- Fixed an issue where the Maelstrom Arena’s Destruction Staff would not reliably increase the damage of Light and Heavy Attacks against targets in the Wall of Elements.
dwemer_paleologist wrote: »
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »[*]This ability and its morphs now also remove their bonuses whenever you cast a friendly ability on an ally, as well as a damaging ability on an enemy.
Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"
James-Wayne wrote: »@ZOS_GinaBruno I know its been said in the past due to the console crowd that we dont get skill resets anymore but due to the large amount of changes can we please get a free choice to reset skills? Or perhaps lower the cost of resets for a time on launch?
Sorry to be another one adding to the infinite line of questions, but is there any word on scaling of old Trials/vDSA or at least the weekly rewards to v16, @ZOS_GinaBruno? I was under the impression some changes to that were considered for this patch, was I mistaken?
olivaresdonjuan wrote: »The age of NBs is over, the time of the DKs has come.
Overall some nice changes. Good to see you did regard community feedbacks. Though there is still a lot that's needs to be done, I guess this is a good start.
Joy_Division wrote: »Will test this out later.
Two questions.
1. Brian Wheeler mentioned we would be able to remove home/guest campaign for the Alliance war and remove cross Alliance Restrictions for home/guest considerations. Are these still happening? Did I miss them in the notes?
2. Confused by the changes to sorcerer pets:
Am I understanding this correctly in that if I summon a pet and then switch my weapon ... it unsummons? I think this defeats the point of making it untoggleable.
You know ZOS, the changes to radial sweep and radiant ward werent significant enough to make people use them right? Kinda pointless. Also, why can NBs purge projectiles and ults with cloak still, but purifying ritual doesnt purge anything in a similar manner now? I applaud BoL nerf even though I want to use it, and still think it will be just as strong and overused.
Can stamina builds please get some love soon? It seems everything is always magicka focused.