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Any Sorcerer's defeat Molag Bal?

  • alexj4596b14_ESO
    I have not gotten too the bal himself, however I already see a few challenges I'm a vampire, and mainly a tank, I will just have too see wish me luck
  • vassilij
    Asava wrote: »
    As for Molog Bal, kite him around any rocks
    Sorc 1VT. With instant spells, Medium armor, buffed by restoring food& drinks etc...10 tries = 10 deaths.
    I wonder how many nbz here would write that they fought MB by the 'one shot'. Funny schoolboys, what are u doing here?)

    The point is that: this MB boss is nearly unbeatable for a traditional sorc.
    Kiting? Nonsense. Have you seen MB blue projectiles beat you THROUGH the rocks!!!!! Yes, you can block them but...
    have you seen MB shooting 5 (!) projectiles at the same time. AND BLOCK DOESN'T HELP!

    So, i would like to ask mature ones. For any suggestions on this matter...

    P.S. Personally, i'd like to see that final fight as an OPTION for all kinds of players. Wanna fight it alone? Go on. Wanna fight in a zerg-party? you're welcome.
    Wanna miss this stupid quest? Not a bad decision. IMHO...

  • shane59301b14_ESO
    kite him around and aoe the adds. i did use the bubble to keep damage off me pretty well as well
  • R1ckyDaMan
    Died twice, Then kite kite kite
  • Xemnas
    I actually defeated by: 1.Getting rid of vampire to reduce fire damage. 2. I got the blood altar and Regeneration abilitie. 3. I just kept attacking with a restoration staff.

    It becomes very easy when your at range as you dodge almost every attack from Molag Bal. For the Titans I just attacked then one at a time as i did not know at the time that I could repel their attacks.

    After you defeat the Titan's, the battle is pretty much over. Just kite and dodge Molag Bal's range attacks. If anyone is having trouble just either take the advice from me or anyone else who has posted here.
  • NukaCola
    vassilij wrote: »
    Asava wrote: »
    As for Molog Bal, kite him around any rocks
    Sorc 1VT. With instant spells, Medium armor, buffed by restoring food& drinks etc...10 tries = 10 deaths.
    I wonder how many nbz here would write that they fought MB by the 'one shot'. Funny schoolboys, what are u doing here?)

    The point is that: this MB boss is nearly unbeatable for a traditional sorc.
    Kiting? Nonsense. Have you seen MB blue projectiles beat you THROUGH the rocks!!!!! Yes, you can block them but...
    have you seen MB shooting 5 (!) projectiles at the same time. AND BLOCK DOESN'T HELP!

    So, i would like to ask mature ones. For any suggestions on this matter...

    P.S. Personally, i'd like to see that final fight as an OPTION for all kinds of players. Wanna fight it alone? Go on. Wanna fight in a zerg-party? you're welcome.
    Wanna miss this stupid quest? Not a bad decision. IMHO...

    Read my post before. I had 1 piece of heavy and 1 of medium armor( just to level them up). I also had Vampire stage 3 on. I had 9 points spent in health. all rest to magicka

    You can block he's melee attacks and the blue projectiles. Attack him after he tries to teleport on you. It really isn't hard.

  • williambbechtoldub17_ESO
    Honestly I was super disappointed by this fight. It was WAY too easy. I could beat him with zero powers, zero potion, and just with light hits. I was trying to save up all my Magicka and stamina because I assumed he was going to transform into a challenging fight. I did the fight a level 48.

    I am shocked that anyone finds this fight as challenging.

    Here is the strategy, keep moving and shooting with a ranged weapon. Strafe and keep shooting. Avoid stuff on the ground. Fight over. I found the giant fight to be much more challenging, but I did that fight at 38, otherwise I expect it wouldn't have been that tough either.

    I am not trying to be a jerk, I just didn't see any challenge in this fight. If they raised Molag Bal's damage by 2x I think the fight would still be super easy.

    EDIT- I will also note that I wear magic resist gear, including that magic resist ring you get while doing the main quests.
    Edited by williambbechtoldub17_ESO on April 28, 2014 5:48PM
  • rioinsigniab16_ESO
    vassilij wrote: »
    Asava wrote: »
    As for Molog Bal, kite him around any rocks
    Sorc 1VT. With instant spells, Medium armor, buffed by restoring food& drinks etc...10 tries = 10 deaths.
    I wonder how many nbz here would write that they fought MB by the 'one shot'. Funny schoolboys, what are u doing here?)

    The point is that: this MB boss is nearly unbeatable for a traditional sorc.
    Kiting? Nonsense. Have you seen MB blue projectiles beat you THROUGH the rocks!!!!! Yes, you can block them but...
    have you seen MB shooting 5 (!) projectiles at the same time. AND BLOCK DOESN'T HELP!

    So, i would like to ask mature ones. For any suggestions on this matter...

    P.S. Personally, i'd like to see that final fight as an OPTION for all kinds of players. Wanna fight it alone? Go on. Wanna fight in a zerg-party? you're welcome.
    Wanna miss this stupid quest? Not a bad decision. IMHO...

    Forget the BS spouted from others trying to stroke their epeens....

    As a "traditional" cloth wearing sorc myself who doesn't use AOE spells (aside from Wall of Fire), I can say that you are probably making the same mistake I did:

    DON'T try to be a traditional sorc in this fight. It won't work. You'll get owned every time. For this fight aren't the usual sorc. You're just a gold power ranger.

    Yes, it sucks to hear that, but you aren't going to beat him with your usual setup of Crystal Fragments + Mages Wraith type spells. The former takes time to cast, and so you can't run whilst doing that. Resulting in lots and lots of death. And running is what you will need to do....

    Instead, you rely solely on damaging him using the "left click" lighting bolt that you can throw when you get from being buffed up. For the record, Blocking DOES help during the titan phase...during that time you do nothing else but keep that block up ALL THE TIME and keep moving...and the titan bolts will rebound off you and hit the short killing themselves. However, Blocking won't help much against MB himself.....use the left click shot mentioned above, and keep moving at all times....that way you won't get caught out by his super jump thing. During the final stages...use the rocks for cover.

    Btw, you CAN use Overload and Surge (both in the Storm Calling tree). Both help with increasing a sorcs "left click" damage.

    See my previous post in this thread for more information
    Edited by rioinsigniab16_ESO on April 28, 2014 7:19PM
    How can you soar with eagles.....when you work with turkeys?
  • Ithug
    Yup, resto staff, basic attacks, and storn ult to clear minions (the titans...) Easy fight ... 4 minutes late he is dead and im full HP.
    *Kal Vas Flam*
    - "You better run..."

    Can. Qc* IGN @Ithug
  • Artemiisia
    easy to beat him, did it as lvl 49 restrostaf sorc, used probably 10 mag potions, and beat him in only one try, the fight took about 10 mins, and had lots of kiting as well

    my castbar was

    mages wrath
    crystal fragments
    rapid regeneration
    critical surge
    inner light

    sidenote: I freaking loved this fight, it was chaos from start to finish :D

  • Epo
    did it with critical surge and a 31% critt build.

    No Weapon, toggle on the Ulti from Storm Calling.

    Lol, too easy and very fast.
  • Horribus
    Had some issues with this fight at first, playing from New Zealand lag is not your friend. Left it till the server felt better and changed my setup. Agree with a lot of what is said here - I'm a 7/7 light sorc with a destro staff.

    Kiting is good - keeping on the move will mean the jump ability is barely an issue, you're already moving so should get out of it every time. When he gets close the frontal cone stun will sometimes catch you, roll out as soon as the stun fades to get away from him again. Dots are your friend - I kept degeneration up on him and if I was at half health or worse spammed light attacks to get health back. Also used crystal frags as my hard hitter, had bat swarm up as my ultimate, unstable clannfear and twilight matriach out (clannfear rarely died as he just chases around after MB, twilight matriach died often but worth keeping out for heal) and wasted my final slot on elemental ring...then realised that I didn't need it for titans because of block.

    Blocking his spells is crucial, titans are easy due to blocking their spells back at them - I used bat swarm to finish it quicker. Long, long fight but keep focus, keep sculling magicka pots to do damage faster and end it sooner and you get through it.
  • LadyChaos
    Xemnas wrote: »
    I'm trying to do the final main story quest except I cannot defeat Molag Bal. The problem I'm having is when he summons Minions to help, they destroy me. I have tried to get as much healing as I could but still could not defeat him. In fact The least amount of health I got him to was about 70%.

    So as the title says, have any sorcerer's defeated him?

    I Used Pulsar (Fire Staff AoE) to down minions 2-3 casts tops.. I was surprised it would be that fast. For me the rest of the fight was a long kite-fest of restostaff for Magica regen and Mages fury. I used bolt whenever he crouched to control where he was from me on the pounce, blocked/bolted the single target attack and just stayed out of range for the tripple red circles. Used Dark exchange to heal/Magic regen while he was jumping.

    If I were to do it again, more surge would have gone lot faster IMO.

    My husband says he just blocked the minions very first attack and it just bounces right back at them and they die one shot... he's templar with no AoE slotted at time. If that helps. He finished his event in half the time I did easily.
    VR2 Ataxia - [NA] Veteran Dominion Sorcerer [Auriel's Bow]
    PvP, PvE, Crafting, and General Shenanigans
    >:) Sorcery and Mayhem online since 1999 >:)
    Current PvP Class/Supernatural Census
  • Asava
    vassilij wrote: »
    Asava wrote: »
    As for Molog Bal, kite him around any rocks
    Sorc 1VT. With instant spells, Medium armor, buffed by restoring food& drinks etc...10 tries = 10 deaths.
    I wonder how many nbz here would write that they fought MB by the 'one shot'. Funny schoolboys, what are u doing here?)

    The point is that: this MB boss is nearly unbeatable for a traditional sorc.
    Kiting? Nonsense. Have you seen MB blue projectiles beat you THROUGH the rocks!!!!! Yes, you can block them but...
    have you seen MB shooting 5 (!) projectiles at the same time. AND BLOCK DOESN'T HELP!

    So, i would like to ask mature ones. For any suggestions on this matter...

    P.S. Personally, i'd like to see that final fight as an OPTION for all kinds of players. Wanna fight it alone? Go on. Wanna fight in a zerg-party? you're welcome.
    Wanna miss this stupid quest? Not a bad decision. IMHO...

    I was wearing 5 light/2 heavy armor pieces. I had velocious curse, mages wrath, consuming curse, silver shards, power surge loaded. My Ulti was energy overload which I didn't use during the fight. DAoC taught me to kite backwards or assault to the rear and always keep moving. I did that during the entire fight. The only time I stopped moving was once when MB caught me with his jump. Light attacks, 3 dots, and silver shards when oom was all I needed to do. Kiting him around the rocks negated his frontal cone attack and leap attack. MB's blue ball attacks hit like a kitten with a nerf bat stuck to his paw. The only time you really need to block is the Titan attacks and that's just to let them kill themselves since the amulet of kings gives you reflective blocking. It really was quit simple if you understood the mechanics.
  • Selstad
    I fought Molag bal - as said before - with only light armour. It is a tricky fight, but it's not something that can't be done.

    First of, mitigation. Annulment and Circle of protection. These 2 things help you over 2 crucial stages of the fight, one being the Titans (as they will get close, the armour is very crucial) and spell mitigation. With the resistance from light armour traits as well as the annulment, you're not going to have a problem with the damage taken. Just make sure you're buffed and don't get hit with what can be avoided.

    Then we have 3 offensive spells to take care of. First you'd want Velocious Curse (morphed from Daedric curse). Sustain it, morphed it lasts for 3.35 seconds and explodes, very nifty to have. 2nd off, Crystal shard. Yes it's a cast and many say it's not good, but the damage provided from it comes in handy. What you don't want is any AoE abilities, as you'll be running around the place and try to keep the bady on a distance. Simply put, no AoE, never, ever. 3rd skill would be Mages’ Fury (Mages' wrath morph). The last spell serves 2 purposes, one is to have a sustainable DPS when you have to move quick and don't have to reapply the curse, and it explodes once Molag is underneath 20% (and since you're done at 10%, it really helps).

    Ultimate, for this one I would use overload (mighty sith lord) and use it on the Titans. It's just a very nice tool to be using, and it demolishes the titans.

    I would use a restoration staff for this fight, I'm not sure why, but restoration staff has more damage output of your cast spells than a destruction staff. If anyone could fill me in on the math behind that I would appreciate it. But use a restoration staff.

    And that is how I killed Molag bal using only light armour. Took some time and I had a kink in the neck afterwards but it's certainly doable as a clothier sorcerer with no other armour.
  • alexj4596b14_ESO
    So I finally finished the quest, and the fight, he was hard I'm a vampire, and scorc, and a tank, it was hard I killed the adds first and set up traps and such, kited and ran like **** lol only advice I got for you!
  • Censorious
    Many thanks to the contributors to this thread.
    I don't think I could possibly have done it without your help.

    Tactics I used - run away! run away!
    - Whenever my health dropped below 30% or so I would run directly away from Molag, (normal kiting didn't work, his shots were still hitting me). By running round the arena I was able to keep ahead of most of his shots, block some and avoid those leaps. When my health was back up above 80% I'd turn and give him a burst of staff heavy (restoration staff). I used nothing else, just that. One burst then turn and run again!
    - I used a LOT of health potions and only wish I'd remembered to eat and drink before the fight (yeah I know...)

    The adds he calls are ridiculously easy when you know the trick. Just hold 'block' and they kill themselves. Don't drop the block to take a shot. They go down really fast.

    Anyway thanks again fellers!
    'Clever' sigs get old real fast - just like this one.
  • moxie
    really disappointed that I basically have a giant roadblock hindering any progression because of this one fight. loads of deaths, no potions left, end of the line for me I suppose.
  • Yankee
    Artemiisia wrote: »
    easy to beat him, did it as lvl 49 restrostaf sorc, used probably 10 mag potions, and beat him in only one try, the fight took about 10 mins, and had lots of kiting as well

    my castbar was

    mages wrath
    crystal fragments
    rapid regeneration
    critical surge
    inner light

    sidenote: I freaking loved this fight, it was chaos from start to finish :D

    Pretty much what I used and leveled with. I use lightning form, crystal fragments, regeneration, mages wrath. 5th one was winged twighlight which I did not bother recasting. I saved my ultimate points and used overload because it hits fairly hard and keeps my magicka up.

    I was even able to eat quite a bit of the AoE without problem. I have taken everything but a DK through this fight.

    It was not too bad on any of them, but the Sorc was the easiest. There are some VR quest named mobs you will have to run around and attrition down the same way.
    Edited by Yankee on May 5, 2014 10:28PM
  • ZomZom
    Velocious Curse, maybe get in a Crystal Blast while circle strafing, rinse & repeat.
  • gostner.emanuelb16_ESO
    You guys are kidding right? I finished the mainquest at lvl 47 and Molag was very very easy, Manni was 10xharder.
    My tactics: kite him, the adds are down quickly due to godmode
  • psychedelician
    Soul Shriven
    You guys are kidding right? I finished the mainquest at lvl 47 and Molag was very very easy, Manni was 10xharder.
    My tactics: kite him, the adds are down quickly due to godmode

    I agree 100%. I'm a sorc, did the quest at lvl 49 and died to "Mannimarco's" mobs like over 6-7 times. Then I defeated Molag Bal with only one run with only 2 heals from resto staff.
    Edited by psychedelician on May 5, 2014 1:16PM
    Ebonheart Pact
    Sorcerer - Redguard - Healer
    Nightblade - Wood Elf - DPS - Werewolf
    Templar - Breton - Healer - Vampire
  • drwoody44b14_ESO
    vassilij wrote: »
    Asava wrote: »
    As for Molog Bal, kite him around any rocks
    Sorc 1VT. With instant spells, Medium armor, buffed by restoring food& drinks etc...10 tries = 10 deaths.
    I wonder how many nbz here would write that they fought MB by the 'one shot'. Funny schoolboys, what are u doing here?)

    The point is that: this MB boss is nearly unbeatable for a traditional sorc.
    Kiting? Nonsense. Have you seen MB blue projectiles beat you THROUGH the rocks!!!!! Yes, you can block them but...
    have you seen MB shooting 5 (!) projectiles at the same time. AND BLOCK DOESN'T HELP!

    So, i would like to ask mature ones. For any suggestions on this matter...

    P.S. Personally, i'd like to see that final fight as an OPTION for all kinds of players. Wanna fight it alone? Go on. Wanna fight in a zerg-party? you're welcome.
    Wanna miss this stupid quest? Not a bad decision. IMHO...

    And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why we cant have nice things in video games.

    Did you find WoW hard? Serious question.

    This fight was a joke once I figured out the patters and what to block and when to move. Having a resto staff to heal yourself is a requirement I think.
    Edited by drwoody44b14_ESO on May 6, 2014 2:54PM
  • Slantasiam
    crit surge elemental ring....destroyed in under a min
  • phairdon
    Molag Bal's add's did me in the first time. Molag Bal's stomps killed me the second time. Believe me I ran or tried to; his stuns stopped me from doing so a few times.
    Expected this battle to be tough & tough it is. Going to back for more punishment though.
    Your immersion is breaking my entitlement. Buff Sorc's. Darkshroud the cremator Death by furRubeus BlackFluffy knight BladesThe Fat PantherPsijic Fungal SausageFlesheater the VileCaspian Rafferty FernsbyArchfiend Warlock PiersThe Black BishopEvil Wizard Lizard (EU)Neberra Vestige Fajeon (EU)Salanis Deathstick (EU)Blood Mage Alchemist (EU)
  • bloodenragedb14_ESO
    focus on damage shield(wards) and defensive skills, whittle him down with weapons attacks
  • Yankee
    vassilij wrote: »
    Sorc 1VT. With instant spells, Medium armor, buffed by restoring food& drinks etc...10 tries = 10 deaths.
    I wonder how many nbz here would write that they fought MB by the 'one shot'. Funny schoolboys, what are u doing here?)

    The point is that: this MB boss is nearly unbeatable for a traditional sorc.
    Kiting? Nonsense. Have you seen MB blue projectiles beat you THROUGH the rocks!!!!! Yes, you can block them but...
    have you seen MB shooting 5 (!) projectiles at the same time. AND BLOCK DOESN'T HELP!

    So, i would like to ask mature ones. For any suggestions on this matter...

    P.S. Personally, i'd like to see that final fight as an OPTION for all kinds of players. Wanna fight it alone? Go on. Wanna fight in a zerg-party? you're welcome.
    Wanna miss this stupid quest? Not a bad decision. IMHO...

    I do not picture a "traditional" Sorcerer in all medium armor. But, whatever. However, you do not even offer what spells you were using. Did you have any means to heal or at least mitigate damage?

    Somehow I feel no matter how many times some of us have taken different classes through this fight we will be ""nbz" (newbs?) and "schoolboys" to such as you. We can list the spells we used, type walls of text explaining how we did one shot it. And you will still ridicule us as immature (I am 57) until we agree with you it is an impossible fight.

    If I could wave a wand and make this fight optional for you I would. You would get to the first few VR zones and be back on the forums complaining about impossible quests.
    Edited by Yankee on May 5, 2014 10:44PM
  • uraya1958
    Soul Shriven
    i tried im a sorceror,light armour destruction staff , and avoid and run??? cant believe we are playing the same game all attacks hit except i could just dodge the melee,i noticed self heal just about stopped while molag was chasing and not only that his fire went through rock or what ever was in the way,,death was fast and putting a dent in him not a chance,id almost say that it responds too the build ya got.basicly no hope in hell of winning it with my skill set up
  • Aballister
    Out of interest what camera did everyone use, I did this over the weekend using just curse,rest staff HoT and light attacks. I started however in first person and he almost got me when I got stuck on a rock and he jump attacked. Just survived that and switched to third person which made it much easier to avoid his attacks and rocks while kiting.
    Dark Elf Sorc(AD)
  • NukaCola
    uraya1958 wrote: »
    i tried im a sorceror,light armour destruction staff , and avoid and run??? cant believe we are playing the same game all attacks hit except i could just dodge the melee,i noticed self heal just about stopped while molag was chasing and not only that his fire went through rock or what ever was in the way,,death was fast and putting a dent in him not a chance,id almost say that it responds too the build ya got.basicly no hope in hell of winning it with my skill set up

    You can block he's basic melee attack and the projectile with your staff. Move out of the way when he teleports on you and get a few free shots in. Repeat this until he summons he's minions. When he does this move to a corner and bounce all the projectiles back with you staff. In the last phase just keep moving and hit him with your light attack until he dies. Pets help in this phase because he only focuses on you. Keep a ward up on yourself and you will be fine. Maybe a potion if you get low on mana.
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