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Any Sorcerer's defeat Molag Bal?

I'm trying to do the final main story quest except I cannot defeat Molag Bal. The problem I'm having is when he summons Minions to help, they destroy me. I have tried to get as much healing as I could but still could not defeat him. In fact The least amount of health I got him to was about 70%.

So as the title says, have any sorcerer's defeated him?
  • Xemnas
    Also to note, it would be very helpful if Molag Bal would target my summon instead of me 100% of the time.
  • Griffiene
    so struggling cant even get him to 60 percent health the titan almost insta kill me im a fricking vr1 and i cant do it
  • magitsu
    Soul Shriven
    Stupidly hard (vr1 sorc). I consider it design failure to make main story so hard that it can't be completed by many casual players (majority of Skyrim migrants). Since most everyone expects to be able see the story through. Earlier on Mannimarco is equally badly balanced but it's saved by being able to wait until around lv. 50 when its a whole different ballgame.

    Main story should not be a potential nightmare, side content can be.
    Edited by magitsu on April 9, 2014 5:59AM
  • Noth
    Once you get through the adds (which I just aoed down, also wore all light armor at the time, so they hit me fairly hard), Molag begins focusing more on a ranged aoe attack that will miss you almost all the time if you keep moving. He'll still do the thing where he falls from the sky, but that is easily avoided too. I did nearly all my damage to him with light attacks as I was saving my stamina for dodges and blocks and magicka for self healing. It is a true endurance fight, but very easy once you get past the adds
  • Bape
    Xemnas wrote: »
    I'm trying to do the final main story quest except I cannot defeat Molag Bal. The problem I'm having is when he summons Minions to help, they destroy me. I have tried to get as much healing as I could but still could not defeat him. In fact The least amount of health I got him to was about 70%.

    So as the title says, have any sorcerer's defeated him?

    I died a few time until I realize what I was doing wrong. Having the summons out will just die trust me it pointless having them out remove them. I went with a restore staff and all I did was holding left click and used no DPS skills on him and I won. Once you get through all adds which only comes once (Tip: When they shoot the small blue fire hold right click when it comes close quickly use the left click{Bash} it will shoot right back at them keep doing this until u kill them all). Then it simple dodge attack heal and repeat until he dies.
    Edited by Bape on April 9, 2014 5:54AM
  • magitsu
    Soul Shriven
    Bounce blue orbs back.... Indeed, it becomes quite doable.
    I'm just sorry that there's not even a hint in the game to suggest that you should do this. Quite a stretch from the usual logical stuff like "interrupt spellcasting" with Mannimarco's health drain.

    Thanks for the help.
  • Ragnar_Lodbrok
    Xemnas wrote: »
    I'm trying to do the final main story quest except I cannot defeat Molag Bal. The problem I'm having is when he summons Minions to help, they destroy me. I have tried to get as much healing as I could but still could not defeat him. In fact The least amount of health I got him to was about 70%.

    So as the title says, have any sorcerer's defeated him?
    Way to put a spoiler in the title I didn't know we fight him
    Edited by ZOS_LeroyW on April 9, 2014 6:48AM
  • Aureli
    Xemnas wrote: »
    I'm trying to do the final main story quest except I cannot defeat Molag Bal. The problem I'm having is when he summons Minions to help, they destroy me. I have tried to get as much healing as I could but still could not defeat him. In fact The least amount of health I got him to was about 70%.

    So as the title says, have any sorcerer's defeated him?
    Way to *** put a spoiler in the *** title *** I didn't know we fight him

    That's not necessary. While yes, the title should have had a spoiler warning, there's no call to badmouth anyone.
  • Ragnar_Lodbrok
    Aureli wrote: »
    Xemnas wrote: »
    I'm trying to do the final main story quest except I cannot defeat Molag Bal. The problem I'm having is when he summons Minions to help, they destroy me. I have tried to get as much healing as I could but still could not defeat him. In fact The least amount of health I got him to was about 70%.

    So as the title says, have any sorcerer's defeated him?
    Way to *** put a spoiler in the *** title *** I didn't know we fight him

    That's not necessary. While yes, the title should have had a spoiler warning, there's no call to badmouth anyone.

    Id do the same in a theatre if he spoiled the movie.
  • Thete

    Id do the same in a theatre if he spoiled the movie.

    It's not exactly a spoiler. It's a bit like saying that Walter dies of cancer at the end of Breaking Bad or that the ship sinks in Titanic. You knew that it was going to happen from the first episode.
  • Kurroh
    Soul Shriven
    Walter dies?? :o
  • Shimond
    Thete wrote: »
    It's not exactly a spoiler. It's a bit like saying that Walter dies of cancer at the end of Breaking Bad or that the ship sinks in Titanic. You knew that it was going to happen from the first episode.

    I didn't know we'd be fighting him directly and alone, no. I don't really care but no, it's not the same thing at all.
  • Armitas
    Xemnas wrote: »
    I'm trying to do the final main story quest except I cannot defeat Molag Bal. The problem I'm having is when he summons Minions to help, they destroy me. I have tried to get as much healing as I could but still could not defeat him. In fact The least amount of health I got him to was about 70%.

    So as the title says, have any sorcerer's defeated him?

    Tactics Spoiler that makes the fight easy mode
    When the adds come out just hold down block. Your block will now reflect the titans fireballs back at them and wipe them out pretty quickly.

    Edited by Armitas on April 9, 2014 1:37PM
    Nord mDK
  • magitsu
    Soul Shriven
    Yep, it's just a bit weird that the Titans on the way there are not affected by the same trick.
  • Enikka
    While I don't disagree that perhaps a spoilers tag shoulda been here, I can understand why it wasn't. I came here with the exact same frustration as the OP b/c I didn't understand how on earth I could beat the fight. If I hadn't found this thread I'd still be pounding my face on my keyboard trying to figure out what I was doing wrong.
  • aleksander.ignaeb17_ESO
    I just got to that fight with a mele focus Sorcerer in heavy armor, with barely any health potions, NO self healing options and a being a stage 4 Vampire, IMAGINE how fun it was!?
    I can't even *** get him to 90% let alone deal with the adds, its impossible. No points in healing staff, not to mention I don't even have one with me.
    I made myself VR1 gear and can't get the enchants for it(Since I can only get those in VR aeria, and can't get these until I beat these guy), so an enchanted gear, and I can only say GG and *** YOU ESO !!! WOHO !
  • Crotox
    if there are other people having the same difficulty as i had:

    i tried it two times, after the first time i saw myself chanceless, but the 2nd time it was easy to go, i didnt even needed a potion or a healing staff, i am a veteran 1 sorcerer with a destruction staff.

    the only spell i used was lightning bolt, the stormcalling spell which teleports you.
    just auto attack molag bal and everytime he gets in range for a melee attack, jump away with the skill and auto attack 2,3 times, then teleport again. the same thing when he jumps in the air to smash on you, just avoid the circle by using lightning bolt, and you wont receive any damage or get stunned.

    when he summons the titans, just block with the right mouse-button and the blue spellcasts, more likely light attacks of them, will bounce back and one hit them.
    after the last titan has fallen, molag bal will return and you have to do the same thing from the beginning, just keep moving. after the titans are gone, the fight will be way more simple, because he won't chase you that much trying to melee-attack you, but he will summon 3 fireballs, which can easily be dodged by just strafing sidewards all the time, just keep moving in a circle. eventually he will sometimes try to go back in a melee fight or does his jump in the air, then you just run away.
    kite him, and he is very easily killed.
    the fight takes some time, it could have been 4-7 minutes, don't know, but you dont need to reskill yourself or such things, positioning with lightning bolt is your easiest win.

    just to be sure, that you really won't die - have some healthpots bound on Q, but trust me, you won't need them.

    i hope i was able to help someone with this explanation

    edit: i used full light armor build
    Edited by Crotox on April 15, 2014 2:02AM
  • Rosebloome
    Depends on your build. He personally never dented my HP under 95%. But I was using a critheal build at the time.

    Full medium armor. Dual wield. 30+% base crit.

    Rapid Strikes, Blood Craze, Critical Surge, and Bound Aegis.
  • Kiwi
    yea well playing as i wanted to play, as a proper sorcerer in full light armour with a staff, it too hard.

    i guess i should have played how they wanted me to play instead, now theres no way i can beat it unless i fork out a crap load of coin for a respec and heavier gear
    A large yellow rectangle
  • SexyVette07
    Meh, I beat Mannimarco at lvl 40 and didnt have that much of a hard time with it as others here have stated. It was difficult and challenging, but doable. Critical Surge and Inner Light is your friend. Use a defensive spell like Boundless Storm. Use the environment around you. Hide when you need to heal or to avoid taking a big hit. Facerolling with all dps spells on your bars isnt going to get you far. Personally, I use all support spells and just 1 dps spell on each bar, one AoE with Elemental Ring and the other with Crystal Fragments.

    Im not yet to Molag Bal, but I look forward to the challenge.
    Edited by SexyVette07 on April 15, 2014 11:24AM
  • Kronz
    You can two shot the adds with auto attacks, I don't see it being that hard
  • Kronz
    also if ur a sorc u can just put a resto staff as weapon 2 and the second ability is a 18 sec hot that u can keep on urself the whole fight by switching weapons and castin the hot and switchin back. Its a sustain fight - between the hot an potions you should be able to eventually win with simple auto attacks.
  • rawne1980b16_ESO
    Way to put a spoiler in the title I didn't know we fight him

    The whole story line is a build up to face him.

    You start the game knowing damn well you'll fight him at some point.

    The only way they could have made it any more obvious is have flashing yellow letters come up at the end of the prison section saying "See this big ugly horned guy? He's Molag Bal .... you'll fight him later".

    If you didn't know you had to fight him then you haven't been paying attention so spoilers wouldn't matter.
  • Alestair
    USE THE Light armor Active...
    stops spells from those pesky titans and even molag bal
    .... I had to spam it several times..but it still took me 15 minutes to kill molag bal with just my resto staff...... And when i did...He just bows down to me and i couldnt defeat its bugged and i cant even progress.
    Edited by Alestair on April 15, 2014 12:25PM
  • thilog
    Aureli wrote: »
    Xemnas wrote: »
    I'm trying to do the final main story quest except I cannot defeat Molag Bal. The problem I'm having is when he summons Minions to help, they destroy me. I have tried to get as much healing as I could but still could not defeat him. In fact The least amount of health I got him to was about 70%.

    So as the title says, have any sorcerer's defeated him?
    Way to *** put a spoiler in the *** title *** I didn't know we fight him

    That's not necessary. While yes, the title should have had a spoiler warning, there's no call to badmouth anyone.

    i disagree, this guy ruined the game for me as well, letting that loose. I'd not only bad mouth him, i'd brain him as well.

  • Davinna
    Soul Shriven
    I know the thread mentioned Sorcerers specifically, but as a templar in 5 light with a destro staff I had no problems beating him.
    The mechanic that worked for me was to toss a damage over time spell on him after he landed from his jump, toss a wall of elements for him to walk through and run. Rinse, repeat. I never died. If you got past the skeletons at Manimarco, you should be able to do the Molag fight
    Molag got bugged at one point and I had to wait for it to reset and do again.
  • therover8511
    I am not at Molag Bal yet, I am only level 36 but reference this discussion.

    I can take on 5-6 level 43 mobs, and I am extremely close to soloing world bosses at my level.
    There is but one god, and his name is Death. And what do we say to Death? Not Today
  • Yankee
    Since these "Molag Bal" threads are common I do not see how one could "unspoil" this fight.

    Some people melee him. If you cannot, as long as you have a heal and a ranged weapon of any sort you can keep moving and whittle him down. Mostly use normal weapon attacks to conserve stam for dodging/sprinting and magicka for healing. Stay away from his leap and the sky stuff raining down. Run away to heal up. As noted above, a resto staff HoT works well, and the Resto staff normal attack does enough damage to do the job. But any other staff or a bow will work also.

    With the buff you have the titans should go down fast if you stay away from them. It is a big arena, use the space.

    This method takes awhile but worked fine on both my Templar and Nightblade. When I was at full health I would dive in and melee some, but you do not have to.

    Using the above method, class does not matter.


    Keep moving, don't let him touch you. Avoid the stuff raining down (forcast by red circles). Kill the titans from range. Watch for Molags leap and do not be where he lands. Run away while healing up. If you can do that for several minutes he dies.
    Edited by Yankee on April 15, 2014 12:34PM
  • Sallakat
    I'm not a sorcerer that has cleared Molag Bal but I'm a templar healer with some DPS skills.
    One thing I gotta say is that the summon is absolutely useless, and also takes a space in my skill bar, so I'm not using it on my sorc alt that I'm leveling atm. And I would definitely not use summon in big fights like that either.

    But what I've found while leveling in this game and going all the way up to the VT3 that I am now is that this game also relies heavily on the weapon attacks, too much if you ask me but that's another story. So pretty much dps him with your weapon all the time and every now and then put some other skills in so you won't be completely out of stats all the time. You can use the light and heavy attack all the time anyways while running away from the aoe on the floor.

    And yeah I agree that main story quests are ridiculously hard compared to everything else in the game. Well at least for some classes. And if nobody can come and help you in there, it can be impossible or very very hard for some. I would focus on nerfing main story a bit rather than nerfing Doshia (didn't they nerd it again if I read correctly from the patch notes)...

    It's a difficult fight for sure, GL!
    Rebuilt - Aldmeri Dominion

    Kaia Linnea - templar
    Ruusu - sorcerer
    Aino - nightblade
  • Selstad
    After dying some, here's how I manged to get Molag Bal down as a Sorcerer:

    I used 2 buffes, Annulment from Light Armour and Circle of protection from Fighter's guild. I made sure I had those 2 up all the time. Annulment served as magic damage mitigation as well as damage mitigation and Circle of Protection as extra armour.

    Of offensive spells I used Endless Fury (Storm calling), Velocious Curse from Daedric summoning and Force puls from Destruction staff, as well as using the staff itself when Magica was low.

    Don't use any pets, they die too quickly in this fight and are of no use. You can't keep Molag Bal at range all the time so expect some melee hits, which makes it good to have some mitigation and reduction.

    The titan adds at 60% is a bit of a hassle to get down, which is where I used my ultimate, Energy Overload. It took them down in mere seconds.

    Other than that just keep your defensive spells up and lay on with DoTs and attacks, dodge his very obvious attacks (dodge out of red circle and avoid his spells). Yes the fight is hard, very hard, but it's a rewarding fight once you've killed him. It took me 10 mins or so to get him down, dodging his attacks and get as much damage as possible on him while I could. Don't use cast time spells as you have to be light on your feet, use spells that do damage but are instant cast, and just use the whole room for what it's worth. He only spawns adds at 60% so after you clear that hurdle you're on the home stretch.

    Hard fight but I hope they don't nerf it, it's doable, but it's not something you can do without some tries.
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