Greenshade RollBack Issues for Everyone in the Zone Getting Worse.

Well Everyone in Greenshade seems to get Rolledback and Random errors and it keeps getting worse,People are now saying they can't even go login to Greenshade anymore , i personally have been kicked out of the game without any message and rolledback with everyone else in Greenshade, also sometimes Chat/Weapons stops working then you have to leave game only to be Rolledback again, This seems to be in Greenshade zone but i've also heard of higher-tier zones having this exact issue too, this Never happened in any other lower zones (Grahtwood, Auridon) for me or anyone else i've talked to.Also Rollbacks started for me personally after trying to complete the bugged quest Handmade Guardian, also other people have said the same
- What quest were you doing at the time? Create a Guardian also doing nothing

not sure if this is the issue other people are having but the only two quested glitched in Greenshade for me is "Handmade Guardian", and Shades of Green",It also seems to progress the more people enter Greenshade the Rollbacks are more frequent then they were two days ago, i use to get a Rollback every 30 Minutes now they can range from 30 minutes to every 5 minutes.

We're working on narrowing down what the cause of these crashes and rollbacks in Greenshade are. Any details you can provide would help. Here are a few ideas:

- What quest were you doing at the time?
- What is your class and race?
- Was there a specific ability you used when you crashed?
- Did you have any pets or summons when you crashed?
- Are you using any mods?
- Were you talking to a specific NPC when you crashed?

Edit: After i moved to the next Zone after Greenshade there were no more roll-backs :), it's that zone specifically.
  • wolfpackcasey
    Just seen this happen on a stream while in Greenshade. He got rolled back ~10min or so.
  • Wow
    What's with this Greenshade keep rollbacking like time loop, again and again, maybe already the 10th time or so?
    Only this zone, not others. I am so done with this zone. Keep losing on my progress, fix please (this is critical issue)
    I'm a Godot Engine and GameMaker enthusiast from the most populated island on earth, Java, Indonesia. Coffee is my staple fuel, and durian is my favourite fruit. I'm currently building a Visual Novel.
  • Xaaz
    Posted this a few hours ago. Got sick and tired of rollbacks. Made an alt and got to 10 so I figured I would log back over. Rollback, yet again. I can't do *** in this zone because it keeps rolling back. Unplayable POS
  • Wow
    This bug is very cruel. I had to log out -> relog again everytime i reached certain point of the quest just to keep my progress.

    ..... jlwoO.png
    I'm a Godot Engine and GameMaker enthusiast from the most populated island on earth, Java, Indonesia. Coffee is my staple fuel, and durian is my favourite fruit. I'm currently building a Visual Novel.
  • Red
    Malabal Tor is having the issue too. I tried skipping over Greenshade and doing over-level quests there. 2 quests in, Malabal Tor had a 45-minute rollback.
  • Moruk
    This is a CRITICAL issue. How has this not yet been addressed? It is completely game-breaking in every sense of the phrase.
  • Solo18
    at least a server restart? to see if this might fix the problem..
  • Ryoshi1
    Annoying as it is, you guys should "save" in an instance. Do your quests as much as you can then go into an instance (eg. rulanyil's fall). That way when the rollback occurs you don't lose as much and pop back at that instance. Think of it as a checkpoint :D
  • Solo18
    yea but why should I have to log out , should get to play freely with no interruptions
    - What quest were you doing at the time? ROAMING FREELY
    - What is your class and race? WOODELF NIGHTBLADE
    - Was there a specific ability you used when you crashed? NO ABILITYS
    - Did you have any pets or summons when you crashed? ON MOUNT
    - Are you using any mods? NO MODS
    - Were you talking to a specific NPC when you crashed NO NPCS

    Edited by Solo18 on April 4, 2014 12:22AM
  • Red
    At least look on the bright side. All three alliances want mail back, and they locked out mail because of how easy duping was with rollbacks+mail when they were happening a couple times a day.

    Now that they're happening a couple times an hour there's no way they can bring back mail until fixing them.
  • Solo18
    happens every 5 minutes for me in greenshade
  • ekram28
    Soul Shriven
    This is happening to me every 5-10 minutes in greenshade making the zone and any progression unplayable.
  • Wow
    Red wrote: »
    At least look on the bright side. All three alliances want mail back, and they locked out mail because of how easy duping was with rollbacks+mail when they were happening a couple times a day.

    Now that they're happening a couple times an hour there's no way they can bring back mail until fixing them.

    Ohhhh, that's how they did that :o
    I'm a Godot Engine and GameMaker enthusiast from the most populated island on earth, Java, Indonesia. Coffee is my staple fuel, and durian is my favourite fruit. I'm currently building a Visual Novel.
  • darkkterror_ESO
    So now I discover that finishing Grahtwood two levels lower than I'd like and grinding those two levels out in Cyrodiil before moving on to Greenshade wasn't a bad thing after all.

    Of course, now that I'm ready for Greenshade I don't want to go there because of reported crashing and rollbacks. Lovely.
  • Istvrae
    Soul Shriven
    Even 24 hour maintance is better than this. Please, fix it asap, because right now it crashes like every minute.
  • foster_smb16_ESO
    Just had this happen to me in Greenshade on my first quest, tried to speak to Queen Ayrenn and got disconnected. Took me all the way back to a Grahtwood wayshrine I'd been at 20 minutes earlier, with quest reset.

    This is by far one of biggest game breaking bugs I've seen from any MMO get through to live. Seems to me it was a very bad idea not to test these areas in the larger beta events.

    I was slightly underleveled anyway so off to PVP for a level and hope this gets fixed soon. If this isn't fixed before this weekend there will be major problems as more and more people reach the area.
  • vaLentiin0
    Me and two mates are having the exact same issue. Is this being adressed?
  • ntcrysteb17_ESO
    Some feedback on this would be VERY much appreciated, because it really is making the game unplayable. I'm lv27 and have cleared everything up to Greenshade, and other than maybe Cyrodiil or rolling an alt (neither of which seems terribly appealing atm), there's literally nothing else to do. And having to do the exact same thing over and over again after a rollback, is about as bad as it gets for bugs. :/

    Also, it's been happening since yesterday. So getting worried now.
    Edited by ntcrysteb17_ESO on April 3, 2014 12:49PM
    I'm furry for Razum-Dar.
  • Joeh
    Same issue, this combined with the fact half the quests don't work in the zone and I'm fed up. Being rolled back 20+ minutes multiple times is not acceptable, and then when I finally do get to the quest, I can't complete it because it's bugged.

    This is meant to be a retail product that customers are expected to pay for, they must be insane. I've opened multiple GM tickets about blocked quests etc and have had no response at all. Totally unacceptable.
    Edited by Joeh on April 3, 2014 1:25PM
  • ZOS_JessicaFolsom
    Community Manager
    Thank you for the reports, everyone. We're tracking down this issue and will get it fixed as soon as possible.
    Jessica Folsom
    Associate Director of Community - ZeniMax Online Studios
    Facebook | Twitter | Twitch | Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube | Support
    Staff Post
  • Moruk
    Thank you for the reports, everyone. We're tracking down this issue and will get it fixed as soon as possible.

    Thank you for at least acknowledging it. I can accept issues, nobody expects things to be perfect right away, but the response time for communicating these issues feels frustratingly slow.

  • swoop.romerb16_ESO
    +1 moruk
  • ntcrysteb17_ESO
    Thank you for the reports, everyone. We're tracking down this issue and will get it fixed as soon as possible.

    Thank you for acknowledging the issue. :)

    I hope you will be able to share some specifics on what is causing the rollbacks to trigger, and maybe how such triggers could be avoided until the issue is resolved completely. Do tell if there is anything the players can do to help out.

    I really can't wait to get back to my Sorc. :blush:
    I'm furry for Razum-Dar.
  • elder_sob16_ESO
    Same problem here. I did stop playing now, makes no sense for me.

    Hopefully this will be fixed soon, if not i think after the free month it will be automatical fixed because noone still here :(

    Hope the servers will go down soon and a hotfix solve it before release tomorrow.
  • Ryoshi1
    Just got a rollback
  • Maerthos
    In last 2 days i got more than 30 rollbacks. Its absolutly unplable when you you loose 30min of gameplay again and again.
  • kkravaritieb17_ESO
    You guys at ZOS please prioritize this thing with the rollbacks breaks the game completely for those who enter Greenshade. Take care of it soon or you ll most likely lose some customers (not me but i heard a lot of complaints in game).
    Member of the glorious Zerg Squad
    Rip Banana Squad

    Lheneth -- Sorc PvP Rank 31
    Ellynna -- Templar PvP Rank 50 (No Bleaker's roleplaying involved)
    Smellynna -- Templar PvP Rank 28
    and many other chars

  • dnotecmb16_ESO
    This is more than a little annoying, I would expect if it isn't fix by tomorrow's launch then ZOS is going to have a pretty big mess to deal with (assuming like every other MMO launch that more ppl play on launch day than early access).
  • Wow
    Ryoshi1 wrote: »
    Just got a rollback
    You just got Greenshaded.

    I hope they fix this after today pre launch maintenance. If not, I'm gonna have a badd time :\
    I'm a Godot Engine and GameMaker enthusiast from the most populated island on earth, Java, Indonesia. Coffee is my staple fuel, and durian is my favourite fruit. I'm currently building a Visual Novel.
  • Maerthos
    still bugged even after launch
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