Well Everyone in Greenshade seems to get Rolledback and Random errors and it keeps getting worse,People are now saying they can't even go login to Greenshade anymore , i personally have been kicked out of the game without any message and rolledback with everyone else in Greenshade, also sometimes Chat/Weapons stops working then you have to leave game only to be Rolledback again, This seems to be in Greenshade zone but i've also heard of higher-tier zones having this exact issue too, this Never happened in any other lower zones (Grahtwood, Auridon) for me or anyone else i've talked to.Also Rollbacks started for me personally after trying to complete the bugged quest Handmade Guardian, also other people have said the same
- What quest were you doing at the time? Create a Guardian also doing nothing
not sure if this is the issue other people are having but the only two quested glitched in Greenshade for me is "Handmade Guardian", and Shades of Green",It also seems to progress the more people enter Greenshade the Rollbacks are more frequent then they were two days ago, i use to get a Rollback every 30 Minutes now they can range from 30 minutes to every 5 minutes.
We're working on narrowing down what the cause of these crashes and rollbacks in Greenshade are. Any details you can provide would help. Here are a few ideas:
- What quest were you doing at the time?
- What is your class and race?
- Was there a specific ability you used when you crashed?
- Did you have any pets or summons when you crashed?
- Are you using any mods?
- Were you talking to a specific NPC when you crashed?
Edit: After i moved to the next Zone after Greenshade there were no more roll-backs

, it's that zone specifically.