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We need to talk about ESO's difficulty level

  • zelaminator
    Iccotak wrote: »
    Threads like these are getting old,people just need to accept that the game wont have any harder overland content any time soon if ever.
    The normal casual player is happy with the overland stuff and how it is designed,I mean I hear pretty often complains from people that some stuff is too difficult for them, mind my wild guessing but I would say 80% of the people who play eso can not even defeat one world boss on their own.

    Harder overland content would make more casuals to leave the game from what Zos would not benefit at all.
    And I don't think Zos would benefit either from reworking or making a harder veteran overland instance from old content, if that would ever happen it would be from the new expansions.

    So because 80% of the populace cannot beat a Group Content activity on their own we should therefore stop asking ZOS to make the single player content more engaging in combat gameplay.....

    If the majority of the players want x, that is what the company will give them.. simple as that.. And I truly do believe that the majority of the players are content with the difficulty that we are at right now
  • ApoAlaia
    Mandatory weekly comment on mandatory weekly thread about overland difficulty.

    No, I do not want every morning when I do my daily 10-20 surveys to turn into a challenging adventure I need to gear for.

    I am fine with picking up nodes in my 'casual wear', thanks for asking.
  • Everstorm
    ApoAlaia wrote: »
    Mandatory weekly comment on mandatory weekly thread about overland difficulty.

    No, I do not want every morning when I do my daily 10-20 surveys to turn into a challenging adventure I need to gear for.

    I am fine with picking up nodes in my 'casual wear', thanks for asking.

    Oh yes! Let's balance the game around gathering crafting materials! 🙄
    While we're at it: please make trials easier so I can finish collecting books!
    Edited by Everstorm on June 10, 2021 11:03AM
  • Xebov
    Its entry level content. Its the first content new players face and as such it has to be doable. Since the game has no borders for accessing zones you get everything from level 3 to CP X there. You will never find a difficulty setting everyone is happy with. In addition to that i find it unlikely that players will play a harder evrsion without additional rewards which would cause issues anyways.
  • Sylosi
    Even by the low standards of themepark MMORPGs, it should be apparent by now that ESO is an MMORPG in name only.
    Edited by Sylosi on June 10, 2021 11:21AM
  • Everstorm
    Sylosi wrote: »
    Even by the low standards of themepark MMORPGs, it should be apparent by now that ESO is an MMORPG in name only.

    It's amusing. When people complain about mechanics that make it impossible to solo normal dungeons you get other people commenting that it's a MMO and get some friends.
    But it's totally acceptable that all the quest content is so trivial that it's redundant to group up for it.
    Edited by Everstorm on June 10, 2021 11:12AM
  • ApoAlaia
    Everstorm wrote: »
    ApoAlaia wrote: »
    Mandatory weekly comment on mandatory weekly thread about overland difficulty.

    No, I do not want every morning when I do my daily 10-20 surveys to turn into a challenging adventure I need to gear for.

    I am fine with picking up nodes in my 'casual wear', thanks for asking.

    Oh yes! Let's balance the game around gathering crafting materials! 🙄
    While we're at it: please make trials easier so I can finish collecting books!

    The game is balanced just fine to allow for a number of activities that take place overland. Some of them daily activities, chores if you will.

    More challenging content exists in places where these activities do not take place.
  • Malthorne
    tenryuta wrote: »
    oh we could always use a terrible dlc region like heart of thorns...

    At least those old HoT maps are still busy and often have massive groups of players roaming the landscape. Can’t really say the same for ESO. Pre-Blackwood, I was running my first alt since 2016 through the zones for skill points and was very surprised to see how DEAD these areas are. Barely saw a soul. Except for the Alik’r train their were zero noticeable groups of players. HoT maps aren’t without flaws to be sure, but at least they are populated.
  • Lugaldu
    I see it this way: yes, the overland content is extremely simple and a quest boss shouldn't be dead after 5 seconds. But for me as a solo player are also some challenges left. When I feeel the need for a challenge, then I make a group dungeon, this is not something I can do in 5-10 minutes.
  • Arunei
    Everstorm wrote: »
    ApoAlaia wrote: »
    Mandatory weekly comment on mandatory weekly thread about overland difficulty.

    No, I do not want every morning when I do my daily 10-20 surveys to turn into a challenging adventure I need to gear for.

    I am fine with picking up nodes in my 'casual wear', thanks for asking.

    Oh yes! Let's balance the game around gathering crafting materials! 🙄
    While we're at it: please make trials easier so I can finish collecting books!
    I mean...gathering crafting mats IS part of Overland, whether you care about it or not. Overland isn't just about questing. People don't want to have to spend three minutes fighting beefier mobs to collect the node nearby. Your comparison to a trial for books doesn't make any sense and is rather extreme because trials don't inherently involve collecting books, as well as trials being meant to be more difficult than Overland. Are there even any books in trials that you need for the book furniture bundles? Because if not and you're just talking completion for the sake of getting every book, you can't really compare that to normal Overland gameplay.

    I think people are forgetting that TES is a single-player universe game up until ESO, and thus a lot of people who play are playing not for the MMO experience but because it's a TES game. A lot of people playing this have likely never played another MMO before (this is the case for me on both counts). You can point and say "well other MMOs do this or that" but ESO isn't those games, and people playing those games are playing them because of both the franchise and the MMO part in most cases.

    If we could have some sort of opt-in for higher difficulty that would be fine, but I will never support increasing the difficulty for everyone without the choice to say no. I can clear Overland as easy as several people here, I can solo certain DLC dungeons well enough, and so on. I would much prefer Overland staying easy so the stories are more accessible and so other Overland content doesn't become more tedious than it is already because trash mobs are all mini bosses now.
    Character List [RP and PvE]:
    Stands-Against-Death: Argonian Magplar Healer - Crafter
    Krisiel: Redguard Stamsorc DPS - Literally crazy Werewolf, no like legit insane. She nuts
    Kiju Veran: Khajiit Stamblade DPS - Ex-Fighters Guild Suthay who likes to punch things, nicknamed Tinykat
    Niralae Elsinal: Altmer Stamsorc DPS - Young Altmer with way too much Magicka
    Sarah Lacroix: Breton Magsorc DPS - Fledgling Vampire who drinks too much water
    Slondor: Nord Tankblade - TESified verson of Slenderman
    Marius Vastino: Imperial <insert role here> - Sarah's apathetic sire who likes to monologue
    Delthor Rellenar: Dunmer Magknight DPS - Sarah's ex who's a certified psychopath
    Lirawyn Calatare: Altmer Magplar Healer - Traveling performer and bard who's 101% vanilla bean
    Gondryn Beldeau: Breton Tankplar - Sarah's Mages Guild mentor and certified badass old person
    Gwendolyn Jenelle: Breton Magplar Healer - Friendly healer with a coffee addiction
    Soliril Larethian- Altmer Magblade DPS - Blind alchemist who uses animals to see and brews plagues in his spare time
    Tevril Rallenar: Dunmer Stamcro DPS - Delthor's "special" younger brother who raises small animals as friends
    Celeroth Calatare: Bosmer <insert role here> - Shapeshifting Bosmer with enough sass to fill Valenwood

    PC - NA - EP - CP1000+
    Avid RPer. Hit me up in-game @Ras_Lei if you're interested in getting together for some arr-pee shenanigans!
  • Stevie6
    The list is long OP. Some of us have disabilities or other medical issues which preclude us from engaging in upper level content. I for one cannot move fast enough to avoid certain game all. I can only use two fingers at best on my left hand and a partial grip and one finger on my right hand. So I can only try. Sorry that some of us can't do what you want. Overland might be easy for you, but it is challenging for me.

    If you want harder content at entry game level, then change it for all of us. Give myself and others extra damage modifiers via a menu. Otherwise, a few of us will have to leave the game forever because even farming mats would be too difficult. Thanks OP for considering everybody..good luck. Also consider this, maybe you outgrew the game and need to leave...move on to harder games...
  • Everstorm
    Arunei wrote: »
    Everstorm wrote: »
    ApoAlaia wrote: »
    Mandatory weekly comment on mandatory weekly thread about overland difficulty.

    No, I do not want every morning when I do my daily 10-20 surveys to turn into a challenging adventure I need to gear for.

    I am fine with picking up nodes in my 'casual wear', thanks for asking.

    Oh yes! Let's balance the game around gathering crafting materials! 🙄
    While we're at it: please make trials easier so I can finish collecting books!
    I mean...gathering crafting mats IS part of Overland, whether you care about it or not. Overland isn't just about questing. People don't want to have to spend three minutes fighting beefier mobs to collect the node nearby. Your comparison to a trial for books doesn't make any sense and is rather extreme because trials don't inherently involve collecting books, as well as trials being meant to be more difficult than Overland. Are there even any books in trials that you need for the book furniture bundles? Because if not and you're just talking completion for the sake of getting every book, you can't really compare that to normal Overland gameplay.

    I think people are forgetting that TES is a single-player universe game up until ESO, and thus a lot of people who play are playing not for the MMO experience but because it's a TES game. A lot of people playing this have likely never played another MMO before (this is the case for me on both counts). You can point and say "well other MMOs do this or that" but ESO isn't those games, and people playing those games are playing them because of both the franchise and the MMO part in most cases.

    If we could have some sort of opt-in for higher difficulty that would be fine, but I will never support increasing the difficulty for everyone without the choice to say no. I can clear Overland as easy as several people here, I can solo certain DLC dungeons well enough, and so on. I would much prefer Overland staying easy so the stories are more accessible and so other Overland content doesn't become more tedious than it is already because trash mobs are all mini bosses now.

    I do surveys as well. I don't very often run into fights on the way there. But I'm with you on the optional part. I would never support making overland harder for everyone.
    Edited by Everstorm on June 10, 2021 11:44AM
  • Krym
    Why this approach? Because game should teach by default how to manage with harder fights (block, interrupt and avoid red circles or take huge damage) and just give workaround for these who really don't want it. Also debuffs sounds like something negative and everyone wants to higher rewards for that, so let's make base game harder and just give optional feature to avoid this.
    the new tutorial does that, and several mobs still require it. good luck sololing one of the geyser bosses in summerset, especially as a new player.
    The problem is the difficulty curve is so extreme I have never quite witnessed anything like it...

    Overland doesn't teach anything... Vet DLC expect everything and Trial HM are quite hard.

    People say to just nerf combat - but if Zos did that it would ruin endgame. The problem is not that Godslayer is too easy to get in vet hardmode no death speedrun trials. The problem is that overland quests are way too easy even if you choose to nerf yourself.
    There should be an optional HM scroll near quest bosses that makes them for difficult.

    When combat is so easy pets and companions can complete quest bosses for you now.. It's kinda a problem for the people who wish to earn quest completion.......
    vet dlc is not fundamentally hard, the hardest part is knowing (or remembering) the mechanics.

    this might sound arrogant, but you still have people with high cp, meaning they played a while, not being able to follow simple mechanics. which either means they can't or don't want to - yet they all paid for the game and possibly plus, telling them they're not allowed to play doesn't make much sense business wise. the minute you make overland content hard, basically the only content that would be available for them in this case, they couldn't play anymore, and logically would quit soon after.

    plus, giving quest mobs a hard mode scroll, then what? why bother if the rewards aren't better? if they're better it's easy to assume you're forced to do it on hard (else you wasted your chance to get better loot). which brings us back right to the beginning of people not being able or not wanting to while paying the same as you.

    there's hard content in the game, just because people don't like it doesn't mean it isn't there. if they don't wanna group there are solo trials. not every content needs a hard version, not every content needs an easy version (although most have). different strokes for different folks (and purposes).
    Edited by Krym on June 10, 2021 11:53AM
  • XomRhoK
    This topic start to appear more and more often at the forum, i already answered in another thread, so i will just repost:
    XomRhoK wrote: »
    I think difficulty levels for overland content must be implemented and they must not divide player base. The only cheap and fast option as i can see is placing debuff on player, who decided increase difficulty of overland content.
    I think, that ZOS need make difficulty sliders in the game menu, which will place invisible debuff on player's character, similar to Vulnerability and Maim, debuff will be applied only in overland areas:
    - normal -> x1.5 -> x2 -> x3 -> x5 -> x7 -> x10 more damage player receives from monsters except world bosses
    - normal -> x1.5 -> x2 -> x3 -> x5 -> x7 -> x10 less damage player deals to monsters except world bosses
    And, maybe, additionally (if it doesn't take long for the developers to mark all quest and delve bosses as a separate subclass):
    - normal -> x1.5 -> x2 -> x3 -> x5 -> x7 -> x10 -> x15 -> x20 more damage player receives from delve bosses
    - normal -> x1.5 -> x2 -> x3 -> x5 -> x7 -> x10 -> x15 -> x20 less damage player deals to delve bosses
    - normal -> x1.5 -> x2 -> x3 -> x5 -> x7 -> x10 -> x15 -> x20 more damage player receives from quest bosses
    - normal -> x1.5 -> x2 -> x3 -> x5 -> x7 -> x10 -> x15 -> x20 less damage player deals to quest bosses
    Because quest and delve bosses have too low HP (so you often can't even see their mechanics) and need separate slider, it will also helps those players who don't want regular monsters to be stronger, but only quest or delve bosses.

    Buff/Debuff system is already in game and will cost nothing to implement. Also i don't think that 6 more debuffs on character will drop performance in overland areas, especially that quest and delve debuffs could be applied only in specific areas.

    No additional rewards or exp, because it will lead to exploits, feeling forced to do something and frustration. This sliders needed to adjust duration and lethality of the combat.

    New players or those who enjoy game as it is now don't lose anything, they will just keep playing as it is. Farmers, chest runners, item hunters can also leave all as it is now, to not slow down their activities. But players who want more challenge in questing will be able to adjust difficulty according to their skill and role (Tank/Healer/DD). Tanks will increase damage taken, to feel more danger in fights, DDs will increase HP of monsters and bosses to have the opportunity at last see their skills and mechanics =)

    In difficulty menu must be option to fast turn off and turn on previously set parameters, if player want to change activity.

    This method of implementing difficulty levels for overland content has one flaw: some other player can just run in and kill all in a blink of an eye. So i think quest bosses must be in separate instances and there must be an option in menu to make first run of the delve in separate instance as well.

    Also i am for story or solo mode for dungeons(without set items drop), but this is topic of another thread.

  • Ergele
    we have been talking about this since one tamriel.

    Gotta keep the discussion up so that ZoS can see the demand.
  • Kiralyn2000
    The problem with "more damage from monsters"/"less damage to monsters" is what someone else mentioned - overland mobs aren't mechanically difficult. For people used to complex dungeon/trial fights, the basic attacks of overland won't give "difficulty" even if they did 1% damage to it. It's just a longer fight, not a "challenging" one.

    Not that I think overland needs anything. But, then, I'm not a "challenge" player - I don't jack up the difficulty setting in SP games, either. I'm fine with whatever 'normal' is.

    One contributing issue in this game is the level scaling/"go anywhere" - since everything is the same level, and a player can go to any zone at any point in their career, it all has to be basically the same. Meanwhile, in "increase the level cap each expansion" MMOs, there's at least a gear reset.

    Not that this provides any overland & questing difficulty to 'endgame' players in those games, either. I went through several WoW expansions - for those of us who just did overland & quests, the new expansion immediately brought us more powerful gear/abilities/etc. Meanwhile, the endgame raiders plowed through all the new zones without replacing or upgrading their gear until they got to the new max level dungeons. So, yeah - while the new mobs were higher level & attacked harder, they still didn't provide any 'challenge' to the Good players.

    So this is nothing new. Skilled/meta/pro players don't get challenged by MMO overland & questing. Not sure why it's expected here. /shrug
    Edited by Kiralyn2000 on June 10, 2021 12:29PM
  • josiahva
    Ever since I hit somewhere around VR1(CP 10) overland is so easy I simply no longer do zone content aside from grabbing new skyshards and skill points. It used to be you could go to Craglorn solo and have fun trying to survive...but no, they nerfed that into the ground with One Tamriel so it also is trivial, "group" area or not.(People say Craglorn was abandoned before One Tamriel...but it is simply not true...there were always people around, there are just more now because One Tamriel merged the faction population for PVE, NOT because the zones were dead...before it was only EP you saw if you were playing EP, after 1T it only "seemed" more active because all of a sudden you could see the other alliances as well)

    These days for challenging solo content I will go to a Vet DLC dungeon solo, or even see how many mobs and/or bosses I can make it through in Vet Craglorn trials(you can't really solo them since they often require groups splitting apart, but you can usually fight at least the first boss)
  • Ingenon
    I disagree that the overland content is too easy for the audience that ZOS is targeting. ZOS provides both easy and more challenging overland content. Want easy? Do the main quest and defeat Molag Bal. Want more challenging? Accept the quest in the Reach and take your level 10 alt with mismatched gear and no CP into Vateshran Hollows. Or accept the world boss dailies, and solo them. Whenever I spend time in zones where world boss dailies are offered, I hear on zone chat folks asking for help. They are trying to solo them or duo them and not succeeding. Which tells me that the harder overland content is too hard for at least some people.

    Anyway, I have a question for you folks that say overland is too easy. Are you able to solo complete all the game world base dailies on a level 10 alt with mismatched gear and no CP? In all the zones? I'm not asking if you can complete them while you have all CP allocated and while wearing full endgame gear. I'm asking about you doing every one of them as a new player would, with no CP and the mismatched gear you get from doing overland quests. Because if you can't, then ZOS does not have to up the difficulty on overland. I believe the range of difficulty that ZOS offers now is appropriate.
  • coop500
    No, on my gatherer character, I can sometimes STRUGGLE with overland, cause all her gear is set to move faster, not protect or deal damage. I don't want to die every time I accidentally aggro a few mobs (which are friggen everywhere and constantly guarding nodes)

    edit: I also already die in craglorn, cause stuff is tougher there and in bigger numbers. I am FINE with this level of difficulty in craglorn due to chance at nirn trait items, but I would hate this in normal overland.
    Edited by coop500 on June 10, 2021 1:33PM
    Wishing for Lilmothiit race still! Or maybe Lilmothiit companion?
  • Togal
    ESO is becoming more watered down, used to be more challenging in the past. Gotta cater towards casuals because thats the majority nowadays.
  • CP5
    Arunei wrote: »
    Everstorm wrote: »
    ApoAlaia wrote: »
    Mandatory weekly comment on mandatory weekly thread about overland difficulty.

    No, I do not want every morning when I do my daily 10-20 surveys to turn into a challenging adventure I need to gear for.

    I am fine with picking up nodes in my 'casual wear', thanks for asking.

    Oh yes! Let's balance the game around gathering crafting materials! 🙄
    While we're at it: please make trials easier so I can finish collecting books!
    I mean...gathering crafting mats IS part of Overland, whether you care about it or not. Overland isn't just about questing. People don't want to have to spend three minutes fighting beefier mobs to collect the node nearby. Your comparison to a trial for books doesn't make any sense and is rather extreme because trials don't inherently involve collecting books, as well as trials being meant to be more difficult than Overland. Are there even any books in trials that you need for the book furniture bundles? Because if not and you're just talking completion for the sake of getting every book, you can't really compare that to normal Overland gameplay.

    I think people are forgetting that TES is a single-player universe game up until ESO, and thus a lot of people who play are playing not for the MMO experience but because it's a TES game. A lot of people playing this have likely never played another MMO before (this is the case for me on both counts). You can point and say "well other MMOs do this or that" but ESO isn't those games, and people playing those games are playing them because of both the franchise and the MMO part in most cases.

    If we could have some sort of opt-in for higher difficulty that would be fine, but I will never support increasing the difficulty for everyone without the choice to say no. I can clear Overland as easy as several people here, I can solo certain DLC dungeons well enough, and so on. I would much prefer Overland staying easy so the stories are more accessible and so other Overland content doesn't become more tedious than it is already because trash mobs are all mini bosses now.

    Next zone we're getting will (as far as interviews have told us) take place either entirely or almost entirely in the dead lands, the realm of Dagon, seas of lava, towers of brimstone and jagged iron, armies of daedra, and it will be as peaceful and tame as the docks of Wayrest. Sense of adventure? If you don't mind the same feeling zone with a different paint job over top. Hard to feel like being in a daedric princes realm when it is going to be that, empty.
    Krym wrote: »
    Why this approach? Because game should teach by default how to manage with harder fights (block, interrupt and avoid red circles or take huge damage) and just give workaround for these who really don't want it. Also debuffs sounds like something negative and everyone wants to higher rewards for that, so let's make base game harder and just give optional feature to avoid this.
    the new tutorial does that, and several mobs still require it. good luck sololing one of the geyser bosses in summerset, especially as a new player.
    The problem is the difficulty curve is so extreme I have never quite witnessed anything like it...

    Overland doesn't teach anything... Vet DLC expect everything and Trial HM are quite hard.

    People say to just nerf combat - but if Zos did that it would ruin endgame. The problem is not that Godslayer is too easy to get in vet hardmode no death speedrun trials. The problem is that overland quests are way too easy even if you choose to nerf yourself.
    There should be an optional HM scroll near quest bosses that makes them for difficult.

    When combat is so easy pets and companions can complete quest bosses for you now.. It's kinda a problem for the people who wish to earn quest completion.......
    vet dlc is not fundamentally hard, the hardest part is knowing (or remembering) the mechanics.

    this might sound arrogant, but you still have people with high cp, meaning they played a while, not being able to follow simple mechanics. which either means they can't or don't want to - yet they all paid for the game and possibly plus, telling them they're not allowed to play doesn't make much sense business wise. the minute you make overland content hard, basically the only content that would be available for them in this case, they couldn't play anymore, and logically would quit soon after.

    plus, giving quest mobs a hard mode scroll, then what? why bother if the rewards aren't better? if they're better it's easy to assume you're forced to do it on hard (else you wasted your chance to get better loot). which brings us back right to the beginning of people not being able or not wanting to while paying the same as you.

    there's hard content in the game, just because people don't like it doesn't mean it isn't there. if they don't wanna group there are solo trials. not every content needs a hard version, not every content needs an easy version (although most have). different strokes for different folks (and purposes).

    The Elsweyr tutorial had the 'forced time stop' system to force people to block and bash, but if overland doesn't ask for these skills then players will forget they exist. That's why inexperienced players stand in red, or don't even have a clue what a bash is. Those are skills they never have to use, therefore they never do. As for being 'forced' to do hard mode, like some people mentioned in prior threads "overland having hard mode -> overland hard mode achievements -> forced to do hard mode for achievements", maybe the reward for doing it on hard mode isn't mandatory, maybe the incentive for a reward would push someone to try something more challenging, and maybe they could find they actually enjoy having a fight where the enemy hits back.

    As long as overland, the piece of content a majority find themselves comfortable in, provides no means of even preparing for group content, nor enough resistance to show newer players what ESO has to offer, then many of them will spend their whole time in game imagining the turn based MMO overland questing provides is all there is, and if ever they try to move beyond that content they will hit a difficulty spike nothing in the game has even bothered to prepare them for.

    Lastly, people who do end game content have done trials, vet dungeons, solo trials, so much that they are tedious. I want to quest, I want to experience the world, but when the ancient vampire lord, raising an army to take over the world, could be killed by a wet candle falling on them, kinda hard to feel anything but resentment for the npcs I'm following around from preventing me from just killing the big bad the first time we crossed paths.
    Ingenon wrote: »
    I disagree that the overland content is too easy for the audience that ZOS is targeting. ZOS provides both easy and more challenging overland content. Want easy? Do the main quest and defeat Molag Bal. Want more challenging? Accept the quest in the Reach and take your level 10 alt with mismatched gear and no CP into Vateshran Hollows. Or accept the world boss dailies, and solo them. Whenever I spend time in zones where world boss dailies are offered, I hear on zone chat folks asking for help. They are trying to solo them or duo them and not succeeding. Which tells me that the harder overland content is too hard for at least some people.

    Anyway, I have a question for you folks that say overland is too easy. Are you able to solo complete all the game world base dailies on a level 10 alt with mismatched gear and no CP? In all the zones? I'm not asking if you can complete them while you have all CP allocated and while wearing full endgame gear. I'm asking about you doing every one of them as a new player would, with no CP and the mismatched gear you get from doing overland quests. Because if you can't, then ZOS does not have to up the difficulty on overland. I believe the range of difficulty that ZOS offers now is appropriate.

    I enjoy that you say "if you can't solo a group boss with a level 10 character then overland is fine" when that is a very poor comparison. Let's take a basic mob for example instead, to show how poor it is at providing any sense of threat.

    Enemies with a 1h and spare off hand have the almighty power to walk backwards, write a novel, throw a knife, before waddling back into the fray to slap you with their toy sword.

    Conjurers, summon a literal bubble from oblivion, setting it out to pop on an enemy to, mildly slow them down, and once the bubble is summoned they channel a buff on said bubble, to, increase its nonexistent damage?

    Healers channel one heal spell on one ally, then stand around for 5s, throw a ball of confetti on you, then wait 5 more seconds before doing another heal.

    Tanks yeet themselves from the battlefield, leaving their allies to die only to land where their enemy was when they started their jump clueless of what just happened.

    This is the vast majority of enemies in the game, just with different flavors of useless. World bosses, sometimes nothing more than a bullet sponge with amped up damage, other times a worthwhile fight, but the vast majority of overland, the content designed for solo players, is so simplistic that new players learn nothing and experienced players are bored to tears. Unequipt gear? Great, Mr. Knife Thrower over here may get another chance to toss his blade, the healer may cast one more heal, but it doesn't change the fact that enemies spend more time fighting themselves than they do the players, making every combat encounter feel like the same tired dance where, once you discover the power of a self-heal and an attack that hits multiple enemies at once, overland is just something you run through as quickly as possible.

    More about your point about the difficulty range, it's poor right now. The wall between overland and literally any piece of group content besides normal dungeons is extreme. Having some overland mobs who can wreck you if you don't block a clearly telegraphed heavy attack, or healers who will full heal their allies if you don't bash them or focus them down, enemy mages who creat red aoes that are worth your time to actually walk out of, enemies like those teach people and provide a more engaging experience than the wall of cardboard cutouts that service as the overland content. Blackwood is an empty zone when it comes to most overland combat encounters, and the next zone, in a daedric plane of oblivion mind you, will likely be as empty, because if the fights only serve to pad out time why include them at all?
  • Alurria
    Togal wrote: »
    ESO is becoming more watered down, used to be more challenging in the past. Gotta cater towards casuals because thats the majority nowadays.

    What does this even mean? Casuals are the player base. If we are not welcome here I happily take my casual money elsewhere where it is welcome.
  • Klad
    We need to talk about ESO difficulty level.

    No...we don't...we really don't.
  • Celephantsylvius_Bornasfinmo
    You need a bit of everything to make a world turn.
    I do think that overland does generally feel like it's made of Marshmallows though.
    Edited by Celephantsylvius_Bornasfinmo on June 10, 2021 1:55PM
  • Amottica
    Everstorm wrote: »
    Just take off your gear, weapons and champion points and try fighting overland content

    Why? The foundation of every RPG since Dungeons and Dragons has been character development, making your character better. Telling people to undo that is ridiculous. Just as ridiculous as balancing 75% of all the content around brand new players.
    I have been playing for five years or so, I play this game for the quest content. Why on earth would you release new content that is unenjoyable for dedicated players who have been playing and paying for years?

    Nobody is asking for vDLC difficulty, just a bit harder. Instead I noticed that even the two new public dungeons have smaller, easier thrash groups that are zero risk.

    @Everstorm Where did you find this quote from @Ringing_Nirnroot ? I looked and did not find any post from this player in this thread to this point let alone what was quoted here by you and a couple of other players and you quoted them a second time.

    I am honestly curious since it seems odd to find someone quoted so much when I do not see a history of them even posting in the thread. I am sure there is a valid reason.
  • SickleCider
    The difficulty is lopsided. That's the problem. It's either off or on. I feel like we need another type of content to fill the niche. Something on par with DLC dungeons in terms of difficulty but more substantial than those in content. Of course, what you will find is that some people will feel cheated out of content because it's too difficult, then. 🤷‍♀️ Hard to say what the answer is.
    ✨🐦✨ Blackfeather Court Commission ✨🐦✨
  • Amottica
    The problem is the difficulty curve is so extreme I have never quite witnessed anything like it...

    Overland doesn't teach anything... Vet DLC expect everything and Trial HM are quite hard.

    People say to just nerf combat - but if Zos did that it would ruin endgame. The problem is not that Godslayer is too easy to get in vet hardmode no death speedrun trials. The problem is that overland quests are way too easy even if you choose to nerf yourself.
    There should be an optional HM scroll near quest bosses that makes them for difficult.

    When combat is so easy pets and companions can complete quest bosses for you now.. It's kinda a problem for the people who wish to earn quest completion.......

    I would suggest there is a business reason why Zenimax does not bother to make overland more difficult or even provide an option for greater difficulty. My guess is Zenimax probably thinks it is not worth it to go in this direction.
  • orion_1981usub17_ESO
    If you make overland "harder" you gonna have a huge angry playerbase. 😠 Difficulty is a time investment and mechanics. But simply making everything have more health, punishes those with low damages, or everything with more damage, punishes those with lower resistance, or both. Neither will make the content more difficult, only more tedious... which would be a bore.

    The bar is set low in overland because that's where you get green gear. As Difficulty rises you have blue, purple and gold gear. There is difficult content. But after you master enough mechanics can only ever go so far to create the illusion of Difficulty.

    Wow is such a bore now. I remember the Burning Crusade. I also remember green gear that invalidated all my previous gear too and with in an hour you can know the new mob mechanics.
  • Rust_in_Peace
    ApoAlaia wrote: »
    Mandatory weekly comment on mandatory weekly thread about overland difficulty.

    No, I do not want every morning when I do my daily 10-20 surveys to turn into a challenging adventure I need to gear for.

    I am fine with picking up nodes in my 'casual wear', thanks for asking.

    The fact people think like this is depressing. Just go play a mobile game if all you want to do is login for your free daily gimmie items.
  • Alurria
    It's not worth it if A. You can't make money on it. B it angers the majority of players who are casual and spend the majority of the money in game. C. If you T-off these casuals pretty soon you will find empty servers. This thread keeps popping up the subject is old. If you want difficult do the vet content because that is what it's designed for. Overland is not designed to present a challenge it's a story for your character to complete as in adventure not designed to bunny hop mechanics or run in a circle around a boss. If you want action play a action game.
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