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Any Sorcerer's defeat Molag Bal?

  • rhoekieb16_ESO
    Running circles spamming velocious curse....that`s fun according to Zenimax.
  • Loqe
    I've heard this fight was "hard" but when I did it it was stupid easy, just avoid red and I never went below 90% hp. 1 tap light-attack on each of the titans and they died.
  • BakaChan
    I defeated him at vr 1 perpahs.
    My suggestion for tactics would be to have Twilight Matriarch ( just in case you come low hp, she's my savior xD), I had the Clannfear with me, he did some dmg too, and bolt escape is a must! Keep distance and do some heavy attacks.
    Was interesting fight but didn't die at all. ^^
  • Sallakat
    Sorry for offtopic but I'm super annoyed by the fact that so many of my friends can't finish the damn fight atm cos ballsy molag bugs out like nobody's business :( and I would have to get on with it on my sorc alt in a few levels :/
    Rebuilt - Aldmeri Dominion

    Kaia Linnea - templar
    Ruusu - sorcerer
    Aino - nightblade
  • Sallakat
    Whoah just finished the fight. Was awesome.

    what i did was: heavy attafck x 10000000 and kiting x 100000 and Soul Magic morph =-Soul Trap (H/DotT) together with Mages Wrath (Storm Calling) and some more heavy attack. And when the adds come: just BLOCK; nothing else.

    That's it.

    Awesome fight on sorc <3
    Edited by Sallakat on June 6, 2014 10:59PM
    Rebuilt - Aldmeri Dominion

    Kaia Linnea - templar
    Ruusu - sorcerer
    Aino - nightblade
  • EliteProgrammerub17_ESO
    It's all about kiting Molag around and watch for red circles. You can literally run around -- spam your staff light/heavy attacks and nothing else and beat him, it'll just take longer for the kill.
  • manyrabidrats
    molag bal barely hurt me, use a fire resist enchant, perhaps stack 2 on rings. keeping health potions active and health food. i went melee 5heavy 2light armor sword and board.
    using lightning form.
    I also had lvl 50 green/blue armor.
  • ZheinLevin
    I used a dual wielding medium armor sorc. Critical Surge kept me mostly above 50% the whole time. Just keep circling around him.
    The adds die like flies with heavy attacks.
    NA Ebonheart Pact
    Cuddles the Tyrant - VR16 Orc Dragon Knight | Little Whirlwind - VR16 High Elf Sorcerer
    Boogie Wonderland - VR6 Redguard Templar | Flabby Tabby - Noob Khajiit Nightblade
  • poodlemasterb16_ESO
    Are the adds juicy? My Vampire Witch loves adds.

    She is all:

    Just this idiot? Oh my I'll have to be careful, oh look he spawned a bunch of adds, dinner is served.
  • robynheraty_ESO
    I totally put my answer in the wrong thread. Please disregard. Sorry
    Edited by robynheraty_ESO on June 19, 2014 11:01PM
  • OrangeTheCat

    So after failing the first time I tried to kill Molag Bal (crystal shards, endless fury, Bound Armor, Unstable Clannfear,... typical PvE build) this is what I did to beat him the second time I tried. The following 4 things are all I ever used when Molag Bal was the sole opponent:

    1. Resto staff
    2. Steadfast Ward
    3. Healing Springs
    4. Bolt Escape
    5. Some food that boosts both magicka and health

    When it is just Molag Bal attacking, get distance from him with one or two uses of BE. Light attack him from this extreme range and dodge his attacks. Use SW for extra protection if needed. HS to heal yourself. You can also make use of the larger rocks in the area as I noticed they can be used to block is blue ball attack.

    That's it. Really.

    When the adds appear I switched to destro staff and AOEed them all down with Fire Ring in about 10 seconds; light attack the one or two that remain (they will be sorely damaged at that point). You take a bit of damage but a good health pot is sufficient to recover. Then switch back to resto staff build (above) to finish off Molag Bal himself.

    Really, it was not at all very difficult using the above. Just took a while.
  • Insanyti
    Here is how I defeated him:
    I RECOMMEND TRYING TO DO IT BY YOURSELF FOR YOUR FIRST TIME, but here is the super easy way for you if you want or other toons.

    CONTINUOUSLY WALKED BACKWARDS IN A LARGE CIRCLE AROUND THE MAP. Never stopped moving and did any attacks I wanted while just walking backwards.

    ADDS: If someone hasn't already mentioned it...


    The special block you get bounces their attacks BACK AT THEM. Poof, dead. It's like pong, only multiple bouncy balls.

    And at all times, keep moving backwards in a large circle.

  • KingRebz
    It took me 30 mins to beat him, this is ALL I did.

    Have a restoration staff and have 2 active summoning pets active.

    Constantly keep a mid-long distance between Bal, and light/heavy attack him with your rest staff. Also use Storm Calling abilities while constantly running around him. Have some stamina pots youll be sprinting throughout the battle to avoid his air attacks. When his summoned titans attack you just shield them until they die. Keep doing this and youll catch it easy! This goes for all sorcerors!
    V14 Sorceror [Ebonheart]
  • lbruce322_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I see many comments, and not just here, where people quit playing the game over this fight with Molag. I wholeheartedly agree as not everyone has the same level of skill at playing. Not character skill, but operator skill. Easy for some/most yes, but it's the lower level gamer who suffers.
    A day without a friend is like a pot without a single drop of honey left inside. Winnie the Pooh

  • Srugzal
    I have to say you really did just spoil this fight for me, I had no idea I was going to get to fight him and would've loved the surprise....

    I was wondering myself what this is doing in the newbie question forum. Molag Bal is hardly a newbie topic.
  • Dekkameron
    Everytime i see this thread i cringe at the title..

    Actually thinking about it, i dubt any sorcs have beaten Molag Bal. I mean, a sorc? pfft, underpowered class...
    Edited by Dekkameron on August 2, 2014 12:53PM
    - Veteran Combat Librarian -
  • Mykeo34
    Soul Shriven
    I heard newbies can't handle fighting Molag Bal because it is too hard? I was like really? Well, I had to see and fight him. I killed him in 3mins without healing skills or potions today. Are you kidding me? Seriously, He is [snip] easy to kill. My character is simple full light armor vampire sorcerer and used dest staff. I'm glad that I'm not one of these newbies.. Lol

    My advice: just avoid his attacks and block when adds appear. Continue to punch him until he dies. That all I say.

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Cursing & Profanity]
    Edited by ZOS_SandraF on August 25, 2014 1:52AM
  • DuelWieldingCheesyPoofs
    Defeated him at 48 first time was stupidly easy.
  • felinith66
    Keep an eye out for these 4 attacks because they hit really hard:
    1) Heavy attack w/ his club - It stuns
    2) Fire breath - It has knockback
    3) Leap AOE - massive damage

    These 3 he does in sequence. He stuns you, knocks you back, and while you're getting up, flattens you w/ the AOE leap. Block or move, whatever you do, don't get hit w/ number 1.

    4) Blue balls of fire - This is also AOE damage. U can block this or move away from the red. He only does this after you kill all the Titans.

    Titans are easy to kill. Block. Or use your ultimate if u have a DPS one.

    The Ritual has made you OP. You don't even need to use your DPS skills in this fight. Light and Heavy attacks works the same, or even better because you are not using resources attacking him. Thereby having it available for dodge-rolling or healing. This is an endurance fight. The important thing is managing your resources and not getting hit by his big attacks. Have fun!
  • Srugzal
    I see many comments, and not just here, where people quit playing the game over this fight with Molag. I wholeheartedly agree as not everyone has the same level of skill at playing. Not character skill, but operator skill. Easy for some/most yes, but it's the lower level gamer who suffers.

    This is a tricky problem for the developers, isn't it? I've abandoned more than one or two games because I got to some boss fight that either I couldn't manage for some reason, or I hadn't prepared for, or whatever. That happened to me in Deus Ex: Human Revolution more than once, actually. Each time I started over and built my character with a view to those fights, and eventually got through them all (before the Director's Cut came out and they changed everything). I still haven't gotten past one particular fight in Dead Space, or Tomb Raider, or Bioshock: Infinite... there are others. At some point you realize that you're at this point, for whatever reason, not quite up to it. Even so, I've enjoyed those games; I just haven't finished them yet ;0

    Does that mean that those games are under some obligation to form themselves around my problems with their gameplay demands? Well, no, actually, I don't think so. It turns out with DE:HR the problem stemmed from the fact that there was only one way to beat these fights, which was contrary to the whole DE "way" if there is such a thing (that "way" boils down to, I think, "if all else fails, look for an air duct"). The changes didn't make the fights "easier," they just provided alternate paths through. On replay, I've found the changes engaging. Still a game I love playing.

    I'm not sure what the equivalent of that would be in the ES universe, how fights that some people can't seem to get past can be made accessible to them without making the fight a faceroll for everyone else. They have done exactly that for some of the formerly-tough fights, such as Doshia.

    Like I've said elsewhere, when all is said and done, persistence will win the day.

    Edited by Srugzal on August 27, 2014 9:19AM
  • Nestor
    Srugzal wrote: »
    This is a tricky problem for the developers, isn't it? I've abandoned more than one or two games because I got to some boss fight that either I couldn't manage for some reason, or I hadn't prepared for, or whatever.

    Don't get me started on the Bosses in Metroid....

    TES games have always been about the Journey to get to the Boss. The Bosses have usually been pushovers once you get to them. Getting to them was the challenge and work.

    In this game, the first Mannimarco fight was the toughest for me. It made me real apprehensive about continuing the MQ. Until I learned I had to advance the MQ at some point. However, once past him, Sancre Tor was a much harder place to deal with than Molag Bals fight.

    As other's have said, it's a war of attrition. Since Molag Bal does not heal, at all, as long as you keep moving and avoid the red circles, the fight will be over eventually. It's when you try to take him out in 5 or 6 hits that things start going South. Conserver your Resources. Bolt Escape would be the most important skill on your bar in this fight. You can then just spam Light Attacks from your Staff and prevail.

    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Gythral
    The fight is easy, once you work out how, but stupidly long and boring!

    Lots for pots and health regen. and run around Molag Bal doing light attacks with your weapon and the odd curse, and block, to reflect, the adds attacks.
    Run when he goes to jump and hit him once he has, and run from end of fight AoE 'balls'

    I did this with a dual wield Sorc. (Sword & Dagger), the trick is "DONT DIE", as he doesn't heal at all, eventually he will die a death of a million nicks!
    “Be as a tower, that, firmly set,
    Shakes not its top for any blast that blows!”
    Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy
  • granty2008cyb16_ESO
    killed him after about 8 attempts is hard just change your build round and dont stop running! kill the titans first
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