Maintenance for the week of June 3:
· [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance June 5, 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Confirmed Memory Leak in 1.1.2

  • Drachenmutter

    EU has to fight with the same problems like you and we got this patch after you ... but the show must go on!
  • rabblyb14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Glad to see the problem has been identified and a fix is in the works. I have this issue too; currently I'm setting a 45 minute timer to remind me when to quit and relaunch the client, otherwise I get the inescapable black screen of doom. Memory usage seems to rise steadily regardless of what I'm doing in-game, even if I'm just hanging around town crafting.

    Fingers crossed that this fix makes it in soon, as friends of mine with lower memory systems have it worse, needing to restart in under 20 or even 10 minutes to avoid the freeze.
  • Obus
    I temporally "solved" the memory rising by atctivating vsync. Memory usage isn't incrementing anymore. Lets see if it crashes.
    Obus - EU NB - Former Emperor - AD @ EU Dawnbreaker
    Banana Squad
    Zerg Squad
  • Jade1986
    Obus wrote: »
    I temporally "solved" the memory rising by atctivating vsync. Memory usage isn't incrementing anymore. Lets see if it crashes.
    Iused vsync as well, always do, still crashed after 2 hours. Tried to contact customer service. BAM.

  • huangmao
    ya.. I mean. I just bought a new car this month, and then a few days later a lost my phone. I am TOTALLY can't-leave-the-house broke until the 1st.

    and I would have really enjoyed this game that I've paid for =\ I don't watch television at all. I'm going to go run a damn half marathon. ...
  • markus.konradb16_ESO
    Calgrissom wrote: »
    Last Night we found this. It seemed the guys who used Windows 8 Had the memory leak but windows 7 users I talked to did not including my self. Can any windows 7 users here confirm if they had this leak.
    Win7 64bit here. Memory usage while game was minimized at login screen went up to 546k within less than half an hour.

    Haven't tested in ingame yet.
  • alexj4596b14_ESO
    Since you are not experienced in the field of computer science, you should refrain from trying to refute those of us who are.

    The fact that you read the OP's reproducible case on how to see the memory leak, and it didn't occur to you that THAT is a HUGE bug, means you have 0 experience in software development, and need to stay out of the technical side of the conversation.

    Those of us with 26 years of software development are able to reproduce the memory leak, and at least 30 of us have CONFIRMED IT.

    Therefore, it is CONFIRMED, and we have REPRODUCIBLE CASES to back it up (as documented in the OP).

    Thanks for understanding.

    I cashed like 8 times yesterday is this what caused it? Is there a way too fix it on our end?
  • Brizz
    Does anyone else feel that the Zenimax team keep reaffirming how amateur they are as developers / programmers? This kind of huge game impacting problem would be fixed in a heartbeat with any other MMO out there.
    :.,_,.:*"'"*:.,_,.:*"'"* Guild of Shadows *"'":.,_,.:*"'"*:.,_,.:
    Briizz - v14 EP Werewolf Nightblade <Former Emperor - Chillrend NA>
    Brizz The Elder Dragon - v14 EP Dragon Knight
    Brizz - v12 DC Nightblade <Former Emperor - Celarus NA>
    Brizeer - v4 Stamina Sorcerer - Prophet of Zazeer-Destroyer of Buff Severs and Eater of Sweet Rolls-
    Watch LIVE @
  • Moonchilde
    I have been experiencing this since the very first patch after launch. Crashes 6-10x per night.

    I'm starting to think that there may be something up with my base install. I have not done a clean install of this game since beta. I'm curious if any files were not overwritten by subsequent installs or patches, and if there are some game files that should have been created from scratch, but weren't.

    I might test this tomorrow by hollowing out my install, downloading fresh, and applying patch.
  • Rykoth
    How about we don't bash ZOS and focus on getting this fix. Anyone use RAM optimizing programs that help with this?
    Gorthal gro-Gunthak, Chieftain of Mor'Grumaar
    Sigrun Elkhorn, Nordic Warrior and Skald

    Mor'Grumaar - Orcish Stronghold Roleplay
  • Fablelost
    no addons. no unnececery programs.
    eso.exe 2 000 000 Kb memory usage :>
    "Come Nerevar, friend or traitor come. Come and look upon the Heart and Akulakhan. And bring Wraithguard, I have need of it."
  • notepad
    I tested this and am seeing the memory usage slowly creep up on the Launcher with just the Launcher open (haven't clicked Play) and the game not running.

    It started at ~89mb and has slowly ticked up, now at 118mb about 15 minutes later.

    Windows 7 SP1 x64. Just in case you want AddOns again (though they should be irrelevant at Launcher screen), I'm only running PL_Timers and ResearchAssistant.
  • marchiggs_707b16_ESO
    Confirmed able to reproduce following OP
    game completely unplayable atm
    I can resist everything except temptation .. Oscar Wilde
  • Korvadiel
    Focus on this techies, and you better be quick at resolving it.
  • AZSharksFan
    Game is not fun to play in this fashion - crashing every 15-25 minutes depending on what I'm doing in game. I had hope there would be a fix within 24 hours but now that the day has come and gone, I wouldn't be surprised if nothing is done until Tuesday with Thursday likely the "fix" day. Sad given that I was finally getting some consistent enjoyment stability wise when they "fix" the Cyrodiil server issues (or was it enhancements...)

    Anyhow, I've got memory dumps at fresh load and 10 minutes apart, I've got RAM MAPs and list of file handles open. I have a dedicated machine I could easily toss in a remote control program and allow access. I'm willing to give you guys an effected machine that easily exceeds your requirements; albeit it's a 32 bit machine...

    I did notice that memory usage drops a little after you zone but never to a point when you first went into that zone. There are no add ons (it was even worse...) nor is the launcher running in the background (also made it worse).. This machine pretty much does one thing; play ESO..

    Anyhow, I was there there when UO, EQ, and WOW went through their pains - You would think that in 17 years many lessons would have been learned, some even by fire... How to code a MMO, how to run servers, and how to support your paying fans in trying times.

    While I understand the difficulties in balancing game play, adding new content/enhancements, but what I don't have patience for is breaking core functionality. Whatever the excuse is for not seeing this coming, make sure you address that.. It may not kill the project but it will certainly stunt the enthusiasm of many excited wide-eyed gamers and curtail your potential profits. It's certainly stunting my desire to get home from work and spend my free time with this online hobby. I cant speak for everyone but once I start losing my interest, your game will simply get chucked into a pile and I'll find a new interest.

  • fiachsidhe
    Wow...I'm watching it right now. every second it goes up. I'm watching my memory usage go up and free memory go down. In a few minutes I'll be capped and crash.

    This is insane!
    Don't have an intelligent argument? Just LOL a post!

    Dire Crow - Ebonheart Pact - Dunmer Nightblade
  • markus.konradb16_ESO
    Played without crash for about 90 minutes and observed the following:

    - Memory usage kept rising slowly in game, but raced up while on login and character screens. Was at about 1.75 GB before I quit after playing said 90 minutes. Lucky me I suppose.

    - Using Combat Cloud addon. Disabling it did not effect the constantly rising memory usage at all. Besides that I use no other addons or mods.

    - Swapping to desktop took considerably longer than before (takes 10-15 seconds now, usually it works almost instantly)

    - My medium armor turned purple! Purple armor looks really really horrible and I hope ZOS puts all available ressources into fixing that ASAP!
    Edited by markus.konradb16_ESO on May 24, 2014 12:31AM
  • serkanoz
    Untill patch, changing display mode to windowed and turn back to full screen every 20 minutes seems like a solution.
  • FireKat
    serkanoz wrote: »
    Untill patch, changing display mode to windowed and turn back to full screen every 20 minutes seems like a solution.

    Interesting O.o
    I'll have to give that a try.
  • Worstluck
    I've got it set to windowed mode already. Unfortunately full screen mode does not work with two monitors. I've been playing a couple hours now and when I first started memory usage for eso.exe was 1.1gb. Now it's up to 2.1 gb. I have more than enough ram, but I can certainly see that if people are using less than 8gb ram, the game will crash more often.
    Worstluck - Breton Nightblade "Some of us refused to bow. We knew the old ways would lead us back to having a kingdom of our own."
    Elfluck - Dunmer Dragonknight "When I will walk the earth again, the Faithful among you shall receive your reward: to be set above all other mortals forever. As for the rest: the weak shall be winnowed: the timid shall be cast down: the mighty shall tremble at my feet and pray for pardon."
    ―Mehrunes Dagon
    Deadluck -Imperial Templar "Men are but flesh and blood. They know their doom, but not the hour"
    ―Uriel Septim

    Daggerfall Covenant
  • wrlifeboil
    Game is not fun to play in this fashion - crashing every 15-25 minutes depending on what I'm doing in game. I had hope there would be a fix within 24 hours but now that the day has come and gone, I wouldn't be surprised if nothing is done until Tuesday with Thursday likely the "fix" day. Sad given that I was finally getting some consistent enjoyment stability wise when they "fix" the Cyrodiil server issues (or was it enhancements...)

    Anyhow, I've got memory dumps at fresh load and 10 minutes apart, I've got RAM MAPs and list of file handles open. I have a dedicated machine I could easily toss in a remote control program and allow access. I'm willing to give you guys an effected machine that easily exceeds your requirements; albeit it's a 32 bit machine...

    I did notice that memory usage drops a little after you zone but never to a point when you first went into that zone. There are no add ons (it was even worse...) nor is the launcher running in the background (also made it worse).. This machine pretty much does one thing; play ESO..

    Anyhow, I was there there when UO, EQ, and WOW went through their pains - You would think that in 17 years many lessons would have been learned, some even by fire... How to code a MMO, how to run servers, and how to support your paying fans in trying times.

    While I understand the difficulties in balancing game play, adding new content/enhancements, but what I don't have patience for is breaking core functionality. Whatever the excuse is for not seeing this coming, make sure you address that.. It may not kill the project but it will certainly stunt the enthusiasm of many excited wide-eyed gamers and curtail your potential profits. It's certainly stunting my desire to get home from work and spend my free time with this online hobby. I cant speak for everyone but once I start losing my interest, your game will simply get chucked into a pile and I'll find a new interest.

    The best solution so far is to logout of the game every 20-25 minutes to avoid any crashes.

    Persevere and remember the Elder Scrolls Online Player anthem:

    At least until the next renewal date. :)
  • Atreidus
    Proved and confirmed .Even by the german comunity(EU). No matter which client.
    6 GB seems to be leaking.
    Awfull stuttering, gamecrash , delayed stuff. all caused by this leaks.
    1h is the timeframe which is need to get this leak.
    The Server needs an new pack of Server diapers ASAP. Or it is getting smelly here.
    Edited by Atreidus on May 24, 2014 12:59AM
  • FunkyBudda
    Hey guys, thanks for the reports on this. We're going to look into this now, and will let you know if we have any additional questions for you.

    Do you guys even have a QA team, or subscribers are being used as QA analysts?
    More imcompetence.. bad game balance, bad encounter design, bad coding, bad testing.. whatever.. fire everyone or whoever is responsable for this mess.

    No kidding, and +1...

    Edited by FunkyBudda on May 24, 2014 1:00AM
  • Omnevolus
    My wife and I are having the same issue as everyone else. Memory usage increasing in-game, one desktop pc, one laptop, both windows 7 x64.

    We can each play for about an hour before the freezing and glitching is too bad to play anymore. Close game with the result of a black screen that keeps the computers frozen in this state for about 5 - 10 mins, seemingly dependent on how long we had been playing. If close from character select, or just after a few mins, frozen black screen lasts for a shorter time.

    We both have the exact same experience, every time. The game is simply unplayable after a little time in-game.

    ZOS, please strengthen your customer service commitment and eat the weekend overtime to GET THIS ISSUE FIXED IMMEDIATELY! A fix on Tuesday is a big "screw you" to us, from you.
  • ExiledKhallisi

    >>>>>>>>(DC)Guild Master of Biestas 250+ Active Members<<<<<<<<
    ||||||Vr14 Sorc: Darkened Soul vr14 Templar: Tiffaney||||||
    “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
    ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
  • deathrament
    When ever i join a group i get dc every single time in craglorn. When im not in a group im fine. Unbelievable!!
  • Rykoth
    I am using RamBooster. While I still crashed, I was also stressing it by opening browser things and such. And I haven't had to restart my computer as of yet.
    Gorthal gro-Gunthak, Chieftain of Mor'Grumaar
    Sigrun Elkhorn, Nordic Warrior and Skald

    Mor'Grumaar - Orcish Stronghold Roleplay
  • Galen_the_Black
    Soul Shriven
    I'm not sure if it really is ESO.exe and not the Bethesda.net_Launcher.exe. I noticed that the Launcher keeps incrementing the memory used upwards.

    Now when you launch the game by clicking on the Play button on the Launcher, ESO is run but the Launcher stays active in the background. Default is to minimize to the system tray but the Launcher is still active.

    On a hunch that the problem is in the Launcher, I ran the game straight from the executable which can be found in

    //:The Elder Scrolls Online/game/client/eso.exe.

    ESO ran until it used up to 1.5 GB of RAM and then stabilized there. No memory leak. Played for a few hours with no problems then exited. All memory was returned properly.

    Am running on a Core 2 Duo 2.66ghz with Vista Home 32 bit and 4GB ram. Nvidia GT440 graphic card.

    Ps. Ran the launcher again just to see how far the memory leak will go. Strangely enough it now stabilizes on 100k ram with the Elf picture, 115 with the ranger picture and 125k with the broken helm knight picture.

    The memory leak was gone!!! WTFOMGBBQ!?!?!

    You people might want to try running ESO.exe directly. Run the launcher first to confirm that all updates were installed. When the play button appears, exit the Launcher then run ESO.exe. I have both Launcher and Game as shortcuts on my desktop to make things simpler.

    Try it and report what happens please. I'm very interested if this will work on other OS.


    In the time it took to type up this post the Launcher has stabilized at 130k with the picture of the ranger and knight.

    Seems stable to me now. I did have the memory leak problem that people have reported but it's now gone.

    Note that i use 12 mods (11 out of date) and did not change any settings as I was already using the fullscreen mode since the very start at the beginning of the Month.
    Edited by Galen_the_Black on May 24, 2014 1:33AM
    Just my 2 Septims.
  • deathrament
    Game is completly unplayable for me, unless i want to play solo, in craglorn which i don't. Never seen so many issues in a game this far after launch.
  • skeletorz_ESO
    Your account has been canceled.
    “If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things.” -- René Descartes
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