Do you play ESO in first person view, third person, or both?

  • spartaxoxo
    Third person almost always
    I only use first person for screenshots, viewing minute details in houses and looking for something I can't seem to find in 3rd person now.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on June 23, 2022 12:39AM
  • paulsimonps
    For fun, this was my buddy D'Enoht healing The Twins (AKA the Friendship Destroyers) in first person about 5 years ago. D was one of the better healers in all of Tamriel way back in the day. We were one of the first to clear VMOL HM, and it was a lot of late nights. Every now and then he would whisper me saying that he did that pull in first person. Haha.

    I wasn't in this particular group, but looks like @paulsimonps was tanking/raid leading this one. Wonder if he knew what shenanigans D was up to at the time. :D

    D said in the comments that the color swaps required him to look down at his feet. I definitely would have blown up a few of my friends if I tried this. LOL
    For fun, this was my buddy D'Enoht healing The Twins (AKA the Friendship Destroyers) in first person about 5 years ago. D was one of the better healers in all of Tamriel way back in the day. We were one of the first to clear VMOL HM, and it was a lot of late nights. Every now and then he would whisper me saying that he did that pull in first person. Haha.

    I wasn't in this particular group, but looks like @paulsimonps was tanking/raid leading this one. Wonder if he knew what shenanigans D was up to at the time. :D

    D said in the comments that the color swaps required him to look down at his feet. I definitely would have blown up a few of my friends if I tried this. LOL


    Those were some good ole times. I wish he would have had UserID on instead of Character names, can't remember who was in the run :tongue:
  • Tarloch_S
    First person mostly but some third person too
    First person/3rd with character center screen and camera as close to character as possible. I will zoom out in 3rd on occasion. Usually when casting spells that completely obscure vison. I don't do trials or pvp so I don't have the pressure of "not being good enough" or being disadvantage against others. They should limit pvp to first person ;o}~

    I would love to see a quality of life update performed for first person. The added difficulty is lovely and the absolute wonderous beauty of the perspective would be a sad thing to miss out on.0hlt03ankbt5.jpg
    Be kind and generous to the people of Tamriel. Protect the weak, heal the sick, and give to the needy. Stendarr
  • Kendaric
    Third person almost always
    Third person exclusively, except to take screenshots of the landscape.

    Third person is also a necessity for me as first person gives me motion sickness, especially when there are a lot things going on. Unfortunately that prevents me from playing some single-player games I'd really love to try out (Cyberpunk, Kingdom Come).
    While I can get motion sick in third person as well, it happens more rarely and mainly when there are a lot of flashing effects near me.
      PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!. Outfit slots not being accountwide is ridiculous given their price. PC EU/PC NA roleplayer and solo PvE quester
    • Braffin
      Third person almost always
      Almost exclusively third-person. Outside of group content my camera is right behind my char, so I have some sort of "shoulder cam", in group content mostly zoomed out as far as necessary.

      Nice necro btw.
      Never get between a cat and it's candy!
      Overland difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including One Tamriel, an overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver & Gold as a "you think you do but you don't" - tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game. I'm bored of dungeons, I'm bored of trials; make a personal difficulty slider for overland. It's not that hard.
    • Rufusstan
      Third person almost always
      Assuming Third person view means 'over the shoulder' view, then that way; all the time.
    • Syldras
      First person mostly but some third person too
      Is it just me or does Necrom play especially well in first person? So much interesting small clutter everywhere, especially in Telvanni towers. In third person, I'd probably miss a lot of it.
      @Syldras | PC | EU
      The forceful expression of will gives true honor to the Ancestors.
      Sarayn Andrethi, Telvanni mage (Main)
      Darvasa Andrethi, his "I'm NOT a Necromancer!" sister
      Malacar Sunavarlas, Altmer Ayleid vampire
    • SedoUmbra
      Third person almost always
      If something looks interesting, I'll go "Oh, I wonder what this looks like in first person POV". But other than that, it's 100% third person.
    • NotaDaedraWorshipper
      Third person almost always
      This thread is 1 year old.
      [Lie] Of course! I don't even worship Daedra!
    • PrimeSeptim
      Third person mostly but some first person too
      Third person for combat and first person for immersion while questing. The world looks so much better in first person. Sometimes use first person in combat (but only for really easy enemies or quest bosses maybe) but it just feels wrong and not worth it. It doesn't really add anything to combat... Just makes it awkward. Combat isn't this game's strong point. Better viewed from a distance. Very bad compared to the solo ES games where first person is always the way to go. IMO. :)
    • Tyrant_Tim
      Third person mostly but some first person too
      This game is incredible in 1st Person, and I wish it could be competitive to 3rd, there’s just no denying the aerial view gives a massive situational advantage, and aiming doesn’t matter when the aim assist is so extreme.

      Seriously, go first person with a bow, and light attack in front of a target skeleton slightly moving your camera away from it each time and see how far away from the skeleton you can still hit it.
    • AzuraFan
      First person view almost always
      Syldras wrote: »
      Is it just me or does Necrom play especially well in first person? So much interesting small clutter everywhere, especially in Telvanni towers. In third person, I'd probably miss a lot of it.

      All the zones play well in first person, but I'd say Necrom is the least friendly to it because you pretty much have to go into 3rd person to fight the WBs. I play almost exclusively in first person, rarely having to go into third, until Necrom. One of the reasons why once I've done what I want to do in those zones, I won't be going back.
    • SeaGtGruff
      Third person almost always
      This thread is 1 year old.

      But the topic is timeless, and the poster who necroed it is soulshriven so might not have been playing ESO last year when the thread was created. Polls such as this aren't as accurate if the mods lock them for being "outdated" and recommend starting a new thread instead-- unless you expect everyone who voted in the now-locked threads to vote again in the new thread?
      I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
    • Syldras
      First person mostly but some third person too
      AzuraFan wrote: »
      All the zones play well in first person, but I'd say Necrom is the least friendly to it because you pretty much have to go into 3rd person to fight the WBs. I play almost exclusively in first person, rarely having to go into third, until Necrom. One of the reasons why once I've done what I want to do in those zones, I won't be going back.

      Okay, I haven't tried the WBs there yet. But generally speaking, I see WBs as group content (even though many are soloable), so having to go into 3rd person for them - just as in several group dungeons - seems no big deal to me.

      What I was about is that world design seems very detailed this time, with many narrow spaces. Probably not only looks best from up close, but in third person, there's probably always something blocking the view? Made me wonder if they designed this chapter having mainly 1st person view in mind.
      @Syldras | PC | EU
      The forceful expression of will gives true honor to the Ancestors.
      Sarayn Andrethi, Telvanni mage (Main)
      Darvasa Andrethi, his "I'm NOT a Necromancer!" sister
      Malacar Sunavarlas, Altmer Ayleid vampire
    • Panthermic
      Third person almost always
      Third-person view with maximum zoom-out, because I really hate this idiot your character runs beside crosshair style.
    • Azriael2
      About half and half
      Absolutely depends on what I'm doing.
      For furnishing, fishing and gathering I prefer first person, but for grinding third person is a must for me.
      "Rise, red as the dawn."
    • NotaDaedraWorshipper
      Third person almost always
      SeaGtGruff wrote: »
      This thread is 1 year old.

      But the topic is timeless, and the poster who necroed it is soulshriven so might not have been playing ESO last year when the thread was created. Polls such as this aren't as accurate if the mods lock them for being "outdated" and recommend starting a new thread instead-- unless you expect everyone who voted in the now-locked threads to vote again in the new thread?

      This forum has it as a rule, though, that then they can simply create a new thread about it.
      [Lie] Of course! I don't even worship Daedra!
    • SeaGtGruff
      Third person almost always
      SeaGtGruff wrote: »
      This thread is 1 year old.

      But the topic is timeless, and the poster who necroed it is soulshriven so might not have been playing ESO last year when the thread was created. Polls such as this aren't as accurate if the mods lock them for being "outdated" and recommend starting a new thread instead-- unless you expect everyone who voted in the now-locked threads to vote again in the new thread?

      This forum has it as a rule, though, that then they can simply create a new thread about it.

      They regularly and routinely lock old threads that have been necroed, yes. But they don't always do that, and some of the most active threads (in terms of how many pages of posts they contain) went on and on for multiple years, revived every so often by someone who wanted to add their gripe to it. Perhaps you remember the mega thread about the PC EU servers that went on for years? Some topics remain relevant, while others are more subject to becoming outdated by changes in the game. This poll's topic seems like a timeless one to me, not subject to being made outdated by bug fixes, nerfs, buffs, etc.
      I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
    • blktauna
      Third person almost always
      I have zero idea how anyone can play in first person...
    • jtm1018
      Third person almost always
      The [snip] a dev can do is, make a great character custumization for a rpg game, then force player to play in 1st person view, [snip], smh.
      And I am not talking about zenibeth.

      Edited for Bashing
      Edited by zos_Izaren on July 3, 2023 9:41AM
    • TaSheen
      Third person almost always
      blktauna wrote: »
      I have zero idea how anyone can play in first person...

      Yeah. I just can't do it - I get seriously woozy (have vertigo issues). And believe me, you do NOT want to consider how bad that can be.

      But even in books, the heroes make mistakes, and there isn't always a happy ending.

      PC NA, PC EU (non steam)- three accounts, many alts....
    • vsrs_au
      What, there's no option for second-person view? ;)
      PC(Steam) / EU / play from Melbourne, Australia / avg ping 390
    • Sin_Arcain
      Third person mostly but some first person too
      Third person most of the time for doing content, except when I try to look at some details. I mostly use first person when RP-ing.
    • KS_Amt38
      Third person almost always
      Except for stealing.
    • amig186
      Third person almost always
      I would like to play in first person, but the combat system just doesn't support it. Playing with melee weapons in 1st person feels completely off, it's a little better with a staff, but doing harder content like that is asking for trouble. Sometimes I do delves in 1st person with my magic characters to scratch that Heretic/Hexen nostalgia.
      vsrs_au wrote: »
      What, there's no option for second-person view? ;)

      Then you'd have to only see what your enemies see, or what the NPC talking to you sees. If you look on youtube, someone made a 2nd person zombie shooter game where you see your controlled character through the eyes of the zombies, as a proof of concept.
      PC EU
    • wilykcat
      Third person almost always
      Third person perspective.

      It's because I once tried playing valorant (first person shooter game) and I couldn't figure out what is going on or how to play.

      I like playing games in 3rd person perspective so I can see all around my character, take cool screenshots, it's easier to see where I'm going, and casting spells look better.
    • Soraka
      Third person almost always
      1st person always looks really odd/off when I try it. Maybe there's a setting I'm missing.
    • Syldras
      First person mostly but some third person too
      vsrs_au wrote: »
      What, there's no option for second-person view? ;)

      What's second person? Commanding a servant to play for you to watch?
      @Syldras | PC | EU
      The forceful expression of will gives true honor to the Ancestors.
      Sarayn Andrethi, Telvanni mage (Main)
      Darvasa Andrethi, his "I'm NOT a Necromancer!" sister
      Malacar Sunavarlas, Altmer Ayleid vampire
    • cyclonus11
      Third person almost always
      The first few years of ESO, I played exclusively first person since that was how I played other Elder Scrolls games. Then I switched to third person and haven't been back (except for screenshots or to look more closely at something, like other characters or whatever). You just miss too much in first person - like if an NPC is using a power attack on you from behind.
    • LanteanPegasus
      Third person almost always
      I played all the other TES titles (from Morrowind onwards) in 1st person, but in ESO the 1st person field of view just doesn't feel right (it somehow feels too narrow, and set too low).
      And, as others said, with all the time I spent getting the looks of my character right, I just like to see him. Or at least about two thirds of him in my usual "looking over the shoulder" state of zoom. ;)
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