Error Code 301:3:1:1229:90098 since crash over an hour ago

  • ShadowDarkwalker
    If it helps people to understand further ... in my case, I was actually playing the game and had just sold a couple of low level recipes while talking to a friend. After the trade concluded, I ran around for maybe 10-15 seconds and went to jump on a box when all of a sudden, the game just crashed and I had to fill out another crash report. CTD'd doesnt happen to me very often so as usual, I just filled out the report describing what I was doing and submitted it. When I tried to log in, the Error 301 started happening. This was Monday night ~10:00 pm EST.

    So I cant really say what happened at that particular point in time that caused me to crash, but whatever it was, is what triggered the Error 301 event. Obviously, I have not been able to log back in since that time.
    May the darkness guide you ......
  • JKwervo
    ZOS wants to lose customers. Apparently. Pathetic Tech support they have.
  • Akuydab14_ESO
    Is this Elder Scrolls game very good? What do people think of it? I wouldn't know, because I still can't log in.
  • Kosar
    JKwervo wrote: »
    ZOS wants to lose customers. Apparently. Pathetic Tech support they have.

    You let us all know yesterday in this thread that you unsubbed...why are you still here? like every few posts is you crying...which really isn't helping anyone. go for a walk, watch comedy central, write a poem... one of those things will get your teen angst out, mr. caulfield...err, JKwervo. its just a game...
    Is this Elder Scrolls game very good? What do people think of it? I wouldn't know, because I still can't log in.

    and this guy...its been out almost 60 days and you have been locked out? and you can't find any information on it at all? my god man, move on. seriously, i'm patiently waiting to get in but i don't have 60 days of patience you have. can you teach your calm ways to people like JKwervo?
  • tino.antoninieb17_ESO
    i have problem logging into the game. I had lot of problems with graphic ( every 20 minutes crash ) till recent hotfix ( problems occurred after patch 1.1.2 ) and since than i didn't have any significant problems. Since yesterday afternoon i am receiving error code 301:3:1:1229:90098. I was in Craglorn and running anomaly. In one moment i just get kick from server and when i tried to log in i got that error.
    Tried everything i could found on the forums but i have no luck. Just for the record i cant log in for last 18 hours.
    If u have any idea how i could solve this issue please say so :)
    Edited by tino.antoninieb17_ESO on May 28, 2014 10:03AM
  • Ryfe
    Just for Information, i wa slogging out normally. No problems with it. No black screen or something else. everything went normal but i still got failure 301..
  • Styxica
    Soul Shriven
    So I have now the same issue:
    Yesterday at about 11pm (GMT+1) ESO crashed, an error has ocurred and i submitted this automatically.
    Since then I'm not able to login again... It shows "Error 301 (3:1:1229:900098) Unable to connect to server..."
    I hope they fix that ASAP - it's really annoying :s
  • lightbenderpreub18_ESO
    Exact same thing here. Crashed last night and haven't been able to log in since. Getting the same timeout & error as everyone else. :(
  • thomaswinkworthb16_ESO
    OK, so I was in Cyrodil before patch and have been in Cyrodil since patch. I have not left once. I have had no problems. I decided to go to Deshann just now to craft a set but had an infinite loading screen. So I exited out of ESO and now I am getting this Error.
  • Druzinn
    Yes. Yes. Join us! The more of you who get sucked into our "301 cannot login" hole the more likely it is they will realize the problem is on their end and needs to be fixed. Support response along the lines of "try logging out" and "have you signed the Terms of Service?" on day 4 of being unable to log in just don't cut it.

    Or maybe they want to balance server load by encouraging people to unsubscribe. Either way resolution will be achieved. It is just a question of how and will they still have enough paying customers to continue service when the dust settles.
  • ShadowDarkwalker
    JKwervo wrote: »
    ZOS wants to lose customers. Apparently. Pathetic Tech support they have.

    You let us all know yesterday in this thread that you unsubbed...why are you still here? like every few posts is you crying...which really isn't helping anyone. go for a walk, watch comedy central, write a poem... one of those things will get your teen angst out, mr. caulfield...err, JKwervo. its just a game...
    Is this Elder Scrolls game very good? What do people think of it? I wouldn't know, because I still can't log in.

    and this guy...its been out almost 60 days and you have been locked out? and you can't find any information on it at all? my god man, move on. seriously, i'm patiently waiting to get in but i don't have 60 days of patience you have. can you teach your calm ways to people like JKwervo?

    This doesnt help things either man, all your doing is picking fights. You will never convince others to think the exact same way as you do, so stop smashing your head against the wall, voicing your opinion on how everyone should act.

    These forums are monitored so if someone gets out of line, trust me, they will be notified.

    "And now for something entirely different!!" (back on topic, I mean ...)

    I see theyve brought the account page down. I wonder if it has anything to do with the aforementioned ToS everyone is supposed to sign. I really cannot see how this would have anything to do with a connection issue but at this point, Id give anything a try once (that doesnt have to do with my end, as I can 100% rule that out).

    Ive also been wondering if its some sort of population issue. Are there too many people on a server at the same time, which would cause some sort of random ejections, which would further cause our toons to be caught in some sort of "limbo" (due to being improperly logged out), which would cause us to be somehow still "logged in" despite not being actually in the game?

    I hate having too much time on my hands (di di di di di di too much time on myyy hands ... oh cmon, you know the song!!), it makes me think ... and then I get a headache ... :s
    Edited by ShadowDarkwalker on May 28, 2014 4:33PM
    May the darkness guide you ......
  • egosumacunnus
    I have downloaded the NA server version and am playing on that, which is really annoying but better than not playing. One of my characters is like a support character for the others, fun to play but has lots of skills in the profession trees which is ace till you can't use him and your back to wearing crap for armour and weapons :(
    If real life had a block function i would go out more.

    Proud to have spent a year paying to BETA test ESO for consoles.

    Error Code 301
  • JKwervo
    JKwervo wrote: »
    ZOS wants to lose customers. Apparently. Pathetic Tech support they have.

    You let us all know yesterday in this thread that you unsubbed...why are you still here? like every few posts is you crying...which really isn't helping anyone. go for a walk, watch comedy central, write a poem... one of those things will get your teen angst out, mr. caulfield...err, JKwervo. its just a game...
    Is this Elder Scrolls game very good? What do people think of it? I wouldn't know, because I still can't log in.

    and this guy...its been out almost 60 days and you have been locked out? and you can't find any information on it at all? my god man, move on. seriously, i'm patiently waiting to get in but i don't have 60 days of patience you have. can you teach your calm ways to people like JKwervo?

    I'm expressing my opinion and distaste. But hey, I only have 9 more days! Just ignore me. It's not that big of a deal. :D Have a nice day. :D
  • lightbenderpreub18_ESO
    Something else I noticed - if you try to log in with the wrong password it will respond with an error - so some semblance of authentication is happening, but we aren't being handed off to the realm server.
  • tino.antoninieb17_ESO
    Once we eventually succeed to log in considering that we created such tight community i suggest to start guild " Ghosts" - We were lost and forgotten ...
  • ShadowDarkwalker
    Once we eventually succeed to log in considering that we created such tight community i suggest to start guild " Ghosts" - We were lost and forgotten ...

    Nah, "The 301'rs". We are the ones left behind to troll the forums .... until we can log in at least heh.
    May the darkness guide you ......
  • Sihnfahl
    but we aren't being handed off to the realm server.
    Yes, as you can DL the client for the other megaserver and log in fine. Create a character, play through the Cells, etc.

    So it's definitely something in our stored profiles on the megaserver, not the login server, that's not allowing us to continue.
  • Jayster
    Started May 26th. Currently May 28th and waiting...
  • JKwervo
    This is ridiculous.
  • egosumacunnus
    Hopefully the reboot tonight will sort it.

    If anyone is feeling starved of trolling opportunities i sense this thread may provide some amusement, although it totally depends on the amount of DEV alts.
    ESO Poster Collection

    Also i don't know if anyone else has mentioned this but someone somewhere programmed the server to return a 301 error if certain conditions where met, those certain conditions being the problem. How can they not know what the problem is..
    Edited by egosumacunnus on May 29, 2014 4:34PM
    If real life had a block function i would go out more.

    Proud to have spent a year paying to BETA test ESO for consoles.

    Error Code 301
  • Curwen
    Soul Shriven
    Had a random crash yesterday while I was roleplaying and since then I get this error. Please fix it, Zenimax. It is really really annoying.
  • Ryfe
    Ryfe wrote: »
    So as stated on the German Board by ZOS_KaiShober
    das Problem für den Fehler 301 wurde gefunden und wir arbeiten an einer Korrektur. Leider ist es ein komplexerer Fix, der sich nicht im Hintergrund aufspielen lässt und der auch nicht rechtzeitig für den Wartung morgen früh fertig wird.
    Der Server-Neustart morgen sollte das Problem aber zumindest vorübergehend lösen, bis wir hoffentlich nächste Woche die endgültige Korrektur aufspielen können.

    He is stating that they finally found a fix for the error 301. But due to a cpmplicated error it will take some time (approx next week) till the fix is ready. For implementing the fix the servers had to shut down so it will likely come on maintenance somewhat next week.
  • filc
    Soul Shriven
    ZOS enuf is enuf.

    If I can't log in to the game after friday patch, I'm canceling my sub.

    Simple as that
  • Asava
    It took them over 4 days to reboot their servers so that I could log in after time out/301 bugs. It sure didn't take me that long to unsub.
  • Jayster
    Back in the game. Fixed the issue I was having and I can now play. Going back to in game:D
  • xTAKISx
    Can't login for second time since patch and I cannot get customer service to give me a refund. I am paid up for 107 more days and i would like a refund. If there is a mod reading this can you plz tell this fictitious escalation department to give me a call, I would like my refund plz.
  • Zershar_Vemod
    Just got another error now, 328..
    House Nyssara (NA)
    Black Market Traders
    Order of the Lamp Post
    Thorn Brigade
    VR15 Nightblade Vampire
  • NaturesCorruption
    xTAKISx wrote: »
    Can't login for second time since patch and I cannot get customer service to give me a refund. I am paid up for 107 more days and i would like a refund. If there is a mod reading this can you plz tell this fictitious escalation department to give me a call, I would like my refund plz.
    Ever think it could be a downed server?
  • Pyr0xyrecuprotite
    NA client, my game crashed out to login screen with "not authorised on this realm" message around 10pm EDT (May 29), and is now giving me the 301 error. I suspect the authentication server crashed. This is probably NOT the same error that the original poster reported, which appears to be chronic for him and others. But ouch. That said, I get this type of problem only once a month or so, if/when there is a server crash.
  • xTAKISx
    xTAKISx wrote: »
    Can't login for second time since patch and I cannot get customer service to give me a refund. I am paid up for 107 more days and i would like a refund. If there is a mod reading this can you plz tell this fictitious escalation department to give me a call, I would like my refund plz.
    Ever think it could be a downed server?

    It happened at 3pm est. And plz stop defending this corporate entity, you owe them nothing.
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