Maintenance for the week of June 3:
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance June 5, 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

[Incorrect Login Information] - (PLEASE READ IF HAVING THIS PROBLEM)

  • elsom23
    guys just face it they have messed up and doing nothing about it pass it along
  • Zilyana
    Just want some kind of response besides - Contact Customer Support. I HAVE contacted customer support, they haven't helped me AT ALL.
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • ZOS_AlexD
    @Zilyana. Please keep an eye on your inbox, we will send a PM shortly.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
    Staff Post
  • pdpqxs
    please pm me too
  • crimson66
    I have this issue as well, login on the websites are no issue but I cannot login to the game like the original poster.
  • vasos36_ESO
    how about the rest of us
  • Palefox
    i have contacted customer service 3 times. 2 emails and one call back. i havent been contacted and havent been able to log in for 3 days. this is awful customer service.
  • makeit234
    So... I was logged in yesterday... I can't login anymore... no customer support... I am mad... This is frustrating... I want to set a timed charge in the center of my computer I am so mad... what are you guys doing ESO? Having an April Fools pizza party?
  • Zilyana
    makeit234 wrote: »
    So... I was logged in yesterday... I can't login anymore... no customer support... I am mad... This is frustrating... I want to set a timed charge in the center of my computer I am so mad... what are you guys doing ESO? Having an April Fools pizza party?

    I can picture some nerd at ZOS sat behind the admin computer changing peoples account information and sniggering while eating a donut. Intricate visioning aside they said that they are working on it.
  • makeit234
    If it not fixed by 11:50 I am snoozing.
  • Zilyana
    I am going to ask if I'm entitled to some kind of compensation..2 and a half days of downtime now...
  • Firebat
    I am having this problem as of today as well (april 1st)
  • Zilyana
    It has been exactly 3 hours since I received administrative support from a ZOS admin. Still can't login and still no explanation for the problem... :\
  • Crefftwr
    I am having this issue as well. I can't say as to when it started as I have been at work for the last 14 hours, but I know I was playing fine last night at 1AM Central.

    I agree it is quite annoying that its the early release time we paid for we are missing out on. Bye bye PVP advantage XD

    Thank you for directing me here so quickly Zilyana. Wish customer support was as spry as you, lol. Literally a one minute response time. Guess you have nothing else to do with being locked out of your account.
    Edited by Crefftwr on April 2, 2014 4:17AM
  • shaun_nicholsrwb17_ESO
    I don't understand how they just cant undo what ever the hell they did to break us. its obviously something to do with the our early access codes being turned off when 3 day access turned on.
  • Zilyana
    Crefftwr wrote: »

    Thank you for directing me here so quickly Zilyana. Wish customer support was as spry as you, lol. Literally a one minute response time. Guess you have nothing else to do with being locked out of your account.

    Well I figure the more views and comments I get with my issue the bigger the priority ZOS gives it. I kind of want to play the game I payed $120 for :neutral_face:

  • Crefftwr
    First they take my pre-order digital bonuses, now they take my Pre-Release time. Seems someone at Zenimax hates me... Remind me why I pre-ordered Imperial Edition again?
  • Vyrthure
    Crefftwr wrote: »
    First they take my pre-order digital bonuses, now they take my Pre-Release time. Seems someone at Zenimax hates me... Remind me why I pre-ordered Imperial Edition again?

    For the white stallion.
  • Zilyana
    I bet it's fixed like 30 minutes before I start work...
  • chrisshawrocksthecasbahb16_ESO
    Well, my issue is fixed.

    Turns out for even mentioning gold farming my account was 'blocked'

    The conversation went all,

    Gold Farmer: BUY GOLD FROM ME I AM ***
    Me: nah brah, i want my moneys worth from the game i just spent 80 bucks on.

    Pretty much all I got was some *** apologetic email from them. Uhh, thanks but no thanks? Def not subbing now.

    Here's the support ticket from them:

    'After a review of the action taken against your account, we have reversed the action. We apologize for the inconvenience, and thank you for your patience. We do ask in the future that you avoid spamming public channels.'

    WOW. So I get this after I file a ticket? ME? I WAS SPAMMING CHAT? WHAT?! It's rare I ever even talk. I would like proof, but even still, bad taste left in mouth. Not cool.
    Edited by chrisshawrocksthecasbahb16_ESO on April 2, 2014 5:29AM
  • Zilyana
    @chrisshawrocksthecasbahb16_ESO‌ Well that is the dumbest thing I've ever known. I reported about 20+ gold sellers yesterday too so I wonder if I got blocked too...did you have the same incorrect information login issue? or were you just blocked?
  • shaun_nicholsrwb17_ESO
    hrrm I also commented about a gold farmers website sounding like a power rangers villain maybe I am banned too
  • makeit234
    I remember telling a gold seller to shut up before. Maybe that banned me.
  • Zilyana
    I would be so pissed off if everyone is just banned because they interacted with gold selling. But I never said any sly comment I just reported them.
  • chrisshawrocksthecasbahb16_ESO
    It was incorrect login for like, all day yesterday/a bit of the first day at night. lol.

    Thanks for the heads up, Zenimax. I recieved no email notifying me of this, and assumed it was an issue you were working on, on your end.

    so much for paying for 5 days early access. take the money and runnn!
  • Crefftwr
    I also reported 2 gold farmers yesterday. I really hope that is not the issue... I am really enjoying the game as a whole, but the sheer amount of issues I have had since launch have taken almost all of the pleasure out of it. I think I have spent more time in Customer Service Queues than I have the game. Yay that $20 early access ticket, huh?
  • Zilyana
    Nearly 3:00PM and it's not fixed...sigh...
  • JD_Douglas
    I've had this same issue several times now. First couple of times I considered I incorrectly entered my password. But after the 8th time its quite evident its a Server Side issue.
    "No One May Make You Feel Inferior Unless You Allow Them To Make You Feel Inferior." ~ E. Roosevelt

    "Artificial Intelligence is No Match for Natural Stupidity." ~A. Einstein

  • Zilyana
    Oh well. All we can do is wait.
  • Finklenut
    My story

    Logged in yesterday with my 3 day early access, played about 2 hrs, got kicked when they did the server update/reset/borkingtonnes. I have not been able to log in since.. 201 error, my PW is correct as I can log in to my account via webpage. And it is my day off. last night was my night when I didn't have to go to bed at 9pm to get up for work at 3am. So as you can imagine I was looking forward to some gaming. but then ESO decided to mess with me,(and others, many maybe) and after making a dozen plus requests for tech support, and getting no answer's I've decided to write a song instead of being annoyed by this lack of concern from the tech support, My piano awaits.....

    Would really like to play the game I paid for though, seems kinda unfair to take my monies and not provide me with the service as promised in your e-mails,advertising, twittering's, faceborkings and other associated media.

    Compensating isn't an option IMO as stated in this thread and others I've read, you can't reinstate the servers and give us 3/5 days of early access back.

    So to sum up

    2.Good pvp ideas/ new kind of interface/end of grind?-jury out
    3. Customer service?-fail

    I think something in C-minor
    C-Minors a very sad key

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