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Class Changing Token

  • ADarklore
    People seem to fail to understand that if this were implemented, ZOS would lose a LOT of money. There is no way even charging 5000 Crown, would they make up for their financial losses. People spend a TON of money on items for individual characters- mount upgrades, XP scrolls for leveling, outfit slots, inventory upgrades, character slots, etc... do you really think ZOS would remove a huge source of revenue like that?!? I know if I were a business, I wouldn't. People have complained about this for years, and they will continue to complain about it for years, BUT they will continue playing the game all the while they're grumbling.
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • arun_rajputb16_ESO
    TheForFeeF wrote: »
    The only reason for class changes is because people don't want to give up all the achievements players have done on their main character. The better thing to do would be to make achievements account wide rather than per character.

    If you want to play a different class, ZoS gives you character slots for that purpose.

    This, this I agree with completely. This.
  • Tandor
    I haven´t still read a comment against this that was well reasoned.

    I haven't seen one for it that was well reasoned.
  • Ippokrates
    I don't get those gatekeepers. Especially one put smirk on my face, when she was like "nooooo, no class token, it is unfair!" and in the other thread at the same time she was proudly claiming "Well, I have 18 toons, all of them fully developed...". Seriously, I haven't seen so infantile behavior in a while ^^

    So no, I do not take seriously "veteran" players that want to prevent introduction of any quality of life improvement, because "when i was younger I had to feed each of my mounts dozen times per day, and those youngling know nothing about hardships of eso..." XD Go play dark souls. Or Morthal, you griefer ^^

    Secondly, i do not think that ESO will lose money, because you will always have people making dozens of accounts full with alts just to get tempers from writs (and crying that they cannot manage endeavours - true story xd)

    Thirdly, you will always have meta chasers & grinders and in current state, making a completely new character is a matter of days. I know, you can reach lvl 50 in few hours, but gaining skillpoints is the most time consuming thing, unless you are buying skyshards. So lack of class token will not prevent anyone from anything.

    BUT as a person that after a year of experimentation with 14 chars, finally decided to devote time to reach 40k club, i see that:

    1. Playing a single class sooner or later gets boooooring as hell. You seriously expect people to jabjabjab for thousand of hours? Or pew-pewing with cliff racer for year or more? I would love to complete Dominion stories as a Warden, Covenant as Stamsorc or Ebonheart as a Necro. And of course TG & DB as a NB. But now, completing a Black Sacrament as a Templar (i know, i know, nobody said which god my temple represent - but surely the power of light stick more with the Eight and good Daedra, than with Sithis), feels not so... Immersible.

    2. Zos constantly changing balance of the game, and in a perspective of years you can see how DK or NB went from original game. So forcing people to stick with class chosen in a complete different reality that is no longer fun, is quite risky for a company that working in the entertainment sector. You know, if you get beaten and have option to change class, you will most probably continue playing the game. If not, only rage quit remain.

    Also, funny thing - yesterday i was checking my pvp achievements - i have almost completed most racial bodycounts EXCEPT Argonians, which stucked at 9/100. Just saying... Regarding pvp achievements, not only Emperor could be challenging ^^ Also, if you play in dead IC any other class than NB.

    3. I don't think that ZOS will lose money on class token. In fact, they could get even more. Assuming that such a token wouldn't be a cheap thing, i would say... Min. 5k crown each, that is almost equivalent of 3 months of ESO+. And knowing gamers, I don't think that many would wait those 3 months. Also, meta players could crosfix such class change with race token, so even more crowns would be in use.

    Summarizing, I would rather see a class change as a DLC dedicated to particular class, with dungeon/campaing/arena focused on its skills, showing how to use them in serious of quests and ending with full class reset (with optional class sets) BUT i would say that this solution is out of reach for ZOSand agree that class token is possibly the best solution ESO can offer.
    Edited by Ippokrates on August 10, 2021 1:03PM
  • Parasaurolophus
    I want to tell you why I need a class change token.
    I have 9 characters on my account and I don't want more of them. I just don't want to see 15 twinks on my account. After 7 years of playing, I have two nb. One Orc, the other Altmer. Orc is my maine character. I created Altmer because I needed a mananb. Today I can play my Orc as well as the Altmer. So why do I need two nb on my account now? There is no need.
    I have two sorcerers. One stamia redguard, the second magika dunmer. But today the Dunmer is a universal race. It turns out the same situation as with the NB.
    I also have just a couple of characters that I just don't use. They have all the branches of weapons and guilds. But I don’t use them anyway, and I just finish my craft daily with them every day.
    I don’t want to delete my characters, I don’t want to create new ones. I hate farming, I hate collecting books, leveling up the undaunted, feeding a horse ... I would like to keep my characters.I just want to be able to, when a new class is released, just change the class of some of my characters that I don't use.
  • Starlight_Knight
    From a more realistic perspective. having a class change makes a lot more sence than changing your race.
    i mean, its just a school of magic. You could just learn it.

    Would make a lot of people happy, and would make zos a mint as well..
    Edited by ZOS_GregoryV on August 11, 2021 7:08PM
  • LyricsEcho
    Eh, do whatever I just won't buy it.
  • BloodyStigmata
    I'd prefer characters to have the ability to swap jobs on the fly like in FF14, which is about the only thing I like about that game other than the level and world design. If I have to level each class's primary skills separately, so be it.

    That will never happen though.
    Owner and proprietor of the Northern Elsweyr Guar Reserve and The Hunting Grounds Guar Reserve, Tamriel's home to all things guar.
    See the embedded brochures for all information regarding our reserves, as well as our collection status!
  • Wing
    in favor of.

    FF14 clearly has proven that it can work fine.
    ESO player since beta.
    full time subscriber.
    PC NA
    ( ^_^ )

    You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods -Xenogears
    DK one trick
  • Hashasino
    Soul Shriven
    Some people don't have all the time to create a whole class from scratch, how about a class change token with a 1 year cool down? I created my main years ago and now i don't want to play with it. However there is 0 chance that i gonna start another toon because i have everything in my main and i want to play with only my main. I wont do all the quests ever again with another toon, i wont chase skyshards, i wont do all dlc s ever again. I refuse to do all god damn chores for months with a new class to enjoy it, i have no time anyway...

    I am stuck with a class i dont want to play with! My only hope to play with another class is a class change token so PLEASE give us class change token!
  • Hashasino
    Soul Shriven
    I mean, you want to change your race? OK YOU CAN. You want to change your alliance? OF COURSE! But when i want to change my class WOOOOW NO WAY THAT RUINS THE GAME! Come on we want justice and insight! We want to enjoy our time in this game, class change is a very possible and doable stuff. I mean, come on!
  • Folkb
    No thats like boosting a character in wow. It doesn't take that long to get a new character to 50. Just enjoy the journey and get to learn your new class.
  • Marcus_Aurelius
    Folkb wrote: »
    No thats like boosting a character in wow. It doesn't take that long to get a new character to 50. Just enjoy the journey and get to learn your new class.

    I have 34k achievment on my main. it's a class I dont enjoy anymore to play.
    Do you think it does not take long to grind again 34k achievments? Do ypu think someone would enjoy the journey to grind again 34k achievments?
    Also a lot of us identy themself with their main char, this is a rpg after all, so no, using another characther to do stories is not an option.

    And please tell me, if they did a class change token what would that take away from you?
    Edited by Marcus_Aurelius on August 13, 2021 3:51PM
  • Slimebrow

    They could easily add the classes in game and allow players to pick the classes IN THE GAME!

    By in game I mean add the classes to be picked from
    • Fighters Guild: Dragon Knight, & Warden
    • Mages Guild: Sorcerers & Templars
    • Thieves Guild: Nightblades & Necromancers!
    Why should we fork out cash to change classes?!

    Why ask to pay for convenience when it could easily be solved by adding them via in game and allowing players to choose what they want to play like the FF14 class system.
    Edited by Slimebrow on August 13, 2021 4:52PM
  • Nagastani
    Absolutely. Please let us make whatever changes we need without having to invest all that time and money in a completely new character just to use a different class.
  • Folkb
    Folkb wrote: »
    No thats like boosting a character in wow. It doesn't take that long to get a new character to 50. Just enjoy the journey and get to learn your new class.

    I have 34k achievment on my main. it's a class I dont enjoy anymore to play.
    Do you think it does not take long to grind again 34k achievments? Do ypu think someone would enjoy the journey to grind again 34k achievments?
    Also a lot of us identy themself with their main char, this is a rpg after all, so no, using another characther to do stories is not an option.

    And please tell me, if they did a class change token what would that take away from you?

    Then they should rework the achievement system then. Class change tokens have potential issues that would make having classes almost pointless. People would want meta classes in pve and pvp and it would take only RL money to get it. It also seems like a scummy tactic for a game company to use to make money.

    Honestly as the game is now achievements dont mean much outside the rewards given but id still be ok with points given account wide.

    Your reason to me seem pretty hollow. (character name, achievement bars and numbers).
  • Ippokrates
    Folkb wrote: »
    Folkb wrote: »
    No thats like boosting a character in wow. It doesn't take that long to get a new character to 50. Just enjoy the journey and get to learn your new class.

    I have 34k achievment on my main. it's a class I dont enjoy anymore to play.
    Do you think it does not take long to grind again 34k achievments? Do ypu think someone would enjoy the journey to grind again 34k achievments?
    Also a lot of us identy themself with their main char, this is a rpg after all, so no, using another characther to do stories is not an option.

    And please tell me, if they did a class change token what would that take away from you?

    Then they should rework the achievement system then. Class change tokens have potential issues that would make having classes almost pointless. People would want meta classes in pve and pvp and it would take only RL money to get it. It also seems like a scummy tactic for a game company to use to make money.

    Honestly as the game is now achievements dont mean much outside the rewards given but id still be ok with points given account wide.

    Your reason to me seem pretty hollow. (character name, achievement bars and numbers).

    This is TES, not WoW. Classes were always pointless in this Universe, because ultimately your character could reach everything.

    And drop the meta card. This is pointless, as you have mentioned yourself - it doesn't take a long to reach lvl 50 and get meta alt.

    But if someone enjoy travelling through Tamriel and collecting achievements, then he should have this option and experience the game as full as it is possible. If you do not understand it, because only meta exist for you, well... I am afraid, that this pretty hollow attitude lays somewhere else than you think ^^
  • Celephantsylvius_Bornasfinmo
    A new class might be better at this point.
    But, yes a token would probably be appreciated by players who don't have that much time or live's have changed over the years and they still want to try something new for the little time they have left.

    As for Magicka characters...token would seem like a breath of fresh air when you look at the grind they must do. (bites nails thinking about it)
  • Cillion3117
    TheForFeeF wrote: »
    The only reason for class changes is because people don't want to give up all the achievements players have done on their main character. The better thing to do would be to make achievements account wide rather than per character.

    If you want to play a different class, ZoS gives you character slots for that purpose.

    This is what we really need.
  • Eccentric_Vampire
    I wouldn't use it personally, but for folks who want to change their character's class, I don't see why not.
  • SydneyGrey
    The only character I want to change is my very first one, which is my master crafter with THOUSANDS of blueprints and recipes on her. She's also 100% maxed in Undaunted, Psijiic Skills, Mage's Guild, Fighter's Guild, DK, Thieve's Guild and everything else. It's not just a simple matter of "it's quick and easy to level her back up to 50."

  • Ippokrates
    SydneyGrey wrote: »
    The only character I want to change is my very first one, which is my master crafter with THOUSANDS of blueprints and recipes on her. She's also 100% maxed in Undaunted, Psijiic Skills, Mage's Guild, Fighter's Guild, DK, Thieve's Guild and everything else. It's not just a simple matter of "it's quick and easy to level her back up to 50."

    Oh no, but that would simple broke the game, because then you would become a god and all other players wouldn't stand a chance in any form of competition, because the power of your blueprints would crash them immediately... ^^

    Now, seriously, I don't get all those naysayers. They really do not have empathy to understand that some people are... more focus than they are and do not want to make dozens of alts but to have a real TES experience travelling through Tamriel on single character with every class they want?
    Edited by Ippokrates on August 15, 2021 4:24AM
  • kind_hero
    After playing a class so many years on my main char, I would like the option to change the class from time to time. But there should be a limitation, such as you can only change your class once every 6 months or something like this.
    I also have alts, but I like to play my main char which has most of the achievements and completed quests/areas.

    I don't understand why some people are bothered by this, it is the same with the race or alliance change. The fact that the option is there, does not mean you have to use it, the option exists for those who might want to change their class.
    [PC/EU] Tamriel Hero, Stormproof, Grand Master Crafter
  • ajkb78
    TheForFeeF wrote: »
    The only reason for class changes is because people don't want to give up all the achievements players have done on their main character. The better thing to do would be to make achievements account wide rather than per character.

    If you want to play a different class, ZoS gives you character slots for that purpose.

    It would suck if achievements were account wide. I specifically want to do things on different characters and not on others (my heroic characters I don't want to have Dark Brotherhood achievements, for example, and I don't want my PvP characters to have quest achievements that suggest they've been helping out in DC or EP zones. If you can get an achievement once, you can get it again.
  • Facefister
    TheForFeeF wrote: »
    The only reason for class changes is because people don't want to give up all the achievements players have done on their main character. The better thing to do would be to make achievements account wide rather than per character.

    If you want to play a different class, ZoS gives you character slots for that purpose.

    Raising an alt to a decent level is a chore.
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