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• PC/Mac: EU und NA Megaserver für einen neuen Patch – 6. Mai, 10:00 - 15:00 MESZ
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Wie mit rufschädigenden Rundmails umgehen?

  • ValarMorghulis1896
    Schlechtes Beispiel. Auch online-Händler gibts mehr als einen ;)
    "It is often said that before you die your life passes before your eyes. It is in fact true. It's called living." Terry Pratchett
    “I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?" Death thought about it. "CATS", he said eventually. "CATS ARE NICE.” Terry Pratchett
  • Blobsky
    Sry Blobs, stating right into my face that you want peace is like a slap in the face, after you texted me and Arkadius month ago your plans and plotts how we, UTE, should help you to destroy other guilds. Also in english forum could be seen old screenshots of chats, where you proudly stated how you helped "destroying" House Zar.

    The mask of the victim just doesnt fit you.

    There cant be peace, because you want your guild to be bestselling trading guild in Tamriel., and thats why you wanted to plott with us against TTG, not your cheap reasons of some advertisement. If you would have really problems with that kind of advertising, you wouldnt do it by yourself. But you will always find cheap excuses, to do it to against people which aren't involved in anything.

    Some weeks ago i contacted the former leader of Just Traders and asked him about some past stuff, and thats where also he stated, that you plotted against other guilds in Belkarth for your own benefits. There can't be peace, because that moment where this fake peace will be gained, you will start months later again to plott against others and try to start another war, and another and another.

    You are now just whining for peace, because you didn't expected so many this time to stand up against you and so many people seeing through your plotts and your fake personality.

    Till today you are stating, TTG had payed another guild to bid on you, till today its only hearsay without any proof. Till today you are stating, that someone stole you a guild, but even the former guild leader, who should know it best, has another view to that incident. You are spreading lies and crap about people, you are denouncing and defaming people for your own benefits.

    But let me tell you something: We can prove to anyone, that you were plotting against TTG, that you wanted that war very hard, and that you were aiming to destroy another guild, without bigger reasons. Also we didnt use you unfair kind of advertisement as reason to attack you or to start a war against you.

    At this moment I can see, that i was that fair, to delete some post of mine, just recognizing short after, that you in the end didnt apologize for spreading lies about us. You just apologized for thinking PVT would be an UTE guild. But should I tell you something else? Seemingly now you owe PVT the same apologize.

    Some days ago, you stated, that someone of your members has been told from an UTE officer to leave TTM - that never happened, after that you were stating here it has been PVT motd. What now? Who do you want to blame now?

    What will be the next lie?

    I'm looking forward to seeing what you'll make up about me now, your creativity on that is quite entertaining.

    'nuff said.

    (1) I did not 'plot against other guilds' - I asked UTE to help deal with a mutual problem that was mailing rosters in game. You said no, so I dealt with that problem myself. See (7) for proof

    (2) I helped both House zar AND Harrods with each other - I had friends in both guilds and both were at war. I am quite certain you can pull 2 year old screenshots of comments about EITHER guild, but both leaders were often informed that they should just take 1 spot each rather than the chaos. I informed zar of harrods bids and informed harrods leaders that they would be better off to negotiate a spot each rather than fight the same one. Heindrich will most certainly have 'proof' of me helping one side or the other, but the reality Is I helped both.

    (3) I don't care less whether I am best in the game or not, I want people to be able to trade happy on both sides. Peace with TTG was on one solid grounds - No mailing the TTM roster. They did, so I contacted UTE, UTE knew about it but refused to act, and so TTM fixed the issue themselves. TTM has shifted between rank 1 and 3 since we first went to Craglorn, with balances between Zar, AT, PVT, Casa de subastas, North tamriel trading company, Handelsgilde and TTG on many occasions.

    (4) More standing up to TTM literally changes nothing, it just gives more spots to defensively bid

    (5) I have never plotted against other guilds for my benefit. You can bring up dirt as you like, or pick single sentence screenshots out from the dust, but that is a fact.

    (6) Proof of TTG admitting to paying TAL to bid from LEGENDARYYYY, original leader of PVT - https://gyazo.com/d1959d1efef3bb6f7a3e3ce6018ba1e9

    (7) I have never 'plotted against TTG' - I can even show EMAIL evidence of sending UTE PROOF that TTG were mailing the UTE roster and that I was offering a mutual ground to work. Evidence of email to UTE leader (Un-named unless requested privately) https://gyazo.com/7a6a7c385b73df5a5f90bd411766bf4b

    (8) You may not have mailed my people, but TTG did, that is why everything started. Evidence from @Ahelt, IRL University friend. https://gyazo.com/0ec75076546394a1f6ead3dcd6a9aa7f

    None of that is 'made up' as much as you might want to believe that it is yourself. All of it is evidenced in this post.

    The only thing that you will ever 'believe' is that you won't want peace, so there won't be peace. Just 2 posts ago you said how 'it would be so much easier if you stayed on the orc, yet here you are outright stating you have no interest in allowing that, and THAT is the reason UTE is now pressured.

    I have stated it enough times that this stuff should be in whisper or teamspeak not the public forums, so that will be my last reply. If you wish to dig up false dirt then feel free, it is clear to me that you believe your own dust, so I will leave you in peace to pleasure them. Dig as you wish and I will continue to care for my guild, and you can try the same with yours, and when you see sense for the community you can talk to me in game. I won't be replying here again
    Edited by Blobsky on 3. August 2016 12:29
    Yt Channell: Blobsky

    DC EU Nightblade
    Owner of 'The Travelling Merchant' - Craglorn trade guild since near release!
  • Verbalinkontinenz
    (6) Proof of TTG admitting to paying TAL to bid from LEGENDARYYYY, original leader of PVT - https://gyazo.com/d1959d1efef3bb6f7a3e3ce6018ba1e9

    Sry, @Legendaryyy is GM of Akatosh and PVT, how can that be proof? He isn't GM of that guild we talk about or anybody of that people you accuse to have done that? Even I recognized in chats with you, that you have a high deficite in understanding irony/sarcasm. So where is the proof taking a sentence of one person out of the context, who isnt even TTG-Official.
    (8) You may not have mailed my people, but TTG did, that is why everything started. Evidence from @Ahelt, IRL University friend. https://gyazo.com/0ec75076546394a1f6ead3dcd6a9aa7f

    We allready told you, that also Heindrich did contact our topsellers over a year ago, it happened once or twice via normal Chat-Contact. Nothing more. He admitted it. Heindrich had another philosphy about that, and he always has been honest about that behaviour - he also never lied to us about that, thats why we back then blacklisted him in our guilds, because even if he proposed to us, that we also could do it in his guilds, if we want and he wont have ay problems with that, we didnt want to and stated clear, that its not our style. We discussed this out with @Heindrich normally, he accepted the blacklisting and everything was okay about that. We never had any argues about that.

    This is how you solve a dispute like mature people.

    And that's where it comes to you, after you mailed nearly whole tamriel, and i told you, I at least dont want to have that two second accs of you, which mailed all that guilds in my guild, but you can stay with your main account in my guild, you told me, you would leave JT because of that. Days later a member left my guild telling me, that I would be *** that I kicked you out of my guild.

    Now you still are screaming and whining about bad bad Heindrich, even though you spammed way harder as ever Hein did.

    And thats where it comes to (1)
    (1) I did not 'plot against other guilds' - I asked UTE to help deal with a mutual problem that was mailing rosters in game. You said no, so I dealt with that problem myself. See (7) for proof

    There never has been a real problem with Heindrich, but with you, making a small thing to a huge scandal and a huge guild war.
    Just 2 posts ago you said how 'it would be so much easier if you stayed on the orc, yet here you are outright stating you have no interest in allowing that, and THAT is the reason UTE is now pressured.

    Still you showed over weeks no interest in going back to your orc, you told on 31.07 you want peace, but tuesday morning showed nothing of that. Still you are not back on your orc and he could be gained for some little bucks again, while you wasted again millions over millions on another trader just to hit people, you even paid another proxy to not hit just one guild, but at least two. Yes, I bid with my guilds 2 weeks in row on "your" trader. First week was free, after i recognized there hasnt been any other guild bidding/competing on that trader, i tried it with another guild, but this time a bit more, since it might happen another guild might show interest in that. Still my bid that second week wasnt even high enough to fit in the bids which allready has been done that weeks, it hasnt been a belkarth-fight-bid.

    Edited by Verbalinkontinenz on 3. August 2016 12:41
  • Soldier224
    Man sollte wirklich mal aufhören diesen Kleinkrieg der zwischen zwei Parteien stattfindet, die unwichtiger nicht sein könnten und mich ansich 0 interessieren hier weiter breitzutreten. Denn es ist ziemlicher nonsense die Community damit zu belästigen die nicht in einer euren Gilden steckt.

    Also @Verbalinkontinenz nimm sein Angebot an, klärt es direkt. Andere Tipps zu Verhaltensweisen gegenüber Leuten die andere "terrorisieren" gabs bereits. Wobei genau das zu sehen ist, wenn ich mir das so durchlese, was ich mir schon gedacht habe dass es zwei Seiten gibt. Und momentan wüsste ich aus neutraler Sicht nicht wen ich lieber auf Ignor setzen täte. Wenngleich ich gerade von dir schon nicht ein positives Bild im Forum hatte. Und mir sind irgendwelche Fanbases denen ich hier auf die Füße trete so egal wie ein sack Reis in China der umgefallen ist.

    Natürlich kann ich nichts dagegen tun wenn ihr weiter euren Kleinkrieg nach Außen tragt und Zeni hats wohl längst aufgegeben gegen Namecalling und Co was zu tun aber vielleicht solltet ihr mal daran denken was für ein Bild ihr hier bei unbeteiligten von euch erstellt. Soviel kann ich euch sagen es ist kein gutes. Ihr solltet mal Leute in eure Gilde holen die einwenig Erfahrung in diplomatischen Dingen haben.
    Edited by Soldier224 on 3. August 2016 13:16
    Man muss realistisch sein - Neunfinger Logan (First Law Trilogy)
    RP Guide: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/de/discussion/431297/rp-guide-aus-persoenlicher-sicht-was-ist-rp
    Für alle Einbrecher Tamriels oder die die es werden wollen:
    https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/de/discussion/313750/diebestouren-guide-effektiver-diebstahl-in-teso (veraltet)
    Überblick über die Häuser der Dunmer (Enthält Interpretationen/Für Diskussionen offen):

  • Verbalinkontinenz
    Soldier224 schrieb: »
    Man sollte wirklich mal aufhören diesen Kleinkrieg der zwischen zwei Parteien stattfindet, die unwichtiger nicht sein könnten und mich ansich 0 interessieren hier weiter breitzutreten. Denn es ist ziemlicher nonsense die Community damit zu belästigen die nicht in einer euren Gilden steckt.

    Also @Verbalinkontinenz nimm sein Angebot an, klärt es direkt. Andere Tipps zu Verhaltensweisen gegenüber Leute die andere "terrorisieren" gabs bereits. Wobei genau das zu sehen ist, wenn ich mir das so durchlese, was ich mir schon gedacht habe dass es zwei Seiten gibt. Und momentan wüsste ich aus neutraler Sicht nicht wen ich lieber auf Ignor setzen täte. Wenngleich ich gerade von dir schon nicht ein positives Bild im Forum hatte. Und mir sind irgendwelche Fanbases denen ich hier auf die Füße trete so egal wie ein sack Reis in China der umgefallen ist.


    ich würd ja, aber er hat 2 tage nachdem er hier anfing über frieden zu jammern eine fakegilde auf meine geschickt. sieht doch wie gut das mit dem frieden geht. sein trader ist wieder frei und er attackiert lieber andere. was soll ich da machen.

  • Arkadius
    Soldier224 schrieb: »
    Man sollte wirklich mal aufhören diesen Kleinkrieg der zwischen zwei Parteien stattfindet, die unwichtiger nicht sein könnten und mich ansich 0 interessieren hier weiter breitzutreten. Denn es ist ziemlicher nonsense die Community damit zu belästigen die nicht in einer euren Gilden steckt.

    Also, ich handhabe das immer so: In Threads, die mich nicht interessieren, poste ich nicht.

  • Soldier224
    Arkadius schrieb: »
    Soldier224 schrieb: »
    Man sollte wirklich mal aufhören diesen Kleinkrieg der zwischen zwei Parteien stattfindet, die unwichtiger nicht sein könnten und mich ansich 0 interessieren hier weiter breitzutreten. Denn es ist ziemlicher nonsense die Community damit zu belästigen die nicht in einer euren Gilden steckt.

    Also, ich handhabe das immer so: In Threads, die mich nicht interessieren, poste ich nicht.

    Ich sagte eure Parteien interessieren mich nicht. Sie sind für das Spiel nicht notwendig und dessen Fanbase für mich irrelevant. Was das interessieren für diesen Thread betrifft.. es ist wie etwas das man nicht sehen will, seinen Blick aber nicht abwenden kann. Denn er zeigt doch eindringlich welche Personen man von Anfang an meiden sollte. Euren Threadnamen könnte man auch den Titel geben "Wie schade ich mir am besten selber". Der Sarkasmus ist zur Auflockerung gedacht.
    Edited by Soldier224 on 3. August 2016 13:34
    Man muss realistisch sein - Neunfinger Logan (First Law Trilogy)
    RP Guide: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/de/discussion/431297/rp-guide-aus-persoenlicher-sicht-was-ist-rp
    Für alle Einbrecher Tamriels oder die die es werden wollen:
    https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/de/discussion/313750/diebestouren-guide-effektiver-diebstahl-in-teso (veraltet)
    Überblick über die Häuser der Dunmer (Enthält Interpretationen/Für Diskussionen offen):

  • Grevier
    Arkadius schrieb: »
    Soldier224 schrieb: »
    Man sollte wirklich mal aufhören diesen Kleinkrieg der zwischen zwei Parteien stattfindet, die unwichtiger nicht sein könnten und mich ansich 0 interessieren hier weiter breitzutreten. Denn es ist ziemlicher nonsense die Community damit zu belästigen die nicht in einer euren Gilden steckt.

    Also, ich handhabe das immer so: In Threads, die mich nicht interessieren, poste ich nicht.

    Der Thread selbst ist ja schon sehr interessant, da es ursprünglich ja um ein durchaus wichtiges Thema ging. Mittlerweile driftet er aber in einen Kleinkrieg ab, der leider jede halbswegs brauchbare Diskussion zunichte macht.
    Plattform: PC
    Allianz: Aldmeri-Dominion
    Gilden: Legenden
    Chars: Grevier (NB) | Holly Newton (Sorc) | Holly Darwin (Temp) | Holly Schroedinger (DK) | Anrjel (StamSorc) Holly Heisenberg (MagTank)
  • Blobsky
    (6) Proof of TTG admitting to paying TAL to bid from LEGENDARYYYY, original leader of PVT - https://gyazo.com/d1959d1efef3bb6f7a3e3ce6018ba1e9

    Sry, @Legendaryyy is GM of Akatosh and PVT, how can that be proof? He isn't GM of that guild we talk about or anybody of that people you accuse to have done that? Even I recognized in chats with you, that you have a high deficite in understanding irony/sarcasm. So where is the proof taking a sentence of one person out of the context, who isnt even TTG-Official.
    (8) You may not have mailed my people, but TTG did, that is why everything started. Evidence from @Ahelt, IRL University friend. https://gyazo.com/0ec75076546394a1f6ead3dcd6a9aa7f

    We allready told you, that also Heindrich did contact our topsellers over a year ago, it happened once or twice via normal Chat-Contact. Nothing more. He admitted it. Heindrich had another philosphy about that, and he always has been honest about that behaviour - he also never lied to us about that, thats why we back then blacklisted him in our guilds, because even if he proposed to us, that we also could do it in his guilds, if we want and he wont have ay problems with that, we didnt want to and stated clear, that its not our style. We discussed this out with @Heindrich normally, he accepted the blacklisting and everything was okay about that. We never had any argues about that.

    This is how you solve a dispute like mature people.

    And that's where it comes to you, after you mailed nearly whole tamriel, and i told you, I at least dont want to have that two second accs of you, which mailed all that guilds in my guild, but you can stay with your main account in my guild, you told me, you would leave JT because of that. Days later a member left my guild telling me, that I would be *** that I kicked you out of my guild.

    Now you still are screaming and whining about bad bad Heindrich, even though you spammed way harder as ever Hein did.

    And thats where it comes to (1)
    (1) I did not 'plot against other guilds' - I asked UTE to help deal with a mutual problem that was mailing rosters in game. You said no, so I dealt with that problem myself. See (7) for proof

    There never has been a real problem with Heindrich, but with you, making a small thing to a huge scandal and a huge guild war.
    Just 2 posts ago you said how 'it would be so much easier if you stayed on the orc, yet here you are outright stating you have no interest in allowing that, and THAT is the reason UTE is now pressured.

    Still you showed over weeks no interest in going back to your orc, you told on 31.07 you want peace, but tuesday morning showed nothing of that. Still you are not back on your orc and he could be gained for some little bucks again, while you wasted again millions over millions on another trader just to hit people, you even paid another proxy to not hit just one guild, but at least two. Yes, I bid with my guilds 2 weeks in row on "your" trader. First week was free, after i recognized there hasnt been any other guild bidding/competing on that trader, i tried it with another guild, but this time a bit more, since it might happen another guild might show interest in that. Still my bid that second week wasnt even high enough to fit in the bids which allready has been done that weeks, it hasnt been a belkarth-fight-bid.

    (1) Legendaryyy told me this after a conversation with heindrich

    (2) Perhaps old for you with Heindrich mailing, but new for me. He was given many whispered warnings and continued, so the only response was to make intentions clear should he continue. He chose to continue mailing AND pay tal to bid us and so we responded accordingly. I spam those who oppose.

    (3) I haven't made a scandal at all - I have stated what is happening. He in turn made websites revealing in real life information about members of my guild, hate posts against me personally IN REAL LIFE

    (4) Consistently you say 'interest to go back to the orc' - I have also stated that I am no fool and am aware it is a risky spot until you decide you prefer guilds to be at peace rather than fighting against the community of eso.

    The reality is, I constantly provide the evidence you demand, and yet you pretend you never see it or falsify it. Once again I can state it clear. Talk to me in game, the forums is not the place for this. If you want peace, then I will go to the orc, and you can each keep your traders.

    Most of the people in this thread from what I understand of german are saying to 'take the offer and everyone can be happy' but you, like heindrich, have a personal grudge against me, as opposed to enjoying the game and caring for your community.

    I did not want to have to reply in the forums, but this reply from you was too ridiculous for me to not.

    For the record of other viewers; I am sorry you have to put up with this and hope you can continue your game. If replies come here rather than in game, it is clear to you as well as me that the only interest of UTE is drama as opposed to a strong community for ESO
    Edited by Blobsky on 3. August 2016 14:10
    Yt Channell: Blobsky

    DC EU Nightblade
    Owner of 'The Travelling Merchant' - Craglorn trade guild since near release!
  • Yaewinn
    Schlechtes Beispiel. Auch online-Händler gibts mehr als einen ;)

    Ich habe auch nicht von Onlinehändlern geschrieben sondern vom vergleichen der Preise. ;)

    Kaufst du beim MM, Saturn etc z.b. ne Gfx-Karte ohne dich vorher halbwegs über den aktuellen Kurs zu informieren?
    Oder um dir generell einen relativ günstigen Anbieter zu suchen?

    Optimal fand ich es bei DAoC gelöst. :)
  • ValarMorghulis1896
    Yaewinn schrieb: »
    Schlechtes Beispiel. Auch online-Händler gibts mehr als einen ;)

    Ich habe auch nicht von Onlinehändlern geschrieben sondern vom vergleichen der Preise. ;)

    Kaufst du beim MM, Saturn etc z.b. ne Gfx-Karte ohne dich vorher halbwegs über den aktuellen Kurs zu informieren?
    Oder um dir generell einen relativ günstigen Anbieter zu suchen?

    Optimal fand ich es bei DAoC gelöst. :)

    Ich versteh ja was du meinst, aber ich hab grad meinen Klugscheissertag (...oder zu viele Kommentare von einem gewissen Mituser gelesen :D ). Um dein Beispiel zu nehmen:
    Yaewinn schrieb: »
    Kaufst du beim MM, Saturn etc z.b. ne Gfx-Karte ohne dich vorher halbwegs über den aktuellen Kurs zu informieren?
    Dafür hast Du ja Master Merchant. Du guckst, was das Teil was du brauchst, so im Schnitt kostet, und kaufst es dann bei dem Gildenhändler, bei dem der Preis (idealerweise) darunter liegt.
    ...Aber lass uns das bei so einem ernsten Thread wie diesem nicht weiter vertiefen ;)

    "It is often said that before you die your life passes before your eyes. It is in fact true. It's called living." Terry Pratchett
    “I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?" Death thought about it. "CATS", he said eventually. "CATS ARE NICE.” Terry Pratchett
  • Arkadius
    Blobsky schrieb: »

    (4) Consistently you say 'interest to go back to the orc' - I have also stated that I am no fool and am aware it is a risky spot until you decide you prefer guilds to be at peace rather than fighting against the community of eso.


    For the record of other viewers; I am sorry you have to put up with this and hope you can continue your game. If replies come here rather than in game, it is clear to you as well as me that the only interest of UTE is drama as opposed to a strong community for ESO

    I'm so tired of hearing you talk on behalf of the ESO community. It wasn't us who outbid a regular trade guild with an empty proxy guild. That was your act of revenge that ruined the trading experience for that guilds members.
  • Blobsky
    Arkadius schrieb: »
    Blobsky schrieb: »

    (4) Consistently you say 'interest to go back to the orc' - I have also stated that I am no fool and am aware it is a risky spot until you decide you prefer guilds to be at peace rather than fighting against the community of eso.


    For the record of other viewers; I am sorry you have to put up with this and hope you can continue your game. If replies come here rather than in game, it is clear to you as well as me that the only interest of UTE is drama as opposed to a strong community for ESO

    I'm so tired of hearing you talk on behalf of the ESO community. It wasn't us who outbid a regular trade guild with an empty proxy guild. That was your act of revenge that ruined the trading experience for that guilds members.

    That 'regular' trade guild first chose to try and bid on TTM.
    That is 1 for 1, entirely fair.
    It is you who choose to continue to keep trading experiences for many of your guilds, and my guild, harder. Both sides suffer because you refuse to settle on an even balance.
    Edited by Blobsky on 3. August 2016 15:23
    Yt Channell: Blobsky

    DC EU Nightblade
    Owner of 'The Travelling Merchant' - Craglorn trade guild since near release!
  • Grevier
    Und spätestens jetzt wird das hier doch zum Kindergarten...
    Plattform: PC
    Allianz: Aldmeri-Dominion
    Gilden: Legenden
    Chars: Grevier (NB) | Holly Newton (Sorc) | Holly Darwin (Temp) | Holly Schroedinger (DK) | Anrjel (StamSorc) Holly Heisenberg (MagTank)
  • Arkadius
    Well, at least you admit it was just for your personal revenge.
  • Blobsky
    Arkadius schrieb: »
    Well, at least you admit it was just for your personal revenge.

    Of course, if your alliance can bid on me randomly as you please, bidding in return seems entirely fair.
    Yt Channell: Blobsky

    DC EU Nightblade
    Owner of 'The Travelling Merchant' - Craglorn trade guild since near release!
  • Verbalinkontinenz
    That 'regular' trade guild first chose to try and bid on TTM.

    its not true. u chose to change your spots every week and leave "your" spot, over and over again. i never expected u on orc back again, since you again and again are on other spots, also that week. i expected you that week to bid in rawl, like u did 3 weeks ago and u did this time again. how can u now talk about bidding on you, since there cant be bid on YOU, because u are hopping around like crazy. you even cant talk about "your" orc anymore, since you totally left it week for week again just to rampage against everyone and even involving pvt.

    Edited by Verbalinkontinenz on 3. August 2016 15:33
  • ValarMorghulis1896
    Blobsky schrieb: »
    That is 1 for 1, entirely fair.
    Sorry for meddling, but 'eye for an eye' or 'let em taste their own medicine' is never 'entirely fair', it's childish!

    "It is often said that before you die your life passes before your eyes. It is in fact true. It's called living." Terry Pratchett
    “I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?" Death thought about it. "CATS", he said eventually. "CATS ARE NICE.” Terry Pratchett
  • Blobsky
    That 'regular' trade guild first chose to try and bid on TTM.

    its not true. u chose to change your spots every week and leave "your" spot, over and over again. i never expected u on orc back again, since you again and again are on other spots, also that week. i expected you that week to bid in rawl, like u did 3 weeks ago and u did this time again. how can u now talk about bidding on you, since there cant be bid on YOU, because u are hopping around like crazy. you even cant talk about "your" orc anymore, since you totally left it week for week again just to rampage against everyone and even involving pvt.

    This is the fourth time to state it:

    'When you agree to peace, then I know stabilising on the orc safe to do. Until then it is risky to do.'

    You are yet to want peace, it doesn't matter how many times I say it, you just ignore that. If you continue the same reply I'm just going to quote this post.

    No need for me to jump when you want peace. Until you want peace risk must be avoided.
    Yt Channell: Blobsky

    DC EU Nightblade
    Owner of 'The Travelling Merchant' - Craglorn trade guild since near release!
  • Verbalinkontinenz
    'When you agree to peace, then I know stabilising on the orc safe to do. Until then it is risky to do.'

    this is jsut bulls. honey, u can see nearly every week that your orc is free. just go on there, place a good bid, shut up and stop whining.

    Edited by Verbalinkontinenz on 3. August 2016 15:41
  • Blobsky
    Blobsky schrieb: »
    That is 1 for 1, entirely fair.
    Sorry for meddling, but 'eye for an eye' or 'let em taste their own medicine' is never 'entirely fair', it's childish!

    Hey, I understand that, normally I would avoid it :) But in this situation the guild - which is allied with the guild that started war on TTM - chose to bid with them and work with them. My spot was not safe, so the best bidding decision was to bid on them directly. It was the safest, least obvious and best outcome for my guild after they stole my spot the week before.

    I don't choose war at all, read these posts - I have offered them peace probably 10 times now, but they prefer all eso guilds to lose spots... I don't really understand that
    Yt Channell: Blobsky

    DC EU Nightblade
    Owner of 'The Travelling Merchant' - Craglorn trade guild since near release!
  • Blobsky
    'When you agree to peace, then I know stabilising on the orc safe to do. Until then it is risky to do.'

    this is jsut bulls. honey, u can see nearly every week that your orc is free. just go on there, pleace a good bid, shut up and stop whining.

    So do you want peace? Yes or no, it is a simple answer. If yes, then I can talk to TTG as well to know the spot is secure and all guilds can be safe with traders for their communities. The trader has not been safe for a few weeks, one week we lost there, the other weeks a UTE guild has been on there. We wait until you agree it is safe

    Else I am bidding with the high risk of being spied and losing (after all, you already chose to mention you see all my bids)
    Edited by Blobsky on 3. August 2016 15:44
    Yt Channell: Blobsky

    DC EU Nightblade
    Owner of 'The Travelling Merchant' - Craglorn trade guild since near release!
  • Verbalinkontinenz
    ey, I understand that, normally I would avoid it :) But in this situation...

    and in every situation else...


  • Blobsky
    ey, I understand that, normally I would avoid it :) But in this situation...

    and in every situation else...



    Is that a yes or no?
    Yt Channell: Blobsky

    DC EU Nightblade
    Owner of 'The Travelling Merchant' - Craglorn trade guild since near release!
  • Verbalinkontinenz
    So do you want peace? Yes or no, it is a simple answer. If yes, then I can talk to TTG as well to know the spot is secure and all guilds can be safe with traders for their communities

    First talk with TTG. You wrongly accused them to have paid TAL, you made Videos about to not join "that guilds", you spread lies about Heindrich stealing "your guild" back then. He is the person who had mainly to suffer under your terror.
  • Blobsky
    So do you want peace? Yes or no, it is a simple answer. If yes, then I can talk to TTG as well to know the spot is secure and all guilds can be safe with traders for their communities

    First talk with TTG. You wrongly accused them to have paid TAL, you made Videos about to not join "that guilds", you spread lies about Heindrich stealing "your guild" back then. He is the person who had mainly to suffer under your terror.

    I did not wrongly accuse, it is a fact. Jasmin admitted it to my person there, and heindrich admitted it to PVT. If you are happy for peace, then I can try to talk to Heindrich - if he ever logs in this week.
    Yt Channell: Blobsky

    DC EU Nightblade
    Owner of 'The Travelling Merchant' - Craglorn trade guild since near release!
  • Verbalinkontinenz
    I did not wrongly accuse, it is a fact. Jasmin admitted it to my person there, and heindrich admitted it to PVT.

    I admit, i paid TAL.

    What now?

    Sry, just a joke, don't punish me.
  • Uranamor
    Traurig, anderen immer vorzugeben sein Zeug ausserhalb des Forums zu klären und lieber ingame, und selber sowas online in ein Forum bringen und das zu so nem Kleinkrieg eskalieren zu lassen...

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  • Arkadius
    I did not wrongly accuse, it is a fact. Jasmin admitted it to my person there, and heindrich admitted it to PVT.

    I admit, i paid TAL.

    What now?

    Sry, just a joke, don't punish me.

    That's not how it works. You can't admit you paid them. If ever, I'd have to admit you paid them. Or you'd have to admit I paid them. Got the point? ;)
  • Verbalinkontinenz
    Yes i got the point, you paid TAL, i admit it.
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