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All Dungeons with Story Mode

  • Monte_Cristo
    Yes that will be awesome!
    For me a story mode should be just that - story only

    No quest
    No skill point
    No random completion
    No dungeon completion
    No undaunted credit
    No battles
    No drops

    You get the story only and that's it. You want anything else, do it on normal or vet.

    I'd go with white only loot, 1/4 gold drop, the quest reward item (still blue as it is the quest reward) and the skill point, since it is also the quest reward. No other set items dropped.
    And the story mode can only be done once per dungeon per character.
  • Deter1UK
    Yes that will be awesome!
    I'd rather that dungeons have no story period. I don't think that MMO group content is the place for story narratives.

    Well, since every Dungeon and Trial has a plot to it I think the developers might have a different viewpoint. :smile:

    There is an old thread somewhere discussing what the game actually is intended to be and if I recall correctly the Devs see it as it is a plot-led online role-playing game aimed equally at solo and group gaming and not a traditional MMO at all.

    Personally I think that joining a "Story-following slow dungeon Guild' is probably the best way to go perhaps these Guilds need to advertise themselves more prominently.
    Edited by Deter1UK on September 6, 2021 11:49PM
  • Sylvermynx
    Yes that will be awesome!
    Pevey wrote: »
    I vote yes because I am one of those people who could not care less about the story. I love eso, this is not to insult the game, but I think the story is absolutely terrible. I don’t play the game for the story. I play for the gameplay. (This also not an insult to the writers—it’s just a matter of genre and personal taste. I personally much preferred the political/personal stories of the Witcher series, for instance, instead of an endless stream of devilish cultists.)

    So I vote yes so that people won’t get upset or say stop rushing or whatever just because I want to play the game and not read the dialogue.

    I appreciate your honesty. I don't play games like the Witcher ones, because I'm not interested in a "story game" told from the viewpoint of a male. I'm female. I expect games I play to offer me a female protagonist. If they don't, they don't get my money....

    I would like to read the story/dialogue - so story mode would be great for me. I will honor your choices and guard your road, while you honor mine and guard my road.
  • Berdusk
    Yes that will be awesome!
    We already have story mode, it's called normal. This is an MMO, it is meant to be played with others. If you really wanted to make it so a blind gibbon could run the dungeon solo to listen to the dialogue, I guess I don't care as long as there are absolutely zero loot drops, including skill points and undaunted rank.

    My pushback is that if you make story mode, you remove the carrot that might incentivize some people to break out of their shell and play with others, in an MMO!!!

    While I appreciate where you're coming from, it is not, quite frankly, up to anyone else to decide whether or not I want to play with others in my game time. Instead of coming at this from the perspective of taking things away for doing this, maybe we should be offering players an incentive for soloing dungeon content in a story mode.

    Make it about the story and make each mode unique with its own rewards.
    Don't make it about controlling how other people want to play the game.
  • Gylzyn
    I would welcome a story mode so I could go into a dungeon, follow the story and explore the layout at leisure. I'd be happy with no "sets" loot (just stuff that you usually get from crates, barrels, etc.) and no achievements (other than the ones you get from simply setting foot into the dungeon anyway). I wouldn't expect the skill point. Some thought would need to be given to the difficulties of the bosses (it would be great to get an insight into their mechanics rather than having to look it up on the internet). What this then means is that when I PUG for a random normal, or join with a group of guilds players, I am familiar with the dungeon and its layout and I don't hold them back. The skill point would be awarded for completing the dungeon on normal or veteran.
  • Meiox
    Yes that will be awesome!
    We already have story mode, it's called normal. This is an MMO, it is meant to be played with others. If you really wanted to make it so a blind gibbon could run the dungeon solo to listen to the dialogue, I guess I don't care as long as there are absolutely zero loot drops, including skill points and undaunted rank.

    My pushback is that if you make story mode, you remove the carrot that might incentivize some people to break out of their shell and play with others, in an MMO!!!

    Good luck listening to the cut scenes while in a dungeon with other people.
  • Lady_Galadhiel
    No(reasons in the comments)
    Meiox wrote: »
    We already have story mode, it's called normal. This is an MMO, it is meant to be played with others. If you really wanted to make it so a blind gibbon could run the dungeon solo to listen to the dialogue, I guess I don't care as long as there are absolutely zero loot drops, including skill points and undaunted rank.

    My pushback is that if you make story mode, you remove the carrot that might incentivize some people to break out of their shell and play with others, in an MMO!!!

    Good luck listening to the cut scenes while in a dungeon with other people.

    There are special guilds for that,who run dungeons slow and listen and read the lore.
    Total ESO playtime: 8325 hours
    ESO plus status: Cancelled
    ESO currently uninstalled.
  • alberichtano
    Yes that will be awesome!
    For me a story mode should be just that - story only

    No quest
    No skill point
    No random completion
    No dungeon completion
    No undaunted credit
    No battles
    No drops

    You get the story only and that's it. You want anything else, do it on normal or vet.

    No quest?? The quest is the whole point of the idea.
  • Meiox
    Yes that will be awesome!
    Meiox wrote: »
    We already have story mode, it's called normal. This is an MMO, it is meant to be played with others. If you really wanted to make it so a blind gibbon could run the dungeon solo to listen to the dialogue, I guess I don't care as long as there are absolutely zero loot drops, including skill points and undaunted rank.

    My pushback is that if you make story mode, you remove the carrot that might incentivize some people to break out of their shell and play with others, in an MMO!!!

    Good luck listening to the cut scenes while in a dungeon with other people.

    There are special guilds for that,who run dungeons slow and listen and read the lore.

    And thats why multiplayer and story doesn't fit well. If you need to find a special guild to enjoy the story a story mode would be a much better solution to it.
  • Marillea
    I don't care
    Easiest way right now would be to put together 4 players who want to read the story too.
    Or add a "story queue" for like minded players, or empty dungeon instances with the NPCs, so you can enjoy story + scenery. Some dungeons look really nice, but you don't get to enjoy them as you deal with trash packs, bosses and the light show ability casts and sets create.

    I admit I do not care that much about stories, but considering the work that goes in, between writing, voice acting ecc... They might want players to properly appreciate it.
  • Canadagreen
    No(reasons in the comments)

    No matter how paradoxical it sounds but I don't like any solo experience in TESO. Yea I know that game is based on balance between solo comfortable gameplay and group gameplay. Probably I am too old and look in the past and my opinion is unpopular. But..
    I really think solo gameplay features like "story-mode" could worsen the game. And yes, companions is bad idea. This weird show when dozens of people run in zones with clones of Mirri and Bastion. They don't use chat, don't ask for help, don't react to you. They play SINGLE PLAYER game. It's freaking ridiculous cuz we are in MMO.
    Design is the key. Game should give motivation to unite people for different activities, not only 12man trials. Do quests together, kill worldbosses and COMMUNICATE with eath other. It creates interest, forces players to improvise, builds connections between people.This game is about it.
    So we don't need story mode, we need develop gamedesign features to bring people together.
    But the developers went the other way.

    Sorry, it's kinda out of topic.
    Just emotions.
  • Nestor
    Yes that will be awesome!
    Back when we had Story Mode, which entailed running a Leveling Dungeon on a Vet Character, we could enjoy the story while running it solo. Sure, we did not get loot that was useful in anyway, but so what. And, the scenery in most dungeons is epic. It would be nice to enjoy them.

    This game needs a story mode. There are dozens of dungeons I have not done in DLC areas because finding a team that is willing do them slowly so as to savor them is a pain. The desire, or really, lack there of, to do these dungeons does not outweigh the effort it would take to run them in such a way as to enjoy the story.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Cersenin
    Yes that will be awesome!
    ZeroDPS wrote: »
    Hey guys! Lets be honest with this all we either skipped dialogs in the dungeon quests or tried to listen/read but because of team is rushing through you anyway skip some dialogs. So what Im suggesting is to have 3 modes for all existing and upcoming dungeons.
    1. Story Mode - adjusted for solo play so we can do the quests and do not run and skip everything
    2. Normal Mode - as it is now
    3. Veteran Mode - as it is now

    after completing store mode it may be removed/blocked from the list

    And it will be awesome to continue the story of the dungeons, like.. let's say Crypt of Hearts I Crypt of Hearts II Crypt of Hearts III and so on :)
  • Cersenin
    Yes that will be awesome!
    Cersenin wrote: »
    ZeroDPS wrote: »
    Hey guys! Lets be honest with this all we either skipped dialogs in the dungeon quests or tried to listen/read but because of team is rushing through you anyway skip some dialogs. So what Im suggesting is to have 3 modes for all existing and upcoming dungeons.
    1. Story Mode - adjusted for solo play so we can do the quests and do not run and skip everything
    2. Normal Mode - as it is now
    3. Veteran Mode - as it is now

    after completing store mode it may be removed/blocked from the list

    And it will be awesome to continue the story of the dungeons, like.. let's say Crypt of Hearts I Crypt of Hearts II Crypt of Hearts III and so on :) and at the end to make a Trail out of it !
  • Thavie
    Yes that will be awesome!
    Most dungeons can be completed on normal solo (apart from the ones what require a mechanic where you need 2 people),I would only see it being story mode a good option for dlc dungeons.

    I don't see any reason for those mechanics to exist. Same for trials, if people want to try and run it with a smaller group they should be able to do that (looking at you, AA).
    "We grew under a bad sun"
  • Lady_Galadhiel
    No(reasons in the comments)
    Thavie wrote: »
    Most dungeons can be completed on normal solo (apart from the ones what require a mechanic where you need 2 people),I would only see it being story mode a good option for dlc dungeons.

    I don't see any reason for those mechanics to exist. Same for trials, if people want to try and run it with a smaller group they should be able to do that (looking at you, AA).

    Why not? After all it is group content,therefor it can contain specialized group mechanics,no matter if the dungeon/trial can be completed with less people.The intention and idea of Zos is to play dungeons in 4 people/Trials in 12 people.
    Total ESO playtime: 8325 hours
    ESO plus status: Cancelled
    ESO currently uninstalled.
  • Khenarthi
    Yes that will be awesome!
    I don't see why not - those who want to group can still do it and mow down everything together, those who want to listen to dialogue and look into every nook and cranny would be able to do it without guilt of wasting the time of the rest of the party.

    Bear in mind that while many experienced players can solo normal group dungeons, this is not always the case due either to special mechanics, or people with poor reaction time / fine motor skills / old age /disabilities who still enjoy the ESO lore and stories.
  • DMuehlhausen
    ZeroDPS wrote: »
    Hey guys! Lets be honest with this all we either skipped dialogs in the dungeon quests or tried to listen/read but because of team is rushing through you anyway skip some dialogs. So what Im suggesting is to have 3 modes for all existing and upcoming dungeons.
    1. Story Mode - adjusted for solo play so we can do the quests and do not run and skip everything
    2. Normal Mode - as it is now
    3. Veteran Mode - as it is now

    after completing store mode it may be removed/blocked from the list

    Just do your first run through with friends, or guild mates and set the expectation of what is going on. Most people don't care waiting if they know that is what is happening.
  • Jack-0
    I don't care
    I don’t really care either way, but if something like this was added then I’m of the opinion that there should be no gear dropped in this mode as if you’re not facing any challenge then you shouldn’t get any reward.
  • tonyblack
    I don't care
    It’s just as likely to happen as vet overland maybe even less so. Story mode dungeons will require complete redesign of all existing dungeons and there is no easy alternatives like food debuffs, new selfnerfing mystics, introducing it for new content only, etc. Dungeons fine as it is to solo on normal, removing mechanics that require someone to free you is the only option i see as viable easy solution (example: no skeleton transformation in bh, being to break free from mechanics of first boss of ws2, fang lair second and fourth boss, coh2 second and final boss, etc).
  • AlnilamE
    I don't care
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    AlnilamE wrote: »
    I was going to vote yes, but my caveats don't agree with "that is awesome", so here we are.

    You can have story mode if:

    - You have completed the quest for that dungeon in normal or vet.
    - There are no drops.
    - It doesn't count for pledge completion.

    The other 2 I agree with, but why on Earth should you have to spoil the story first to be able to access the entire point of story mode?

    -No drops
    -no pledge
    -random daily

    That's already 99% of groups.

    Isn't the complaint that people run through dungeons so fast that they can't tell what the story is? I mean, I don't have that problem, I know all the stories.

    But I just feel that "Story Mode" should be a reward, and completing the quest in normal (and getting the skill point) seems like the easiest/most reasonable way to unlock it.
    Ydrisselle wrote: »
    AlnilamE wrote: »
    I was going to vote yes, but my caveats don't agree with "that is awesome", so here we are.

    You can have story mode if:

    - You have completed the quest for that dungeon in normal or vet.
    - There are no drops.
    - It doesn't count for pledge completion.

    We who want the story mode usually want to finish the quest there, since the quest is the story itself...

    Yes. And Story Mode would allow you to repeat the quest as if you'd never done it, as many times as you felt like.
    The Moot Councillor
  • ZeroDPS
    Yes that will be awesome!
    ZeroDPS wrote: »
    Hey guys! Lets be honest with this all we either skipped dialogs in the dungeon quests or tried to listen/read but because of team is rushing through you anyway skip some dialogs. So what Im suggesting is to have 3 modes for all existing and upcoming dungeons.
    1. Story Mode - adjusted for solo play so we can do the quests and do not run and skip everything
    2. Normal Mode - as it is now
    3. Veteran Mode - as it is now

    after completing store mode it may be removed/blocked from the list

    Just do your first run through with friends, or guild mates and set the expectation of what is going on. Most people don't care waiting if they know that is what is happening.

    not all players, especially at lvl 10-50 have guilds or even friends to play with. Remember your first account first char at level 17. Did you have friends or many guilds? The answer is no. So its very difficult for new players to get into dungeons story line.
    Thank you.
  • spartaxoxo
    Yes that will be awesome!
    AlnilamE wrote: »
    Isn't the complaint that people run through dungeons so fast that they can't tell what the story is? I mean, I don't have that problem, I know all the stories.

    Yes, but each dungeons have cutscenes you can't help but hear snippets of in normal/vet. It's not enough to give you a clear idea of what's happening but is enough to have random spoilers so that you can get hints now and then. And since story mode likely would (and should) lack most other rewards for doing it, I don't see why the one thing it does offer should be required to be spoiled first.

    Edited by spartaxoxo on September 8, 2021 8:38PM
  • Ken_Koerperich
    No(reasons in the comments)
    Biro123 wrote: »
    Wow. This community..

    People ask for an OPTIONAL. easier mode for dungeons and everyone is 'Only if u get no lootl'

    People ask for OPTIONAL hard mod overland and everyone is 'Only if you don't get more loot!'

    What is it guys? Should loot be based on challenge or not? Why are people so terrified of there being more difficulty options in this game?
    Are you guys seriously saying that spending 30 mins in a story-mode dungeon should give 0 loot? Do you get 0 loot doing 30mins overland?

    And what about group play? This is exactly the same argument on PVP events.. Why are ZOS forcing me to do X that I don't like?
    Ah, but you might like it if you tried it.
    Dude, I've been playing this game for over 5 years and have tried all content, stop trying to push me into stuff I have done and KNOW I don't like.

    If love a solo mode for dungeons. I hate group content. I hate that I miss out on so much of the stories, and I hate more than anything that all these DLCs that I keep paying for with my sub include content that I'll never play.

    And quite frankly so many of these comments just come a cross as 'If you don't do dungeons, you don't matter'. Its like we're 2nd class citizens, some kind of underclass who has to be stamped on and kept in their place, for fear of their enjoyment somehow, ever so slightly impinging on the all so important ruling class.

    FINALLY, someone after my own heart...


    Tired of people TELLING me how to play the game w/ my limited time...

    I do what I LIKE/LOVE to do....

    I wouldn't even do DUNGEONS NORMAL if I wasn't forced to need it for the UNDAUNTED skill line...

    PvE Questing, that's what I like...

    IMO, you can stuff the rest....

    Out of curiosity, if you aren't doing group content like dungeons, why exactly do you need the Undaunted line? I will certainly accept, "I am a completionist" as a reasonable answer, but in that case, my response is going to be that if you want to complete everything, you need to play the whole game as intended by the devs.

    The entire undaunted line is centered around group content. I'll perhaps give you the modest stat boost from Undaunted meddle (irrelevant when questing), but Undaunted Command is about synergies within a group. The entire skill line is synergy oriented.

    Blood Alter, AOE Heal designed to be synergized by group members. Inner Fire, taunt for group activities (maybe useful in some cases with a companion). Orbs, expensive AOE heal or damage skill, but one that is really advantageous when synergized. Without group regen buffs, this skill probably is too expensive for most solo builds. Webs, one of the least used skills in the game. Useful (at least it was in the past) for ranged stamina DPS to activate the synergy (getting the theme yet?). Bone shield, a weak health based shield, that really only gets useful when synergized. Most magic toons are better with annulment, most stamina toons are better with a brawler setup. Most tanks, don't run it period.

    Passive for 5-1-1....
  • renne
    No(reasons in the comments)
    Just run it on normal with your human pet.

    Or make a call out in zone chat for people who want to do the dungeon but take it slow for the story. You all seem to think there's so many of you that want story mode so then if there actually is people will respond and you can make a group of these people and do it on normal instead of badgering ZoS to reallocate resources that could be much, MUCH better spent elsewhere.
  • Ken_Koerperich
    No(reasons in the comments)
    renne wrote: »
    Just run it on normal with your human pet.

    Or make a call out in zone chat for people who want to do the dungeon but take it slow for the story. You all seem to think there's so many of you that want story mode so then if there actually is people will respond and you can make a group of these people and do it on normal instead of badgering ZoS to reallocate resources that could be much, MUCH better spent elsewhere.

    /Zone chat....and get dead air during my game time....

    Why I only do "NORMAL" Rando/Undaunted then bail, as even this with the assistance of the DF can take me upwards of an hour or more....

    But I still say NO....
  • renne
    No(reasons in the comments)
    renne wrote: »
    Just run it on normal with your human pet.

    Or make a call out in zone chat for people who want to do the dungeon but take it slow for the story. You all seem to think there's so many of you that want story mode so then if there actually is people will respond and you can make a group of these people and do it on normal instead of badgering ZoS to reallocate resources that could be much, MUCH better spent elsewhere.

    /Zone chat....and get dead air during my game time....

    Why I only do "NORMAL" Rando/Undaunted then bail, as even this with the assistance of the DF can take me upwards of an hour or more....

    But I still say NO....

    So... making excuses not to actually do it then. Gotcha.
  • LannStone
    No(reasons in the comments)
    I voted no because I don't see a need for it - I've soloed almost all the normal dungeons, paying attention to all the dialogue and details, and I don't really see any stories there that are worth spending time coming up with a new mode of play - for example, what kind of story do you really have in Fungal Grotto I - monsters ahead, kill them to get to the final monster, collect the loot. It's not like the overland quests with real characters and real stories.
  • Ken_Koerperich
    No(reasons in the comments)
    renne wrote: »
    renne wrote: »
    Just run it on normal with your human pet.

    Or make a call out in zone chat for people who want to do the dungeon but take it slow for the story. You all seem to think there's so many of you that want story mode so then if there actually is people will respond and you can make a group of these people and do it on normal instead of badgering ZoS to reallocate resources that could be much, MUCH better spent elsewhere.

    /Zone chat....and get dead air during my game time....

    Why I only do "NORMAL" Rando/Undaunted then bail, as even this with the assistance of the DF can take me upwards of an hour or more....

    But I still say NO....

    So... making excuses not to actually do it then. Gotcha.

    Do you play @ 0600? When the servers are complete void of life??

    Thought not....

    So why would I approve even MORE content that I, and others like me can't do??

    Give us content WE want...

    SO, NO is my answer...
  • renne
    No(reasons in the comments)
    renne wrote: »
    renne wrote: »
    Just run it on normal with your human pet.

    Or make a call out in zone chat for people who want to do the dungeon but take it slow for the story. You all seem to think there's so many of you that want story mode so then if there actually is people will respond and you can make a group of these people and do it on normal instead of badgering ZoS to reallocate resources that could be much, MUCH better spent elsewhere.

    /Zone chat....and get dead air during my game time....

    Why I only do "NORMAL" Rando/Undaunted then bail, as even this with the assistance of the DF can take me upwards of an hour or more....

    But I still say NO....

    So... making excuses not to actually do it then. Gotcha.

    Do you play @ 0600? When the servers are complete void of life??

    Thought not....

    So why would I approve even MORE content that I, and others like me can't do??

    Give us content WE want...

    SO, NO is my answer...

    What is "0600" meant to be? What timezone? You know people from all over the world and in a ton of different time zones play this game right?

    I'm in Australia so yes, I know EXACTLY what it's like to play when the server is dead. Do I still run content? Yes. Because I find people do it with.

    You're LITERALLY on a forum where you can easily make a post and organise a group of likeminded people on the time zone you're on to run content. [snip]

    [edited to baiting comments]
    Edited by ZOS_Ragnar on September 9, 2021 12:49PM
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