Maintenance for the week of June 17:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)

The Liberation of Northpoint - bugged for days.

  • Auranest
    Soul Shriven
    There wouldn't of been a mod for just that one group...

    If you manage to stay up late enough (or wake up early enough) when there aren't many players, surf until you find a nice server then camp away on the wooden platform near the gargoyle at the front of the gate to the graveyard and tell no one to go near. Eventually, the NPC will disappear and that's when you head in.

    Zenimax, why is there no reply and why haven't you even put this quest on the 'Known issues'?
  • wookiefriseur
    Bug is alive and well.


    At least it turned into a small emote event.
  • MillerEP
    /bumping this, it is still a HUGE problem, can't progress in Rivenspire without it.
  • fkgamer
    Players who grief so that others cant complete this quest should be banned for life.
  • JohnG
    Bump, still bugged, just ran into this one tonight. GMs should be advancing people beyond this point until this is fixed, ridiculous to just leave people sitting there unable to continue there factions main questline for days.
  • Kataktiwa
    bumpy, get it fixed in next patch plz
  • Hadan_of_Rift
    Still not fixed
  • DougLeGuedin
    Soul Shriven
    Do something! At least tell us with something real. Not a f***ing auto "try to restart the quest, if you can't this is a main story quest or logging off and on".
    The same issue running for days, do you honestly think that we were waiting for you prewritten answer to do that?
  • GeneralCornwallace
    This needs to be fixed.
  • wookiefriseur
    Luckily I was able to finish the quest after all.

    But there are good news for everyone else who still needs it.
    • We have fixed the issue with Liberation of Northpoint. The quest is now completable.

  • Charkat
    Just got this done. Of course, it required me logging on at 5am to find an unpopulated instance of the zone. Such methods shouldn't be necessary to complete quests.
  • GeneralCornwallace
    Patros wrote: »
    Luckily I was able to finish the quest after all.

    But there are good news for everyone else who still needs it.
    • We have fixed the issue with Liberation of Northpoint. The quest is now completable.

    Nice, I am happy I did not get to this quest till late last night anyways, so I just went to bed. Thank god I was not stuck with it for days like some people, would have been pretty frustrating, it was frustrating just trying to do it last night for an hour. To people who do things just so others cannot complete quests, you deserve to be perma banned, you are worthless.
  • Therealshur
    It seems to be broken again ....

    At least at the veteran level
  • Zxaxz
    It seems to be broken again ....

    At least at the veteran level

    Yes, Broken again. June 2 - unable to get part 3 (darien) done - NPC just kneels at the ground . =/
    Darkness is the natural state of the galaxy. A light will not shine forever; one day it will burn itself out. Darkness, however, is everlasting and never expires.
  • Iorail
    This Bug is still going on, specially when there are players that run in there, see the mobs and run out, that's what is bugging this. I sat there today for a few, Vr zone btw, waiting for it to reset, and it did after about 20 minutes and multiple relogs. Before I was able to go in, another player was already there and when the mobs spawned, He just ran them off, this made the NPC to bug on a crouch position, with 2 un-attackable mobs also on crouch also, next to him.

    This could have been done on purpose or not, but I can tell you, the player that did this, never return, and I didn't even get a name to report him/her and the quest is bugged once more.....

    Resetting is easier on the normal zone as more phases exist, but on the Vr zone, were everyone is gone to Craglorn to Farm (Thanks a bunch for that one ZoS! &&U^%&^(*(#$@%), changing phases with hardly 10 players on the entire map is impossible, so if you want to get this quest done, it's either get up in the early hours of the morning or right after a server reset, which is not acceptable.
  • Kingteranas
    Soul Shriven
    Still bugged... Really annoyed since its a required quest for progressing to the next veteran alliance.
  • ericpeterson.reallyub17_ESO
    It is bugged even on non-VR phases. I have wrestled with this all day. I had a chat with customer support and they did the whole "abandon quest, /camp and relog, or /reloadui" thing. Standard. I asked if they could just force my quest forward a step because really I have nothing else to do in Tamriel right now without just bypassing the rest of this zone (like 2 quest hubs) and moving on and I don't really want to do that.

    What is surprising to me is that every "phase" of the server I went to had people standing around and waiting. So clearly its a big issue. And obviously it blocks continuation of the zone quest. But yet every customer service person I talk to is like "Well what exactly happens?" This has been bugged on and off since the beginning. I have filed tickets. I hate repeating it. It makes them sound like basically the people actually responding aren't the people who can actually help me.

    Abandoning the quest doesn't even seem like it would be a possible solution (albeit I tried it) since its one of those "event" quests where it runs in a loop cycle and anyone nearby gets access. So ME resetting my quest doesn't really fix it for the server.

    Frustrating. This is like the third "blocker" style quest I've run into in 2 weeks. And this is by far the worst.
  • ericpeterson.reallyub17_ESO
    Oh, but that was what was my original point-- they said the game is incapable of allowing admins to come in and force a quest forward past a broken quest. Which seems either untrue or kind of not a good idea.

    I can only imagine how pissed I would be if I got the Coldharbour bug prohibiting me from starting the VR stuff.
  • Iorail

    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: » We have fixed the issue with Liberation of Northpoint. The quest is now completable. This is obviously not the case, can this get fix, once and for all?

  • stmalkb14
    OMG it's bugged again. I can't speak with Darien at the cemetery he just sits there and gets eaten by bloodfiends. I can't kill them and can't do anything. Cmon, that just breaks the whole main quest for Rivenspire! And I'm not a Veteran, I'm 33 lvl! I had once more person standing next to me having the same issue :neutral_face:
    Edited by stmalkb14 on June 3, 2014 11:39AM
  • stefan.gustavsonb16_ESO
    It makes me sad to see the lack of quality assurance, and the general tendency to get it wrong, from the people maintaining this game. I get the feeling that the quest programming consists of a jumbled mess of badly managed and undocumented spaghetti code hacks rather than a structured and well written set of scripts that can be maintained and debugged in an orderly fashion. I also can't shake the feeling that they are in panic mode, shooting from the hip and sending out patches without thinking them through properly.

    Now, please don't get me wrong and take this as an "ad hominem" attack. I am not saying that they are bad people, nor that I dislike them in any way as persons. I am saying, however, that they are doing a bad job, because we are seeing a poor quality output from their work process. Whether that bad result is due to a lack of skill, bad management, a lack of time and resources or a lack of interest is not really relevant to us as paying subscribers. Either way, this is most definitely not the proper way of managing a software product of the sheer size and complexity of ESO.

    It would be most unfortunate if bad software management would kill a game with such high ambitions and great promise, after so much effort was put into artwork and writing. I am still having fun playing the game, but the constant stream of game-breaking bugs, serious balance problems and unannounced stealth patches that miss the mark are slowly killing it for me.

    Less happy hacking. More planning, structure and testing. Please.
  • Misty1
    Soul Shriven
    This quest is broken again, I tried 3 times yesterday, and once again this morning, Darien is still just crouching there being eaten alive...
  • wookiefriseur
    you have to wait for approx. 15+ minutes, far away from darien to let the event reset itself.. best outside of the cemetary at the fountain

    during that time nobody else is allowed to get anywhere near him

    after reset properly darien will kill the bloodfiends, when approached, and start the event.. consisting of multiple waves of bloodfiend attackers and a gargoyle boss at the end

    something like's been a while...
  • Iorail
    Patros wrote: »
    you have to wait for approx. 15+ minutes, far away from darien to let the event reset itself.. best outside of the cemetary at the fountain

    during that time nobody else is allowed to get anywhere near him

    after reset properly darien will kill the bloodfiends, when approached, and start the event.. consisting of multiple waves of bloodfiend attackers and a gargoyle boss at the end

    something like's been a while...

    This doesn't work anymore as we waited close to an hour, and we made sure no one came in on that time, and he didn't reset.
  • Kingteranas
    Soul Shriven
    Need a real hotfix for this ASAP, cannot progress without it fixed.
  • Auranest
    Soul Shriven
    What they need to do, is stop quests being triggered when you're in range or get rid of mods interacting with quest NPCs.

    Sucks that this bug has come back to life, can't explain my anger when I was stuck :L
  • BelGarian
    Soul Shriven
    Has anyone been able to complete this? I see this thread has been going for a wile now. This is very frustrating to be at the end of a zone, stuck and unable to advance too the next zone.

  • wookiefriseur
    Iorail wrote: »
    This doesn't work anymore as we waited close to an hour, and we made sure no one came in on that time, and he didn't reset.

    Oh, that sucks even more ^^
  • fenrisulvur
    Soul Shriven
    Yep still bugged and it's very frustrating. all the communication I've had with customer support hasn't been that great either. They are basically chalking it up as something on the users end and not client side and acting like a simple relog will fix it and they don't need to do anything. It's annoying and frustrating.
  • Mix
    Bugged for me too. Veteran we cannot just relog to a new instance as there appears to only be ONE instance for us (not so many vet players).

    This thread is very old and I wish they hadn't closed the new one!
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