Maintenance for the week of June 10:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 10

Crown Crates no longer giftable?

  • MiyukiShiba
    I really hope they will extend the time for the ayleid crates or fix the bug before they leave the crown store. I am so disappointed, waited for so long for these crates. :/

    PC/EU @MiyukiShiba
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  • SimonThesis
    @ZOS_Kevin Any word if they will extend the Ayleid crate sale on PC if this issue isn't fixed in time?
  • rottenlittlecreature
    @ZOS_Kevin Any word if they will extend the Ayleid crate sale on PC if this issue isn't fixed in time?

    I wonder how many people have to ask about this for them to even acknowledge the question at all. Cause the number just keeps on rising. :#
  • RevJJ
    I know it’s been said again and again by ZOS that this is a bug, but releasing another set of limited crates that will be gone before this bug is fixed certainly does not help dispel the rumors that this is a deliberate effort by ZOS to clamp down on crown selling for gold.
    Edited by RevJJ on April 15, 2023 2:32AM
  • EmperorRemanIV
    "ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – April 19, 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC) - 1:00PM EDT (17:00 UTC)"

    Let's hope. It's the best we can do anyways
    His Imperial Majesty, Reman IV, Emperor of Cyrodiil, Sunspire Saint, Guardian of the Reach, Elsweyr and Galen, Shield of the North, Ophidian Overlord of Craglorn, Defender of Rockgrove, Count of Cyrodiil, Baron/Thane of Solitude, Falkreath and Morthal, Lord of the Daggerfall Covenant, Knight of the Silver Rose, Knight of the Silver Dawn, Knight-Errant of High Isle and Chevalier of Moongrave Fane.

    Monarch of the trading guild Second Empire of Cyrodiil
  • Maitsukas
    "ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – April 19, 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC) - 1:00PM EDT (17:00 UTC)"

    Let's hope. It's the best we can do anyways

    I highly doubt that aforementioned maintenance will fix it, as it only takes down the and websites.

    I can only see it being fixed during a regular scheduled server maintenance or with a hotfix.
    PC-EU @maitsukas

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  • BeWare94
    @ZOS_Kevin any update to the ETA?
  • Elrender
    @ZOS_Kevin we still waiting for info about extending crown crates time when you fix em and what you will do with crates that we missed because o fyour "bug"?
  • thechiefisback
    @ZOS_Kevin Coul you extend the ayleid crates?
  • muscle_witch
    [snip] but people have to @ devs begging for updates or even confirmation that they know about the bug [snip]

    [edited for baiting]
    Edited by ZOS_Lunar on April 20, 2023 5:41PM
  • The_one_i_seek
    i dont understand why they can not simply tell us the truth?
  • EmperorRemanIV
    These days, every time I open this thread I'm afraid it's going to be closed because the devs are getting pissed off because we are rightfully demanding a simple feedback
    His Imperial Majesty, Reman IV, Emperor of Cyrodiil, Sunspire Saint, Guardian of the Reach, Elsweyr and Galen, Shield of the North, Ophidian Overlord of Craglorn, Defender of Rockgrove, Count of Cyrodiil, Baron/Thane of Solitude, Falkreath and Morthal, Lord of the Daggerfall Covenant, Knight of the Silver Rose, Knight of the Silver Dawn, Knight-Errant of High Isle and Chevalier of Moongrave Fane.

    Monarch of the trading guild Second Empire of Cyrodiil
  • SimonThesis
    Even if all they had was "Nope, not yet" I wish they would let us know, that would still be better than the constant silence. This is a massive issue. Many people buy crates with gold, it is by far the hottest thing to buy on the crown store.
  • Sythen88411
    [snip] Crate gifting will be back.

    [edited for conspiracy theory]
    Edited by ZOS_Lunar on April 20, 2023 5:42PM
  • Berdusk
    I don't understand some of these posts.

    Do you seriously think the devs are all in on some big plot to bug the game so you'll spend more money on crates? Is that something that YOU would do for YOUR employer? Unless they're also significant shareholders in ZOS, I doubt they care that much. It's just a job. A fun job, yes, but still something where they work for a set salary.

    Y'all are throwing some serious shade as if the people who make the game are out to rip you off, when the reality is that most of them probably don't care enough to even think to do it... and, even if they did, ZOS would pocket 99% of the difference, so what's the incentive? Never mind the small matter of ethics and self-respect.

    As for the matter of updates, we got an update on the 6th, offering a *rough* timeline of two weeks. That time still hasn't passed, and honestly, I'm a bit surprised they've given even that timeline, seeing as troubleshooting code and finding solutions tends to be a bit of a trial-and-error guessing game with bugs like this.

    It'll be fixed as soon as they can get to it, and seeing as this is probably hitting the bottom line pretty hard, I'd imagine there's no shortage of pressure being applied from the top down already. Hate from the community doesn't help. I want gifting back as much as the next guy - I have my eye on the new Welwa mount - but that doesn't mean I need to think of the devs as anything other than the people they are, working a job, and making the occasional mistake along the way. Real people with real feelings. Just something to keep in mind.

    I know I sound like a fanboy right now, but everything I've said is true. Try to put yourself in someone else's shoes before assuming they're out to rip you off. Paranoid. No one's out to get you, least of all people who just want to make games for a living, tell stories, and spend time with their families, etc. in their off-time - just like everyone else.

    We're all on the same page here, players and devs alike; love of this game/world. There's no need for one to turn on the other because of impatience. Just sayin'. My rusty $.02.
  • Lauranae

    But we had an answer. ZOS_kevin told us in a couple of weeks.

    What that means ? Literally in popular usage, it means a period around two weeks, say two to three or even four weeks.

    And ZOS_Kevin is between programmer and us. Personally i think some part of the code is very old, and if you modify something around, it might break something else. Probably what happened. Will i feel better if i know what part of code, and why and how it happened ? NO.

    I was in the first posts asking for answers because at that time there was none. But since, we had an answer. Now they asked us to wait. So lets wait.

    As for the release of new and old crates and the players issues its create, its another issue.

    [edited to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Lunar on April 20, 2023 5:43PM
    My most recent characters
    AD - Chjara NB
  • LunaFlora
    y'all if the bug gets fixed we'll know. till then don't expect it to be fixed any faster it's ridiculous
    miaow! i'm Luna ( she/her ).

    🌸*throws cherry blossom on you*🌸
    "Eagles advance, traveler! And may the Green watch and keep you."
    PlayStation and PC EU.
    LunaLolaBlossom on psn.
    LunaFloraBlossom on pc.
  • muscle_witch
    That's not really a reasonable comparison, the devs are not checkout clerks, and the people being asked for answers are the people whose job it is to interface with the community. I'm not going to bother breaking down your analogy on every level because I suspect it was made in bad faith, but if you can point to any answer the devs gave as to whether they'll be addressing the crates that were retired during the course of this bug, then it will be news to me and to the people who have specifically been asking for that information.
  • muscle_witch
    The question isn't about crate scheduling as a general topic, it's specifically about whether the devs are going to make up for the fact that people missed out on gifting limited edition crates as a direct result of the bug that this thread is about. As such, it's a pretty reasonable thing to ask in-thread.

    Also, why exactly is it so wrong to be complaining about a bug in the one thread dedicated to the bug? It's been over a month, there's been no answer on whether people are going to have to wait potentially years to gift these things again.

    Finally, telling people to stop complaining about a bug in the one thread dedicated to it is rather absurd. Sure, passing our frustrations on to the devs won't make them work any faster, but, as it turns out, the forums aren't just for people to talk to the devs, they're also for us to talk among ourselves. If seeing people complain about this one very specific issue bothers you that much, then I gently suggest that you read literally any other thread in the forums.
  • Berdusk
    The question isn't about crate scheduling as a general topic, it's specifically about whether the devs are going to make up for the fact that people missed out on gifting limited edition crates as a direct result of the bug that this thread is about. As such, it's a pretty reasonable thing to ask in-thread.

    Also, why exactly is it so wrong to be complaining about a bug in the one thread dedicated to the bug? It's been over a month, there's been no answer on whether people are going to have to wait potentially years to gift these things again.

    Finally, telling people to stop complaining about a bug in the one thread dedicated to it is rather absurd. Sure, passing our frustrations on to the devs won't make them work any faster, but, as it turns out, the forums aren't just for people to talk to the devs, they're also for us to talk among ourselves. If seeing people complain about this one very specific issue bothers you that much, then I gently suggest that you read literally any other thread in the forums.

    This is some masterful shifting of the goal-posts.

    No one said there shouldn’t be any complaints. The fact is that ZOS is a large company with significant resources and it HAS been over a month. Complain away.

    Also, no, the devs are not checkout clerks. And how does one make an analogy in “bad faith”? Lol

    What I said was basically that it is absurd and abusive to accuse the devs of deliberately creating the gifting bug, and they don’t deserve to be subjected to such accusations. Because they aren’t checkout clerks, but they are still just employees of a much larger entity. And any other business would be well within its rights to tell customers who treat their employees that way to take their business elsewhere - yet, for some reason, many in the games industry do not choose to do so.

    That’s not the same thing as complaining, and equating it as such is… well… acting in bad faith.
  • Lauranae
    as it seems i am pointed, i will explain better :smile:

    You have all the rights to complain, but why to do it in a aggressive manner ? or by using false information ?

    I said and i can repeat it, passing our nerves on the Devs will not make the bugs corrects faster.

    You can however ask, and ask again, but what is the interest to grumble one week after a Dev post informing us that it was a complicated bug, and it will probably be good in couple weeks and if not he will post it again.

    What is not clear in the dev's answer ?

    Am i happy with the result, certainly not, but what ? i can do nothing about it. This is a simple fact. And i am sure they are as ennoyed of us for this.

    So i have a choice, i continue to post again and again, bothering them, and probably adding on the stress for them and me, or i am patient, and stop posting.

    And have no doubt, i am as displeased as you about this bug, i could not send gift and thus my friends or other accounts missed the chance they had to get items long waited. But frankly there is way more terrible things in life than this.
    Edited by Lauranae on April 18, 2023 4:13PM
    My most recent characters
    AD - Chjara NB
  • Aelorin

    Could you please give a more ETA on a fix?

    Also, the Ayleid crates will end in 9 days. I was not playing when they first came out, but am playing now.
    Unfortunately I can not buy crates myself, but I can get them gifted by a friend, and there are so many cool items in those crates.

    For the love of the Divines, help us so the Ayleid crates will be available even if the fix is not due in 9 days.

    Thank you for considering.
    And so the Elder Scrolls foretold.You will be shy, and I will be bold.
  • valenwood_vegan
    Any news? This matters to a lot of people.

    And something for Zos' consideration here... I can only speak for myself, but I've stopped even looking at the crates or visiting the crown store. Once an issue like this goes on long enough that consumers start changing their habits, there is no guarantee that they'll return to their old ways. It's a risky game.
  • BardokRedSnow
    Yep I won’t even be looking at the crown store for anything if this isn’t fixed before the newest crates are gone. The least they could do in good faith is keep the crates both ayleid and rage bound around for a bit longer to compensate for this bug. It can only help them gain more money so no idea why the news on this is so light.
  • EmperorRemanIV
    They could at least give us a bundle of 4-8 crown crates for each crate we are missing because of this bug after it's fixed as an apology. So far: Akaviri Potentate, Gloomspore and Ayleid currently
    His Imperial Majesty, Reman IV, Emperor of Cyrodiil, Sunspire Saint, Guardian of the Reach, Elsweyr and Galen, Shield of the North, Ophidian Overlord of Craglorn, Defender of Rockgrove, Count of Cyrodiil, Baron/Thane of Solitude, Falkreath and Morthal, Lord of the Daggerfall Covenant, Knight of the Silver Rose, Knight of the Silver Dawn, Knight-Errant of High Isle and Chevalier of Moongrave Fane.

    Monarch of the trading guild Second Empire of Cyrodiil
  • The_one_i_seek
    @ZOS_Kevin any news, dear sir?
  • Lavennin
    Berdusk wrote: »
    I don't understand some of these posts.

    Do you seriously think the devs are all in on some big plot to bug the game so you'll spend more money on crates? Is that something that YOU would do for YOUR employer? Unless they're also significant shareholders in ZOS, I doubt they care that much. It's just a job. A fun job, yes, but still something where they work for a set salary.

    Y'all are throwing some serious shade as if the people who make the game are out to rip you off, when the reality is that most of them probably don't care enough to even think to do it... and, even if they did, ZOS would pocket 99% of the difference, so what's the incentive? Never mind the small matter of ethics and self-respect.

    As for the matter of updates, we got an update on the 6th, offering a *rough* timeline of two weeks. That time still hasn't passed, and honestly, I'm a bit surprised they've given even that timeline, seeing as troubleshooting code and finding solutions tends to be a bit of a trial-and-error guessing game with bugs like this.

    It'll be fixed as soon as they can get to it, and seeing as this is probably hitting the bottom line pretty hard, I'd imagine there's no shortage of pressure being applied from the top down already. Hate from the community doesn't help. I want gifting back as much as the next guy - I have my eye on the new Welwa mount - but that doesn't mean I need to think of the devs as anything other than the people they are, working a job, and making the occasional mistake along the way. Real people with real feelings. Just something to keep in mind.

    I know I sound like a fanboy right now, but everything I've said is true. Try to put yourself in someone else's shoes before assuming they're out to rip you off. Paranoid. No one's out to get you, least of all people who just want to make games for a living, tell stories, and spend time with their families, etc. in their off-time - just like everyone else.

    We're all on the same page here, players and devs alike; love of this game/world. There's no need for one to turn on the other because of impatience. Just sayin'. My rusty $.02.

    It’s a job for the devs. If they got an order to do it, they would have. They aren’t the people that run the company and don’t always get a say in what they put in the cash shop.

    I feel like your view is on the idealistic side. ESO isn’t known for devs going out their ways to make players happy. That’s another MMO you are thinking about.
  • EmperorRemanIV
    Soon we'll enter 2 months of this bug. So far we have missed:

    . Stonelore crates
    . Akaviri Potentate crates
    . Gloomspore crates
    . Ayleid crates

    I hope they don't try to apologize with a random guar pet that no one cares about
    His Imperial Majesty, Reman IV, Emperor of Cyrodiil, Sunspire Saint, Guardian of the Reach, Elsweyr and Galen, Shield of the North, Ophidian Overlord of Craglorn, Defender of Rockgrove, Count of Cyrodiil, Baron/Thane of Solitude, Falkreath and Morthal, Lord of the Daggerfall Covenant, Knight of the Silver Rose, Knight of the Silver Dawn, Knight-Errant of High Isle and Chevalier of Moongrave Fane.

    Monarch of the trading guild Second Empire of Cyrodiil
  • valenwood_vegan
    Soon we'll enter 2 months of this bug.

    Yup, and if we're talking milestones, soon to be two weeks since we were told the issue had been identified and a fix was in the works in "a couple of weeks" and if it was going to take longer, we'd be updated. Radio silence makes me think we're looking at longer, lol.
  • muscle_witch
    I hope they don't try to apologize with a random guar pet that no one cares about

    I appreciate your optimism that they'll apologize at all (although honestly I do really like our last apology guar - I have named him Sir Googly and he flounces dramatically after my lil argonian)
This discussion has been closed.