I like Wykkyd's Framework (http://www.esoui.com/downloads/info8-WykkydsFramework.html). It puts a bar on your screen (you can place it as you want) that includes a lot of the individual features above. There is local time, server, experience / experience needed to level, current zone, current level, current gold, current bag space and a few other stats. It also lists everything you loot in your chat window. There are some other features I have played with yet (including macros). It's really helpful without a ton of downloads.
I won't be maintaining this list anymore as im canceling my subscription to the game until Zenimax sorts out their stuff.
The situation involving the lack of European server has become unbearable on the gameplay side and the lack of any clear date for moving the servers has lead me wait until then to return to the game if at all.
Have fun.