Grouping is the worst I've seen an any MMO in my lifetime

  • Zorak
    What I wanted was the first Elder Scrolls Game since Battlespire that would allow me to play it Co-Op with a friend. After the beta my friend did not even subscribe...

    Sucks to be him. Now, log in and find a new friend. And stop resurrecting dead and irrelevant threads. :smiley:

    Why does it sucks to be him ? The guy didn't like the game so he didn't subscribed ?!?!

    White knight more plz !?!?

    I'm not happy to say it but this game is indeed "dying". Even the forums are becoming a ghost town....even with Craglorn. Oo

    So stop the denial. If you like this game so much, good for you. But this game isn't the AAA title it could be.

    ps: was a lame necro. lol
    Edited by Zorak on May 29, 2014 1:22AM
  • Csub
    Zorak wrote: »
    What I wanted was the first Elder Scrolls Game since Battlespire that would allow me to play it Co-Op with a friend. After the beta my friend did not even subscribe...

    Sucks to be him. Now, log in and find a new friend. And stop resurrecting dead and irrelevant threads. :smiley:

    Why does it sucks to be him ? The guy didn't like the game so he didn't subscribed ?!?!

    White knight more plz !?!?

    I'm not happy to say it but this game is indeed "dying". Even the forums are becoming a ghost town....even with Craglorn. Oo

    So stop the denial. If you like this game so much, good for you. But this game isn't the AAA title it could be.

    ps: was a lame necro. lol

    The forums are less active, true, mostly because all those "this game sucks I won't subscribe after my first month is over but still cry till then" people are gone. Which is a good thing actually, less whining on forums.

    As far as the statement is dying, well I don't know but I did not notice it ingame, no matter where I go, I keep finding a lot of people everywhere. And I don't only play during peak time, I work night shifts.

    But let's kill this tell already, I guess the op has left already anyway.
    "The Divines gave you a nose for a reason, Tharn. So you can keep your mouth shut and still keep breathing. - Lyris Titanborn
  • drogon1
    I actually consider the grouping issues to be kind of a small problem within the larger context of the game. This is because grouping is a small aspect of the game atm, as on your way to 50 you won't group much (if you want to advance your character).

    Fix the pvp grouping issues it is a big problem (dc due to big groups, etc....).
  • Shaun98ca2
    Thunder wrote: »
    twolly wrote: »
    Look, I agree that this mmo is very anti-social as mmo's go. It can be rather difficult getting a group together, esp. this early in the game.

    ESO is by far the most social MMO I've ever played. When I started playing WoW there were 70 levels, 70 levels of solo questing rarely seeing another person, and never interacting with one. In fact the few times you do see someone while questing, they are probably after the same mobs you need to complete your quest, so the situation becomes extremely adversarial.

    In ESO I've met a ton of people simply by informally questing along side them. This one dungeon, me and another guy explored the whole thing together, completely informally, and at one point he was clicking on these objects that obviously unlocked a door, but I had missed something along the way and had to go back. I figured that was the end of our cooperative team effort, but I was wrong!

    I went tearing off back down the hall and started fighting a group of mobs. All of a sudden I see these huge dragon wings fly over my head as dude comes diving into the fray. He ran with me back to the thing I missed and then we made our way through to the finish.

    As we stood outside the dungeon turning in the quest, dude sent me a party invite and we spent a couple hours questing together.

    Furthermore, getting a group for dungeons is insanely easy, even on DPS. In WoW getting in a random dungeon finder group took at least 20 minutes, if not close to an hour, here 9 times out of 10 as I click start search, the screen is telling me only the party leader can search for more players. I'm not the party leader of myself!? OH! I'm in a full group already, LOL! Cool, let's go kill some stuff.

    Additionally, the groups I've been in, the people have been great! Some groups have been much stronger than others, but everyone has been great no matter if we were struggling or face rolling.

    ESO is an EXTREMELY social game, and will only get more so as all the WoWers either adapt or move on.

  • Cogo

    Wonderful post. Agree 100%

    I think what most people are disapointed with is there is no automatic way to get grouped with good people who can do the task.

    Unless someone havnt realized it by, WHO you group with is up to you.
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
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