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We need to talk about ESO's difficulty level

  • Alurria
    Sure they have lots of money just lying around because hey 2 dozen gamers are bored and want a challenge so let's spend it on them. They are great gamers let's make a server just for them because you know they are bored so what if we don't make money we have it just lying around.
  • Sevn
    Everstorm wrote: »
    Zos won’t make hard content because they want to attract new players and that means more $ for them, I don’t agree with that but at this point it’s not much use even asking for harder content since they probably don’t care :/

    We can agree on that at least. This is one of those frequently reoccurring topics that ZOS refuses to acknowledge. Despite of their annual new year's promise to improve communication...

    The fact this request indeed does reoccur frequently, yet continue to get dismissed is an acknowledgment in itself.

    Over 3k views, 200 comments, mostly from the same 22 repeating themselves...
    ApoAlaia wrote: »
    Mandatory weekly comment on mandatory weekly thread about overland difficulty.

    No, I do not want every morning when I do my daily 10-20 surveys to turn into a challenging adventure I need to gear for.

    I am fine with picking up nodes in my 'casual wear', thanks for asking.

    The fact people think like this is depressing. Just go play a mobile game if all you want to do is login for your free daily gimmie items.

    Well that's the same as saying you can go play one of those many awesome games you mentioned that plays exactly how you want instead of trying to turn eso into something it has never strived to be.
    Edited by Sevn on June 11, 2021 5:01PM
    There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man, true nobility is being superior to your former self
  • Nemo78
    There are plenty hardcore mmorpg's, I love this one because I can play casually and relax.
    I don't feel obligated to play, I don't even raid, it's perfect as it is.
    You geeks that want it harder, try playing naked, that should help you...
  • SilverBride
    ...Crag failed because it was GROUPED OVERLAND. Group quests just dont work outside of dungeons. And, once again, no one is asking for that same failed concept. If there was ever a horse to stop beating, its that one.

    And veteran overland zones failed because they either required taking a lot of time and often dying, or grouping to avoid that. They were frustrating and a roadblock to the average player completing the content.

    There is not enough support to justify bringing back something that failed the first time, optional or not.
    Edited by SilverBride on June 11, 2021 4:40PM
  • Mayrael
    Talking about budget is not our role. Somehow when someone asks for new houses, and such nobody ask him "Who will pay for this? There won't be enough interst in it to pay off!", yeah right. This is just a miserable try of cutting this topic - this is not our role to determine is it profitable or not. It's also false that there is not enough interest in this topic, somehow it is discussed almost all the time on the forums and opinions are pretty much split in a half.

    It seems that people who are against it just don't have any other arguments in this matter, just blind assumptions, things out of topic and fear.
    Say no to Toxic Casuals!
    I am doing my best, but I am not a native speaker, sorry.

    "Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game." - @AlexanderDeLarge
  • Sevn
    Sanguinor2 wrote: »
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    So tell me, what gets cut to pay for this vet server? What teams get reassigned? What you are adding means something else gets taken away. So what is the plan?

    We´ve been through this before. Asking the customer for a plan of action or business proposal or whatever you want to call it is, at best, a disingenuous attempt to shut people up while ignoring reality. Because the reality is that we as customers can ask things of Zos, obviously doesnt mean that they have to do it. But asking a customer who has no knowledge of any of the variables involved for a plan about how said variables are to be used is pure stupidity to be quite frank.
    Who would you say should make a plan? The person from the outside that has no data at all and no knowledge of any interior processes? Or someone that actually knows all that?

    Is it still pure stupidity when this same pro difficulty group routinely tells detractors that this whole thing would be easy, wouldn't affect other players and totally worth it for Zos without zero knowledge of said variables or how those variables will be used?
    There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man, true nobility is being superior to your former self
  • Alurria
    Opinions are not split in half where did you pull that fact from?
  • BlueRaven
    Since the whole budget thing seems to be a hard concept for people to understand, let me break it down for you.

    They can make two versions of overland content, if they make that content smaller to offset the cost.

    They can make a vet server or shard from their existing hardware, if they take away an existing shard and crowd more people in the same space, potentially increasing lag.

    They can give the extra "vet" servers their own internet connection, if they bottleneck everyone else's down accordingly.

    So you see? No numbers here. But adding something, takes away from something else.

    So again, what gets cut?
    Edited by BlueRaven on June 11, 2021 4:47PM
  • Sanguinor2
    BlueRaven wrote: »

    (3rd time I have said it.)

    What you are asking for is something on the scale of “Classic WoW” but aimed at just a small subset of the current eso player base.

    So what gets cut? I am guessing it’s going to be the general size of future overland content? Cut the length of future stories? Maybe not as many delves? All of that together may pay for the added cost of the alternate set of future vet servers.

    Maybe there can be a new revenue source? Doubling eso+ could pay for it. But then what is the value of eso+ to the common player at that point, most people don’t even do dungeons.
    Maybe it can be a separate sub, but how many people will buy it? Hmmmm…

    Black wood came out with three public dungeons which seems like an extravagance that could be cut, but I suppose that is not casual content so it will be protected…

    And then what happens?

    “I am a new player, but I am very casual and not very good at video games. But my friend plays so I will give it a shot. Do I join a vet server where they are on but the play style is not to my liking? Do I play on the “normal” server where they don’t have a character and ask them to join me?” - One Tamriel was supposed to bring everyone together. Vet servers just separate them again.

    This whole thing is not very realistic from a budget standpoint.

    What you are writing is pure conjuncture. Fact is neither of us know about anything that you are writing about.
    You ask what would get cut? Fact is neither of us can answer that, we dont even know if anything would be cut and if it could be made a future chapter feature for a chapter which has as of now no feature planned. You talk about revenue sources. Fact is neither of us can accurately talk about that. You talk about extra public dungeons but neither of us knows as what kind of content Zos sees them. You are talking about separate servers. We dont even know if there would be separate servers or instances instead. You are creating facts where there are none. You demand answers none of us can give. And then you talk about how realistic it is when you have absolutely no idea about that. Im just not gonna bother anymore.
    Politeness is respecting others.
    Courage is doing what is fair.
    Modesty is speaking of oneself without vanity.
    Self control is keeping calm even when anger rises.
    Sincerity is expressing oneself without concealing ones thoughts.
    Honor is keeping ones word.
  • Nemo78
    I would love to see those empty "vet" servers, how much do u want to bet?
  • BlueRaven
    Mayrael wrote: »
    Talking about budget is not our role. Somehow when someone asks for new houses, and such nobody ask him "Who will pay for this? There won't be enough interst in it to pay off!", yeah right. This is just a miserable try of cutting this topic - this is not our role to determine is it profitable or not. It's also false that there is not enough interest in this topic, somehow it is discussed almost all the time on the forums and opinions are pretty much split in a half.

    It seems that people who are against it just don't have any other arguments in this matter, just blind assumptions, things out of topic and fear.

    People buying the houses, pay for those houses in real world money. Plus zoo gets revenue from the crown furniture sales.
  • Sanguinor2
    Sevn wrote: »

    Is it still pure stupidity when this same pro difficulty group routinely tells detractors that this whole thing would be easy, wouldn't affect other players and totally worth it for Zos without zero knowledge of said variables or how those variables will be used?

    Honestly? Yes. We dont know any of what you say. We can say that in itself vet overland would have very little impact on other players as long as rewards are reasonable and not drop for example vet trial rewards but we dont actually know if that would be the case. But how producing it would impact other players, if it would at all, is not something we can say. We cant say how worth it it will be and all the other things you ask. What we can do is ask Zos to consider it without having to answer any of those questions as doing so is not our responsibility.
    Politeness is respecting others.
    Courage is doing what is fair.
    Modesty is speaking of oneself without vanity.
    Self control is keeping calm even when anger rises.
    Sincerity is expressing oneself without concealing ones thoughts.
    Honor is keeping ones word.
  • Hymzir
    For me obvious is fact that higher overland difficulty for all player never will happen in ESO, so I don't understand why with every topic about difficulty there is so much drama about how much some players don't want it. We know it and get it and noone (or almost noone) wants to take from you easy overland. Why are you so egoistic about your approach. There are many players who wants easy and hard difficulty, so why only one of this group should be privileged? For god's sake we talk even about very, very easy solutions to implement like special buff or debuff for players working like Battle Spirit in Cyrodiil, so it's easy and almost ready to implement solution. I'm so desperate in needing any engagment in overland that I can take this debuff without any rewards for this - just for fun, when I make quests.

    There's been plenty of talk about the solutions, and they all have problems. I am open for a difficulty slider, but the thing is, I don't think it's quite as easy as you seem to think it is. It's a simple concept, but game design is not that simple. Just look at the battle spirit thing you brought up, it's broken again and messed up Cyro for everyone playing ranged builds.

    Adding a difficulty slider means adding yet another mechanical layer to the game, and that opens up the doors for even more stuff to go wrong. And ESO does not have a reputation for being stable platform you can just plug and play new features on. If ZOS implements one I wont mind, but I will not encourage them to add one either, because it will not actually solve anything. And it wont make these threads go away, it will just change their contents.

    Like I've said before, just calling for harder difficulty in general s not constructive, there's way too many variables involved for that to mean anything. Besides, what is difficulty anyway? Increasing the health (or nerfing your damage) will not make things harder, it will just make things take more time. Increasing incoming damage will make things harder, in the sense that there are more opportunities for you to screw up, but if you know how to dodge/block/shield against burst, you will still know how to do it, even with some sort of difficulty nerf applied to you. You might need to do it more often, and pace the fight bit slower to maintain you resources, but it would not be harder as such. Anyone who fights world bosses solo, or does veteran dungeons solo knows this.

    ESO combat is not about attrition, it's about pacing, maneuvering, LOS, and maintaining your resources, while guarding against burst. You can't make that inherently harder by upping the opponents health pool, that will just make things last longer. You can't increase their damage beyond certain point, since that would turn every attack into one shot. Look at player health pools and compare them to boss health. The dynamic of ESO combat is based on the idea that you take constant low level damage, that you have to counter with HOTs, while watching out for those burst moves that can kill you in 2 or 3 blows. If you fail to block or dodge or shield or interrupt those, you must burst heal, maybe maneuver and use LOS while regaining some resources and then re-engaging.

    To make combat harder, in a meaningful way would require smarter AI, more complex mechanics involved(with more opportunities to fail to defend against those bursts), or gimmicky things that blindside you. Look at Veteran Solo Arenas (I can only talk about Maelstrom, since I haven't done any content that came with Markarth). The content that is touted as the hardest solo challenge in the game. You get endless threads off people asking for advice on how to beat them. And the general consensus has always been that it will get easier over time. Once you learn the mechanics, once you memorize the spawn points, once you get a routine build up, it will become easy. Eventually routine in fact.

    And that's the key here, once you learn how the game works, how the mechanics function, what are the gimmicky gotcha moves, the game will become easy. And a simple debuff that nerfs your character will not take that away from you. If you can solo dungeons, especially veteran dungeons, I fail to see how a simple nerf to damage dealt and increase in damage received would make overland content more rewarding from a challenge point of view.

    So let's look at some specifics shall we - Say you nerf the damage you deal by half, effectively doubling the mobs health.And lets say you take 50% more damage from them. So an attack, that does 2000 damage to you, now deals 3000. Okay... Will that make things actually harder? Or will it mean that the fight will last 4 seconds instead of 2? If you can nuke a boss in 10 seconds without the nerf, then will it really make that much of an actual difference, that nuking the boss will now take 15 seconds?

    Lets say you amp it up a bit, so that mobs have 10 times the health, and you take like 4 times the damage. An attack that would've dealt 2000 now hits for 8000. You will definitely be blocking and dodging more often under those rules. But if you know how to do that, and can manage your resources, you'll be fine. The fight will now last lot longer since you will be spending lot more time on the defensive and managing your resources, and you deal lot less damage. So a mob that took you 2 seconds to kill will now take half a minute. Kewl. That boss you nuked in 10 seconds will 5 take minutes to kill, yay. But it will still be the same exact fight, it will just be drawn out, and take heaps of time longer. I don't know about you, but that sounds tedious to me, not harder. I mean, we already have people who solo dragons. I don't, haven't even tried. Good lord just imagine how long that must take. My time is way too valuable to spend on something like that.

    Imagine this, you go to a delve and come upon a large room. You can see 5 mobs in the room. You engage the closest, making sure you wont aggro the others, since eating those 8k blows from multiple foes at the same time is not a good idea. So you engage one of then and start hacking at it. After 20 seconds of struggle you manage to kill the first one, and move towards the next. Then at that moment, another player, who has not opted into the harder difficulty, comes storming into the room and nukes the other 3 mobs, and then finished the one you were fighting before you even got it to 50% health, loots the corpses and rushes onto the next room to nuke all the mobs in there too. Is that really the gaming experience you are looking for? Variable difficulties just do not work well in a shared gaming space.

    It is for reasons like these that I do not see the point of a difficulty slider. If you want to challenge yourself, there are things you can do that with. Making questing harder is perfectly valid thing to yearn for, but I just don't see how you could implement that within the framework of the game, and make it feel satisfying. What you'd need were veteran versions of the zones, but... Yeah, I just don't see that happening, neither from technical or financial points of view.

    And if a veteran mode of some sort is added to the game, you can bet your... Well what ever it is you consider to be really valuable, that the forums would then be flooded with demands for better rewards for the added difficulty. Without the extra reward, most players will play on the standard setting. Which then again rises the question: Is veteran mode actually worth the financial cost it requires to implement? Just look at veteran vs. normal dungeons. Which one do people grind? Why do so may players, who are obviously veterans, prefer to do normals instead of veteran dungeons? The simple truth is that vet dungeons aren't worth the extra trouble as far as rewards are concerned. People rush to the end because they do not want to waste their time.

    If you do add meaningfully better rewards for the harder difficulty, it will then become the new default difficulty, and that will lead to an uprising within the player base, and that is the last thing ZOS will want to have on their hands. If you don't add those rewards, no one will play it.

    So... to sum it up. It isn't as easy as some people think. There are lot of ancillary issues to consider in addition to technical ones, and someone will still have to design it, code it, implement it and test it. And that costs money. Fair amount of money. And then there is the stability of the game itself to keep in mind. I mean, as I am writing this the game died on EU-PC server once again. People can't even login on the damn thing. Worrying about optional difficulty sliders is not a priority for the game right now. Having it run stable would be nice for a starter. And even if you do get the slider, it wont really change anything, and am yet to see single convincing argument on how it will make things actually better. Like if mobs have 50% more health and hit 20% harder, it will not lead to a harder grittier gaming experience. It will juts make things even more tedious and make you spend more time in combat. That's all.

    At the end of the day, ESO combat is dependent on player experience, and it's something you will always have, no matter how many new characters you roll. You will never get that noob rush again once you graduated to veteran tier. It might not be your cup of tea, but within the framework of the game, the only real option for that truly harder combat is in PVP. Everything else is just memorizing the mechanics and developing a routine. The more you do, the easier it gets. I'm not taking anything away from people who do those super leet PVE achievements. Those things are hard, as hard as they come. But they too are something that gets easier the more you do them. And once you do conquer them, there's no way to forget that knowledge. You've memorized the way it plays and developed the necessary muscle memory to deal with it.

    To keep things consistently challenging, what you need is unpredictable opponents, and for that you need better AI. And at this point in time, you need fight actual people to get smarter foes. Them's the breaks.
    Edited by Hymzir on June 11, 2021 5:15PM
  • Alurria
    So let's switch gears, some people want harder content but not as hard as veteran content but some people think it should have better rewards attached to it. But they don't want it as hard as veteran content but harder than normal. Why would anyone bother with regular veteran content ever again, if they could get better rewards for doing slightly more difficult content than normal? Do you see how ridiculous that is? So the content that was made by the devs would be wasted. Why would Zos even entertain that thought. Veteran content is there for a reason.
  • SilverBride
    Mayrael wrote: »
    It's also false that there is not enough interest in this topic, somehow it is discussed almost all the time on the forums and opinions are pretty much split in a half.

    Not according to this poll:
    26% for all the yes combined, 67% no.
  • Sarousse
    Create a char. stay naked. Don't put champ points. equip the starter wseapon.

    just light attack. Don't heal, don't dodge, don't block. Jump into 7-8 mobs packs.

    You will just destroy them.

    This is eso right now. And I'm clearly tired of this.
  • Nemo78
    Sarousse wrote: »
    Create a char. stay naked. Don't put champ points. equip the starter wseapon.

    just light attack. Don't heal, don't dodge, don't block. Jump into 7-8 mobs packs.

    You will just destroy them.

    This is eso right now. And I'm clearly tired of this.

    Not sure if that was sarcasm, but if not, why are you still playing?
  • Mayrael
    Mayrael wrote: »
    It's also false that there is not enough interest in this topic, somehow it is discussed almost all the time on the forums and opinions are pretty much split in a half.

    Not according to this poll:
    26% for all the yes combined, 67% no.

    Yes because it was stupid poll with exaggerated options and no mention about OPTIONAL difficulty.
    Say no to Toxic Casuals!
    I am doing my best, but I am not a native speaker, sorry.

    "Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game." - @AlexanderDeLarge
  • Alurria
    Mayrael wrote: »
    Mayrael wrote: »
    It's also false that there is not enough interest in this topic, somehow it is discussed almost all the time on the forums and opinions are pretty much split in a half.

    Not according to this poll:
    26% for all the yes combined, 67% no.

    Yes because it was stupid poll with exaggerated options and no mention about OPTIONAL difficulty.

    It is only stupid because the outcome doesn't fit what you say.
  • zelaminator
    Sarousse wrote: »
    Create a char. stay naked. Don't put champ points. equip the starter wseapon.

    just light attack. Don't heal, don't dodge, don't block. Jump into 7-8 mobs packs.

    You will just destroy them.

    This is eso right now. And I'm clearly tired of this.

    Show me the video
  • SilverBride
    Mayrael wrote: »
    Mayrael wrote: »
    It's also false that there is not enough interest in this topic, somehow it is discussed almost all the time on the forums and opinions are pretty much split in a half.

    Not according to this poll:
    26% for all the yes combined, 67% no.

    Yes because it was stupid poll with exaggerated options and no mention about OPTIONAL difficulty.

    There are still only 26% who want the game to be more challenging and who would be utilizing the harder content, optional or otherwise. That is not enough support to justify it.
  • tomofhyrule
    These conversations always go in the same direction...

    "OMG too easy!"
    "OMG nerf yourself!"
    "OMG no that's not what I mean!"
    "OMG more rewards!"

    Fact is: overland is made for people of any skill level. Yes, an experienced player can plow through overland naked with a white greatsword, because that player has the muscle memory and knows how to play. Nerfing yourself only goes so far. But they also need overland to be for the 90-year old who's never played a video game before, whose only set piece is a green maul of Mother's Sorrow.

    I like overland being easy. If I want harder content, I'll do harder content. But overland is where you're allowed to take it easy.

    I main a tank, and I'm pulling about 2-3k DPS in my full trial gear. And I can still get through overland to pick a cornflower while I'm waiting for my group to fill, or if I only have a few minutes and didn't go back to regear. It's almost arrogant in a way to expect anyone who doesn't play an endgame DPS to completely respec just to kill a few wolves - if I feel like soloing a dungeon, I can regear for that, but I don't want to do that every time I turn on the game. It's something I have to be in the mood for to swap my gear/skills/etc. and then spend 45 minutes soloing a dungeon. I guess if I build a pure DD with 100k DPS, it could go faster...but I like tanking and I find DD boring. Why should I have to play something I find boring since someone else decided that only elite DDs can do overland? It already feels like this game hates support roles.

    Besides, when I'm playing, half the time I'm taking screenshots instead of fighting back. My 'fun' is "I'm telling a story!"

    I do think that more main/zone quest interiors should be instanced though. I'm kinda tired of hearing an NPC say "You're our only hope!" while a 1337 uberz DPS pro blasts through in front of me because 'reading the dialogue is for losers.' Means I don't get to hear what the boss has to say at all (or get my nice screenies of my character in combat)

    "But it should be optional!"

    Yeah, why not fragment all of the elite players to one instance, and then leave all of the newer players and weekend warriors in the 'baby' zone. Hope none of them want to fight WBs, since then all of the players who do know how to play are gone. As if some zones aren't enough of a ghost town (and have you seen new players trying to take on Ri-atarashi?). Even if they're not, how many people are willing to leave the Rimmen/Alinor/Vivec crafting stations to go help out some noobs (especially with the lack of wayshrines in NElsweyr)

    The only way I'd support an optional 'hard' instance is if it's also programmed to read the 'normal' zone chat for anyone calling for help and it then will instantly port a few random vets to help deal with a WB or event in the normal instance. Then you can also get your bonus rewards for being helpful, and the new player can manage to get the dragon or harrowstorm checked off.

    "But nerfing myself doesn't work!"

    You're not asking for something that's trivial. Trivial would be "we doubled the enemies' health and you take more damage." That's nerfing yourself, and as you admit, that doesn't work. Nobody wants damage sponges, you keep talking about more mechanics and better AI, and that'll take a lot more work.

    Compare the basegame bosses to even the newer DLC ones - Lady Belain came with forced mechanics, the WB encounters are much more intense, and even the world events like Harrowstorms are way more involved than dolmens (and people complain about the difficulty of Harrowstorms, especially if the zone is kinda dead outside events).

    So in order to do that, yeah, something else needs to give. People are implying that they should do hardmode zones instead of a new Chapter - let's explore that, and leave the numbers off...

    In one year, they can make two zones with a story, a trial, four dungeons, and a new feature. We'll assume that we have the basegame landmasses done (maybe they need to increase the size a bit or add a bit to it, but for the most part they're good), but we need to remake the delves since they're small and linear, and we'll also need to add AI to each enemy and boss encounter, and the base zone quests are longer than the DLC ones. I'll be generous and say we could trade out one year's worth of content for making vet versions of one alliance set (5 zones total). And if there's any spare time, maybe they can still throw together one of the dungeons, but the encounter team will have to be involved in remaking all of the mob encounters now too.

    Anyway, that means:
    2022: EP zones
    2023: DC zones
    2024: AD zones
    2025: Coldharbour, Craglorn, Orsinium, Hew's Bane, Gold Coast, starter islands
    2026: Morrowind, Summerset, Clockwork, Murkmire
    2027: the other zones, since they won't need as much work.

    Yes, those figures are coming out of thin air, but that's a lot of time with no brand new content, and ZOS knows that making things harder isn't going to give them a newbie boom. Each year of content costs $60 plus the DLCs (sub or individual purchase), so are the vet zones going to be paid content? Especially if it's optional, are they making enough money from that for it to be worth it? And if that's not bringing new players, what is? Do they need to add P2W gear to the vet zones to drive players to buy it? Are we willing to put up with the complaints of new players who want to farm 'Perfected Mother's Sorrow' because Alcast said they need it, but they can't hold a sword the right way?

    ...oh right, and that doesn't say anything about how PvP will change since all the effort will have to go here, or how any nerfs to sets in Cyrodiil will affect the new overland stuff. Remember that when we do have huge chahges, they do make sure what effects that has from the trials/dungeons, and this would mean they need to check balance across a lot more content.

    There are a lot more considerations here, and I'm sure ZOS knows there's a balancing act between turning off vets and bringing in new players. For me, I know where to look if I want to be challenged, but I also like that I can go play nature photographer if I want to.
  • amm7sb14_ESO
    Let's address the real issue here. This whole proposal has absolutely nothing to do with overland being too easy or immersion being broken because of it. It's all about wanting a way to farm veteran drops without having to do veteran content.

    I came to this realization in one of the first of many threads on this subject when the OP proposed that quest bosses have an optional veteran level and drop loot comparable to their now veteran status. Then they proposed that these quest bosses be repeatable, which would make them a convenient way to farm veteran drops without having to participate in veteran content. But that reason wouldn't convince ZoS so the immersion story was fabricated.

    I don't know if some of these players have social anxiety and are afraid to group for end game content, or if they have failed to make the cut in veteran dungeons and trials, but completely reworking the base game so they have another way to farm veteran drops is not reasonable.

    On top of the massive projection of this post, it doesn't even make sense.

    How does getting a purple drop of the overland zone set on a vet overland instance equal "getting vet drops without doing vet content"?

    Are you seriously trying to suggest that players are asking for Olorime drops from Deshaan?
  • amm7sb14_ESO
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    Since the whole budget thing seems to be a hard concept for people to understand, let me break it down for you.

    They can make two versions of overland content, if they make that content smaller to offset the cost.

    They can make a vet server or shard from their existing hardware, if they take away an existing shard and crowd more people in the same space, potentially increasing lag.

    They can give the extra "vet" servers their own internet connection, if they bottleneck everyone else's down accordingly.

    So you see? No numbers here. But adding something, takes away from something else.

    So again, what gets cut?

    it doesn't have to be a separate server. The multiple instances of Cyrodiil and IC aren't held on different servers. These instances all have separate rules within them.

    It wouldn't split the population. Having separate normal / veteran dungeon queues hasn't split the queue so that nobody can find groups. These instances all have separate rules and mechanics.

    You're making up issues that don't exist in current incarnations of what is being asked for, and wouldn't exist in a theoretical vet overland instance.

    Hell, it doesn't even have to be normal overland. Overland questing is essentially instanced as it is already anyways. When you take a quest in overland, you will be given an option for normal or vet. Non-quest overland mobs, and world bosses, could stay exactly as they are. At least world bosses have a semblance of mechanics and challenge already anyways.

    As far as what gets cut? Well, I don't know what they are planning to do for their next DLC and chapter.

    But as far as Blackwood is concerned? I have literally 0 interest in companions. The addition of companions has already taken time and effort away from something that I would have preferred to have. So even with the content they are choosing instead of vet overland modes is taking away from other things that could be in the game. I have 0 interest in companions, and don't even have one yet. So outside of a trial, this chapter has been an absolute waste for me. I literally spent $40 on 45 minutes worth of content. Dropping companions and focusing on vet overland content would have been a much better use of resources for me, as an entire game world would have been opened up to me, rather than companions that I don't want and don't have.

    As far as smaller zones or delves... quality over quantity.

    You think you asked a "gotcha" question, but you didn't.
  • SilverBride
    How does getting a purple drop of the overland zone set on a vet overland instance equal "getting vet drops without doing vet content"?

    I never mentioned overland zone set drops and neither did they. They requested that the story quest bosses be veteran level, be repeatable, and drop loot appropriate for their difficulty.

    That is what this is really about.
  • amm7sb14_ESO
    How does getting a purple drop of the overland zone set on a vet overland instance equal "getting vet drops without doing vet content"?

    I never mentioned overland zone set drops and neither did they. They requested that the story quest bosses be veteran level, be repeatable, and drop loot appropriate for their difficulty.

    That is what this is really about.

    Quest bosses drop zone loot.

    Vet loot is purple instead of blue.

    Do you really think this whole thing is about the difference between blue and purple drops?

    Do you know how easy it is to make a blue drop purple?

    Nobody is stressing out about purple zone drops.

    You are simply projecting and manufacturing your own rage to try to discredit the opposition. Your position in this thread has been in bad faith from the beginning.
  • Iccotak
    Alurria wrote: »
    Mayrael wrote: »
    Mayrael wrote: »
    It's also false that there is not enough interest in this topic, somehow it is discussed almost all the time on the forums and opinions are pretty much split in a half.

    Not according to this poll:
    26% for all the yes combined, 67% no.

    Yes because it was stupid poll with exaggerated options and no mention about OPTIONAL difficulty.

    It is only stupid because the outcome doesn't fit what you say.

    Um no it was a Very poorly thought out poll - that is obvious to anyone who looks at it
  • Iccotak
    How does getting a purple drop of the overland zone set on a vet overland instance equal "getting vet drops without doing vet content"?

    I never mentioned overland zone set drops and neither did they. They requested that the story quest bosses be veteran level, be repeatable, and drop loot appropriate for their difficulty.

    That is what this is really about.

    Show me that quote then
  • ixthUA
    I wonder how many people would do veteran dungeons if they didn't drop monster helmets? I certainly would not. Vet dungeon is just a temporary instance that ceases to exist as soon as everyone leaves it.
    Devs could add extra instances of zones, but they would be deserted by majority, so what's the point of keeping them? Even those who want them will probabply feel lonely playing in ghost towns.
  • Iccotak
    How does getting a purple drop of the overland zone set on a vet overland instance equal "getting vet drops without doing vet content"?

    I never mentioned overland zone set drops and neither did they. They requested that the story quest bosses be veteran level, be repeatable, and drop loot appropriate for their difficulty.

    That is what this is really about.

    Quest bosses drop zone loot.

    Vet loot is purple instead of blue.

    Do you really think this whole thing is about the difference between blue and purple drops?

    Do you know how easy it is to make a blue drop purple?

    Nobody is stressing out about purple zone drops.

    You are simply projecting and manufacturing your own rage to try to discredit the opposition. Your position in this thread has been in bad faith from the beginning.

    Hey I believe they are talking about an idea I had a while ago haha

    yeah in my proposal I said that these "Veteran Bosses" dropped purple instead of blue zone gear as well as had a couple of achievements - at most.

    I proposed making the Story Bosses repeatable because throughout the game I don't see ZOS put any effort into bosses that aren't repeatable. They reserve that level of creativity for Group/Endgame content.

    The hope of the idea is that there was a bit of something for everyone and did not solely satisfy just ONE type of player. (like me who just wanted a harder boss fight) I proposed an idea that was basically designed like the rest of the game - big woop - but it certainly was not on par with Trials or even the hardest of DLC dungeons.
    EDIT: also I definitely was not seeking some sneaky way to get Vet Dungeon or Vet Trial gear -- what nonsense.
    EDIT #2: oh yeah and there was a throw away idea for maybe a mythic but even I did not care much for it. This is apparently what SilverBride is referring to and therefore came to the conclusion that I am just after rewards.
    Edited by Iccotak on June 11, 2021 7:39PM
This discussion has been closed.