Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

State of the game for NBs - 1.1.2 nerf (dk buff...?)

  • bg22
    Wait... Is that a post from ZENI saying we will get a post just for us?
    But wait... That means the fix is not out yet.... /facepalm

    Yeah... Um.. Glad to know that they know there are issues?

    But... That doesn't do anything but make me look forward to another patch the way I was looking forward to this patch to fix Nightblades.

    Seems like this is the response to Zos in regards to Nightblades "Nightblade? Oh yeah.. We know you're broke. But anyway, what were we doing? Oh yeah.. Vampire passives".
  • McWop
    Sounds like a broken skill is being brought in line. Saying that NB is "broken" to justify not fixing one of the items that makes them "broken" because it's the helpful kind of broken... I just don't know.

    an assassin ultimate that now does less than some of the assassin skill. It sounds like the broke an ultimate that was in a tree line called 'assassin'. Its not longer an ability that can assassinate. Correct me if I'm wrong but that doesn't make sense
  • a3surd
    Two your missing the biggest problem the nightblades have had an issue with and that's the un-responsiveness of abilities.

    "Fixed an issue that was causing Nightblade abilities to become unresponsive in high-intensity combat situations. This issue is caused by a number of factors, and we will continue to monitor it after this patch."

    They have addressed that here. Some of the biggest complaints about the NB is our abilities locking up and not going off as planned. How many times you hit Shadowy Disguise and it doesn't happen? The issue was unresponsiveness in intense combat situations. I can't count how many times i do shadowy disguise try to come out with Surprise attack and it lags heavily and i dont get my stun off properly. If you don't stun and move a melee NB is dead in my opinion.

    Look at the Templar changes. they have the most changes, and I have heard the least amount of complaints about this one class. I feel more bad for templar players then NB or DK players at the moment.

    Dude you are so missing the point. NighBlades have THE most amount of broken abilities and passive then ANY other class. NightBlade Broken Stuff

    To say that Templars or DK's have it worse means you have no clue. You obviously have not played NB in Vet levels, if you even have a NB.
  • McWop
    I have NOT made this video, it's from the user "medakonable" on Youtube.

    But it shows a Nightblade SOLO Veteran spindleclutch.


    Stop lying... he isn't able to get past the 2nd boss not enough dps.. hench why the recording stop prior to that

    Maybe see the rest of the parts of his videos before you call people liars?

    second boss has an enrage timer thats hard to beat with a 4 man VR5 group, so no, he couldn't do it
  • McWop
    Im a nigthblade only class i ever played and I am happy with the notes.
    McWop wrote: »
    While I love my Nightblade, the fact that our broken class got a nerf as a priority in craglorn over fixing the 10+ broken skills and passives says a lot. Nightblade crit builds were one of the few ways a NB could have fun in PvP and PvE, and now the best part of that build is gone too.

    SO while DKs and sorcs have there run of the game right now, the most broken class gets basically ignored.

    If anyone knows me, I've been a huge advocate for this game. I've defended it at almost every turn. But its very demoralizing when i see how you (ZoS) prioritize your content and updates. I'm betting we see the invisibility exploit in PvE fixed before we see passives fixed (wasted skill points FYI)

    I wont say much more, I'm not one to tell anyone how to do their jobs. I just hope you guys get a balancing patch out ASAP, currently the state of balance is...for lack of a better word...broken. I refuse to make the FOTM class, i love PvP but I will not roll a DK just to do well in it. I'm not unskilled, but i have a really hard time justifying my time in PvP when i cant take out a DK or Sorc with the same cookie cutter builds as the rest of them, and they win simply because of that build.

    I'm tired, I'm tired of defending a game who wont defend themselves. The devs are way too quiet about **everything**. We (the gamers) are the reason you'll stay in business, I'd highly recommend interacting with us.

    Really? One you have what two stars next to yoru name which shows you dont post often or get a lot of agrees/blah blah blah so i dont know how much of a supporter you are.

    Two your missing the biggest problem the nightblades have had an issue with and that's the un-responsiveness of abilities.

    "Fixed an issue that was causing Nightblade abilities to become unresponsive in high-intensity combat situations. This issue is caused by a number of factors, and we will continue to monitor it after this patch."

    They have addressed that here. Some of the biggest complaints about the NB is our abilities locking up and not going off as planned. How many times you hit Shadowy Disguise and it doesn't happen? The issue was unresponsiveness in intense combat situations. I can't count how many times i do shadowy disguise try to come out with Surprise attack and it lags heavily and i dont get my stun off properly. If you don't stun and move a melee NB is dead in my opinion.

    As for death stroke, they changed the mechanic. Now it stuns AND guaranteed crit? That's much better in my book. With no extra crit damage there are times it wont crit at all, now it will crit every time and stun. I am a Soul Tether man and now with this change I may even switch to try it out. the rest of there NB fixes are all boosts. Cant call it a nerf when the rest of our notes are all boosts.

    Now DK getting boosts? Yeah they did cause from what most people tell me, most DK's don't use half of there own abilities anyway. There ultimate's, Talons, and Sword and Board or Destro staff abilities. That's it. There abilities were just as broken just not used frequently. I dont play DK's just what guildies tell me and reading on forums.

    Look at the Templar changes. they have the most changes, and I have heard the least amount of complaints about this one class. I feel more bad for templar players then NB or DK players at the moment.

    I dont post on these forums because they're awful. Im WopperJoe on Reddit, so i post PLENTY about this game, I just dont do it here. entitlement at its best 'rah i have 5 stars you have two, lazy peon, i look down on you'

    Death stroke did massive damage out of crouch, it was already guaranteed to crit, any hit out of crouch is a definite crit. Or you could just pop invis and get a 100% crit chance. So they took it from 400% damage crit in crouch to 150%. thats a damn big nerf

    I stopped reading there because you show no respect for anyones opinion
    Edited by McWop on 22 May 2014 18:08
  • GreasedLizard
    The crit and stun for Death Stroke are related to stealth attacks (as per the patch notes) Stun is relative to the morph and HP (not Soul harvest morph)

    All they did was remove the ability to be buffed via stealth attack. Invis will always do crit w/o stealth bonus as well. It's a nerf plain and simple. No 'reworking'

    Annoys me, as it wasn't as bug fix. Physical damage abilities from stealth are supposed to generate Sneak Attack damage, not just a guaranteed crit (like invis and improper positioning gives)
    Edited by GreasedLizard on 22 May 2014 18:09
  • ckf12b14_ESO
    Zafu wrote: »
    Zafu wrote: »
    I don't think you're really getting what I'm saying. I think Nightblades got unfairly nerfed and they honestly deserved a buff, more so now than ever. But look at the title of the thread itself. OP claimed DK's got a buff. They didn't. They got nerfed in the gut.

    Huge nerf to DK (laff). Now they can just annihilate 3 players at once instead of 12 at once. It's fine. My V5 NB is on the shelf. I'm leveling up a DK & Scorcerer as the game requires for any that enjoy PVP. Will get old though with just two classes viable in pvp.

    Can any of you people read?

    I would call being able to take down a zergfest and now only being able to wreck 3-4 players a big nerf, yeah. DK's are still top tier and are in line for many more balances and nerfs, and NB's are still bottom tier and wholly deserving of many fixes and buffs (and not these uncalled for nerfs).

    No Class with the survivability of a DK should be able to wreck 3-4 players. Ability to take down a zergfest was grossly negligent of the developers and should of been fixed in beta. What's the point of discussing this any way? If the developers of this game can't understand their own game I sure don't expect you to.

    Jesus H. Christ people, DK's are still OP but this was a big nerf regardless of how OP they still are.
  • PBpsy
    dragnier wrote: »
    PBpsy wrote: »
    You mean the reduction of ultimate generation of Drain Power and the nerf to S&B that makes the NB tanks quite a bit weaker? Or do you mean the nerf to destro staff that will make siphoning attacks destro staff build a pain?

    Why would you use siphoning attacks with a destro AoE build? The damage reduction vs. the mana return isn't worth it even if you used Power Extraction with it.
    Because it works for some people. I used it from lvl 35 to VR3 and I didn't change it because it was ineffective. People may still want to do it unfortunately now it will be harder.
    dragnier wrote: »
    Also, why would you be using drain power as a tank? Tanks aren't meant to do dps though it is a bonus if they can and survive. Most tanking is single target, even in large pulls the tank is responsible for controlling the worst mobs not everything. Again, if they can control multiple mobs its a bonus but not required.

    Tanking would rely more on Siphoning Attacks to keep up Magicka/Stamina for taunts and mitigation. Seems to me you have those skills backwards.

    Because they can solo any public group dungeon take on groups of up to 9 and a crap load of world bosses with it .and shadowy disguise+ surprise attack on the second bar. Works like a charm for me at VR8. Drain Powe/Sap essence is not DPS it was a ultimate builder/self heal and trigger for Siphoning attacks. Now I will have to wait more between my Veil of blades or soul siphons. Time in which I may get unlucky with my siphoning attacks procs, end without stamina and make it impossible for me to block and bash.
    Edited by PBpsy on 22 May 2014 18:20
    ESO forums achievements
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  • Eivar
    Singular wrote: »
    We're working on an update post on the Nightblade class. We should have it today.

    Nice, thanks. Right now my NB is simply parked, taking care of her horses. That's fun. But it's ok, b/c I'm leveling a sorc - wow, that is sooooooooo fun!!!

    Same here I parked my vet 5 dw/bow NB in evermore and have been leveling a sorc as well, I love NB but they are to broken right now, i only log onto him for the occasional pvp and horse feeding
  • taylorwilenskiub17_ESO
    Pretty sure one of the lead designers or lead SOMETHING of ZoS plays a DK.

    Why do you think they are getting buffed lol?
  • vicNBitis
    Why do you think they are getting buffed lol?

    Because the CEO used to run a major hook-ups network and he likes to see people get f...no wait, that can't be it.
  • kirnmalidus
    OP claimed DK's got a buff. They didn't. They got nerfed in the gut.

    Some aspects of DK got nerfed, but they also got a number of buffs. Read the patch notes:

    Burning Breath (Fiery Breath morph): Fixed an issue where this ability was doing less damage than intended. BUFF
    Burning Embers: This ability now heals you if your enemy target dies while affected by it. BUFF
    Dark Talons:
    This ability can now damage monsters with snare immunity. BUFF
    Fixed an issue where allies were not able to activate the synergy from Dark Talons. BUFF
    Reduced the overall radius. NERF
    Inhale (and morphs): This ability’s initial life drain morphs can now hit a maximum of three targets. This also applies to Inhale’s morphs. NERF
    Petrify (and morphs): The enemy target’s health regeneration bonus while they were affected by Petrify and its morphs has been removed. BUFF
    Razor Armor: Fixed an issue where this ability wasn’t granting bonus armor for the first 3.5 seconds. BUFF
    Spiked Armor (and morphs): The damage return for this ability and its morphs has been increased. BUFF

    So 7-2 Buff to Nerf. I'd call that an overall buff, not a "nerf in the gut."
    Life of a Nightblade (Screenshot Tumblr)

    Attention Zenimax: Stamina builds don't hold up to magicka builds, and this is causing most of your class imbalance. It makes melee weapons and bows weaker than staves and class abilities. It makes medium and heavy armor less desirable than light armor. Fix this imbalance, and you'll address most of your balance issues.

    - @ruze84b14_ESO
  • dragnier
    McWop wrote: »
    Sounds like a broken skill is being brought in line. Saying that NB is "broken" to justify not fixing one of the items that makes them "broken" because it's the helpful kind of broken... I just don't know.

    an assassin ultimate that now does less than some of the assassin skill. It sounds like the broke an ultimate that was in a tree line called 'assassin'. Its not longer an ability that can assassinate. Correct me if I'm wrong but that doesn't make sense

    **Enchant numbers are estimates based on what I've seen and remember, not necessarily exact**

    Besides, if you are V10 with less than 2k health something is wrong. Base health at 50+ is 1130 before you apply attribute points. If you put them all into health that makes your health before any buffs/enchants 1865. One epic V10 health enchant on your choice of head, chest, legs, or a shield if you use one is 123 (not counting infused trait armor) more health for a total of 1988. Slap some food on that and you go over 2k.

    And that is just for PvE. In PvP you have a health bonus anyway, unless you use the new thing in this patch that lets you toggle the buffed stats off.

    Then you enchant the rest of your armor for magicka or stamina depending on your build. Easy.

    I know there are people who are going to argue that putting points into magicka or stamina isn't bad, but mathematically it just isn't sound.

    15 x 49 = 735 vs. 10 x 49 = 490

    Using epic enchants if you did all points Magicka or Stam and enchanted just for health:

    1130 + 541 (not counting if you use shield) = 1681 health (1804 with shield) and 1080 + 490 = 1570 magicka or stamina.

    Using epic enchants if you did all points in Health and enchanted just for magicka or stamina:

    1130 + 735 = 1865 health and 1080 + 358 (not counting if you use shield) = 1438 (1520 with shield) magicka or stamina.

    To compare the two:

    All points Magicka or Stamina ~ 1681 + 1570 = 3251 (3374 w/shield)

    All points Health ~ 1865 + 1438 = 3303 (3385 w/shield)

    So all points in health is > any points in other stats with a difference of 52 stat points, though it gets closer if you include wearing a shield which has a difference of only 11.

    This difference is exaggerated even more if you enchant one item health with all points in health:

    1988 + 1365 = 3344 for a difference of 93. If you also swapped one of the health enchants on the all mag/stam side out of health it goes even further and reaches a difference of 134.

    So mathematically speaking, there is no point in putting any attribute points into anything but health in the current state of the game for any class.

    Basically, if you were killed in pvp by a 2k crit, you weren't built efficiently. 1865 + battle leveled stats = about 2300 health on average with all points in health so it would take an excess of 2300 crit dmg to one shot a properly built player.
    Edited by dragnier on 22 May 2014 18:48
  • Evergreen
    Pretty sure one of the lead designers or lead SOMETHING of ZoS plays a DK.

    Why do you think they are getting buffed lol?

    He probably plays his DK with this picture on the corner of his desk


  • Reykice
    So you are saying you are upset because they nerfed something and it no longer does 2000 damage?

    That`s the same kind of upset as a DK who is pissed he can no longer solo group dungeons... the good kind of upset.

    Do you want balance or you just want to 1shot people in PvP? Really kid...
    Edited by Reykice on 22 May 2014 18:46
  • dragnier
    PBpsy wrote: »
    Because it works for some people. I used it from lvl 35 to VR3 and I didn't change it because it was ineffective. People may still want to do it unfortunately now it will be harder.

    AoE will be harder for anyone using destro staff, not just NB. Seems even enough to me.
    PBpsy wrote: »
    Because they can solo any public group dungeon take on groups of up to 9 and a crap load of world bosses with it .and shadowy disguise+ surprise attack on the second bar. Works like a charm for me at VR8. Drain Powe/Sap essence is not DPS it was a ultimate builder/self heal and trigger for Siphoning attacks. Now I will have to wait more between my Veil of blades or soul siphons. Time in which I may get unlucky with my siphoning attacks procs, end without stamina and make it impossible for me to block and bash.

    Why use Drain Power to build ultimate when it is less cost efficient than Impulse/Pulsar/Elemental Ring? The extra 2 ultimate per mob isn't worth the extra magicka cost. Prior to this update, I had gotten Elemental Ring down to 180 magicka per cast. Destro Staff + Class skills on one bar for AoE and Ultimate building and Sword/Shield or Resto Staff on the other for mitigation and survival when you get low on health.
  • ckf12b14_ESO
    OP claimed DK's got a buff. They didn't. They got nerfed in the gut.

    Some aspects of DK got nerfed, but they also got a number of buffs. Read the patch notes:

    Burning Breath (Fiery Breath morph): Fixed an issue where this ability was doing less damage than intended. BUFF
    Burning Embers: This ability now heals you if your enemy target dies while affected by it. BUFF
    Dark Talons:
    This ability can now damage monsters with snare immunity. BUFF
    Fixed an issue where allies were not able to activate the synergy from Dark Talons. BUFF
    Reduced the overall radius. NERF
    Inhale (and morphs): This ability’s initial life drain morphs can now hit a maximum of three targets. This also applies to Inhale’s morphs. NERF
    Petrify (and morphs): The enemy target’s health regeneration bonus while they were affected by Petrify and its morphs has been removed. BUFF
    Razor Armor: Fixed an issue where this ability wasn’t granting bonus armor for the first 3.5 seconds. BUFF
    Spiked Armor (and morphs): The damage return for this ability and its morphs has been increased. BUFF

    So 7-2 Buff to Nerf. I'd call that an overall buff, not a "nerf in the gut."

    1. FIX, as in, WASN'T WORKING AS INTENDED. You can't fault anyone for that.
    2. Yeah, buff, agreed. How useful will it be though?
    3. Also agreed as a buff.
    4. Again, bug fix, can't fault anyone.
    5. Agreed as nerf.
    6. Nerf.
    7. Agreed as to buff, but yet again, usefulness?
    8. Another bug fix, no faulting.
    9. Buff.

    Yeah, there were a few buffs, I won't deny that. But when I say "nerf to the gut", I'm talking about most used builds and overall usefulness. You also ave to factor in the bash nerfs, which although weren't specific to DKs, were most often used by DKs. Factor in the Impulse nerf as well, which again wasn't class specific, but heavily used by DKs.
  • Harakh
    This is a NB discussion all DKs please leave the hall and go search for the firewood.

    Die Welt in einem Sandkorn sehen
    Und den Himmel in einer wilden Blume;
    Die Unendlichkeit in der Handfläche halten
    Und die Ewigkeit in einer Stunde.
  • WaystedMinedub17_ESO
    I find it hilarious that a DK ability that didn't cause damage to enemies that were immune to snare got fixed, but the NB ability with the exact same issue did not.
  • Harakh
    Every MMO has it "developer" class in ESO it is DK you will always be save when choosing the DK as class.
    Edited by Harakh on 22 May 2014 18:57
    Die Welt in einem Sandkorn sehen
    Und den Himmel in einer wilden Blume;
    Die Unendlichkeit in der Handfläche halten
    Und die Ewigkeit in einer Stunde.
  • kirnmalidus

    1. FIX, as in, WASN'T WORKING AS INTENDED. You can't fault anyone for that.
    2. Yeah, buff, agreed. How useful will it be though?
    3. Also agreed as a buff.
    4. Again, bug fix, can't fault anyone.
    5. Agreed as nerf.
    6. Nerf.
    7. Agreed as to buff, but yet again, usefulness?
    8. Another bug fix, no faulting.
    9. Buff.

    Yeah, there were a few buffs, I won't deny that. But when I say "nerf to the gut", I'm talking about most used builds and overall usefulness. You also ave to factor in the bash nerfs, which although weren't specific to DKs, were most often used by DKs. Factor in the Impulse nerf as well, which again wasn't class specific, but heavily used by DKs.

    Ok so some of the "buffs" were bug fixes. That's all us Nightblades are asking for though – fixes to abilities that aren't working. Not buffs, fixes. Dragonknights (arguably the most overpowered class in the game) got bug fixes in this update but Nightblades (arguably the most underpowered class in the game) got hardly any bug fixes. That's ridiculous.

    Also including the shield bash nerfs as a DK nerf isn't really logical. Yes many DKs were exploiting the OPness of shield bash to make their builds even more OP than the base DK OPness, but other classes could do the same.

    Before the bash nerf a Nightblade could have theoretically used bash to overcome the bugged class skills. Not only did they not fix most of the bugged class skills, they took that option away. I didn't use it myself, but c'mon, that's ridiculous.
    Life of a Nightblade (Screenshot Tumblr)

    Attention Zenimax: Stamina builds don't hold up to magicka builds, and this is causing most of your class imbalance. It makes melee weapons and bows weaker than staves and class abilities. It makes medium and heavy armor less desirable than light armor. Fix this imbalance, and you'll address most of your balance issues.

    - @ruze84b14_ESO
  • ferzalrwb17_ESO
    So you are saying you are upset because they nerfed something and it no longer does 2000 damage?

    That`s the same kind of upset as a DK who is pissed he can no longer solo group dungeons... the good kind of upset.

    Do you want balance or you just want to 1shot people in PvP? Really kid...

    That "one shot" would be on a low-level and that's the maximum that ultimate can reach. That damage is based on the Ultimate Point cap - certainly not the point at which the Ultimate can be activated. That particular skill does more and more damage towards the Ulti point cap. So.. you've got a LOT of work to get to that point in the first place (1000 Ultimate Points).

    Then... you've got to actually sneak right up on someone at relative snails pace and let loose. I've never done it myself as a NB but if someone could work that up and execute that on me - well done. That's one well-earned big opener that they've spent ages working up and decided to take me down with.

    If you stop to understand and think how it actually worked - that's a rarely available and hard to execute skill. A rare reward (Ultimate points usually reset well before you get to 1000).
  • Solnai
    Yea Death Stroke is complete **** now, just tested in game and it does exactly half the damage it used to do at Veteran Rank 10 with all Legendary gear on a lesser NPC....well below what Surprise Attack does. Well done ZOS

    Edit: Will post with combat logs shortly

    Screenshot of combat logs: http://i.imgur.com/VViPhTo.jpg
    Edited by Solnai on 22 May 2014 19:23
  • monkeymystic
    OP claimed DK's got a buff. They didn't. They got nerfed in the gut.

    Some aspects of DK got nerfed, but they also got a number of buffs. Read the patch notes:

    Burning Breath (Fiery Breath morph): Fixed an issue where this ability was doing less damage than intended. BUFF
    Burning Embers: This ability now heals you if your enemy target dies while affected by it. BUFF
    Dark Talons:
    This ability can now damage monsters with snare immunity. BUFF
    Fixed an issue where allies were not able to activate the synergy from Dark Talons. BUFF
    Reduced the overall radius. NERF
    Inhale (and morphs): This ability’s initial life drain morphs can now hit a maximum of three targets. This also applies to Inhale’s morphs. NERF
    Petrify (and morphs): The enemy target’s health regeneration bonus while they were affected by Petrify and its morphs has been removed. BUFF
    Razor Armor: Fixed an issue where this ability wasn’t granting bonus armor for the first 3.5 seconds. BUFF
    Spiked Armor (and morphs): The damage return for this ability and its morphs has been increased. BUFF

    So 7-2 Buff to Nerf. I'd call that an overall buff, not a "nerf in the gut."


    So by your thinking, its like this:

    Recieves 1$ BUFF
    Recieves 1$ BUFF
    Recieves 1$ BUFF
    Lose 1000$ NERF

    Your way of seeing that:
    "duh hellooo, they got more buffffs omg! only one nerf and three buffs!!1"

    Read what the notes and "buffs" you talk about actually are. its some minor bug fixes and major nerfs.
    Edited by monkeymystic on 22 May 2014 19:05
  • ckf12b14_ESO

    1. FIX, as in, WASN'T WORKING AS INTENDED. You can't fault anyone for that.
    2. Yeah, buff, agreed. How useful will it be though?
    3. Also agreed as a buff.
    4. Again, bug fix, can't fault anyone.
    5. Agreed as nerf.
    6. Nerf.
    7. Agreed as to buff, but yet again, usefulness?
    8. Another bug fix, no faulting.
    9. Buff.

    Yeah, there were a few buffs, I won't deny that. But when I say "nerf to the gut", I'm talking about most used builds and overall usefulness. You also ave to factor in the bash nerfs, which although weren't specific to DKs, were most often used by DKs. Factor in the Impulse nerf as well, which again wasn't class specific, but heavily used by DKs.

    Ok so some of the "buffs" were bug fixes. That's all us Nightblades are asking for though – fixes to abilities that aren't working. Not buffs, fixes. Dragonknights (arguably the most overpowered class in the game) got bug fixes in this update but Nightblades (arguably the most underpowered class in the game) got hardly any bug fixes. That's ridiculous.

    Also including the shield bash nerfs as a DK nerf isn't really logical. Yes many DKs were exploiting the OPness of shield bash to make their builds even more OP than the base DK OPness, but other classes could do the same.

    Before the bash nerf a Nightblade could have theoretically used bash to overcome the bugged class skills. Not only did they not fix most of the bugged class skills, they took that option away. I didn't use it myself, but c'mon, that's ridiculous.

    I don't think anyone is getting my position on this issue, for some reason.
    I'm pro-nightblade, not pro-DK. I just don't want false claims made.

    I can't tell you why DK got bug fixes and NB's only got nerfs. I can agree with you that it really isn't fair, and that NB is a very broken (as in not working as intended) class, and it really deserves some love and bug fixes, not nerfs.

    Yeah, they could, but they didn't. DK's were the prevailing users of shield bash spam, not anyone else.

  • PBpsy
    dragnier wrote: »
    PBpsy wrote: »
    Because it works for some people. I used it from lvl 35 to VR3 and I didn't change it because it was ineffective. People may still want to do it unfortunately now it will be harder.

    AoE will be harder for anyone using destro staff, not just NB. Seems even enough to me.
    PBpsy wrote: »
    Because they can solo any public group dungeon take on groups of up to 9 and a crap load of world bosses with it .and shadowy disguise+ surprise attack on the second bar. Works like a charm for me at VR8. Drain Powe/Sap essence is not DPS it was a ultimate builder/self heal and trigger for Siphoning attacks. Now I will have to wait more between my Veil of blades or soul siphons. Time in which I may get unlucky with my siphoning attacks procs, end without stamina and make it impossible for me to block and bash.

    Why use Drain Power to build ultimate when it is less cost efficient than Impulse/Pulsar/Elemental Ring? The extra 2 ultimate per mob isn't worth the extra magicka cost. Prior to this update, I had gotten Elemental Ring down to 180 magicka per cast. Destro Staff + Class skills on one bar for AoE and Ultimate building and Sword/Shield or Resto Staff on the other for mitigation and survival when you get low on health.

    Because I like It and it works for me . I do not need a damn build critique thank you very much. My point is that some some nightblade builds were nerfed even if they didn't use death stroke.

    And the fact that the destro staff was op for DK doesn't mean it was op for anything else. It is certainly not a very even nerf.
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  • Spiritreaver_ESO
    Harakh wrote: »
    Every MMO has it "developer" class in ESO it is DK you will always be save when choosing the DK as class.

    Sadly, i kinda agree with this atm.

    Anyone from over FFXI ways will remember one of the nicknames we gave that game for a while, 'Ninja Fantasy XI'.

    And i'm getting a distinct Summoner vibe when i think about Nightblades :'(
  • Harakh
    Die Welt in einem Sandkorn sehen
    Und den Himmel in einer wilden Blume;
    Die Unendlichkeit in der Handfläche halten
    Und die Ewigkeit in einer Stunde.
  • Evergnar
    This is why I run both a NB & DK. That way I can play on easy or hard mode.
  • chrisb16_ESO160
    Soul Shriven
    Totally agree with the OP. ZOS should be ashamed of themselves.
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