Mute Monkeys PLEASE!

Maintenance for the week of March 31:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 31, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – April 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – April 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
These damn things are driving me CRAZY! I swear ZOS, you went out of your way to make these stupid things the most annoying, hateable, rage-inducing nuicance you could possible make them, just to screw with me!

What is worse, people are using their beta monkeys in the bank and standing in such a place as seems to cause their pathing AI to go haywire, which makes them twitch back and forth at light speed spamming their obnoxious sounds a hundred times a minute!

I literally unplug my headphones whenever I am in a bank, but for some reason you also felt the need to put these disgusting creatures every damn place out in the world, forcing me to kill them all with lightning just to avoid throwing my headphones against the wall.

What's more, you bulked them into a sound group that causes you to miss out on important cues if you mute the monkey slider.

Nerf monkeys now, or I'm demanding a refund on grounds of insanity! :p

(No, not really, but yes, MAKE THEM BE SILENT PLEASE!)
Edited by Phinix1 on May 10, 2014 9:35PM
  • Kyle_Roberts
    Is it causing you to go.....BANANAS?
  • Sakiri
    I hate that noise so much.

    And sorc pets.

    And the scuttler.

    Turn that off and I miss things I want to hear.
  • ItsMeToo
    LOL, That just makes me want to get mine out of my bank account and follow you around. I hate the noise too and kill them all the time, but seeing someone go crazy would be fun to watch in game. If you don't see someone stocking you in game and you hear monkeys, it's me. LOL
    FYI - There is no such thing as 'night capping' in a world wide MMO.
    FYI - There was no paid Beta. When they launched the game the Beta was over, even if you don't think it was.
    FYI - It's B2P not F2P. There is a difference.
    FYI - It doesn't take any player skill to mash keys or buttons in this game. The ones that stay alive longer have the better internet connection and speed.
    FYI - The game is not broken, it still works. It just has 'bugs' that need to be fixed.
    Balance is a "Bad" thing.

    Example: There were hundreds of Jedi and only two Sith in Star Wars. The Jedi wanted, "Balance in the Force" and they got it. Now there are only two Jedi and two Sith.

    Balance is a "Bad" thing.
    Is the glass half full or half empty?
    I say, "Get a smaller glass."
  • Bangstin
    This reminds me. When can we have a talking mini Daggerfall bank lady as a pet? I would use it every day.
  • ElliottXO
    There should be an option to disable vanity pets on your screen completely.

    God I hate running dungeons with a whole zoo following me.
  • Blackwolfe5
    I'm fine with the monkeys. People slamming the door in the Davons watch bank however!
  • twisteddm
    Soul Shriven
    Bangstin wrote: »
    This reminds me. When can we have a talking mini Daggerfall bank lady as a pet? I would use it every day.

    "You know the saying, never a borrower nor a lender be..."

    (grits teeth) Yes, yes I do.... you've told me about 50 million times now... Now shut up and just open my damn deposit box...
  • KORJ
    Reduce the size of sorc pets.
    Change the visual effect of baund armor. (Daedric armor... looks horribly)
    Edited by KORJ on May 10, 2014 11:10PM
  • Faolanhart
    Makes me wish that I had played the beta just so that I could annoy people with it. But I'm happy enough with my mudcrab Fluffy.
  • Reykice
    Sakiri wrote: »
    I hate that noise so much.

    And sorc pets.

    And the scuttler.

    Turn that off and I miss things I want to hear.
    I`ll add mage light to the list.... and any other passive spell that constantly makes a sound.... :)
  • nez
    Faolanhart wrote: »
    Makes me wish that I had played the beta just so that I could annoy people with it. But I'm happy enough with my mudcrab Fluffy.

    Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na Batmaaaan
  • Jade1986
    You know, I am actually happy about the addition to actual wildlife in this game...or are we just complaining about the monkey pets?
  • Phinix1
    OK, that monkey clip is classic. Totally forgot about that movie. Dennis Hopper was the man!
  • Phinix1
    Just discovered the godsend Audio Control, which allows you to keybind muting and un-muting any of the different volume controls. It even remembers where you had the slider when you un-mute.

    Bye-bye monkey sound!
  • ArcaneBlue
    Bangstin wrote: »
    This reminds me. When can we have a talking mini Daggerfall bank lady as a pet? I would use it every day.

    or the crier martine. hear ye hear ye!
  • Reymas
    The monkeys shall never be silenced!
    Honor, Duty and Piety for Morrowind
  • Cously
    The problem is annoying, as that saying, you know. This thread really made my night. Saturday night reading ESO posts that's so sad but can be so funny!
  • Daethz
    Bangstin wrote: »
    This reminds me. When can we have a talking mini Daggerfall bank lady as a pet? I would use it every day.
    Hah, Theres actually a addon that mutes her, lmao.
    pets are annoying and have no value or use, though.
    Waiting, and watching, for the return of Melee Weapons.
    -Subsidiary of The Fighters Guild
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