Add-On Recommendation List and FAQ

Maintenance for the week of February 3:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 3
• NA megaservers for maintenance – February 5, 12:00AM EST (5:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (17:00 UTC)
• EU megaservers for maintenance – February 5, 5:00 UTC (12:00AM EST) - 17:00 UTC (12:00PM EST)
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – February 5, 12:00AM EST (5:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (17:00 UTC)

I would like to leave here on this thread, some of my recommendations, Add-on wise, that I believe will benefit new and not so new players, while still maintaining a good balance between an cluttered and uncluttered interface.

While the game UI itself is functional and pleasing aesthetically it lacks some quality of life features some players have come to expect from their online experiences, so Zenimax did their best to implement a powerful API for addon developers to do their magic with and provide some much needed help where the game is lacking.

From removing boring tasks to helping you with combat and navigation, these add-ons are some of the work i found to be most useful in my adventures in Tamriel, so while i will list them below with links to their download, i ask the community to add their own recommendations as well.

Thanks to the ESOUI site for providing an excellent service for add-on hosting and downloading. I would recomend their addon management, downloading and auto-updating tool as well, called Minion, but its still in beta and has some kinks to work out of its system, so try it at your own risk.

Some Useful information before Installing your add-ons
Installing Add-ons

So, you just downloaded your first addon from the interweb, hopefully without viruses, most likely it's a compressed file with a folder inside.

To install your new add-on, just open that compressed file and extract the folder intact to your Elder Scrolls online add-on folder.

Add-on folder? Yes, the game creates this folder automatically and it's located in one of two different paths depending if your playing in the U.S or EU megaserver.

If you are playing on the North American Megaserver follow the path bellow and copy/paste your add-on folder in there.

C:\Users\< username >\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\AddOns\

If your playing on the European Megaserver, follow the path bellow

C:\Users\< username >\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\liveeu\AddOns\

So for example the ZrMiniMap add-on would have the following path:

C:\Users\< username >\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\AddOns\ZrMiniMap\

Still not sure how to do it? No worries, Elder Scrolls Online Planet put together a nice video tutorial on installing add-ons, you can check it out here.

Add-ons are giving error messages

Add-on developers sometimes release versions of their add-ons that end up playing not so well with the game or other add-ons, this can cause conflicts and ingame error windows/messages. To correct this issue, and while you wait for a new version, you just need to go to your add-on selection screen inside your system menu while ingame (no need to logout) deselect the add-on giving the errors and click the reloadui button at the bottom of the screen.

How do i keep up to date on new Add-on version releases?

You have two options here, that is if you are using ESOUI as your goto add-on resource site.

1. Download and install their Minion app, word of warning about this app, it's incredibly buggy as it is and doesn't play well with the European ESO client folder paths. The app has an update feature and warns you if updates are released for your installed add-ons. Down the line if they work the kinks out of their system, this app will be the best choice for ease of use downloads and updates... get to work you lazy developers! :)

2. Register on the ESOUI site, and add any add-on you fancy to your "favorites" list, this list will display add-on update dates and it's a good way to figure out what was updated and when. Then it's just a matter of downloading and installing.

Add-on Categories

1. User Interface Add-ons
2. Quest Add-ons
3. Inventory Add-ons
4. Combat Assist Add-ons
5. Chat Add-ons
6. Roleplaying Add-ons
7. Crafting Add-ons
8. Miscellaneous Add-ons

1. User Interface Add-ons



Provides an ingame minimap for an easier time navigating. Highly recommended, even if a bit buggy in its current state.

Add-on page


Note: ZrMM - Modified is an improved version of this add-on with much added functionalities, you can find it here.

ZAM Stats


Want to check the time without opening your map? or maybe just glance at your bag space or framerate. This is the add-on for you, highly configurable and useful.

Add-on page

Slightly Improved Experience Bar


This slightly improved version of the standard exp bar is an elegant take on improving the player experience by providing some more in depth information about how much experience you are getting and how far along you are from leveling up.

Add-on page

Dragon Loot - Simple Loot Addon


Like LootDrop, Dragon Loot aims to keep the player informed about what is being looted, with the added bonus of various loot filters! Although not as visually pleasing as the previously mentioned add-on (tastes and all), the functionality it provides is unmatched at this point.

Add-on page

EsoHead MarkersHarvestMap


No longer dependent on Esohead, no longer showing Skyshards (check out the dedicated Skyshard add-on for that functionality), Esohead markers has matured into a something quite polished.

Add-on page

Wykkyd's Framework


Wykkyd has been providing a comprehensive suite of add-ons for a while now. While not having tested all the add-ons he has made, i have been road testing his Framework add-on which provides a nice (and long) list of features, focusing on providing the player with easy to access information in the form of a top bar add-on and some much needed functionality to various game systems, like subtitles to conversation (yay!), auto-sheathing weapons and chat backgrounds, amongst many other features.

Add-on page

Soul Gems Counter


Ever wonder if the next time you die you will have to resurrect all the way back on the wayshrine? Well, this add-on does it best to inform you about how many soul shards you have, quite awesome really.

Add-on page



Clarity aims to make your UI... clearer (pun intended), this is one of those simple add-ons that will make you ask yourself, "why didn't i think of that?". It allows the player to define what UI elements are shown or not as well as when, all at a touch of a key.

Add-on page

Weapon Charge Alert


One of my favorite new add-ons, it only pop's up when you need it and that is when your equiped weapon charge is running low, clicking on the add-on window opens up your weapon recharge interface and allows you to quickly recharge it. Awesome.

Add-on page

Wykkyd's Full Immersion


Hide-able UI, clickable emotes drop down list, intelligent reticle, and so much more. Essential add-on to everyone who enjoys a nice clean user interface.

Add-on page



Enjoyed the Skyshard locations of Esohead markers but not the cluttered icon look of having all those resource nodes displayed on the map? Don't worry, the Skyshards add-on only aims to add the skyshard locations to your map, go catch them all.

Add-on page

Guild Store Search


I think we can all agree that the current implementation of the guild store by Zenimax is crap, bordering on the inept "i dont know what i'm doing here" school of software development, still, its a work in progress and as we are so enamored by the PVE/PVP of the game, most are giving them a free pass... except this guy, and his excellent guild store search add-on. Download it... if you want to do any kind of serious trading.

Add-on page



Does for Treasure maps what the Skyshards add-on did for Skyshards, shows them all on your map.

Add-on page

Advanced AutoLoot


The ingame inventory space is a disgrace as it stands, but the community does it's best to cope with it, and this wonderful add-on is assuming the forefront in the effort.

It provides Autoloot filtering and Automatic mail sending of items to designated crafters.

Add-on page



Shows the Mundus stones on your map, that is it... no more wondering where you can get that healing mundus buff.

Add-on page

Trade Sales History


This add-on gives alerts when someone buys anything from your guild store, also details who bought, which item for how much. Quite handy as the ingame mail system lacks any kind of easy to glance details about your sales.

Add-on page

2. Quest Add-ons
Multi-Quest Tracker


Why track only one quest when you can track them all? Good Question that this addon attempts to address.

Add-on page

Wykkyd's Quest Tools


In the words of it's developer... the best quest tracker add-on available. And i believe him. It's similar to Multi-quest, but as if the former was juiced up on steroids and with single click quest sharing, focusing and dismissal.

Add-on page

3. Inventory Add-ons


Simple and to the point, thats how i like my add-ons, and that is what Auto-repair is while removing yet another tedious task from the players hands.

Add-on page

Inventory Grid View


Hate inventory lists? don't worry your not alone, i do to and so does this add-on developer. Provides a simple toggle from list to grid inventory view and back. the add-on now support grid view in your bank screen as well.

Add-on page

Bank Grid View


Enjoyed the grid add-on for your inventory? If so... here is Bank Grid! I know, it's not very original but hey, it works and it's awesome.

Add-on page



Tired of selling the loot you dont need one click at a time? So am i. This add-on allows you to auto sell everything you mark as junk in your inventory.

Add-on page

Inventory Item Borders


Item quality color coding, wear and tear and some other goodies, all in your character equipment screen. More ease of use features done in an elegant way that fits with the official UI aesthetic.

Add-on page



This useful add-on adds filters to your inventory, to properly search between item types. Highly recommend it.

Add-on page

4. Combat assist Add-ons
Foundry Tactical Combat


This add-on started a revolution in the ESO add-on scene and showed what was possible or not while testing the limits of both the API and Zenimax's patience (i kid), while not as functional as it was during the beta, this version still provides some much needed combat information for the more tactically incline player. I use it, so i recommend it.

Add-on page

PSBT - Pawkette's Scrolling Battle Text


Suffering from PTSD from your last encounter with a Daedra and not sure exactly how it handed your ass to you on a platter? No worries, PSBT is here to tell you exactly whats going during combat, and it does it as most good scrolling combat text add-ons do, keeping it simple and visually out of the way.

Add-on page

WarLegend HUD


With a visual style reminiscent of some of the add-ons i found in World of Warcraft, this complete HUD (player, target and group frames) serves much the same function as the Tactical Combat mod but with the benefit of a more integrated experience as it provides the group frame. Pick one and proceed to kick Daedra ass!

Add-on page

Overcharge Info


Diminishing returns, often the subject of long drawn out essays by min-maxers and theorycrafters, this add-on puts a number to how much health you are loosing for all those points you put into he stat, or mana/stamina.

Add-on page

Combat Indicator


This simple add-on outline's the game compass red when the player enters combat, a small change that i can't believe Zenimax didn't implement, kudo's to the developer.

Add-on page

Simple Combat Alerts


Ever miss out on those little UI information tidbits that prod you to Block, or to Dodge? It has happened to me more than once, especially during hectic fights. This add-on aims to help us distracted types out with a more visually... jarring, warning to move the **** out of the way of that giant fireball.

Add-on page

War Genesis Character Bars

[img]] The feature bullet points on this add-on is quite extensive, but for me, i found that the movable interface is a big selling point, as well as the overall enhancing of visibility of your own unit frame as well as your group frame. As a healer this is a plus.[/img]Add-on page

5. Chat Add-ons


Overhauls your chat with some nice tweaks like timestamps as well as removing some of the clutter, while promising a lot of changes for the near future, an add-on to keep an eye on.

Add-on page



Gold sellers, the bane of every player whos trying to farm gold on his/her own without being bothered by the competition... This add-on is a great way to cut back on the inevitable gold sellers spamming your chat window, automatically even.

Add-on page

Simple Chat Bubbles


Chat Bubbles! or at least the closest thing we have to having them until Zenimax decides to do something about it. Overall, It's quite functional and integrates well into the general UI aesthetic.

Add-on page

Chat Watch


Chat watch does exactly what it's name suggests, it watches your chat channels for certain keywords and let's you know for example if someone is selling something or LFG. Quite handy considering the mess zone chat is in the European megaserver, with people LFg in French, selling items in German and saying "this game sucks" in Italian.

Add-on page



This addon makes URL's clickable and copy/pastable to your browser. I wish i had something like this every time someone asked me about a site with a skill calculator for their class... not anymore. :)

Add-on page

6. Roleplaying Add-ons


This add-on listen to what you are saying in local conversations and fires off emotes to fit the situation, pretty nifty if you ask me.

Add-on page



I confess, apart from the novelty of using the AutoEmote add-on to play around for a bit with my brother, i'm not a roleplayer, but Zenimax wen't the extra mile to include over 170 emotes in-game and i think promoting the roleplaying community was a big part of that. ESOTheater is a mod that makes it easy to use those emotes, using a window instead of slash commands.

Add-on page

Dovah Calendar


This small but very cool add-on adds an ingame calendar system (Skyrim's), based on the real world current date. Adds immersion for both roleplayers and non-roleplayers.

Add-on page

Khajiit Speak


Quoting the author here... "Tired of your Khajiit speaking the Queen's English? It drives this one crazy!"

This add-on does just that, changes the ingame dialogue to Khajiit, reminds me of playing a Malkavian in Vampire Bloodlines, properly insane and awesome at the same time. :)

Add-on page

7. Crafting Add-ons
Research Assistant


I've been delving into the crafting scene of late (the benefits are just too good equipment wise not to), and even tho Zenimax did an excellent job providing a deep and complex system, it's a bit too unwieldy UI wise, so i went looking for crafting add-ons to alleviate some of the quirks in the system.

This small add-on provides a clearer interface icon that allows you have a clearer view (through an icon) of what items you have traits researched or not. Quite handy.

Add-on page



This tinny add-on does a great job doing something that Zenimax should have implemented all along, shows you hard numbers about how much experience you are getting out of each item you craft.

Add-on page

Craft Research Timer


Provides a handy HUD with a timer for crafting research tasks.

Add-on page



This awesome add-on (for crafters at least) tells you which alchemy items in your inventory/bank to combine and in what order to do so, to discover traits. Sames time and a lot of guess work.

Add-on page

Nog's Simple Crafting Tooltip


Yet another much asked feature the community has been asking Zenimax to provide has been left to the add-on community to fulfil. This add-on does just what it proposes, shows you a nice tooltip of your equipped items while you are crafting.

Add-on page

8. Miscellaneous Add-ons


Help the ESO Community by installing this add-on and contributing your part to gathering data about the game, be it mob, quest, resource locations or mapping those elusive skyshards. Also an essential add-on to work with the next addon on this list.

Add-on page



This ESO incarnation of Recount doesn't go to far into damage meter wild country due to Zenimax's API restrictions, and only shows you your own numbers and not other players. Taking that limitation into account, it's a good tool if you want to figure out your skill rotation or just curious about the hard numbers behind Zenimax's often nebulous tool-tips for skills.

Add-on page

Achievement Tracker


We can all thank the Xbox for the proliferation of achievements, for better or worse they are here to stay, and most players (myself included) have to catch them all!

This handy add-on provides an UI to track any achievements you select.

Add-on page



Provides a handy information UI that tracks the Skyshard you have collected in a certain map, great to keep track of your progress and achievements.

Add-on page



This add-on records every book, note and scrap of paper your character reads in-game, while the ingame Lore Book function is useful, it doesn't record everything, this does... enough said... this is an awesome add-on.

Add-on page
Edited by Left_Hand on April 21, 2014 9:15AM
  • Tizz
    Seems like a useful compilation. Thanks for the effort! :smile:
  • MichaelD
    Nice one! thanks for sharing!
  • FuruiJuzo
    Some pretty good ones in there! Keep it up!
  • Left_Hand
    Thanks, ill be keeping this updated with any new addons i find useful and personally end up using.
  • epoling
    I like Wykkyd's Framework ( It puts a bar on your screen (you can place it as you want) that includes a lot of the individual features above. There is local time, server, experience / experience needed to level, current zone, current level, current gold, current bag space and a few other stats. It also lists everything you loot in your chat window. There are some other features I have played with yet (including macros). It's really helpful without a ton of downloads.
  • Lightor
    Soul Shriven
    epoling wrote: »
    I like Wykkyd's Framework ( It puts a bar on your screen (you can place it as you want) that includes a lot of the individual features above.

    Not to mention it has a feature to show subtitles when there's a voice over! Awesome for when there's a lot of combat noise or your volume is low/off.
  • Silentwolf79
    Thanks for sharing. Nice idea.
  • Left_Hand
    epoling wrote: »
    I like Wykkyd's Framework ( It puts a bar on your screen (you can place it as you want) that includes a lot of the individual features above. There is local time, server, experience / experience needed to level, current zone, current level, current gold, current bag space and a few other stats. It also lists everything you loot in your chat window. There are some other features I have played with yet (including macros). It's really helpful without a ton of downloads.

    Ill give it a try tomorrow when i will be able to access the 3 day early start. It seems to be a nice alternative to ZAM stats, at least on paper, with the added benefit of having other features like the subtitles. If it works out as i expect ill probably substitute ZAM with this on my list and ingame. :)
  • annarr1117nub18_ESO
    TESO Add-ons need to have the same AWESOMENESS and the same type of VARIETY as Skyrim Mods have folks!!!
  • Shazzy
    Soul Shriven
    Is it just me or is lagging out for anyone else?
  • pjt15253
    Yea it appears to be for me as well. Wouldn't surprise me if they got unintentionally DDoS'd by a flood of requests while the ESO servers were down for maintenance.
  • Brascus
    I think the one add on I'd like to see right now is a add on to filter the icons on the map. It would make it a lot easier to isolate the markers I'm actually trying to find.
  • Left_Hand
    Quick update on new add-ons i have added to the list and about Wykkyd's Framework, which as it stands is giving me some trouble with it's functions in the form of constant error windows, as i haven't tracked down if it is a conflict between add-ons or the addon itself, i cant but still recomend ZAM stats, albeit less functional its more pleasing visually as well as less error prone.

    So add-on wise i have added Esohead (a data mining add-on, the good kind of data mining that helps the community, not the NSA kind), EsoHead Markers (a plugin of sorts for Esohead that enable resource nodes and skyshards to be marked on your map, plays very well with the minimap add-on), pChat (a chat window improvement addon that is looking very promising), and finally Bank Grid (does for your bank what inventory grid does for your inventory).

    P.S updating list in moments.
  • HaljaNifheim
    What about ESOTheater?.......pouts in the corner…. :p
  • Bobarian
    Soul Shriven
    Great list, thank you for it! I'll check those posted sites. One thing I'm really looking for is a timer that shows when my buffs (especially food and drink buffs) expire. :)
  • Haboom
    TESO Add-ons need to have the same AWESOMENESS and the same type of VARIETY as Skyrim Mods have folks!!!

    I'm still waiting for that mod that gives my character humungous jiggling breasts...
    "Learn to dodge and block or you won't get healed" -Me
  • Artorious
    Excellent list of recommendations. Thanks a lot, really beneficial to new ESO'ers.
  • Left_Hand
    Updated the OP with a small FAQ regarding add-on installation, versions and error messages.
    Edited by Left_Hand on April 2, 2014 12:12PM
  • Oldtimer209
    While I think there is a place for Add-ons that enhance the the existing UI shortcomings, I think the ESO Head Marker Add-on is not something that should be used or available.
    It puts other players who do not have the add-on installed at a disadvantage.
    Players who have the add-on will be able to exploit the resource nodes and treasure chests.
    My other concern would be, would this Add-on also help potential "harvest Bots"?

  • Pawkette
    Wanna put my combat text up there? It's very light weight, and only does combat text unlike FTC (which does a number of other things)
    I love Lua
    Mac: Pawkette< Templar, DC >
    PS4: Pawkette< Templar, AD >
  • frozin
    Awesome! Thank you so much for sharing
  • chris9546_ESO
    Love the list, I grabbed most of them. Thanks for the post.
  • Wykkyd
    I would highly recommend against having a "pick and choose" list of addons posted in the OP of a thread you're trying to make generic for all addon users. If you want it to be an opinion piece, call it an opinion piece. Just... you know, out of fairness to all ;)
  • Wykkyd
    TESO Add-ons need to have the same AWESOMENESS and the same type of VARIETY as Skyrim Mods have folks!!!
    Mods are not Addons.
    Addons are not Mods.

    Addons to not MODIFY the game.

    Skyrim Mods fundamentally changed graphics, combat mechanics, npcs, cities, atmospheres... because it was a single player game where doing that kind of thing didn't matter to anyone but the one player.

    That level of modding is against the EULA of every single MMO in history and will never be allowed by Zenimax.
  • tonytonesa
    The skyshards marked on the map is the greatest!!
  • WhiteQueen
    While I think there is a place for Add-ons that enhance the the existing UI shortcomings, I think the ESO Head Marker Add-on is not something that should be used or available.
    It puts other players who do not have the add-on installed at a disadvantage.
    Players who have the add-on will be able to exploit the resource nodes and treasure chests.
    My other concern would be, would this Add-on also help potential "harvest Bots"?

    IMHO, the Map add-on isn't really game-breaking. It just notes where and what you harvested at that spot. It's like you having a digital photographic memory. Now, if it collated and shared information between players, that might be game-breaking.
  • Wykkyd
    WhiteQueen wrote: »
    IMHO, the Map add-on isn't really game-breaking. It just notes where and what you harvested at that spot. It's like you having a digital photographic memory. Now, if it collated and shared information between players, that might be game-breaking.
    You can, and guilds are. SavedVariables files can be edited and mailed / posted to other players.
  • epoling
    The whole point of the ESOHead mod seems to be to gather information off a player's computer and send it to ZAM so they can share it with others running their add-ons. At this time the only functionality is the collection of data, not sharing, but it is obvious this is the future plan. I would not personally send any data off my computer. Unfortunately, I could see them eventually updating ESOHead to automate sending the data to them without user input or consent.
  • Wykkyd
    epoling wrote: »
    I would not personally send any data off my computer. Unfortunately, I could see them eventually updating ESOHead to automate sending the data to them without user input or consent.
    They can't see any personal information about your or your computer. They can only see what the game's API gives them and it doesn't provide anything that would put you at risk. Now, if you run a 3rd party desktop app for them, THAT could potentially see things about your computer. But addons cannot. SavedVariables files are 100% safe to share.
  • Left_Hand
    Pawkette wrote: »
    Wanna put my combat text up there? It's very light weight, and only does combat text unlike FTC (which does a number of other things)

    Ill give it a spin when i get home, regardless, ill be updating the list with some add-ons i don't personally use but that i see are popular with the community, like your own addon or RP related addons, and those that are mentioned here on the thread.
    Wykkyd wrote: »
    I would highly recommend against having a "pick and choose" list of addons posted in the OP of a thread you're trying to make generic for all addon users. If you want it to be an opinion piece, call it an opinion piece. Just... you know, out of fairness to all ;)

    Fair enough, ill try to be more inclusive, i started this post with the intention of just sharing the add-ons i was currently using and as a short guide for new players who are not familiar with how sites like ESOUI and add-ons in general work. Far from me to act as a pretentious *** and pick and choose between so many good options.

    That being said, i'm thinking of restructuring it into a more useful format with addon categories and different alternatives for each, that i will test and give my own take on them.

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