Grouping is the worst I've seen an any MMO in my lifetime

  • mips_winnt
    Knovah wrote: »
    calling someone a straight out liar is rude and disrespectful imho not everyone will encounter the same bugs in the same way

    So is responding to an OP that states "I have XYZ issues" with nothing but "Hasnt happen to me ever..... I have no problem with grouping" because it implies that the OP is either making up XYZ issues or is imagining them.
  • nidriks
    DarkWombat wrote: »
    How did this game make it to launch when each and every time you form a group the players in your group are invisible?

    I tried to run a dungeon the other day, of course, it didn't put us in the same phase at all, so we entered the dungeon. I could see the healer and no one else. The healer could only see me. I had the two other people log off and back on again. I did the same. Then I could not see anybody. We tried "teleport to player", and got a message saying it could not be done. With various combination things got worse. Some people appeared offline resulting in the leader booting them mistakenly.

    After more work I saw two other party members but the 4th could not see any of us. Finally he logged off and back on and then saw us.

    This is not good. Especially weeks after launch.

    This past week I have been playing with my son. As soon as we join a group we have to teleport to player even if we are standing a foot away from each other. Sometimes this does not work and we are forced to log off and back on again.

    This process is painful, and my tin foil hat might just make it out of the closet. I think a lot of these "megaserver systems" just plain don't work, and Zenimax is trying to figure it out on the fly. I think everyone at Zenimax knew it, and I think that the Imperial Edition, etc were ways that were invented in the last hour to get as much money upfront as they could for a game that has several systems like this that do not work.

    I'm not dismissing your comments at all, but I must say I've been extremely lucky with groups (other than the usual trying to find tanks or healers and people leaving), and I haven't encountered any notewrothy bugs such as those you have described.

    I had one group the other day where we couldn't seem to find our way in to the same instance, but I firmly believe that was because one player missed the giving of the quest and he entered a different instance to get it. When he returned it must have bugged our group out. We fixed it in the end by all teleporting to one guy in our group.

    If you're having these issues then the best bet is to enter dialogue with Zeni's support team. They may take a little while to get back to you (though you'll receive a receipt email very fast) but if this really is a problem then they'll do something about it.

    If you haven't already done so then you need to report this issue to Zeni. Log down every single problem you face and outline the bug(s) in clear and concise steps. They ened to know everything you have done in getting your group together.

    Again, I don't wish to sound dismissive, but I've not encountered the depth of problems you appear to be facing. For example, having to teleport to a player that is 2 feet away is not something that's cropped up for me, and I've been in my fair share of groups in both PvE and AvA. As unlikely as it may sound you could be doing something wrong.

    I hope it gets sorted for you and you can enjoy ESO. But please make sure you contact Zeni and fully explain what is going wrong for you. It's the only way it'll be fixed if there's a real issue.

    I am going to add that I think your last comments is extremely negative and highly unlikely. You shouldn't make generalisations of that sort. MMOs are big games and there's a lot of people out there, each with different set ups, all trying to run the same game. This isn't the consoles where everybody's machine is the same. Maybe your complaint isn't hardware related, but understand how enormous a task it is to make an MMO and have everyone stable.

  • Knovah
    mips_winnt wrote: »
    Knovah wrote: »
    calling someone a straight out liar is rude and disrespectful imho not everyone will encounter the same bugs in the same way

    So is responding to an OP that states "I have XYZ issues" with nothing but "Hasnt happen to me ever..... I have no problem with grouping" because it implies that the OP is either making up XYZ issues or is imagining them.

    It is hard to imply inflection in a post... you just assume that they were being rude when they said it. I am assuming he was just posting he has not had trouble…people take things differently .The same thing can be said a dozen ways…not all are rude or demeaning or disrespectful. You are probably reading this as me being a smart tush when I am in no way meaning it that way..again inflection… I am just clearing up why in my opinion he was rude to just flat out call someone a liar.

    Maybe that person did not have an issue..Not everyone as I stated will have same issue and bugs in the same way…does not make them a liar.

    I said I have no problems in grouping in dungeons as well …does that make me rude? Or a liar?

    Not going to debate a moot point ..I am not changing my opinion sorry I guess I see it differently than you disrespect

    Back on topic …. I have had no issues at all in dungeon runs as I posted earlier but have had this issue in grouping for quests.

    Video games ......The only legal place to kill stupid people.
  • Bars
    I made a toon on the NA sever 2 play with my brother and a few friends ,well just let say that went down like a lead balloon so they left the game. and when I asked Zen could I move my alt 2 the EU sever it is nearly VR 3 that was shoot down as well . why they left grouping sucked-Ability lag -gold seller spam in chat and in mail-and bugs , it is a good game but it feels like a game in beta its just a pity they had 2 rush it out .

    so take care all ,and chillout guys they will get it fixed soon
  • Selstad
    I can't say I relate to the problem the OP posts about. Once in Fungal Grotto on VR1 did I end up in the low level version of that instance, but a quick out and back in again sorted that problem. Other than that, my grouping experience haven't been problematic at all.

    I do however think that people are blowing the problems out of proportion and makes it seem like a wide spread problem. It doesn't mean it's not annoying for those that it happens to, but seeing that most people manage without a problem to do group related events, means that it's more centralised to a few unlucky rather than a major faulty game code. I would therefore suggest it's better to contact costumer support and ask them rather than post on the forums with exasperation claiming it to be a major issue.

    As said I do understand it's annoying once it happens, don't get me wrong, but as said, I don't think it's a widespread problem.
  • mips_winnt
    Knovah wrote: »
    I am not changing my opinion sorry I guess I see it differently than you disrespect
    Okay thanks for the heads up..... now back to our regularly scheduled program.
  • Ohioastro
    alienbongs wrote: »
    I understand people like this game and want it to succeed (me too), but why are people so delusional on these forums? ESO does in fact have some major problems, and they do need to get fixed. It does have a broken grouping system currently. I refuse to believe we all haven't experienced it even once.

    My first trip into a group dungeon was a confusing and frustrating rotation of players re-logging and re-entering the dungeon until we could finally all see each other, instead of floating arrows. Mind you, none of us had even started the quest at that point.

    Someone posts their experience on the forums. If my experience is different, why can't I say that? I'm seeing some useful advice here and some sharing of issues. When someone complains the only acceptable response isn't just to nod your head. And if I'm having a problem someone who gives me a work-around is more helpful than someone who fist-bumps me.
  • Ohioastro
    ..and people are aware of the group finder, I hope. I get into groups for public dungeons within minutes with it.
  • Hodorius
    KerinKor wrote: »
    Hodorius wrote: »
    - We have TS and we use it..
    Expecting everyone to use a third-party VOIP tool simply to group-up to run a random dungeon is pretty unrealistic, don't you think?

    You may you your keyboard too... that´s what I use in random grps.
    TS is just for friends to tell which quest option we take.

    Edited by Hodorius on April 29, 2014 12:30PM
  • Thunder
    DarkWombat wrote: »
    How did this game make it to launch when each and every time you form a group the players in your group are invisible?

    Sounds like a personal problem to me. How did Mark Twain put it? The reports of the bugs have been greatly exaggerated.

    The ONLY time I've ever seen a player in my group go invisible was when we were in different phases of an area due to being on different stages of a quest, which is actually a feature, not a bug. When you complete quest lines in certain areas the area actually phases from hostile to friendly to reflect your influence on the world, which is actually pretty cool.

    I'm not saying you didn't have a problem in your dungeon, things do happen, but out of the many dungeon runs I've been in I've never seen it happen once. So I find your insistence that every single time you've grouped with people they turn invisible highly questionable.
  • Thunder
    mips_winnt wrote: »
    alienbongs wrote: »
    I understand people like this game and want it to succeed (me too), but why are people so delusional on these forums? ESO does in fact have some major problems, and they do need to get fixed.

    Well said, the OP states his/her issues with grouping and inevitably gets a bunch of responses to the effect that it's all in his/her head, pretty ridiculous as well as counterproductive.

    The OP, in their opening sentence, proclaimed that "each and every time" they group with someone they are invisible. That's what people take exception with.

    Could grouping be smoother? Of course. Occasionally when I get on and join a party with a friend they are invisible because they are in a different instance and I have to teleport to player to fix it. Takes all of 30 seconds and everything is right as rain.

    The OP didn't come here with a problem, the OP came here with a complaint, a complaint that seems highly exaggerated from my experiences with the game.

    Oh, and just an FYI, WoW had (probably still has) the exact same phasing problems as ESO. When the Lich King raid came out they introduced phasing, and half the people that showed up to the raid were invisible to the other half until they got inside due to being on different stages of a quest.
  • alphawolph
    DarkWombat wrote: »
    How did this game make it to launch when each and every time you form a group the players in your group are invisible?

    I'm no apologist, but the game is young. give them time to iron out the wrinkles. I'm not saying you need to stick around for it. But, no MMO in history had a perfect launch. None ever, none.

  • Lalai
    mips_winnt wrote: »
    So is responding to an OP that states "I have XYZ issues" with nothing but "Hasnt happen to me ever..... I have no problem with grouping" because it implies that the OP is either making up XYZ issues or is imagining them.

    No one is calling the OP a liar. The OP claimed it was the worst out of any MMO he's played, and that it happens every single time he groups with someone. People are stating their opinions and different experiences, because they are vastly different from that of the OP's. If no one said anything differently, people might be led to believe that grouping in it's entirety is completely broken because the only example to run off of would be complaints.

    Instead, what we got here is a lot of people admitting grouping could use some work, but disagreeing that it's as broken as what the OP was trying to illustrate. Not a single person that has posted has claimed grouping works perfectly, or that it doesn't need to be refined. Problem is that people posting anything to the contrary to what the OP's opinion a few of you end up seeing as blind defense. Seems more to me some people just don't like opposing view points in a thread. The whole "don't post unless you agree with me" type thing.

    Edited to add: These forums can effectively act as a "review" site for someone interested in the game (although, as with any online forums, hopefully anyone reading them takes the comments with a grain of salt). We're essentially reviewing a feature of the game. Thread subject, in this case groups, is the feature we're reviewing. OP obviously gave it a one star experience. Someone saying their experience is different isn't dismissing his. They're just stating theirs. That's it. Same as the person giving a 5-star review on a product from Amazon isn't dismissing the people who gave the product 1-star.

    We're all paying customers (well most of us anyway).. and we're all free to state our opinions/experiences with the product. In a forum, you're suppose to keep like things together and not create a new thread for topics that are the same. If all you want to do is lodge a complaint, and you don't want your opinion/experience up against those that may have a disagreement with it, the best bet is to use the /feedback system in game, or contact their customer support. The forums more say "I want other people to see this and know how bad it is".. and thus people will respond in kind with their own experiences.
    Edited by Lalai on April 29, 2014 1:24PM
    Fisher extraordinaire!
    Send me your worms, crawlers, guts, and insect parts.
    Templar Healer
    Daggerfall Covenant, NA
  • mips_winnt
    Thunder wrote: »
    mips_winnt wrote: »
    alienbongs wrote: »
    I understand people like this game and want it to succeed (me too), but why are people so delusional on these forums? ESO does in fact have some major problems, and they do need to get fixed.

    Well said, the OP states his/her issues with grouping and inevitably gets a bunch of responses to the effect that it's all in his/her head, pretty ridiculous as well as counterproductive.

    The OP, in their opening sentence, proclaimed that "each and every time" they group with someone they are invisible. That's what people take exception with.
    Why would you take exception with that? I got the impression from the OP that he/she is fairly frustrating with the grouping problems and I have no reason to doubt his/her word that it's happening all the time for him/her, especially given that I've seen the same issues with grouping myself (with varying frequency).
    The OP didn't come here with a problem, the OP came here with a complaint, a complaint that seems highly exaggerated from my experiences with the game.
    No kidding it's a complaint, the OP is a paying customer and as such has every right to lodge a complaint about problems he/she is experiencing in game, there's absolutely no point for other customers to be dismissive about it.
    Oh, and just an FYI, WoW had (probably still has) the exact same phasing problems as ESO. When the Lich King raid came out they introduced phasing, and half the people that showed up to the raid were invisible to the other half until they got inside due to being on different stages of a quest.
    WoW doesn't (nor did it have in WoTLK) a phasing "problem" with raids... it worked that way by design and since phasing didn't overlap the raid instance it didn't impede raid groups from doing raid instances (unless it bugged out which it did on rare occasions). Personally I was never crazy about quest phasing blocking someone that's completed a quest from helping someone that hasn't (since the former persons branch can be preserved without affecting the latter persons in most cases) but it's seems to be the trend MMOs.
  • reggielee
    Ive had the phasing stuff happen but loggin seems to take care of it pretty good. everyone porting to the leader who is standing at the dungeon works too. all the fixes took a min or two, which we needed to switch out spells, eat food, explain tactics etc.

    not a big deal imo
    Mama always said the fastest way to a man's heart is through his chest.
  • DarkWombat
    OP here lol

    Okay so I wanted to follow up on everything. Lots to do so I will make this more of a general reply. For those of you still upset that I called someone a liar please see how I said I was sorry and said it was wrong to do that. That should put that issue to rest.

    For people saying that this issue happens mostly when you are at different parts of the quest: Yes, I get that, and that is expected. When Wrath of the Lich King came out this happened a lot. That is not what I am talking about here. I am also not only talking about dungeons. I am talking about the open world.

    What are the chances that my son and I happen to be in the same “instance” when we play the game? I have no idea how many instances there are in this megaserver. I assume there must be more than 20. So obviously I am standing near a landmark in the game and he is too, you agree the chances are pretty high we won’t see each other right? Now, when I invite him to a group, nothing reloads, so all I will see is his arrow now, and he is invisible until I teleport to him, is this correct? I want to make sure we are on the same page. You see, that is an issue for me. When we form a group the screen should reload and we should automatically be placed in the same phase.
  • Kiash
    Dunno what to tell you OP, I haven't encountered this problem. The group finder usually takes about 2 minutes to fill up my group for a dungeon with a tank, a healer, and 2 dps. It's pretty simple and quicker than any other dungeon queue system I have used.

    Sorry it's giving you so much trouble OP! Oh and be glad you didn't play GW2 at launch, they didn't have a group finder for a year and a half! So much worse than this game hehe.
  • nerevarine1138
    DarkWombat wrote: »

    What are the chances that my son and I happen to be in the same “instance” when we play the game? I have no idea how many instances there are in this megaserver. I assume there must be more than 20. So obviously I am standing near a landmark in the game and he is too, you agree the chances are pretty high we won’t see each other right? Now, when I invite him to a group, nothing reloads, so all I will see is his arrow now, and he is invisible until I teleport to him, is this correct? I want to make sure we are on the same page. You see, that is an issue for me. When we form a group the screen should reload and we should automatically be placed in the same phase.

    Yes, pressing a button is a real inconvenience.

    The nature of the megaserver means that this extra step is sometimes needed. The server currently is not able to automatically detect the difference in phasing. You will live, and this is a moot point.
  • Krell
    DarkWombat wrote: »
    What are the chances that my son and I happen to be in the same “instance” when we play the game? I have no idea how many instances there are in this megaserver. I assume there must be more than 20. So obviously I am standing near a landmark in the game and he is too, you agree the chances are pretty high we won’t see each other right? Now, when I invite him to a group, nothing reloads, so all I will see is his arrow now, and he is invisible until I teleport to him, is this correct? I want to make sure we are on the same page. You see, that is an issue for me. When we form a group the screen should reload and we should automatically be placed in the same phase.

    What you described here is correct.

    However, in your own words, you claim "Grouping is the worst I've seen an any MMO in my lifetime". And all that just because you need to manually click on "Teleport to player" instead of it happening automatically? Really?
  • Knovah
    I get what you are saying now…

    yes I do have that problem on occasion. Sometimes, not always when I group up neither of us will have the group leader icon and we can't see each other. We can be standing side by side and nothing will show up. I found a quick /reloadui works for my situation. When it reloads one of will have the group leader and all is well.. I have noticed it is completely random who gets the icon after a reload. I can start the group and reload the icon will show up on him..

    Hope it gets right for you soon. The phasing thing is good and bad..but grouping does need some work done to it, I will agree 100 percent on that
    Video games ......The only legal place to kill stupid people.
  • Thechemicals
    I agree, grouping is jacked up in this game. Its a solo fest with occasional dungeon grouping through an ugly DoS looking interface.
    Vr14 Templar since release- dual resto
    Vr14 Dk bow/2h

    Brayan Blackthunder
    Daggerfall Covenant

  • nerevarine1138
    I agree, grouping is jacked up in this game. Its a solo fest with occasional dungeon grouping through an ugly DoS looking interface.

    It's odd that you're agreeing with a point the OP never actually made.
  • Gedalya
    How did this game make it to launch when each and every time you form a group the players in your group are invisible?

    I agree with @mstout7419b14_ESO, this is likely an issue on your end; a more valuable tact would be to work with ZoS and on the forums to try and resolve this.

    Baskin Robbins always finds out.

    Check out my ESO name generator:
  • Nicolyne
    This happens almost every time we group. I play with my dad and his friend and as soon as we group we are invisible, this happens in dungeons and even when we are in town. It's a pain for sure!

  • DarkWombat
    Krell wrote: »
    However, in your own words, you claim "Grouping is the worst I've seen an any MMO in my lifetime". And all that just because you need to manually click on "Teleport to player" instead of it happening automatically? Really?

    There are other issues besides that, see my dungeon complaints..

  • demendred
    The only gripe I have is people leaving after a few minutes because 2 more people didn't pop up.
    All good Nords goto Sto'Vo'Kor.
  • Drachenfier
    Ohioastro wrote: »
    ..and people are aware of the group finder, I hope. I get into groups for public dungeons within minutes with it.

    I do too...usually all dps, all at the bare minimium level range for said dungeon, which makes it virtually impossible to complete.
  • Kiash
    Ohioastro wrote: »
    ..and people are aware of the group finder, I hope. I get into groups for public dungeons within minutes with it.

    I do too...usually all dps, all at the bare minimium level range for said dungeon, which makes it virtually impossible to complete.

    You are using the group finder tool inappropriately. You can select which roles fill your group as the group leader. Getting 4 dps in a group is the group leader's fault, no one else's.
  • RianaTheBosmer
    DarkWombat wrote: »
    Hasnt happen to me ever..... I have no problem with grouping

    This is a complete lie. So someone on your friends list. Right next to you but in a different phase. You are saying as soon as you group they suddenly appear next to you? I call 100% BS.

    I'm sure this person is talking about the travel to player. I haven't had that problem either nor has anyone who was traveling to me. Travel to player before you hit the dungeons, not after.
  • Drachenfier
    Kiash wrote: »
    Ohioastro wrote: »
    ..and people are aware of the group finder, I hope. I get into groups for public dungeons within minutes with it.

    I do too...usually all dps, all at the bare minimium level range for said dungeon, which makes it virtually impossible to complete.

    You are using the group finder tool inappropriately. You can select which roles fill your group as the group leader. Getting 4 dps in a group is the group leader's fault, no one else's.

    I guess so...usually I hit search, it throws me in a group and I'm never the leader. And the group, every single time, to this point, has been all dps.
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