Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

State of the game for NBs - 1.1.2 nerf (dk buff...?)

While I love my Nightblade, the fact that our broken class got a nerf as a priority in craglorn over fixing the 10+ broken skills and passives says a lot. Nightblade crit builds were one of the few ways a NB could have fun in PvP and PvE, and now the best part of that build is gone too.

SO while DKs and sorcs have there run of the game right now, the most broken class gets basically ignored.

If anyone knows me, I've been a huge advocate for this game. I've defended it at almost every turn. But its very demoralizing when i see how you (ZoS) prioritize your content and updates. I'm betting we see the invisibility exploit in PvE fixed before we see passives fixed (wasted skill points FYI)

I wont say much more, I'm not one to tell anyone how to do their jobs. I just hope you guys get a balancing patch out ASAP, currently the state of balance is...for lack of a better word...broken. I refuse to make the FOTM class, i love PvP but I will not roll a DK just to do well in it. I'm not unskilled, but i have a really hard time justifying my time in PvP when i cant take out a DK or Sorc with the same cookie cutter builds as the rest of them, and they win simply because of that build.

I'm tired, I'm tired of defending a game who wont defend themselves. The devs are way too quiet about **everything**. We (the gamers) are the reason you'll stay in business, I'd highly recommend interacting with us.
  • Malvokian
    McWop wrote: »
    While I love my Nightblade, the fact that our broken class got a nerf

    What nerf?
  • McWop
    Malvokian wrote: »
    McWop wrote: »
    While I love my Nightblade, the fact that our broken class got a nerf

    What nerf?

    Death Stroke: This ability no longer receives the critical damage bonus when used as a sneak attack. It will still cause a stun and a guaranteed critical hit.

    my entire build was focussed around building it up and getting a sneaky huge crit on someone in PvP, now it only normal crits out of crouched stealth, no bonus crit damage (against an enemy player it'll do ~800 damage instead of 2k damage when fully charged from stealth)
  • Malvokian
    I don't think I've ever used it as a sneak attack. I usually go for an Ambush with a Concealed Weapon follow-up.
  • Auric_ESO
    with the other passive fixes and things that were not adding to crit do you know if that compensates or are you just focusing on this one skill?
    "The purpose of training is to tighten up the slack, toughen the body, and polish the spirit." Morihei Ueshiba
  • Gilvoth
    Malvokian wrote: »
    McWop wrote: »
    While I love my Nightblade, the fact that our broken class got a nerf

    What nerf?

    the increase in amount of stamina used for the flying blade = LESS damage per second!

  • pavelcherepanskyrwb17_ESO
    McWop wrote: »
    SO while DKs and sorcs have there run of the game right now, the most broken class gets basically ignored.

    You haven't read 1.1.2 notes properly, have you? DK had shield bash nerfed which is a big thing. Both damage and stamina reduction have been decreased.

    I agree that NB is broken ATM but see if it works better after the update :smile:
    "Do you want the book or not? Then go whack some people with Wabbajack!!"
  • Xnemesis
    Malvokian wrote: »
    McWop wrote: »
    While I love my Nightblade, the fact that our broken class got a nerf

    What nerf?

    the increase in amount of stamina used for the flying blade = LESS damage per second!

    Isnt flying blade a duel wield nerf?
  • McWop
    McWop wrote: »
    SO while DKs and sorcs have there run of the game right now, the most broken class gets basically ignored.

    You haven't read 1.1.2 notes properly, have you? DK had shield bash nerfed which is a big thing. Both damage and stamina reduction have been decreased.

    I agree that NB is broken ATM but see if it works better after the update :smile:

    that's not a DK nerf, it just fixes the broken shield bash. The only thing that happened to DKs was a range reduction on talons, meanwhile 3 of their others skills had damage increased
  • Nuksuu
    I am also concerned about this. One of my best attack sequences is/was:

    Teleport Strike -> Shadowy Disguise -> Death Stroke

    I will still give it a try and see if I can formulate some new combinations with the stun. I also made a crit builld, dual wield NB. I will try it out before I pass full judgement.
    @Nuksuu - Werewolf Rights Advocate
    • Ursi Yarsbruk - Nord Night Blade (Rank 10 Berserker Werewolf)
    • Ingrid Tralvheim - Nord Templar (Rank 10 Berserker Werewolf)
    "There is endless humour in seeing a guy in dress, waving a piece of wood around, skip through the daisies leaving an endless trail of corpses whilst I, encased in protective steel from head to toe, sheltering behind a shield with a pointy metal weapon am beaten into oblivion by three enemies."
  • Gilvoth
    im very angry about the fact that night blade duel wiel is weak and i agree with the thread topic and his statement that we will definately DIE if we try to fight sorcerers or dragonights

    im really angry about the fact we duel wield nightblades simply cannot do the same amount of damage and crowd control as sorcerers and dragonights.
    we are not wanted in pve content especially in this upcoming crag thing patch and also in pvp we simply cant compete on an even playing field.

    i have also become to the point of anger from the forum users here that lie about the fact that they lie stateing that they have a nightblade and do Wonderfully in eso. it's an true insult to us people who duel wield. people are lying and saying that nightblades duel wield are fine and in reality we SUCK in elderscrolls online!
  • McWop
    Auric_ESO wrote: »
    with the other passive fixes and things that were not adding to crit do you know if that compensates or are you just focusing on this one skill?

    no. I dont have the exact numbers, but a crouch crit is ~400% increased damage, whereas an invisibility or normal crit is 150% damage. so to take death stroke from a potential 400% crit damage to 150% is a HUGE nerf to that skills (which is usable quite a bit)

    Yes its only from the initiation, but before I could nearly one hit when fully charged, now i can barely hit a sorc for 40%. It was one of the few PvP mechanics working for us, made us great assassins
  • Yelgis
    If your entire build was focused around sneak attack gibbing with an ultimate something was wrong to begin with.

    Even without that, we can Ambush in, follow up with a Concealed Weapon, and then either use a couple more skills or bash a few times and the target is in execute range. Execute for the kill. NB's aren't that bad off in gank style pvp as it is.
  • Bhakura
    As long they dont tackle caster NBs dont really care what they do to stealth NBs :P
  • McWop
    Yelgis wrote: »
    If your entire build was focused around sneak attack gibbing with an ultimate something was wrong to begin with.

    Even without that, we can Ambush in, follow up with a Concealed Weapon, and then either use a couple more skills or bash a few times and the target is in execute range. Execute for the kill. NB's aren't that bad off in gank style pvp as it is.

    So you dont think that the fact none of our broken skills were fixed is a problem? or the fact that DKs were practically buffed and Sorcs werent really hit hard?

    Your build works too, as thats what i'll have to do from now on, but opening with death strike was amazing, and now thats gone. Death strike costs very very little at lowest charge, and was a great opener as it was ready almost every fight, so it was PERFECT for stealth opening, now its reduced to crap and will basically be saved for the stun.
  • khele23eb17_ESO
    Bhakura wrote: »
    As long they dont tackle caster NBs dont really care what they do to stealth NBs :P

    Well in that case I hope they nerf caster NBs into the ground.
    P2P offered you 'hell yeah!' moments. F2P offers you 'thank god its over' moments.
  • WaystedMinedub17_ESO
    McWop wrote: »
    SO while DKs and sorcs have there run of the game right now, the most broken class gets basically ignored.

    You haven't read 1.1.2 notes properly, have you? DK had shield bash nerfed which is a big thing. Both damage and stamina reduction have been decreased.

    I agree that NB is broken ATM but see if it works better after the update :smile:

    A weapon set being nerfed isn't just a DK nerf. There were plenty of Sorcerers, Templars, and Nightblades using that broken as **** weapon set.
  • kitsinni
    The only real way to play a NB anymore is in light armor with a staff. You can still use sneak and surprise attack to start a fight but the idea of a DW NB is pretty much done.

    Don't worry they plan to fix some unmentioned aspect of NB at some point in the next 6-400 weeks.
  • clueless
    Soul Shriven
    McWop wrote: »
    against an enemy player it'll do ~800 damage instead of 2k damage when fully charged from stealth
    1 shot kill? no wonder it got nerfed

  • nerevarine1138
    I love that this thread is right next to a thread about how DKs got nerfed.

    Thanks for taking this community one step closer to WoW by posting constant complaints about how [x] class is underpowered.
  • McWop
    clueless wrote: »
    McWop wrote: »
    against an enemy player it'll do ~800 damage instead of 2k damage when fully charged from stealth
    1 shot kill? no wonder it got nerfed

    well now we cant kill anyone but the occasional lvl 15 or templars /s
  • kitsinni
    clueless wrote: »
    McWop wrote: »
    against an enemy player it'll do ~800 damage instead of 2k damage when fully charged from stealth
    1 shot kill? no wonder it got nerfed

    A one shot kill with full ultimate that you have to sneak up on them from behind and can only kill one person is not really OP.
  • clocksstoppe
    dk buffed? the inhale nerf alone is the biggest nerf of the patch. Good luck tanking trash in Craglorn
  • McWop
    dk buffed? the inhale nerf alone is the biggest nerf of the patch. Good luck tanking trash in Craglorn

    Burning Breath (Fiery Breath morph): Fixed an issue where this ability was doing less damage than intended.
    Burning Embers: This ability now heals you if your enemy target dies while affected by it.
    Razor Armor: Fixed an issue where this ability wasn’t granting bonus armor for the first 3.5 seconds.
    Spiked Armor (and morphs): The damage return for this ability and its morphs has been increased.

    At least you guys got your bugs fixed, all four of those can be seen as 'buffs'
  • Sonoshi
    Soul Shriven
    My Nightblade does massive amounts of damage even without using any sneaking/hiding.

    I can't bring myself to do it really, because the animation for sneaking is not smooth at all, and watching people sneak everywhere jerk gliding over the ground makes me laugh every time.

    I tested it though, used the skill that hides you for 2.4secs or whatever and applied the ability that supposedly adds damage while hidden...and it looked to me like it did....less? I don't know, I don't have a damage counter addon.
  • Selodaoc
    The patch notes are a joke right? lol. Nerfs to NB, no skill fixes, armor balancing or general melee class skill buffs. While DK will still kill 1v3, and still be impossible to 1v1 in melee.
  • Pangnirtung
    kitsinni wrote: »
    Don't worry they plan to fix some unmentioned aspect of NB at some point in the next 6-400 weeks.

  • Gilvoth
    kitsinni wrote: »

    Don't worry they plan to fix some unmentioned aspect of NB at some point in the next 6-400 weeks.


  • Gilvoth
    Selodaoc wrote: »
    The patch notes are a joke right? lol. Nerfs to NB, no skill fixes, armor balancing or general melee class skill buffs. While DK will still kill 1v3, and still be impossible to 1v1 in melee.

    i agree! im very angry about the refusal to help fix us duel wield nightblades.

  • McWop
    Sonoshi wrote: »
    My Nightblade does massive amounts of damage even without using any sneaking/hiding.

    I can't bring myself to do it really, because the animation for sneaking is not smooth at all, and watching people sneak everywhere jerk gliding over the ground makes me laugh every time.

    I tested it though, used the skill that hides you for 2.4secs or whatever and applied the ability that supposedly adds damage while hidden...and it looked to me like it did....less? I don't know, I don't have a damage counter addon.

    Yes, crouched stealth attacks do ~400% extra damage, where an invis crit does ~150%
  • Pangnirtung
    They're "looking into it". I can sleep easier now.

    Why the reluctance to do anything to a NB that might make them a little too powerful until they balance it out? It seems that they are being ultra conservative in any changes to the NB class.
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