PTS Patch Notes v2.3.0

Maintenance for the week of March 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 17
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
We will be performing maintenance on the PTS on Tuesday at 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC).
  • zerosingularity

    • Fixed an issue where the Maelstrom Arena’s Destruction Staff would not reliably increase the damage of Light and Heavy Attacks against targets in the Wall of Elements.

    After initial testing on the PTS, this does not appear to be fixed at all. Virtually no change from live. I am testing using LUI combat log AND the new SCT that got added.

    Kaineth - Stamina Nightblade (Weakest Player Ever!)
    Elena Stormwood - Magicka Sorcerer (vMA no Death 12/21/15 Score 401148)
    Sheila Feyrondas - Magicka Dragonknight Tank (Frost staves are gonna be fun!)

    *Disclaimer* I fail at emotional communication, so assume what I say is NOT meant to be offensive.
  • Sav72
    Great work ZEN.

    Note in future patches,

    Detect pots should not be able to detect shadow cloak, or give us shield breaker potions.
    Savoifair, EP NB

    If you break something, you can glue it back together and fix it, but, it will always be broken...

  • jowww97
    Scrolling Combat Text (SCT) for consoles too? @ZOS_GinaBruno
    Ps4 player
  • Tankqull

    i am very pissed off about this
    [*]This ability and its morphs now also remove their bonuses whenever you cast a friendly ability on an ally, as well as a damaging ability on an enemy.

    this is even worse...
    spelling and grammar errors are free to be abused

    Sallington wrote: »
    Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"

  • Slylok
    @ZOS_GinaBruno I know its been said in the past due to the console crowd that we dont get skill resets anymore but due to the large amount of changes can we please get a free choice to reset skills? Or perhaps lower the cost of resets for a time on launch?

    Why not give players a free stat and skill respec scroll?
    Youtube ESO First Person Gameplay -

    Twitter - SlylokYoutube

    Google+ - Slylok
  • DatNutrient
    What do you guys mean by "We will be supplying three templates (one for each alliance)...."

    So we get 3 V16 characters and 300cp?

    So confused by this portion
    Stormproof 1/7/16
    V16 Magicka Templar
    V16 DK Tank
    V16 Stam Nightblade
    V16 Sorcerer
    V13 Stamplar

    PS4 Player
  • acw37162
    With respect to the ton of work everyone put in and as a very preliminary response.

    I have the following response;


    Edit; For the base game patch notes and balance changes
    Edited by acw37162 on February 4, 2016 12:48AM
  • ZOS_Finn
    Dungeon, Encounter
    & Monster Lead
    Magdalina wrote: »
    Sorry to be another one adding to the infinite line of questions, but is there any word on scaling of old Trials/vDSA or at least the weekly rewards to v16, @ZOS_GinaBruno? I was under the impression some changes to that were considered for this patch, was I mistaken?

    I can speak to this. We are working on getting the ability to scale trials and DSA but that is not in this patch and we do not have any other solid information other than it is something we want to do and are actively persuing it. The Weekly reward for Trial of the week will be VR16 versions of the new sets from Maw of Lorkhaj.

    Lead Encounter Designer (Dungeons, Monsters, Encounters)
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    jowww97 wrote: »
    Scrolling Combat Text (SCT) for consoles too? @ZOS_GinaBruno

    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Infinite12
    @ZOS_GinaBruno any news on group bind for monster helms?
    My Characters
    Ragnhild VR16 Nord DK I 2h/Bow (PVP) or 2h/Dual Wield (PVE)
    Nakothre VR7 Khajiit I Dual Wield/2H (PVP)
    Infinitesmo VR16 Imperial NB I 2h/Bow (PVP)

    Tip: If you don't like funerals don't kick sand in a ninja's face
  • AverageJo3Gam3r
    SneaK wrote: »
    Whats you all's deal with Wall of Elements............

    DK Firemage with Maelstrom Destro Staff new OP FOTM.

    And no reflecting Meteors??? Very odd change.

    Non reflectable meteors is for Zerg busting. Now I can throw one into a Zerg without worry that I'll hit a DK with wings up.
    Awesome changes! Will we get our CP's refunded due to the CP changes? Not sure if answered already.

    Bring back my Skoria.
    Stats - Highest DPS DK in Tamriel.
    Twitch: IITHEOPII
    Youtube: IITHEOPII
    Twitter: IITHEOPII
  • Kadoozy
    You know ZOS, the changes to radial sweep and radiant ward werent significant enough to make people use them right? Kinda pointless. Also, why can NBs purge projectiles and ults with cloak still, but purifying ritual doesnt purge anything in a similar manner now? I applaud BoL nerf even though I want to use it, and still think it will be just as strong and overused.

    Can stamina builds please get some love soon? It seems everything is always magicka focused.
  • RoyJade
    Cloak won't purge negative effet, it will prevent monotarget projectile and targetted-dot effect. Actually, meteor is a negative effect, so Nb shouldn't be able to "purge" it, they will take these meteor with full power like everyone. I hope. We need testing.
    Edited by RoyJade on February 4, 2016 1:18AM
  • DatNutrient
    What are you guys referring to with the 3 VR16 templates for each alliance and 300cp when the update drops?
    Stormproof 1/7/16
    V16 Magicka Templar
    V16 DK Tank
    V16 Stam Nightblade
    V16 Sorcerer
    V13 Stamplar

    PS4 Player
  • dylanjaygrobbelaarb16_ESO
    Lots of things I like. Im glad to have a non cp campaign, PLEASE revert the 50%damage and shield nerf for this campaign so that it isnt a flop. you cant simply take out cp and leave the damage and shield reduction the way it is.
  • LizardThixvim
    These are by far the best patch notes I have seen for ESO in a long long long long long time very good work Zenimax <3<3<3
  • jowww97


    omg. this is awesome!!! cant wait for this
    Ps4 player
  • Jofish
    "Salvage"... it's "scholarly salvage"... murmur..;)
  • Alabyn
    So good to Mac users. I've not seen an NPC talk in years. Thanks!
  • ShadowHvo
    Ow, no buffs to Leeching Strike's % in Health returned.. Oh well.
    Nighren - The Shadow Striker
    Leader of Bloodlines
    -- EU --

    Want to roleplay in elder scrolls online? Check out
  • olivaresdonjuan
    The age of NBs is over, the time of the DKs has come.
  • Volkodav
    Gina wrote:
    "Saving Progress in Veteran Maelstrom Arena
    Your progress will now be saved between Veteran Maelstrom Arena sessions!"
    I am so grateful for this.Not for me,but for all those poor players who try so very hard to win through it,and just get tired,or have RL interfere with them during their progress!
    So damn cool!
    Thank you,Devs!
  • Spottswoode
    The age of NBs is over, the time of the DKs has come.


    Some of these changes are pretty dramatic...hmm...
    Proud Player of The Elder Bank Screen Online.
    My khajiit loves his moon sugar.
    Steam Profile
    Libertas est periculosum. Liberum cogitandi est haeresis. Ergo, et ego terroristis.
    Current main PC build:
    i7 3770 (Not overclocking currently.)
    MSI Gaming X GTX 1070
    32gb RAM

    GTX 1060
    16gb RAM

    Secondary build:
    i3 2330
    GTX 660
    8gb RAM
  • Volkodav
    Wollust wrote: »
    Overall some nice changes. Good to see you did regard community feedbacks. Though there is still a lot that's needs to be done, I guess this is a good start.

    Jeez,dont be so nice,will ya?
    This is a lot more than a "good start".This addressed a whole lot of things the players wanted either fixed or implemented.A whole lot.It's waaay more than just a good start.
    Thank you,Devs for all of this,even with the nerf bits to us Stam builds. My Stamblade will work with it! :}
  • Dan_Fazzyub17_ESO
    RIP competitive group play.
    You were fun while you lasted.

    MAGICKA DK THOUGH. :smile:
    Kirin Blaze - Ebonheart Pact - Imperial Dragonknight
    Kïrïn Bläzë - Daggerfall Covenant - Imperial Dragonknight
    Kìrín Blàzé - Aldmeri Dominion - Imperial Dragonknight
    Vehemence - Omni - COMBUSTION
  • Volkodav
    Will test this out later.

    Two questions.

    1. Brian Wheeler mentioned we would be able to remove home/guest campaign for the Alliance war and remove cross Alliance Restrictions for home/guest considerations. Are these still happening? Did I miss them in the notes?

    2. Confused by the changes to sorcerer pets:

    Am I understanding this correctly in that if I summon a pet and then switch my weapon ... it unsummons? I think this defeats the point of making it untoggleable.

    Uhoh,that's not good.Having to cast to use your pet?/ Like throwing a spell? How long will they stay with you then?They are supposed to be with you unless you toggle them off.This wont please Sorcerers.
  • Aquanova
    Damn i can't wait to get off work :p
  • Volkodav
    Kadoozy wrote: »
    You know ZOS, the changes to radial sweep and radiant ward werent significant enough to make people use them right? Kinda pointless. Also, why can NBs purge projectiles and ults with cloak still, but purifying ritual doesnt purge anything in a similar manner now? I applaud BoL nerf even though I want to use it, and still think it will be just as strong and overused.

    Can stamina builds please get some love soon? It seems everything is always magicka focused.

    We Stams did get some love,although it is bad love.Seems we got nerfed a bit.
    I dont mind though,as adaptation is all it will take to recoup.
  • mistermutiny89
    Poor Templars! Hit with the nerf stick again! Hahaha. *shakes head profusely*.

    Really excited about the champion point perk changes though.
    Guild Leader : Defenders Of Miley
    XB1 EU
    EP | VR16 Breton NB -mistermutiny
    AD | VR16 Dunmer DK - Grigori
    AD | VR16 Altmer Sorcerer - Isvoleet
    AD | VR16 Imperial DK - Leonidas
    AD | VR16 Bosmer NB - Hood
    AD | VR16 Breton Templar - Dante
    AD | VR16 Redguard Sorcerer - Raiden
    AD | VR7 Khajiit Templar - Ike'ilyew
    DC | 160 Breton NB - Vergil

    "Hmmm... Very convincing.. Does the illusion apply to.. Everywhere? Perhaps this one should have a moment alone in private to double check" - Razum'Dar
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