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How do you feel about new new main feature of new chapter (Tales of Tribute card game)?

  • Dolphinsgal
    I honestly need more info on it, but as it stand I absolutely hate the idea of a card game. It seems more and more like a mobile phone game than an mmo. That said if the card game is something like blackjack or gin I may end up liking it, but card games aren't the reason behind playing an mmorpg, others have tried it and it was the beginning of the end of the games. I will check it out on the pts but I'm not holding my breath on it being anything good.
  • Heartrage
    I get why people are upset but i don't mind the card game. If it's fun i'll play it, if it isn't I won't. Recent communications from ZOS seemed to indicate a small year anyway.

    I also think people forget that ZOS has reworked the cp system and item sets stats and they seem to want to make skills more approachable to hybrid builds. They also seem to be working on fixing pvp and making the game more stable.

    All of that might be why they don't want to add new skills and classes that could mess with balance and performance and make it harder to fix the problems they aim to fix.

    2022 might not be the most memorable year but it might lay groundwork for better content in 2023.
  • Dolphinsgal
    Heartrage wrote: »
    I get why people are upset but i don't mind the card game. If it's fun i'll play it, if it isn't I won't. Recent communications from ZOS seemed to indicate a small year anyway.

    I also think people forget that ZOS has reworked the cp system and item sets stats and they seem to want to make skills more approachable to hybrid builds. They also seem to be working on fixing pvp and making the game more stable.

    All of that might be why they don't want to add new skills and classes that could mess with balance and performance and make it harder to fix the problems they aim to fix.

    2022 might not be the most memorable year but it might lay groundwork for better content in 2023.

    I can agree if they are actually working in the balance and pvp/performance issues then a smaller year would be appropriate. That said they have stated for years that they are "working on it" to no avail. With a smaller year a smaller price tag on the chapter is also appropriate. While I'm extremely disappointed and underwhelmed and have yet to purchase the chapter (I have purchased the collectors edition if every chapter since I started playing as soon as it was available for purchase) I will wait until pts to see how this new chapter will play before I make any final judgments.

  • Nightowl_74
    I'm optimistic because it falls within the general type of content that I've been a proponent of ever since I started playing. Only time will tell if I'm a big fan of this specific activity, but games within the game almost always spark my interest. I hope that it offers decent rewards and isn't too difficult to get into on a casual level, even if it also affords the opportunity for a bigger time sink.
  • BronzeCaiman
    I am really excited for this card game, I have played card games since I was a kid and me and my wife even played TES: Legends extensively. This system with a proper ranking system and solid balancing could become my new favorite thing in the game. I know a lot of players wanted more combat systems but honestly, it would just shift the meta and everyone would be using the same skills endgame. Having played this game since launch religiously, I am so tired of combat. Its reactive and skill based sure, but its not impactful in my opinion.

    At this point fighting anything harder than overland stuff feels like a chore. I stopped doing veteran content in general because it makes my skills feel even less impactful when I have to cast a rotation X times before the boss dies. Or hold aggro/heal and buff for a long time because players aren´t ¨skilled¨ and can´t pull high enough DPS. I don´t like being exclusionary to other players because I know if your LA weave is garbage, your still a human being that deserves some respect.

    Perfected Gear doesn´t interest me since I don´t do score pushing. I don´t care about Trifecta Titles especially when they can be bought in carry runs, they hold 0 value in my opinion. I have even seem Emperor being sold which means that no title actually means anything beyond some words that you like. This game has never had flashy visuals that I find appealing like other MMOs such as Black Desert, Vindictus or even Maplestory and Dungeon Fighter Online.

    I play this game because I love The Elder Scrolls as a whole. I´m not saying there is anything wrong with people who like the combat. There is lots of mechanics to learn but just like the Souls games, when you know what to expect and what to do, difficulty no longer exists, that is PvE. I personally have never liked LA weave since the early months of release and that is just how I feel, it won´t change even though I can do it. And from what I have seen, this game´s community has become more and more toxic over the years, which is even less of a reason to get involved with endgame.

    I have actually grown up with this game, we even share a birthday (4/4). I started in beta when I was 16, now I´m 24. I care about my health, my studies, my wife and my life more than I do about this game, but I still log on everyday. I also do fitness everyday, learn new languages and enjoy time with my wife outside the game. I understand that MMOs are an escape from the world for some people, but we don´t live in Tamriel even if we try sometimes.

    TLDR; I am bored of combat and love this card game being added to test my wits, be competitive, and not have to deal with the "floaty" combat and hitting a meat shield enemy like I have been for many years. Or the, in my opinion, class favoring PvP system that many enjoy (when it works) but I don´t.
    Edited by BronzeCaiman on January 30, 2022 12:20PM
  • Arrodisia
    So many players complained when the antiquity system came. Now I can't ride down the pathways without seeing players digging them up. The same thing will happen with this card game. Players complained about the companions too but now they're all standing at the bosses with their trusty companion at their side waiting for them to spawn.

    Not only that, we're still getting a wonderful new expansion in a beautiful never seen before area, new sets, new content, dynamic story, new items, and so on. This expansion has a lot more promise than the last 2 expansions rolled up together.

    Now, if they can find a way to enhance game performance for PvP in cyrodiil and other group content. That would put the icing on top of the cake.

    Edited by Arrodisia on January 30, 2022 11:32AM
  • Varana
    But the problem with the Antiquity system is - the rewards are worth engaging in it, yes. But the actual gameplay is ... meh. People will grind the leads, which will sometimes mean they do content they wouldn't have done before (like running DSA), or be endlessly frustrated about really stupid stuff (camping water plants in Shadowfen, which I really hesitate to call "playing the game"...)
    But after that, I don't think many players like scrying and digging all that much. Scrying is so dead easy if you invest skill points in it that I have, in my whole time of doing this, maybe failed to get all foci two or three times, and only on characters that didn't have the skills maxed. Digging is a bit more challenging.
    But I don't think that many players that use the Antiquity system to get rewards, actually enjoy the system by itself all that much. And that would be a pity for a card game if players would start to do it like they do dueling for Endeavours ("let's start a duel, I'll just die so we get the reward").
  • Hymzir
    The last thing I need is a stupid collectible card game grind added to all the other annoying aggravating inane and utterly off-putting grind that the game is buried under as is.

    Hard pass for me.
  • Anifaas
    Disappointed but there’s lots of ESO to keep me entertained outside the next Chapter. I plan on skipping it because nothing about it seems like a must-have.
  • Eccentric_Vampire
    I've always been bad at card games. I hope I'm not missing out on any rewards by not playing it.
  • adriant1978
    I've always been bad at card games. I hope I'm not missing out on any rewards by not playing it.

    Unfortunately, you (and me who is also bad at card games) probably will be. :(
  • Tavore1138
    [snip] will have to keep a close eye on card and mechanic reveals - no doubt there will be lots of chances to buy booster packs with crowns too for yet another cash sink for those of us who are just rolling in money post pandemic.

    [edited for conspiracy theory]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on January 30, 2022 2:18PM
    GM - Malazan
    Raid Leader - Hungry Wolves
    Legio Mortuum
  • IWinWithPewPew
    Very Very dissapointed. I mean come on, how is this a stelling point of a chapter. I was so hyped, to find out their main feature was a cardgame.

    No words to express my dissapointment. It's like they had something Nice, but couldn't release yet, so they're selling the tcg as the main feature instead.

    I immediately jumped off the hype train and was like. This is going to b a year of shite again.
    Edited by IWinWithPewPew on January 30, 2022 2:25PM
  • deleted220614-000183
    GetAgrippa wrote: »
    I feel nothing because Zos has killed my excitement for the game. It's dead and not even my necromancer can revive it with 325 ult.

    Hey ZOS, your game feels like a product on the end of it's lifetime.
    Like a milking cow which is only milked and not feeded.

    Why performance is poor ?
    Why gaming engine is 10 years obsolete ?
    Why so many new features (and new bugs) are developed instead of fixing bugs ?
    Why maintannace time is so long ?
    Why nobody is willing to fix ingame problems (inflation, PVP, housing limits, bot accounts ...) ?
    Why half of the game was never developed properly a tons of addons must be used(which are always ruined by every new major update) ?
    Why ingame support practically doesnt exist ?
    Why you even don't bother to communicate with us ?
  • Sylvermynx
    @Varana - well, I at least really love antiquities. FAR more than combat, for sure!
  • Elsonso
    Varana wrote: »
    But I don't think that many players that use the Antiquity system to get rewards, actually enjoy the system by itself all that much. And that would be a pity for a card game if players would start to do it like they do dueling for Endeavours ("let's start a duel, I'll just die so we get the reward").

    I have to see it, but ToT could turn out to be the largest secondary gameplay system ever added to the game. It has the potential to be far more engaging, and definitely more social, than the Antiquities system, or dueling.

    Sadly, we don't have enough details to know. It is shaping up that way, but it will depend on what corners were filed off during development to make it fit into the budget and Chapter schedule.

    If they make it too complicated, it will probably scare people off who don't want to deal with a complicated tavern game. If they make it too easy, or too trivial, or too grindy, people might just ignore it because it is not worth the work. If they get it just right, Goldilocks will be happy and many players will be, too.
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • MindOfTheSwarm
    I think the card game is an excellent addition to the game. It’s something different and innovative that takes the game into a new direction. It was unexpected and if it’s implemented well it will be a welcome addition to the game.

    I hope however that we will be able to somehow deconstruct the cards into useful items if we have duplicates or a certain amount of them. Maybe they could be turned into crown gems or crafting mats once you have a certain amount of the same card.

    Another question is how will these cards be stored?
  • Elsonso
    Another question is how will these cards be stored?

    Hoping here that it is just data stored at the account level. I am curious as to whether decks will be account or character, but I expect them to be account, as it feels like a player to player game, not a character to character game.
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Northwold
    I don't think this is a fair poll because it presumes the card game is everyone's "main feature". Personally I find that slightly crazy and have seen similar posts on Reddit. It's like saying the main feature of Greymoor was scrying for antiquities, which is absurd. The main feature of each chapter is, to me, the zone and its story; others will have a different take.
    Edited by Northwold on January 30, 2022 8:50PM
  • spartaxoxo
    Northwold wrote: »
    I don't think this is a fair poll because it presumes the card game is everyone's "main feature". Personally I find that slightly crazy and have seen similar posts on Reddit. It's like saying the main feature of Greymoor was scrying for antiquities, which is absurd. The main feature of each chapter is, to me, the zone and its story.

    The quests and it's story are the primary gameplay content (alongside the trial) and the new systems are the "features" with every Chapter bringing in something new.
  • SirAxen
    The card game is the type of content ESO has sorely needed actually. HOWEVER, it being the centerpiece of the newest Chapter is definitely 'a choice.'
    Edited by SirAxen on January 30, 2022 11:26PM
  • Paradisius
    Not to say that I would not like the card game system as I am a fan of card games myself.

    But this is their center piece system to their new expansion. This priced the exact same as the previous expansions.

    The card game should have been announced in tandem with perhaps other tavern games or maybe some new crafting related activities if they do not want to touch combat for the time being.

    I cannot say I am actually getting my moneys worth in content with this expansions, so I think this will be the first one I just sit out on and wait until its 10$ on sale.
  • markulrich1966
    I was already disappointed that attractive rewards are hidden behind a minesweeper style game-in-game (antiquities).
    They should drop as rewards from the normal content. Like bosses or quests.
    Now we get another of these games, I'm so disappointed that I will not preorder this time, and even might wait until the whole chapter is on sale.

    Apart from the new region itself nothing that thrills me, and because of the many events I have not even finished the deadlands yet. So I can wait to play the isle.
  • BretonMage
    I dislike card games in general, and the only thing I find more tedious are online card games. I'm prepared to sacrifice any potential rewards by avoiding them totally in ESO.
  • WiseSky
    RPers have been asking for it for so long, So its gonna be a blast to play :D
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  • Nord_Raseri
    I kind of wish they made the game decorations(Swan Stones, Blood on the snow, Warrior and the Wolf, Punctilious Conflict) already in eso playable.
    Veit ég aðég hékk vindga meiði á nætr allar níu, geiri undaðr og gefinn Oðni, sjálfr sjálfum mér, á þeim meiði er manngi veit hvers hann af rótum rennr.
  • BalticBlues
    Step 1: "ZOS: We can' fix the PVP lag."
    Step 2: "ZOS: Then we sell them a PvP game where lag does not matter."

    Sorry, ZOS.
    If I want to play card games, I rather do it with real cards and real friends.
  • RDMyers65b14_ESO
    CCGs started In the 90s when I was raising my children. I have never cared for them. They are not something that I am interested in playing.

    Why couldn't ZOS made something useful like a battlemage skill line (weapon one hand, spellcasting in the other). I am pretty sure that I am not the only one who would like to play eso with this type of build.It would fit the hybridization of combat perfectly.
  • M0ntie

    I did not buy this game to play a card game.
  • Elsonso
    I was already disappointed that attractive rewards are hidden behind a minesweeper style game-in-game (antiquities).
    They should drop as rewards from the normal content. Like bosses or quests.

    I will say that we don't need more stuff dropping from bosses. I agree about the minigames, which I think was a way to introduce the system into the world without having it actually happen in the world. It would have been more interesting if they had replaced the two mini-games with action that actually happened in the game world.

    I am sure that the card game is also an activity that is detached from the world and while we play, our characters will be standing around picking their noses. Figuratively speaking.

    Also, I think they need a better name for this card game... but that is feedback from somewhere else.
    Edited by Elsonso on January 31, 2022 12:47PM
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
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