These damn things are driving me CRAZY! I swear ZOS, you went out of your way to make these stupid things the most annoying, hateable, rage-inducing nuicance you could possible make them, just to screw with me!
What is worse, people are using their beta monkeys in the bank and standing in such a place as seems to cause their pathing AI to go haywire, which makes them twitch back and forth at light speed spamming their obnoxious sounds a hundred times a minute!
I literally unplug my headphones whenever I am in a bank, but for some reason you also felt the need to put these disgusting creatures every damn place out in the world, forcing me to kill them all with lightning just to avoid throwing my headphones against the wall.
What's more, you bulked them into a sound group that causes you to miss out on important cues if you mute the monkey slider.
Nerf monkeys now, or I'm demanding a refund on grounds of insanity!

(No, not really, but yes, MAKE THEM BE SILENT PLEASE!)
Edited by Phinix1 on May 10, 2014 9:35PM