could you consider upping the guild limit a bit, in line with the increase in population? I know you don't want there to be really big guilds that dominate. I am not saying remove the limit but please consider increasing it - to 750 or 1000 or more if you think it will not affect the game too badly.
You want to keep players and we want to help you keep those players. Please give us the means to do so.
Thanks for the consideration.
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