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Grouping is the worst I've seen an any MMO in my lifetime

  • Shimond
    HarryWolfe wrote: »
    age is not a prerequisite for stupidity.

    On that you have my full agreement.
  • Extractor
    I have to agree with the OP in saying that this game does have the worst group mechanics of any MMO that I have played ( I have experience with: lotro, eq2, swotr, and runescape, but mostly lotro). It's not only the phasing issues; there is no way to: mark targets, give different markings to group members, see what quests (or what steps of a quest) a member is on, or see what quest choice a group member makes. Also, it's really hard, or downright impossible to help a friend or guildie on a quest you have already completed. I understand that if you have a leveling partner then you are probably in lockstep with them and some of these issues may not be as big a deal for you. But if you pug or just occasionally work with a friend or guildie then I believe that these issues cause a lot of frustration. I really hope that these grouping issues are ironed out by the time Craglorn hits. I like this game in so many ways but grouping is a PITA which is shameful for an MMO.

    Its hard to believe that a game in the making for so long with experienced gamers did not bring up all of these great points, why they release a half made game is beyond me, but the Sub cost is not inline with the quality of this game in the state its in now. Players say they think it will get better, I just don't see that happening or this game would have been made to work better from the beginning.

  • Gohlar
    I have to agree with the OP in saying that this game does have the worst group mechanics of any MMO that I have played ( I have experience with: lotro, eq2, swotr, and runescape, but mostly lotro). It's not only the phasing issues; there is no way to: mark targets, give different markings to group members, see what quests (or what steps of a quest) a member is on, or see what quest choice a group member makes. Also, it's really hard, or downright impossible to help a friend or guildie on a quest you have already completed. I understand that if you have a leveling partner then you are probably in lockstep with them and some of these issues may not be as big a deal for you. But if you pug or just occasionally work with a friend or guildie then I believe that these issues cause a lot of frustration. I really hope that these grouping issues are ironed out by the time Craglorn hits. I like this game in so many ways but grouping is a PITA which is shameful for an MMO.

    Not to mention the game actively discourages grouping by providing next to no exp in group content.

    It really is mind boggling.
  • Thunder
    Extractor wrote: »
    I tried to give it a fair chance but its just not even enjoyable to play, inventory, bugs, broken quest, cost of things in game like mount, mail, and so on. Guild system and store, its all broken. Enjoy, I wish I could have!


    As has been said dozens of times in the hundreds of threads crying about not enough inventory space... there has to be a cut off somewhere. Between one space and an infinite number of spaces, they have to set a number. The number should compel players to make decisions on what to keep and what to let go.

    You have to choose to hoard items in order to have an inventory problem in ESO. When I first started playing I found the inventory space to be limited as well, then I learned to stop hoarding and just play the character I'm on. You don't need to hoard those level 12 green magika boots for your mage alt you might one day play, when the time comes they can get their own. You don't need to bank swap 50 items for your alt to break down for their crafting, all my characters have been able to craft useful items for themselves all the way up, simply by breaking down the items they loot personally.

    Bag space can be upgraded. Bank space can be upgraded. You can even buy a bag space every day on your horse.

    Inventory is only a problem if you make it one.


    ESO has had one of the cleanest launches of any game I've played, aside from one catastrophic bug that affected a whole slue of quests, the inability to interact with quest advancement objects. Something that has since been largely stamped out.

    I've certainly run into a little bug here and there, but aside from the interaction bug, nothing that prevented me from playing. Although I know I've run across a bug or two, nothing even springs to mind as it was so minor I never gave it a second thought.

    Furthermore, claiming you tried to give something a fair chance and then citing bugs as a reason you can't, when it hasn't even been a month since launch is quite the contradiction.

    Broken Quest

    It's painfully obvious that you are just trying to pad your list, especially since you list broken quest immediately after bugs.

    Cost of things in game like mount, mail, and so on

    Mail? OK? You probably threw a fit when the price of stamps went up too, didn't you? It's the "and so on" that makes me smile. I find your inability to conjure up even a 3rd item reminiscent of Miss South Carolina... and so on.

    As far as mounts go, yep, they are expensive. Not quite WoW expensive, but expensive none the less. It's almost as if they thought players might get a sense of satisfaction and achievement by saving up to purchase one, but that's silly as we all know the things most appreciated are the things we are given for free.

    Guild system and store, its all broken

    At least you were specific with your... oh... I can't even feign sarcasm on this one. The guild system is as functional as any guild system in any other MMO I've played, even more so than most. The guild store is completely functional as well, perhaps not the most elegantly designed interface, but functional none the less.

    You're it's all broken claim is entirely baseless as you've founded it on two things that are indisputably functional.

    I don't think you tried to the give the game a fair chance, you rather blatantly attempted to find fault with every aspect of the game in which you could manufacture a petty complaint.

    What happened here is that you, like oh so many others, bought ESO we a preconceived notion of what you wanted it to be, rather than investigating for yourself what it actually was. Aside from bugs, everything you have listed is an intended design choice of the game developers that you just happen to not agree with. Had you made the least bit of effort you could have discovered these aspects of the game before purchasing and saved us all a lot of headache and belly moaning.
  • mstout7419b14_ESO
    "This is a complete lie. So someone on your friends list. Right next to you but in a different phase. You are saying as soon as you group they suddenly appear next to you? I call 100% BS.

    Call it what you want but I have never had a memeber of my group not be in the dungeon with me. Maybe Im lucky. Now me stating that it hasnt happened to me by no means suggests that I think the game is perfect- Its flawed in many areas- as others have stated there is no marking targets- as well in cyrodiil every time a new member is added to group we get lag spikes and some crash- But you were talking about groups not being in the same phase and me being a swg, uo, ab, daoc vet- the purpose of stating that it hasnt happened to me is simply to let the devs know that this isnt happening to everyone unlike alot of other issues- one being the grouping lag spikes.

    Hell when everyones bank accounts were missing items or gold etc... guess what- never happened to me. Luck again? Maybe. or maybe it just isnt as wide spread of an issue.

    I have an issue that hasnt happened to everyone- I have 4 different passives that give me movement speed buffs so that when I sneak I move at full or faster speed- but if I die, when I respawn its like all my passives are turned off because Im back to normal sneak speed and I have to relog to get it working again. Now do you have that problem or does everyone have that issue? Probably not- but if I was to use your logic then I call BS, youre lying because I find it hard to believe that it hasnt happened to you.

    With that being said- enter the dungeon with all group members there- if you are put into different phases then yes that is an issue that needs to be addressed quickly, but use some common sense- just because it has happened to you doesnt mean it is happening to everyone and the devs need to know if it is widespread consistent issue or a few isolated issues.

    And dont take me for a fanboi- cause Im not that big of a fan- Im playing til AA comes out which is a much better game for pvp, crafting and all the things ESO is missing like housing, seamless zones, pirating, sea pvp etc.... ESO is alright- Id much rather be playing SWG or DAOC but this will have to do for the time being.

    Edited by mstout7419b14_ESO on April 30, 2014 2:04PM
  • twolly
    Soul Shriven
    Look, I agree that this mmo is very anti-social as mmo's go. It can be rather difficult getting a group together, esp. this early in the game.

    The other anti-social mmo's like WoW at least had a pretty decent group/raid finder tool that everyone is pretty much aware of. But almost no one uses this tool in ESO. Are people even aware of it? (default key - p)

    Games like WoW also had a major city where people just naturally hung out at because of things like banking and the like. But, as we can bank in every zone, there really is no centralized location to take care of mass puggings and the like.

    I think they're expecting the guild system to kind of sort this out. We can join 5 guilds of up to 500...
    Maybe in time this'll just sort itself out. Who knows.

    But yeah, as far as phasing and questing goes... I know I've wanted to help some people but have been like... I'll cheer you on from the sidelines! You've got this! (as they go splat)
  • Knovah
    The new patch 1.06 will fix a lot for the broken quests and bugs. (At least it listed the quests I was stuck on).

    Also fixes my occasional screen freeze and cpu going crazy…

    Imho it is going in the right direction…I am not sure about everyone else but this patch takes care of a lot of my issues.

    I think they still need to work on grouping making it a bit more user friendly for some. Like I have said, I do not have issues in dungeons and questing it is not all the time and it is not deal breaking for me. A quick /reloadui has fixed 99.9 % of my grouping issues. It is still a pain in the tushy that I have to do that, but it is a few seconds and I am off and questing again.

    I am in no way making light of anyone's situation that is having a harder time than I. I Hope they get the issues some are experiencing fixed (and hope that nothing breaks while they do it).

    I am not championing the game but I am enjoying my time and not having any major life altering issues.

    Not everyone will have the same experience in the game. Bugs and glitches and even play styles will affect people differently.

    Not everyone will rage quit over a bug and some will, some will still see the good the game has and some will see nothing but despair. Forums are a hodgepodge of good and bad and all kinds of players. We won't always agree with what the other says and some … well some no matter what will be angry little creatures that you just try to ignore or giggle at…(awww he is a cute little look how hard he tries and how mad he gets lol).

    In the end I keep in mind that this is a video game... a digital world, that believe it or not, I have control…not happy, and I can cancel and walk away…it is only as bad as I let it be. That cranky person on forums may be having a bad day and needs to vent (or just a troll and needs attention). None of it is important and none of it has any affect on my real life. Makes my game play and forum time so much more fun and keeping an open mind (on most things) I may even learn something.

    happy hunting

    Video games ......The only legal place to kill stupid people.
  • Rastafariel
    The actions having consequences is BS. That is single player mentality that has infected our MP games. You can have actions have consequences, and still have people grouped together SEE each other. I can think of no thing more immersion breaking than not being able to see my trusted friends whilst adventuring! "Oh, he uh, had to leave because you entered into a cave that can only be done by one mage at a time... it doesn't matter that you brought your buddy fighter along to bash skulls for you.... *poof*. Stupid. Have the small dungeons and guild quest lines scale for 1-4 ppl.

    So, I would prefer having the world stay at the state of the lowest common denominator of the group UNTIL that party member completes the quest, in which case, we have world updating. If you're not grouped, then you can see the world the way it should be for you. if you are grouped you see it as it is for the lowest common denominator of your group. I don't know if you guys remember but it used to be standard operating procedure for everyone to group and then find out who needed the most catching up, and then do it... But now we have a system where the only time you need to group is in PvP and in dungeons. What happened to exploring the world with a group of friends?!


    I thank you for your time people who are listening... For Zenimax... *shakes fist at them*
    A Dragon's Tear has many mystical qualities...
  • Thunder
    twolly wrote: »
    Look, I agree that this mmo is very anti-social as mmo's go. It can be rather difficult getting a group together, esp. this early in the game.

    ESO is by far the most social MMO I've ever played. When I started playing WoW there were 70 levels, 70 levels of solo questing rarely seeing another person, and never interacting with one. In fact the few times you do see someone while questing, they are probably after the same mobs you need to complete your quest, so the situation becomes extremely adversarial.

    In ESO I've met a ton of people simply by informally questing along side them. This one dungeon, me and another guy explored the whole thing together, completely informally, and at one point he was clicking on these objects that obviously unlocked a door, but I had missed something along the way and had to go back. I figured that was the end of our cooperative team effort, but I was wrong!

    I went tearing off back down the hall and started fighting a group of mobs. All of a sudden I see these huge dragon wings fly over my head as dude comes diving into the fray. He ran with me back to the thing I missed and then we made our way through to the finish.

    As we stood outside the dungeon turning in the quest, dude sent me a party invite and we spent a couple hours questing together.

    Furthermore, getting a group for dungeons is insanely easy, even on DPS. In WoW getting in a random dungeon finder group took at least 20 minutes, if not close to an hour, here 9 times out of 10 as I click start search, the screen is telling me only the party leader can search for more players. I'm not the party leader of myself!? OH! I'm in a full group already, LOL! Cool, let's go kill some stuff.

    Additionally, the groups I've been in, the people have been great! Some groups have been much stronger than others, but everyone has been great no matter if we were struggling or face rolling.

    ESO is an EXTREMELY social game, and will only get more so as all the WoWers either adapt or move on.
  • KaedianEQ
    For what it's worth, I've pugged each of the initial three group dungeons and one of the second tier. In each case we completed the dungeons without any invisible group member issues and/or phasing issues and in the last dungeon the group of four strangers actually slogged through roughly 8 attempts to kill the end boss without anyone either complaining or leaving.

    Whereas I don't claim then that the issues described by others here do not exist, I will also say that examples like mine apparently do as well. Hopefully they will fix whatever is causing others to have these issues. More often than not, following the relevant bug reporting procedures will be more effective than recounting experiences good or bad, here on the general discussion forum.
  • Carmag
    Soul Shriven
    Thunder wrote: »
    Extractor wrote: »
    I tried to give it a fair chance but its just not even enjoyable to play, inventory, bugs, broken quest, cost of things in game like mount, mail, and so on. Guild system and store, its all broken. Enjoy, I wish I could have!


    As has been said dozens of times in the hundreds of threads crying about not enough inventory space... there has to be a cut off somewhere. Between one space and an infinite number of spaces, they have to set a number. The number should compel players to make decisions on what to keep and what to let go.

    You have to choose to hoard items in order to have an inventory problem in ESO. When I first started playing I found the inventory space to be limited as well, then I learned to stop hoarding and just play the character I'm on. You don't need to hoard those level 12 green magika boots for your mage alt you might one day play, when the time comes they can get their own. You don't need to bank swap 50 items for your alt to break down for their crafting, all my characters have been able to craft useful items for themselves all the way up, simply by breaking down the items they loot personally.

    Bag space can be upgraded. Bank space can be upgraded. You can even buy a bag space every day on your horse.

    Inventory is only a problem if you make it one.


    ESO has had one of the cleanest launches of any game I've played, aside from one catastrophic bug that affected a whole slue of quests, the inability to interact with quest advancement objects. Something that has since been largely stamped out.

    I've certainly run into a little bug here and there, but aside from the interaction bug, nothing that prevented me from playing. Although I know I've run across a bug or two, nothing even springs to mind as it was so minor I never gave it a second thought.

    Furthermore, claiming you tried to give something a fair chance and then citing bugs as a reason you can't, when it hasn't even been a month since launch is quite the contradiction.

    Broken Quest

    It's painfully obvious that you are just trying to pad your list, especially since you list broken quest immediately after bugs.

    Cost of things in game like mount, mail, and so on

    Mail? OK? You probably threw a fit when the price of stamps went up too, didn't you? It's the "and so on" that makes me smile. I find your inability to conjure up even a 3rd item reminiscent of Miss South Carolina... and so on.

    As far as mounts go, yep, they are expensive. Not quite WoW expensive, but expensive none the less. It's almost as if they thought players might get a sense of satisfaction and achievement by saving up to purchase one, but that's silly as we all know the things most appreciated are the things we are given for free.

    Guild system and store, its all broken

    At least you were specific with your... oh... I can't even feign sarcasm on this one. The guild system is as functional as any guild system in any other MMO I've played, even more so than most. The guild store is completely functional as well, perhaps not the most elegantly designed interface, but functional none the less.

    You're it's all broken claim is entirely baseless as you've founded it on two things that are indisputably functional.

    I don't think you tried to the give the game a fair chance, you rather blatantly attempted to find fault with every aspect of the game in which you could manufacture a petty complaint.

    What happened here is that you, like oh so many others, bought ESO we a preconceived notion of what you wanted it to be, rather than investigating for yourself what it actually was. Aside from bugs, everything you have listed is an intended design choice of the game developers that you just happen to not agree with. Had you made the least bit of effort you could have discovered these aspects of the game before purchasing and saved us all a lot of headache and belly moaning.

    Hmmmm.... An intelligent, well-written response. You sir, have no place on these forums.
  • frwinters_ESO
    DarkWombat wrote: »
    How did this game make it to launch when each and every time you form a group the players in your group are invisible?

    I tried to run a dungeon the other day, of course, it didn't put us in the same phase at all, so we entered the dungeon. I could see the healer and no one else. The healer could only see me. I had the two other people log off and back on again. I did the same. Then I could not see anybody. We tried "teleport to player", and got a message saying it could not be done. With various combination things got worse. Some people appeared offline resulting in the leader booting them mistakenly.

    After more work I saw two other party members but the 4th could not see any of us. Finally he logged off and back on and then saw us.

    This is not good. Especially weeks after launch.

    This past week I have been playing with my son. As soon as we join a group we have to teleport to player even if we are standing a foot away from each other. Sometimes this does not work and we are forced to log off and back on again.

    This process is painful, and my tin foil hat might just make it out of the closet. I think a lot of these "megaserver systems" just plain don't work, and Zenimax is trying to figure it out on the fly. I think everyone at Zenimax knew it, and I think that the Imperial Edition, etc were ways that were invented in the last hour to get as much money upfront as they could for a game that has several systems like this that do not work.

    This is anew player question? I think you posted in the wrong forum. I think your hitting the wrong buttons or something.
  • Ohioastro
    This is a far more social MMO than the norm. If you are leveling up in LOTRO it's incredibly easy solo. It's actually harder to group because you have to slaughter more spawns to collect widgets. In WoW - again, trivial already to level up - why bother? In this game you find yourself helping others all of the time. MMO players are programmed to think that formal groups are the only social thing - this game promotes more free form assisting and does a terrific job with it. There are a lot of areas that would be quite difficult at level to solo and the group dungeons are nicely challenging.
  • Srugzal
    Gohlar wrote: »
    As you can see Wombat, some people here will pretend glaring issues don't exist and that everything is fine.
    Srugzal wrote: »
    I believe that this conclusion is unwarranted.

    I don't see how anyone could spend time on the forums and say this...

    This is a curious and rather counterintuitive response. I explain in the part that you didn't quote how my experience has been both like and unlike yours. You don't accept that for some reason, but you don't try to communicate why.
    Gohlar wrote: »
    Srugzal wrote: »
    And as for positivity spoiling the game, blinding the devs to the problems... well, that's pretty far fetched in my opinion.

    There is nothing positive about what I'm talking about. I can understand if you like the game, but that's no excuse to be obtuse like this. If they were being positive, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

    Nothing I said can be construed as an opinion of the game, I related my experience, and that contradicted your conclusions. I don't understand what you're talking about here. I've been filing bug reports about this game since last July. I'm certainly aware of its shortcomings.

    Your conclusion, that the devs were blinded by fanboy praise, and that people pretend there is nothing wrong, is wholly invalid. It's not supported by anything you or anyone else in this thread has said. I lay no claim to universal experience and wisdom, but I just don't see this. It's not true.

    I'm sorry that it aggravates you so that I don't agree with your conclusions. It's nothing personal. People who disagree with you aren't automatically starry-eyed fans.
  • tawok
    DarkWombat wrote: »
    How did this game make it to launch when each and every time you form a group the players in your group are invisible?

    I tried to run a dungeon the other day, of course, it didn't put us in the same phase at all, so we entered the dungeon. I could see the healer and no one else. The healer could only see me. I had the two other people log off and back on again. I did the same. Then I could not see anybody. We tried "teleport to player", and got a message saying it could not be done. With various combination things got worse. Some people appeared offline resulting in the leader booting them mistakenly.

    After more work I saw two other party members but the 4th could not see any of us. Finally he logged off and back on and then saw us.

    This is not good. Especially weeks after launch.

    This past week I have been playing with my son. As soon as we join a group we have to teleport to player even if we are standing a foot away from each other. Sometimes this does not work and we are forced to log off and back on again.

    This process is painful, and my tin foil hat might just make it out of the closet. I think a lot of these "megaserver systems" just plain don't work, and Zenimax is trying to figure it out on the fly. I think everyone at Zenimax knew it, and I think that the Imperial Edition, etc were ways that were invented in the last hour to get as much money upfront as they could for a game that has several systems like this that do not work.

    Everything here is instancing/phasing issues. Instancing issues have existed in every MMO, ever. Phasing is relatively new, but is working as intended. It's not ZoS' fault that your son is on a different step in the quest.

    I remember back in 2004 when people kept their tin foil hats, pitchforks, and torches at bay for a while after an MMOs launch, and let them work out the kinks before blogging, "reviewing", posting, and just generally crying in public about things that would've been left at bay long ago.

    The hive mind is strong, and is trying its damnedest to kill this game. I fear that it is succeeding.
    Leader of Stand by Your Van

    Find me online @Tawok
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    Hayl: Sword & Board DragonKnight
    Tawok: 2h Aedric Templar
    Hyll: Summer Sorcerer Extraordinaire
  • Gohlar
    Srugzal wrote: »
    Gohlar wrote: »
    As you can see Wombat, some people here will pretend glaring issues don't exist and that everything is fine.
    Srugzal wrote: »
    I believe that this conclusion is unwarranted.

    I don't see how anyone could spend time on the forums and say this...

    This is a curious and rather counterintuitive response. I explain in the part that you didn't quote how my experience has been both like and unlike yours. You don't accept that for some reason, but you don't try to communicate why.
    Gohlar wrote: »
    Srugzal wrote: »
    And as for positivity spoiling the game, blinding the devs to the problems... well, that's pretty far fetched in my opinion.

    There is nothing positive about what I'm talking about. I can understand if you like the game, but that's no excuse to be obtuse like this. If they were being positive, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

    Nothing I said can be construed as an opinion of the game, I related my experience, and that contradicted your conclusions. I don't understand what you're talking about here. I've been filing bug reports about this game since last July. I'm certainly aware of its shortcomings.

    Your conclusion, that the devs were blinded by fanboy praise, and that people pretend there is nothing wrong, is wholly invalid. It's not supported by anything you or anyone else in this thread has said. I lay no claim to universal experience and wisdom, but I just don't see this. It's not true.

    I'm sorry that it aggravates you so that I don't agree with your conclusions. It's nothing personal. People who disagree with you aren't automatically starry-eyed fans.

    You realize none of this makes sense right? I said some people, not all people. Glad you're enjoying the game but if you don't see the silly level of white knighting on this forum you're blind. Not trying to be mean there just really isn't much else I can say. The impact from poor feedback is pretty clear with the gutting of group based exp right at launch.

    It's actually very amusing to people on the outside looking in, the forum has become a bit of a joke to others. Kind of a new standard.
    Edited by Gohlar on April 30, 2014 4:49PM
  • SuperScrubby
    I don't think this game is social at all. Just because you go outside and people walk by you on the sidewalk or stand in the same line as you do in starbucks doesn't mean you're being social.

    If that is your definition of social then you need to go out and actually talk to people more. Social interaction in a game is how you actually INTERACT with an individual. This game is not social and is not group friendly. It has terrible mechanics for both because they wanted "immersion" and to make it more single player oriented. Making content a joke to blow through does not force people to be social because a) they won't ask for help, b) they won't bother grouping.

    Just because you see some chat in zone doesn't make it a social game, that's a small population that actually bothers to interact. Every other player is busy solo questing and pretending like nobody else exists in their "own" world of Tamriel.

    Either way I would have to agree that out of every paid MMO that I've played this is the worst grouping system ever due to the lack of need to group. The mechanics are pretty bad with excessive phasing but due to content being so trivial nobody groups together. Unless you really do put in effort to quest with your friend, significant other, etc. But it sure as hell isn't seamless.
    Edited by SuperScrubby on April 30, 2014 4:56PM
  • coryevans_3b14_ESO
    DarkWombat wrote: »
    Hasnt happen to me ever..... I have no problem with grouping

    This is a complete lie. So someone on your friends list. Right next to you but in a different phase. You are saying as soon as you group they suddenly appear next to you? I call 100% BS.
    Every time I've traveled to someone using the travel to in party list it's worked. As a vet3 i've grouped with and helped mutliple guildies at various levels. I may be confused as to what problem people are having but I don't experience it thankfully :)

  • Thunder
    Gohlar wrote: »
    Glad you're enjoying the game but if you don't see the silly level of white knighting on this forum you're blind.

    It's actually very amusing to people on the outside looking in, the forum has become a bit of a joke to others. Kind of a new standard.

    What's amusing to me is how people like you seem to be completely incapable of understanding the very simple concept that ESO does a few things differently than WoW... by design.
  • tdgeddesub17_ESO
    We know this game is "different," so why can we not talk about it without getting lied too and disregarded as, "you should have researched the game first." STFU lol. Post #2 is also a liar. You all know it, but OP had to damage control so the ESO white knights didn't throw the thread off track.
  • Shimond
    We know this game is "different," so why can we not talk about it without getting lied too and disregarded as, "you should have researched the game first." STFU lol. Post #2 is also a liar. You all know it, but OP had to damage control so the ESO white knights didn't throw the thread off track.

    No doubt some people have issues in the game, no doubts at all. However that doesn't mean everyone is having the exact same issues.

    I'm sure you've already classified me as a 'white knight' simply for not blindly agreeing with you or the OP on the issue at least with regards to how widespread it is but I've not encountered the troubles he claims to have had either. I'm not about to call him a liar in that he didn't have them - simply that it's not happening everywhere all the time.

    The instanced dungeons I've done we've all zoned in and appeared properly to eachother right off the bat. The world stuff I've done in groups with people who weren't already by me I did have to "teleport to player" but it worked the first time, no problems there either.
  • Muletide
    The group finder drops me into groups almost instantly and the "travel to player" option in the party UI is your friend. Though, I wish they'd just auto-sync the group with the leader's phase whenever zoning.
  • jimredtalon
    Sarenia wrote: »
    Ohioastro wrote: »
    For group dungeons, they won't work right if everyone isn't on the same stage (e.g. if someone has partially completed it.) This is an area, agreed, where there is work to do.

    For questing - depends on how you want to do it. The issue isn't the megaserver - it's that the world changes according to the choices that you make, and this makes it very difficult to keep different people together. This makes the system fragile in some cases, but it actually adds a ton to the experience for me to see my actions having consequences.
    This is true.

    Usual group questing in MMOs typically has almost no communication. You just sort of mindlessly follow each other around toward each goal in the quest tracker.

    On ESO, you need to communicate what you're doing. You need to discuss "are we going to free the spirits, or leave them tormented?". If you don't communicate, you end up separated.

    What I don't get is, 2006 DDO came out and you could party up with others the main feature of this was the ability to use an in game voip feature to communicate to other party members. 8 years later ESO comes out...

    I know its a newer company but its not like this is unknown tech or never been done. The devs are gamers too and thus would know and appreciate the importance of good communication. This sounds once again like the work of The Suits. BUMP BUMP BUMMMMMMM.
  • jimredtalon
    Knovah wrote: »
    DarkWombat wrote: »
    Hasnt happen to me ever..... I have no problem with grouping

    This is a complete lie. So someone on your friends list. Right next to you but in a different phase. You are saying as soon as you group they suddenly appear next to you? I call 100% BS.

    I have never had it happen in any dungeon runs myself. I have done a fair amount on my main and not had an issue.

    Now with questing I have this issue often. I will be in one phase friend will be in another or we made different choices.

    calling someone a straight out liar is rude and disrespectful imho not everyone will encounter the same bugs in the same way

    But you do know that the phasing is not a bug but working as intended? In fact it was some thing they were proud of back a few months ago, though they never told anyone that grouping would not set you to the same phase.
  • xramirez535b14_ESO
    Broken quests and the like usually have a consistent fix or workaround. Hell, most of them you can just skip and come back later (I know that's not a fix but at the very least you can continue on enjoying the rest of the PvE). However, "travel to player" is not a consistent fix for me. It has SEEMINGLY worked 2 times for me out of the 10+ times that I've logged on and can't see my friend. I say seemingly because it could have easily been some other factors that allowed me to see my friend that we are not aware of yet, maybe a bug or something. At this point, I don't care about outstanding bugs, I don't care about the possibility that the economy is broken, I don't even care about the lackluster rewards for dungeons or chest ninjas in said dungeons... I just want to group up with my buddy and be able to ATLEAST revive him when/if he dies.

    I see many of you have found workarounds... mainly to do every quest in lockstep with your buddy. If they don't get on, you don't quest and vice versa. Good for you, however please don't delude yourself into thinking this is just how it has to be and that its no longer an issue.

    There's one thing I haven't tried that im HIGHLY eager to try when I get home: Making sure someone is party leader before you do "travel to player". I'm hoping so badly that this will work. I love so much about this game that I'd hate for the faulty grouping to be what breaks the camel's back for me. I have about 4 days left on my sub and still on the fence.
    Edited by xramirez535b14_ESO on April 30, 2014 9:38PM
  • Thunder
    We know this game is "different," so why can we not talk about it without getting lied too and disregarded as, "you should have researched the game first." STFU lol. Post #2 is also a liar. You all know it, but OP had to damage control so the ESO white knights didn't throw the thread off track.

    I know there are a lot of people that use the forum for whom English is not their native language, so forgive me, but it's rather difficult to understand what you are saying. I can pick out certain key words here and there, and along with the context of the thread and placement of your post I think I translated enough to decipher the gist of what you are trying to say. Please correct me if I've gotten it wrong...

    I know the game is "different", that is the problem, it should be exactly like WoW. I don't want to play this game, I want to play WoW and therefore they should make this game just like WoW. I am not concerned with any sort of logic or reason, therefore I do not wish to listen to anything you have to say. Give me WoW. If you defend the right of a company to make a game that is not WoW then you are nothing more than a sycophant that is contributing nothing to the conversation. Give me WoW. Give me WoW. Give me Wow.

    I realize this probably isn't a word for word translation, but I do feel I got pretty close.
  • Gohlar
    Thunder wrote: »
    We know this game is "different," so why can we not talk about it without getting lied too and disregarded as, "you should have researched the game first." STFU lol. Post #2 is also a liar. You all know it, but OP had to damage control so the ESO white knights didn't throw the thread off track.

    I know there are a lot of people that use the forum for whom English is not their native language, so forgive me, but it's rather difficult to understand what you are saying. I can pick out certain key words here and there, and along with the context of the thread and placement of your post I think I translated enough to decipher the gist of what you are trying to say. Please correct me if I've gotten it wrong...

    I know the game is "different", that is the problem, it should be exactly like WoW. I don't want to play this game, I want to play WoW and therefore they should make this game just like WoW. I am not concerned with any sort of logic or reason, therefore I do not wish to listen to anything you have to say. Give me WoW. If you defend the right of a company to make a game that is not WoW then you are nothing more than a sycophant that is contributing nothing to the conversation. Give me WoW. Give me WoW. Give me Wow.

    I realize this probably isn't a word for word translation, but I do feel I got pretty close.

    You remind me of the guy who told someone to go back to WoW because they wanted to save key bindings across different characters. Or the time someone wanted to save their chat settings across their account. They too were told to go back to WoW. Some brilliant minds defending ESO on this forum.

    You can always spot the people who failed in WoW a mile away, they are so bitter about it they can't get over it.
    Edited by Gohlar on May 1, 2014 1:18AM
  • TheFisherman
    Soul Shriven
    What I wanted was the first Elder Scrolls Game since Battlespire that would allow me to play it Co-Op with a friend. After the beta my friend did not even subscribe because of the bad group mechanics. So I ended up playing a MMO in solo except for the dungeons. If this is not changed in the next few months I will cancel my subscription. It might be a good game, but it is not Co-Op frindly designed - yet (keeping my hopes up).
  • mutharex
    Holy Mother of necroed Threads. people still go on with this bullcrap?? The only time you not gonna be in the same phase as the rest of the group is if you decide to go save the castle and the rest of the group wants to (or has already done) save for example the village. Doesn't take a genius to work that out.

    But I had a sentimental moment seeing all the trolls that aren't with us anymore sigh...
  • Sleepwalker
    What I wanted was the first Elder Scrolls Game since Battlespire that would allow me to play it Co-Op with a friend. After the beta my friend did not even subscribe...

    Sucks to be him. Now, log in and find a new friend. And stop resurrecting dead and irrelevant threads. :smiley:

    "QUIT CRYIN'! Do some pushups or something!"

    Grayfield - V2 Breton Nightblade
    Windspike - 40 Bosmer Sorceror
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