I realize I'm just saying the same thing as most everyone else here, but I think it's something that Zenimax needs to hear, and the more people chanting, the more likely the message will get across.
ESO as it stands is a slowly dying game. As much as I like it, and want to support it, and have supported it since early in the beta, many players have very quickly given up because of a lack of content and high subscription cost. What ESO has keeping it alive right now is a relatively small but loyal fanbase. This is not MMO fans, this is not TES fans, this is Elder Scrolls Online fans. The more Zenimax can do to keep their support now the easier it will be to gain others' support later, and will ultimately be what I think keeps ESO alive, on PC and consoles later.
On the other hand, if word spreads that ESO isn't worth it, the console launch might be less than spectacular. When favor is given to new players over old players, who might I add are proven fans if they've stuck around this long, the old players get disenfranchised and spread word that hey, ESO isn't worth it.
You can see where the conclusion is.
I personally have put quite a bit into this game. While I haven't played much myself recently, I still lead a modest guild in the game (much smaller after many members have left the game due to boredom) and expect to be back as new features are introduced. The new guild features soon, and later the housing, particularly get me pretty excited. I've been in the thick of it, and promoting the game amongst friends since the beta, but to be honest, the boredom is getting to me too, and I honestly don't have the money to spend $15 a month on a game I hope will grab my attention later down the road.
My problem isn't that the game is being released on Steam. It's not even that new players are getting a vanity pet way cooler than my s*** throwing monkey or my diseased crabs (seeing as I RP these descriptions are accurate).
The problem here is that the dedicated fanbase, myself included, putting up with all these frustrations because we honestly believe in ESO, are being what would appear to be overlooked. Why don't we, the ones who actually believe(d) in you Zenimax, get the arguably best vanity pet to be released? We, the dedicated, are the last people you should slight.
Now I realize no one would intentionally screw the fans over, but even accidents need to be rectified. There are ways! Give steam keys to those who have already bought the game, or if nothing else, those who preordered originally and are still playing. Let the existing players get access to the same new features. In the very least offer those of us who stuck with you since the beginning this sweet vanity pet.
We're still fans, Zenimax, but we rely on your good will just as you rely on ours. But please don't let this kind of thing become a trend. It might seem like a small or inconsequential thing, but you need to set a precedent so this kind of thing doesn't happen again with the console releases.
By the way, thank you for reading this monster of a post if you made it this far. I usually want to make my points short and poignant, but I feel this needs to be explained. Just saying "I'm quitting ESO because Zenimax is neglecting us" isn't fair to anyone, and I hope I've expanded beyond that.SpoilerAdditionally, I think I should mention that offering the new vanity pet as a microtransaction in a cash store, in a similar fashion to the palomino horse, is not a proper solution. Offering this pet for additional charge is the same thing as is already happening - the additional charge as it stands now being the price of the full game (albeit on discount) on steam. Additionally, it would go against Zenimax's word not to implement microtransactions, even beyond the palomino horse, and also invalidate the need for the subscription cost to be $15 a month. It really seems difficult to rectify that price even now, but that's a discussion for another time.
FearlessAce wrote: »Either give us pre-order players the dogs, too, or let us kill them in-game like everything else to take out our frustrations.
yes i admit aswell i am very pissed about this...basicaly they are much more rewarded...then we are for being with them from betas...and early access till now... and what did we got?..a wraith petPLEASE give Imperial Edition buyers the pet dog! We paid full price for the game and now any old Joe Blogg can get the Imperial Edition for less than the price of the Standard Edition at launch and get it with a free pet dog.
Imo, people who bought the Imperial Edition before the Steam launch of the game, are getting totally shafted here.
I bought ESO on its launch date (4/4/14) and I just convinced my friend to buy it.If he buys ESO on Steam, will he still be able to play with me?