Indecent Exposure achievement works as long as all 7/7 items you are wearing at the time a Guard accosts you are stolen. They do not have to be the new every day clothing like Cuffed Boots and what not. Even the no value Armor items added a while back to the loot table works, it just has to still be marked stolen.
Very good to know. I unlocked it with my first Pickpocket. Also, the Safeboxes in Towns act exactly like regular Chest out in Tamriel. They give the 915 XP (which helps level abilities and the Champion System) plus Gold and loot, the loot just happens to be flagged stolen ofc.driosketch wrote: »FYI, you can apparently unlock this skill line by lockpicking a regular treasure chest.
Legerdemain is the new skill line dedicated to those of us who wish to live in the shadows. You access this skill tree by successfully committing your first crime or Lockpicking a Chest. I did it by Pickpocketing an NPC (not all are able to be Pickpocketed). I had a 30% chance of success and bam, 'gained the Legerdemain skillline' popped up. The item was flagged as stolen in my inventory so I checked my map and sure enough there was a new icon on it (Trident, see below). I headed over and went into an underground lair of sorts with many vendors, a Guild Kiosk and some Vampires.Legerdemain Passives
- Improved Hiding 0/4: Reduces the Stamina cost of Sneaking by 10%.
- Light Fingers 0/4: Increases your chance of successfully Pickpocketing by 10%.
- Trafficker 0/4: Increases the number of fence interactions you can use each day by 120%/140%/?/?. [50/110/120/130?/140?]
- Locksmith 0/4: Improves you chances of forcing locks by 10%.
- Kickback 0/4: Reduces counties you willingly pay to guards and fences by 10%.
It's gonna take a ton of SP to invest heavily in this tree but I cannot wait to play with it on live. You advance level in the tree by fencing goods, Pickpocketing or picking locks and gaining Achievements within the Justice System at roughly 1 point per. Hope this info helps. Also Sneaking has a new graphic, kinda looks more sneaky to me.Achievements associated with the Justice System
- Ill-Gotten Gains 5/15/50 pts: Earn 1K/100K/1M Gold Fencing stolen goods.
- Cut and Run 5/15 pts: Successfully escape a Guard after choosing Flee 1/100 times.
- Home Trespasser 5/10/15 pts: Successfully pick locked doors 1/50/100 times.
- Discriminating Plunderer 10 pts: Steal an item of Superior quality (Blue).
- Safebox Pilferer 5/10/15 pts: Break into and loot Safeboxes 1/10/100 times.
- Discerning Pilferer 5 pts: Steal an item of Fine quality (Green).
- Pocket Picker 5/10/15 pts: Successfully Pickpocket citizens 1/100/1000 times.
- Felonious Recompense 15 pts: Pay 100K to the Fence -OR- Pay 100K gold to the Guards to clear criminal record.
- Loot Cleaner 5/10/15 pts: Spend 100/1000/10K gold to Launder stolen goods.
- Make Amends 15 pts: Pay a 1 time bounty of 1K gold or more.
- Murderer 5/5/5 pts: Kill 1/50/100 Citizens.
- Grand Larcenist 5 pts: Steal an item of Epic quality (Purple).
- Disrobed Discipline 5 pts: A Guard repossess an article of stolen clothing that you are wearing.
- Indecent Exposure 10 pts: A Guard repossess stolen clothing from all you armor slots at the same time.
Legerdemain Levels
- Level 1 = 40 points.
- Level 2 = 60 Points
- Level 3 = 80 Points
- Level 4 = 100 Points
- Level 5 = 120 Points
- Level 6 = 140 points
- Level 7 = 160 points
- Level 8 = 180 points
- Level 9 =
- Level 10 =
- Level 11 =
- Level 12 =
- Level 13 =
- ??? (I know it goes to at least 13, working on leveling it to see just how high)
ProTip: Loot only Green/Blue/Purple items to Fence and Launder all the cheap White stuff to your cap each day. This will level Legerdemain the fastest while making you the most Gold possible.
EDIT: The new "safeboxes" that are placed close to NPC's have quite valuable items in them for the risk that you then sell to the local fence.
EDIT2: Check out @angelyn's post HERE that is detailing all the various goodies you get while Thieving.[img][/img]
Alright I checked again just to make sure and here's the results via Laundering:Does laundering an item level your legerdemain skill? I didn't realize it did.
Otherwise wouldn't it be better to just toss the white items since they net lose you money?
Alright I checked again just to make sure and here's the results via Laundering:
Daedra Heart = 1 pt increase
Kwama Egg Quiche Recipe (Green) = 1 pt increase
Orcish Ledger of Significant Grudges (Blue) = 1 pt increase
Fish = 1 pt increase
Ginger (2) = 2 pt increase
I stole everything from every container and ended up with 1 Blue, 1 Green and a ton of White items including Provision ingredients. I'm half way through Level 8 and everything Laundered gave 1 pt increase, per item. So for now I'll stick with my original tip, Fence Green/Blue/Purple items and Launder White items until your daily limit each day while still leveling Legerdemain.
Yeah I'm already having to rethink how I'm pointing things for 1.6 because there's at least 12 points I want in Legerdemain and my main with 275 SP just doesn't have any left because I Tank/Heal/DPS and PvP + maxed Crafter lol.PlagueMonk wrote: »Soooo, Zenimax promised when they added new skill lines, they would also provide us with more ways to earn SPs. I'm not seeing that in 1.6.
yet another broken promise made to us.
Value of the item up to including Epic stolen items still only nets you an increase of 1 whether you Fence or Launder said items. The cost is the Laundering part. If you Launder an item it costs more than what you will be able to turn around and vendor it for. That's why Laundering only White items (until your daily cap) is worth it while leveling Legerdemain. At some point you may only want to steal Blue/Purple items as they sell for higher values than Green and you may be limited on daily Fences.I am not sure of the comment that it is a financial loss as it cost me nothing to loot it. Does anyone know if the value level of the item changes the skill line increase?
I had another thought about this and why not place a single Skyshard in each of the Outlaws Refuge's. That'd add 16 additional Skyshards to the game (5 Skill Points +1/3 for the next). That wouldn't cover everything in the Legerdemain tree but it a reasonable addition. Can we get a 'possible' on this @ZOS_GinaBruno?PlagueMonk wrote: »Soooo, Zenimax promised when they added new skill lines, they would also provide us with more ways to earn SPs. I'm not seeing that in 1.6.
yet another broken promise made to us.
Yeah I'm already having to rethink how I'm pointing things for 1.6 because there's at least 12 points I want in Legerdemain and my main with 275 SP just doesn't have any left because I Tank/Heal/DPS and PvP + maxed Crafter lol.
I had thought the very same thing on increasing difficulty for Locks/Pickpockets but didn't verify the numbers, thanks for that. It also seems in Craglorn I get 2 per chest I pick versus the standard 1 in other Zones (open World Chests not Safeboxes). I just hit Level 11 Legerdemain and I'm pretty sure you're are correct on 20 being the max. I will adjust the OP to reflect your new information, thanks.I have more info.
Pickpocketing skill points go up for medium and hard tragets.
You get 1 skill point for easy, 2 for medium, and 4 for hard.
It's the same for simple, intermediate, and advanced locks.
Also, the third point in light fingers is 35% so that makes Easy targets above 100% on all 3 attempts.
Also you can only pick a targets pocket 3 times with decreasing base success rates. Easy targets success rate decrease by 5% with each successful pickpocket while it decreases by 10% for medium and hard targets.
Also it seems that the max level for legerdemain is 20 if it matches up with the last skill point.
LegerdemainLegerdemain Passives
- Locksmith 0/4: Improves you chances of forcing locks by 10%.
I will add this to the OP for fast reference, thanks for the Video.shimmer.katiecub18_ESO wrote: »I made a video tutorial / leveling guide for legerdemain.