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Official Discussion Thread for "New Unfeathered Crown Crates"

  • BetweenMidgets
    I find it very appalling that the furnishing and recall animation are in the apex tier.

    Predatory beyond belief.
  • WiseSky
    Slightly sad because i Was expecting this...1bqf6GJ.png

    hopefully coldharbor eyes look good in game...

    also sad the Legionnaires Recall costs 400... was hyping myself for months for it and i guess i wont be able to have it.

    the Recall Costs 400 GEMS which does not relate to RL...

    in RL It costs

    100 USD $ that is Almost 100 EURO

    Immersive Quests Addon
    Wish to Quest without Quest Way Markers? ''Talk to the Hooded Figure'' Turns into ''Talk to the Hooded Figure, who is feeding the chickens near the southeastern gate in the city of Daggerfall in Glenumbra.'' If you Wish To write bread crumbs clues for quest for other players to experience come join the team!
    List of Immersion Addons
  • Kallykat
    Yes, there could have been a few previously released costumes thrown into the lower tiers, but overall, I like how the Epic tier turned out. I see lots of nice rewards at a fairly reasonable price: a hairstyle, eyes, purple camel mount, a decent little furnishing, and some nice pets--including the Abyssal Tomeshell, which I fully expected to be Legendary or gems only.

    I don't mind the polymorph bundle again. I usually get quite a few new crates anyway, so it's just a bonus for me (though I could use a crown sale right about now). I'm not a huge fan of polymorphs that don't drastically alter the character. I feel like sometimes it would be better to add a costume, skin, personality, etc. that allow for more customization than a polymorph. This guy's face also reminds me of the Grinch.

    I am not a fan of adding all the extra stuff to the Apex tier, especially the recall action and the furnishing. I've already never been able to justify spending 400 gems on a single item, even a mount. Plus, as others have pointed out, furnishings are items that are not one-time collectibles.

    I'm also a little confused about the difference between skins and body markings lately.
  • WySoSirius
    Another crate without gifting , disappointed
  • jaws343
    Dropped the quickest 9K seals of endeavors on the recall. Probably the only Seals purchase I didn't think hard on.
  • WiseSky
    jaws343 wrote: »
    Dropped the quickest 9K seals of endeavors on the recall. Probably the only Seals purchase I didn't think hard on.

    As of now...

    Lots of people did the same for the Red Recall

    I bet you that next season of crates will be even cooler and next year too
    Immersive Quests Addon
    Wish to Quest without Quest Way Markers? ''Talk to the Hooded Figure'' Turns into ''Talk to the Hooded Figure, who is feeding the chickens near the southeastern gate in the city of Daggerfall in Glenumbra.'' If you Wish To write bread crumbs clues for quest for other players to experience come join the team!
    List of Immersion Addons
  • emilyhyoyeon
    The lich throne is beautiful. And there's so many other little things I want like the new hairstyle and tomeshell. I'm so sad the projector costs 8k seals. ugh if only I got it in the free crate lol
    IGN @ emilypumpkin
    Zirasia Firemaker, imperial fire mage & sunbather
    Deebaba Soul-Weaver, argonian ghostminder & soul gem collector
    Tullanisse Starborne, altmer battlemage & ayleid researcher
  • Jaimeh
    I'm so disappointed the projector furnishing is in the apex category, furnishings used to be lower tiered items, they're really expensive now... I also like some of the new skins and pets, overall it's a nice crate season, just sucks that some things were bumped up in price.
  • EF321
    400 Gem furnishing.
    Hard no.
  • WiseSky
    EF321 wrote: »
    400 Gem furnishing.
    Hard no.


    Edited by WiseSky on June 22, 2023 4:33PM
    Immersive Quests Addon
    Wish to Quest without Quest Way Markers? ''Talk to the Hooded Figure'' Turns into ''Talk to the Hooded Figure, who is feeding the chickens near the southeastern gate in the city of Daggerfall in Glenumbra.'' If you Wish To write bread crumbs clues for quest for other players to experience come join the team!
    List of Immersion Addons
  • Luke_Flamesword
    Wow, normally crown crates were very bad, but they pushed it even further... Well another reason to pay only for chapter and eso+ and don't buy any crowns ever, even on sales.
    PC | EU | DC |Stam Dk Breton
  • kynesgrove
    So... about the Steadfast Society Ball Domino in the Epic Rewards...

    A golden domino mask with a red diamond on the brow area.

    And you seriously named it after the Steadfast Society, a group that has no diamond iconography, rather than naming it after the character in the series whose entire mythology revolves around being born with the Red Diamond on his brow/forehead?

    I'm seriously disappointed in whoever picked the name of this item.

    You have a point but, to be devils advocate here:

    "To offset the suffering caused by the Three Banners War, some of us host gatherings to raise funds for our healing centers. Each event sees the biggest donor receiving a mask embellished with an Imperial red diamond. I adore mine." Estayne Justal

    The description does mention that it is an Imperial Red Diamond. And the Chim-el Adabal is probably more known for being associated with Alessia than enigmatic Remans face nugget.

    What I mean by this is, emulating the being known as THE Worldly God, may seem a bit, over the top? Sacrilegious?

    Rather just be adorned with what is known as general Imperial symbology, than commit what might be seen as blasphemy in some circles.
    Edited by kynesgrove on June 22, 2023 7:50PM
    "The shrine is breathtaking, sitting upon a rise and dominated by many standing stones carved with holy runes. The place truly seems to have been kissed by Kyne's icy breath."
    - Urig the Wanderer
  • NoxiousBlight
    Absolutely shameful what the 400 gem tier has turned into.

    Furniture is now 400 gems? That is insanity.

    And the mounts have no special effects nor anything to indicate that they are apex.

    I hate that everything cool goes into these crates. ESO would be 100 fold better if all of this crate nonsense was earnable in game. It would at least be be ten fold better if I could just buy everything with crowns directly.

    If the ZOS accounting department continues to insist on crates, then at least PRETEND to respect your players and stop pushing stuff into the 400 gem tier.
  • Soarora
    Um... so the hairline isn't lining up properly on my altmer female (not to mention the hair color change as well) and on both her and a bosmer female the forehead is shortened extremely. Plus, the argonian looks amazing except for the sudden baldness... I think I'll pass on this one.
    PC/NA Dungeoneer (Tank/DPS/Heal), Trialist (DPS/Tank/Heal), and amateur Battlegrounder (DPS) with a passion for The Elder Scrolls lore
  • ForzaRammer
    LunaFlora wrote: »
    Note that when the Unfeathered Crown Crates arrive, the current Ragebound Crown Crates will be removed from the Crown Store, so don’t forget to pick them up while you still can!

    I had zero expectations and you still failed to exceed them. Currently purposefully turned off on PC for their entire stay due to an "exploit" you didn't say existed until a couple of days ago (why not? Not like we could have exploited it with it off anyway?). No effort made into fixing it, no effort made into communicating, no effort made into finding the apparently "temporary" solution of talking to customer support to gift things.

    Edit: Oh, but congrats on finally selling a teleport that isn't just a pure recolour. I look forward to the patch note where you fix how much gold it costs to actually use.

    What i heard is, this has something to do with dutch people and their loot box bans.

    My problem is, zos should at least put it back on NA. We can’t gift cross server!

    zos has nothing about it being related to any country's loot box bans, Netherlands doesnt have that though that'd be Belgium

    Sry mb, regardless it’s not in NA
  • Wolf_Eye
    kynesgrove wrote: »
    So... about the Steadfast Society Ball Domino in the Epic Rewards...

    A golden domino mask with a red diamond on the brow area.

    And you seriously named it after the Steadfast Society, a group that has no diamond iconography, rather than naming it after the character in the series whose entire mythology revolves around being born with the Red Diamond on his brow/forehead?

    I'm seriously disappointed in whoever picked the name of this item.

    You have a point but, to be devils advocate here:

    "To offset the suffering caused by the Three Banners War, some of us host gatherings to raise funds for our healing centers. Each event sees the biggest donor receiving a mask embellished with an Imperial red diamond. I adore mine." Estayne Justal

    The description does mention that it is an Imperial Red Diamond. And the Chim-el Adabal is probably more known for being associated with Alessia than enigmatic Remans face nugget.

    What I mean by this is, emulating the being known as THE Worldly God, may seem a bit, over the top? Sacrilegious?

    Rather just be adorned with what is known as general Imperial symbology, than commit what might be seen as blasphemy in some circles.

    I would like to personally thank you for coming up with the phrase "enigmatic Remans face nugget".

    I had a good laugh with that. :D
  • Mattymoo92
    It’s really just daylight robbery, Zos really need to rethink how they are going with this game…
  • Clyde_BlueSnake
    Balmora Constrictor <3 , my snek collection grows!
    Main is Blue-Thuxis, a Argonian stamSorc, whose also is a werewolf! 2nd main, Cobalt-Thuxis, a Argonian stamArc, an identical twin sister to Blue-Thuxis, even is a werewolf as well! some alts:
    Nirn-Scale Rajthux (Argonian, Templar), Ros-Ei Nature-Thuxis (Argonian, Warden), Crimson-Thuxis (Argonian, DK), Bone-Thuxis Tharn (Argonian, Necro) Why Bone-Thuxis has Tharn as a last name:
    The siblings were separated at a young age due to a Dres slaver raid, Blue, Cobalt, Ros-Ei & their mother were able to escape, Crimson & Bone weren't that lucky. Crimson was later "rescued" by some Orcs that later ambushed the House Dres Dunmers, unfortunately one Dunmer remained & sadly successfully brought the young Bone-Thuxis to the Dres plantation. Later an Imperial, a Tharn, bought Bone at a auction & later told he was free, the young Argonian sadly had no idea where to go & doesn't know if his family was still alive, so the Tharn adopted him into House Tharn. This family of Argonians finally reunited years later.
    , Kenneth Clyde (Nord, Sorc), Selene Gray-Thuxis (Argonian, Nightblade), Urmanda (Orc, Warden)
    Some ESO history: I originally started from PS4 NA during June 10, 2015, I did reached CP 810+ on there. I eventually kinda got tired of paying PS+, so during February 4, 2019 I started moving to PC NA. Also CP: 810+. Nowadays I play ESO PC mostly, while PS4 is dust.
  • Snamyap
    I've got over 16k endeavour points saved up for months now, and yet again the radiant apex mounts are garish, flashy monstrosities. Could you perhaps put in some variety in the styling of those?
    The Duskfall Welwa looks great though, bought that one right away.
    Edited by Snamyap on June 23, 2023 4:24AM
  • Quethrosar
    You know what's sad? They will only give 133 gems for the projector if you get it with luck. That's messed up

  • FluffyBird
    Soarora wrote: »
    Um... so the hairline isn't lining up properly on my altmer female (not to mention the hair color change as well) and on both her and a bosmer female the forehead is shortened extremely. Plus, the argonian looks amazing except for the sudden baldness... I think I'll pass on this one.

    Ah, as expected, ZOS-tier quality
  • RaddlemanNumber7
    The Lich poly looks about as authentic as a cardboard Lamborghini.
    PC EU
  • AuroranGoldenEagle
    Balmora Constrictor <3 , my snek collection grows!

    <3<3<3 Crested Reef Viper!!!

    I always seem to miss that lil guy, I never seem to be playing ESO whenever his crate is back :(

    New snake deff looks good though!
    You have discovered the thirty-seventh Sermon of Vivec, which is a bending of the light, long past the chronicles of the Hortator who wore inconstant faces and ruled however they would, until apocalypse.
  • Araneae6537
    The Ayleid crates were my favorite, both for the theme and that the mounts and weapons actually fit in the world of ESO (not that I’m against all flashy mounts but there are so many… over-the-top). So I’m disappointed by these, but maybe just my taste.

    I’m not thrilled that now people porting will be over-the-top obnoxious. Adding some subtle effects like a swirl of leaves for a nature theme, for instance, would have been cool… Oh well.
    I find it very appalling that the furnishing and recall animation are in the apex tier.

    Predatory beyond belief.

    Overpriced, yes. But what’s predatory about it?
  • Lazarus_Rising
    Time to bring the Crown Crate Tracker back and see what drop changes everything has. Something is fishy here. We are on your trail ZOS!
    also known as Overlich.
  • WiseSky
    The Ayleid crates were my favorite, both for the theme and that the mounts and weapons actually fit in the world of ESO (not that I’m against all flashy mounts but there are so many… over-the-top). So I’m disappointed by these, but maybe just my taste.

    I’m not thrilled that now people porting will be over-the-top obnoxious. Adding some subtle effects like a swirl of leaves for a nature theme, for instance, would have been cool… Oh well.
    I find it very appalling that the furnishing and recall animation are in the apex tier.

    Predatory beyond belief.

    Overpriced, yes. But what’s predatory about it?

    My 2 cents on the matter :

    Here's a case explaining why it is predatory to put desirable items behind poor odds in loot crates, and how the increasing prices for those items when loot boxes return further exacerbate the issue:

    Exploitation of desire: Game developers often place the most desirable and sought-after items within loot boxes, creating a strong incentive for players to engage in the system. By deliberately making these items rare or difficult to obtain, they exploit players' desires to possess exclusive or powerful content. This tactic preys on individuals' emotional attachment to in-game rewards and can lead to compulsive behavior, as playeers strive to obtain these coveted items.

    Manipulation of odds: Loot boxes frequently employ deceptive or unfair odds, making it challenging for players to acquire the desired items. Developers can adjust the probabilities of obtaining specific items behind the scenes without player knowledge, further increasing the difficulty. This lack of transparency creates an atmosphere of uncertainty and entices players to spend more money in pursuit of their desired items. In this case the items odds were shown, but we did not expect them to be 400 gems. Maybe next Season a furnishing Item will be a Radiant Apex Award... (please don't do it ZOS)

    Artificial scarcity: When loot boxes return in subsequent iterations or updates, developers often increase the prices for the cooler items. This practice creates a sense of artificial scarcity and urgency, pressuring players to spend more money quickly before the offer expires. By continually raising the prices, game developers exploit players fear of missing out and manipulate their spending behavior, fosttering a cycle of increasing expenditure.

    Psychological manipulation: The pricing and availability strategies associated with loot boxes tap into psychological mechanisms such as loss aversion and sunk cost fallacy. Players may feel compelled to continue spending money, even if the odds are poor or the price is high, due to the belief that their previous investments will eventually pay off. This psychological manipulation can lead to excessive spending and financial harm.

    Lack of alternative options: In some games, the most desirable items can only be obtained through loot boxes, leaving players with no alternative means to acquire them. This creates a situation where players are forced to engage in the loot box system, even if they find it predatory or have ethical concerns. In this case we had no Idea that Recalls and furnishings would be 400 gems instead of 100 that some might have saved up.

    Collectively, these practices exploit players desires, manipulate odds and pricing, and employ psychological tactics to encourage excessive spending. This predatory nature is further intensified by the increasing prices for desirable items each time lootboxes are reintroduced, perpetuating a cycle of monetization and encouraging players to spend more money on chances with unfavorable odds.

    Edited by WiseSky on June 23, 2023 4:39PM
    Immersive Quests Addon
    Wish to Quest without Quest Way Markers? ''Talk to the Hooded Figure'' Turns into ''Talk to the Hooded Figure, who is feeding the chickens near the southeastern gate in the city of Daggerfall in Glenumbra.'' If you Wish To write bread crumbs clues for quest for other players to experience come join the team!
    List of Immersion Addons
  • Mik195
    I bought the giant cat with gems I had and positioned it so it would be right in your face when entering Snugpod. Got a ton of amusing texts from my brother when it startled him.

    The only other item I really like is the Radiant Apex mount and unless there are other things I would like, I don't try to get mounts over 400 gems. I only gamble when the odds are reasonable for me.
  • boi_anachronism_
    Wanted the star projector...and then saw the price and was like nopeee
  • Fischblut
    my snek collection grows!

    Thank you for sharing this a beautiful picture, very high concentration of cute little things together! <3

    Sep Adder is my favorite pet, and it was the first cosmetic pet I've ever bought from the store (not including the cat for the complementary 500 crowns which every new account gets):


    But after running with Balmora Constrictor, I see that I prefer my snakes with wings... :blush: They just look so majestic :smiley:


    Now some feedback about this crate season.
    Armor of the Unfeathered polymorph + Umaril's Radiance Guar showcase (his new idle animation in house resembles dancing, what a vigorous creature!):

    But I really miss times when Apex mounts had special effects :'(

    Lich polymorph, Throne of the Lich furnishing:

    One of the best polymorphs we have so far, thank you very much for releasing it! <3 Nice creepy voice, awesome effects. It literally transforms even the most basic mount into something of Apex tier - thanks to the beautiful trail, which is also one of the best visual trails I've seen in the game. So smooth!

    When Break Free will finally be fixed, so I can hear awesome powerful screams from all my polymorphs? This ability lost the powerful shout voice lines, rendering the best voice lines of every polymorph useless :/

    I was somewhat disappointed that Throne of the Lich is not emote (so you can't use it overland), but it looks beautiful anyway! I use Pale Lord's Throne as emote for this polymorph in the overland, closest alternative.

    As for the new bundle's main feature, I am disappointed that the polymorph has ordinary voice :/ But overall it's okay. For me the main value is in the fact that this Armor of the Unfeathered polymorph comes exclusively from the bundle. Plus I like too many items in this season, and I always loved opening crates.
  • Vorkk8383
    I bought the crates with the polymorph and another set of 15 crates. Not one mount. The only thing above average that I obtained is a motif. Did you guys lower the %/chances, even more, ZOS? By then, I usually have one mount or one housing item. Nada. With the terrible rates and locking polymorphs behind crates, it's becoming tougher to endorse anything that isn't a guaranteed item at a guaranteed price. You already overcharge for most of these items as is...

    I do realize that the crown store is optional. I'm fine with spending money on it. This will likely be deleted, but I'm starting to fail to see the value. Especially when repeat items happen all the time and you barely get any gems for them when they would cost you one minimum of 16 gems if you were to buy them (and those are the lowest ranked items).
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