Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Official Discussion Thread for "New Unfeathered Crown Crates"

  • markulrich1966
    I bought the crates with the polymorph and another set of 15 crates. Not one mount. The only thing above average that I obtained is a motif. Did you guys lower the %/chances, even more, ZOS? By then, I usually have one mount or one housing item. Nada. With the terrible rates and locking polymorphs behind crates, it's becoming tougher to endorse anything that isn't a guaranteed item at a guaranteed price. You already overcharge for most of these items as is...

    I do realize that the crown store is optional. I'm fine with spending money on it. This will likely be deleted, but I'm starting to fail to see the value. Especially when repeat items happen all the time and you barely get any gems for them when they would cost you one minimum of 16 gems if you were to buy them (and those are the lowest ranked items).

    It simply is gambling, gambling mean you can get a drop - or not.

    I bought 60 of those crates (the ones with the shade), and got no apex mount.
    Which is what I expected, as I buy them not for the drop, but for the gems. And those still have a rate of approx 110 gems per 10 crates.
    So the 60 crates gave me approx 660 gems, enough to buy an apex that costs 400 gems, plus some cosmetics.

    (Note: I'm not trying to justify anything, just describe how this system works, so you can calculate yourself if you are willing to investest the money, or like in my case gold to get enough gems for the item you desire).
  • Vorkk8383
    It simply is gambling, gambling mean you can get a drop - or not.

    Oh, I fully agree. The issue is that with all those crates and the highest item, I got was a motif, it's pretty sad. I really feel like they lowered the %/chances.

    And I'm not crying about ''I didn't get a top mount''. I mean, I got no costume, no nothing except potions, food and mount crap and some non-combat pet. Not one of the cheaper mounts. Not one housing item. Not one emote. It just feels like the crates are getting worse, so we spend more money on them.

    Edit: I forgot how to quote...fixed it as best as I could lol

    Edited by Vorkk8383 on June 24, 2023 7:53AM
  • kyatos_binarini
    recall animation runes looks awesome, but animation it self looks like character not sure what exactly going on (still i’m going to use it).

    lich polymorph is also an interesting idea (many people have waited it for a long time) but walking/running animation in a tube-like skirt looks really cheap (same with all robes with skirts). levitation would look much better
    Edited by kyatos_binarini on June 25, 2023 9:02AM
  • PrimeSeptim
    I ended up getting x1 radient apex (wolf), the welwa mount, x2 meridian motifs, the sweetroll (400 gems), coldharbour eyes, telvanni costume, pets and plenty of gems. The gamble paid off... For once. I think. I like these 8k bundles. I wouldn't buy them otherwise, unless on sale. Also, NOT a whale. But a little gambling here and there can be fun - like playing the lottery! ;)
  • Soraka
    In my opinion, more than other games, I think sometimes these things work against them. Because of the way monetization has been handled I think there's a bit of a stigma when you do buy things. Like the above poster felt the need to clarify they aren't a whale. Sometimes I feel embarrassed to have something like the polymorph from the last bundle. I think there's a level of shaming that happens socially in the game and on various social platforms. Kind of like how scabs are seen during pickets. Just my two cents. I've never felt that way in any other games with cash shops like I have and have seen in this one.
  • PrimeSeptim
    Soraka wrote: »
    In my opinion, more than other games, I think sometimes these things work against them. Because of the way monetization has been handled I think there's a bit of a stigma when you do buy things. Like the above poster felt the need to clarify they aren't a whale. Sometimes I feel embarrassed to have something like the polymorph from the last bundle. I think there's a level of shaming that happens socially in the game and on various social platforms. Kind of like how scabs are seen during pickets. Just my two cents. I've never felt that way in any other games with cash shops like I have and have seen in this one.

    To be fair, I think most other games (I haven't played a ton of MMOs) like WoW and SWTOR have far better monetisation and cash shops.

    There's very little you can earn in game in ESO... Compared to WoW which has like maybe 5 or 6 cash shop mounts and 100s upon 100s of mounts, pets, costumes (transmog), toys, etc, that you can earn through actual gameplay and effort. Both for casual players and the elite or whatever. ESO has 1 mount you can get fairly easily from leads and everything else, mounts and otherwise, are earned only through the absolute hardest content (minus a small handful of things like the skeleton polymorph and some costumes here and there). Most stuff isn't accessible to everyone.

    SWTOR - stuff in the cash shop is fairly priced and most importantly, you can buy/sell the stuff on the GTN (trading).

    No extra fluff like gems.

    SWTOR does have gamble crates but I've always been happy with the stuff I got. I always have had a mount or a costume set at least. Something. Anything but potions and XP scrolls and junk no one needs! You get most of that stuff from daily rewards. XP potions can be crafted in game as well. I must have over 100 50% XP scrolls sitting around. It'd be nice to instead get some actual rewards so you don't feel totally cheated. The devs are just being lazy because they don't want to create stuff that people have a high chance of getting so instead you get some potions then maybe a useless pet or piece of an armour style - not a armour style...A piece of it - and if you're really lucky, maybe a costume or a mount.

    You also don't have control over what you keep or don't, like in SWTOR. I have more pets than I'll ever need. I don't even use them. It'd be nice to convert them all into gems at least or sell them in the guild store, maybe? Ha, when pigs fly. :D

    Oh yeah, SWTOR even lets you sell/trade the loot boxes on the GTN!

    We all know they need to make money but there are far better, more consumer friendly and less greedy ways of doing that. I don't think the cash shop is a problem for the most part but gamble crates in general are, especially when 99% of things are locked behind them. They're preying on peoples desire to look unique or simply design their character how they want which is a massive part of any RPG.

    I dabble in them from time to time because of this but also because I just love the Elder Scrolls games. There's no justifying it though really...I'm being had but maybe I like being used and abused sometimes or like I said, a little gamble here and there can be fun and I know that I'll be playing this game for many years to come so I don't feel too bad about it. Maybe I just think resistance is futile. There's always going to be people willing to pay plenty for virtual, non existent goods and services. It doesn't matter how many people resist. The people with more money than sense will keep the ship from sinking. The rich don't need sense because they have money and money is everything.

    So maybe the stigma is stemmed from a little bit of jealousy mixed with resentment at supporting such practises?

    I sometimes like to recall how much some people spend on a night out on drinks...Sometimes in the hundreds. What do they have to show for it? A hangover. A waste of money? Perhaps. But at least they had fun I guess. It makes me feel a little less guilty about spending on pixels. I do wish the devs had a little bit more humanity though and less Goblin or Ferengi, you know? A little bit less interest in money and a little more interest in the player but at the end of the day, it's their game and people will vote with their wallets. It's a little pointless moaning about it really but I like writing massive walls of text. :p

    One more thing! It's been said many times before but if they simply sold everything in the store, this whole thing wouldn't be as big of an issue. But they don't because they know they make more money from people gambling/RNG. A £100 for a radiant apex would still be a bit oof but some people spend hundreds hoping to get one from a Crown Crate. You can hardly blame them for being greedy but at the same time you can hardly blame people for being repulsed by that greed. Still, it'd be a far better (since players could pick and choose what they want), less slimy and more fair way of selling in game goods while still making a profit.
  • Snamyap
    Soraka wrote: »
    In my opinion, more than other games, I think sometimes these things work against them. Because of the way monetization has been handled I think there's a bit of a stigma when you do buy things. Like the above poster felt the need to clarify they aren't a whale. Sometimes I feel embarrassed to have something like the polymorph from the last bundle. I think there's a level of shaming that happens socially in the game and on various social platforms. Kind of like how scabs are seen during pickets. Just my two cents. I've never felt that way in any other games with cash shops like I have and have seen in this one.

    I don't care if people spend money in the crownshop, that's a personal decision. I have an issue with the gamble boxes. It's clearly meant to tempt people to spend more money than they might have if stuff could be bought straight away. And not all people have the proper mindset to withstand that temptation.
  • Vrienda
    I was gonna get the 8k crown bundle again but there's just too much stuff in the Apex category. I bought what I wanted with endevours and gems and decided not to bother with this season. Stop being so greedy.

    Also really regret dropping 40 gems on that hairstyle, ugh.
    Edited by Vrienda on June 26, 2023 9:57AM
    Desperate for Roleplaying servers to bring open world non-organised RP to Elder Scrolls Online. Please ZOS.
  • Jaraal
    The Lich poly looks about as authentic as a cardboard Lamborghini.

    All these years that people have been asking for a lich polymorph, it was with the idea that one would be able to float as a lich does. Of course, I knew this would never be something they would allow players to do.... so I always figured there would not be one. And as soon as I saw the title "Lich Polymorph," I knew it would have feet.

    Sure enough, there they are. It reminds me of somebody dressed up for Halloween as a lich, running around with an invisible bag looking for free candy.
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • Hurbster
    Jaraal wrote: »
    The Lich poly looks about as authentic as a cardboard Lamborghini.

    All these years that people have been asking for a lich polymorph, it was with the idea that one would be able to float as a lich does. Of course, I knew this would never be something they would allow players to do.... so I always figured there would not be one. And as soon as I saw the title "Lich Polymorph," I knew it would have feet.

    Sure enough, there they are. It reminds me of somebody dressed up for Halloween as a lich, running around with an invisible bag looking for free candy.

    Damn, there goes my Pentakill cosplay idea.
    So they raised the floor and lowered the ceiling. Except the ceiling has spikes in it now and the floor is also lava.
  • Necrotech_Master
    i looked through the new crate offerings

    lich polymorph - while i like polymorphs this one just seems to me, idk, cheap? it literally looks like some kind of robe motif with nerienth monster helm, absolutely not worth it to me

    new recall animation - looks cool, but too expensive

    new furnishing for the constellations - also looks cool, but too expensive

    new polymorph with the crate bundle? not really surprised, but it also looks meh to me too so not gonna bother with this

    the only thing at all i could see myself buying from this crate with endeavors would be the tomeshell pet
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014
  • Amethyst_Unearthed
    This can apply to any and all crow crates, STOP RIPPING US OFF. We get INSANE amount of doubles, and each double we only get 33.3333% of what its worth to buy.... this isnt fair. We need to start getting the full return, Crates are already ridiculously priced and drop rates horrible.

  • SimonThesis
    Bring Back the APEX CAMELS!!! Turn on or fix crate gifting!
  • colossalvoids
    Soraka wrote: »
    In my opinion, more than other games, I think sometimes these things work against them. Because of the way monetization has been handled I think there's a bit of a stigma when you do buy things. Like the above poster felt the need to clarify they aren't a whale. Sometimes I feel embarrassed to have something like the polymorph from the last bundle. I think there's a level of shaming that happens socially in the game and on various social platforms. Kind of like how scabs are seen during pickets. Just my two cents. I've never felt that way in any other games with cash shops like I have and have seen in this one.

    Absolutely, to me it's also kinda ties to the fact that the only gameplay rewards in eso are also cosmetic, lately strictly inferior to it's shop counterparts. Because gear is kinda irrelevant and lack any depth, rng stat roll component or rarity, like there's no gear that feels like "wow that's finally dropped, can't believe it" (rip vma). So it's all just cosmetic options which are considered a "win" for a lot of folks, so there's a p2w feeling when nothing was won in a first place.
  • emilyhyoyeon
    I did buy a star projector with endeavors since it's literally perfect for one of my characters... I try to literally never buy something if I think the price isn't worth supporting, but it's so rare that it happens where something is perfect for one of my characters. The only other times were a 500 crown costume and the celestial robes (a costume) that was also bumped into the apex tier. Really don't like this trend.

    Also the moving away from bears, camels, and HORSES (???!!!!???) is pretty annoying.

    Almost none of my characters or companions would use anything other than a horse. Apex mounts are typically not my taste but the lack of apex horses guarantees I'll never want one.
    IGN @ emilypumpkin
    Zirasia Firemaker, imperial fire mage & sunbather
    Deebaba Soul-Weaver, argonian ghostminder & soul gem collector
    Tullanisse Starborne, altmer battlemage & ayleid researcher
  • TaSheen
    @emilyhyoyeon - while I'm not fond of all the flashy mounts (though I don't really get bothered by them in game), with bears and camels I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one that has issues with the way they move when ridden. Of course, I just wouldn't buy any more of them (I have one of each, since you can't preview the movement - and when I first rode each of them, that was it forever) - I'm not saying that's why they aren't putting them in the store any more.

    It may be that their data shows they're the ones less purchased and used.

    As for the horses - I just wish they'd hire AlienSlof (of Skyrim mod fame) to do a pass over all the current horses in the game, because they are just poorly done altogether (long-time horsewoman so I do know what I'm talking about).

    "But even in books, the heroes make mistakes, and there isn't always a happy ending." Mercedes Lackey, Into the West

    PC NA, PC EU (non steam)- four accounts, many alts....
  • emilyhyoyeon
    TaSheen wrote: »
    @emilyhyoyeon - while I'm not fond of all the flashy mounts (though I don't really get bothered by them in game), with bears and camels I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one that has issues with the way they move when ridden. Of course, I just wouldn't buy any more of them (I have one of each, since you can't preview the movement - and when I first rode each of them, that was it forever) - I'm not saying that's why they aren't putting them in the store any more.

    It may be that their data shows they're the ones less purchased and used.

    As for the horses - I just wish they'd hire AlienSlof (of Skyrim mod fame) to do a pass over all the current horses in the game, because they are just poorly done altogether (long-time horsewoman so I do know what I'm talking about).

    Actually yeah, I can understand drifting away from bears and camels because of that. Replacing horses with elk baffles me though, even though I love elk as animals.
    IGN @ emilypumpkin
    Zirasia Firemaker, imperial fire mage & sunbather
    Deebaba Soul-Weaver, argonian ghostminder & soul gem collector
    Tullanisse Starborne, altmer battlemage & ayleid researcher
  • Snamyap
    There was a radiant apex bear with the previous crates, though I don't remember seeing anyone with it in game.
  • markulrich1966
    question @ZOS_Kevin , there is an issue with the flame texture of the most exensive item in these crates, see:

    Could you please ask the devs, if this is intended (e.g. for technical reasons), or an unintended glitch that will be fixed in a further update?

    I was planning to get this mount on 4 logins, but would expect flawless quality for 2500 gems/16k seals of endeavour.

    Thank you.
  • thomjoebrown
    Soul Shriven

    Is the lack of a Dreugh Queen belt intentional? I love the set....and I feel like there was a belt but maybe it was just...forgotten?
  • TaSheen
    Some of the motifs don't have belts, for whatever reason. I don't know what the reason is, so hopefully Kevin can provide some context.

    "But even in books, the heroes make mistakes, and there isn't always a happy ending." Mercedes Lackey, Into the West

    PC NA, PC EU (non steam)- four accounts, many alts....
  • ajkb78
    kynesgrove wrote: »
    Happy to see the Abyssal Tomeshell pet, might be the only thing I get this season. At 2k seals, not a bad alternate pet for an Arcanist

    Agreed! I'm so happy the Tomeshell is on such a low tier! I looove the little cuties!

    Totally agree. I have 16k seals stored away on the off-chance they release a truly monstrous yog sothoth hermaeus mora inspired mount, but 2k seals is quick to build up and there's absolutely nothing of interest in the current crates for me, so I think I'll get the tomeshell (much better than the bookwyrm) and keep waiting.
  • SandandStars
    Good advice on gambling:

    The only way to win is not to play.
  • Necrotech_Master
    Good advice on gambling:

    The only way to win is not to play.

    also valid advice for tic tac toe lol
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014
  • barney2525
    Playing a brand new account with one character about 3 months now, so I always look for cosmetics. All the crates have been kinda ' meh'. wouldn't mind spending money but really not enough good looking stuff to even save up gems for. I hate any mount that has an explosion when it is summoned.

    Why do most of the expensive mounts look so bad? There's very few I would even Want to get lucky and have it pop from a crate. And now when you are not even guaranteed a Mount, there is just no reason to spend any money.

  • Maitsukas
    Are the Heartland Cats supposed to have 4 ears?

    Edited by Maitsukas on July 16, 2023 5:53AM
    PC-EU @maitsukas

    Posting the weekly Infinite Archive vendor updates.

    Also trying out new Main Quests, Companions, ToT decks, Events and Styles on PTS.
  • Jaraal
    Maitsukas wrote: »
    Are the Heartland Cats supposed to have 4 ears?

    There are a number of "Prong Eared" cats in the game. Some sort of Tamriellic mutation, I suppose.
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • SickleCider
    Jaraal wrote: »
    Maitsukas wrote: »
    Are the Heartland Cats supposed to have 4 ears?

    There are a number of "Prong Eared" cats in the game. Some sort of Tamriellic mutation, I suppose.

    It's actually a real mutation! In fact, poly mutations in cats are less uncommon than you would think. Many cats are also born with extra toes, some even functioning more or less like thumbs! Cats are, as ever, weird.
    ✨🐦✨ Blackfeather Court Commission ✨🐦✨
  • TaSheen
    Jaraal wrote: »
    Maitsukas wrote: »
    Are the Heartland Cats supposed to have 4 ears?

    There are a number of "Prong Eared" cats in the game. Some sort of Tamriellic mutation, I suppose.

    It's actually a real mutation! In fact, poly mutations in cats are less uncommon than you would think. Many cats are also born with extra toes, some even functioning more or less like thumbs! Cats are, as ever, weird.

    Absolutely this! I've probably had 60 cats over my lifetime. Several had the extra ear thing, and several others had more toes (polydactyl - I had a Maine Cuhn (misspelled because the forum rules are.... uh.... yeah whatever) who had 8 toes on each paw, front and back. This guy stood knee high to me.... HUGE cat....). There are very well known 6 toed cats at the Hemingway Home and Museum:

    "But even in books, the heroes make mistakes, and there isn't always a happy ending." Mercedes Lackey, Into the West

    PC NA, PC EU (non steam)- four accounts, many alts....
  • SickleCider
    TaSheen wrote: »
    Jaraal wrote: »
    Maitsukas wrote: »
    Are the Heartland Cats supposed to have 4 ears?

    There are a number of "Prong Eared" cats in the game. Some sort of Tamriellic mutation, I suppose.

    It's actually a real mutation! In fact, poly mutations in cats are less uncommon than you would think. Many cats are also born with extra toes, some even functioning more or less like thumbs! Cats are, as ever, weird.

    Absolutely this! I've probably had 60 cats over my lifetime. Several had the extra ear thing, and several others had more toes (polydactyl - I had a Maine Cuhn (misspelled because the forum rules are.... uh.... yeah whatever) who had 8 toes on each paw, front and back. This guy stood knee high to me.... HUGE cat....). There are very well known 6 toed cats at the Hemingway Home and Museum:

    That's a lot of kitties! 😱 Do you foster?

    Great anecdote and link. 👍 I didn't know about the museum!
    ✨🐦✨ Blackfeather Court Commission ✨🐦✨
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