Maintenance for the week of June 10:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 10

Class Changing Token

  • Sergykid
    Malthorne wrote: »
    Yes, please. I’ve been a dragonknight for seven years. The class I started with at launch is a shadow of its former self. After all these years of progress and achievements I don’t want to switch characters.

    *cries in magplar*
    -PC EU- / battlegrounds on my youtube
  • Xebov
    Souterain wrote: »
    Class change token = 99% necromancers and wardens or whatever the latest and presumed greatest class is. lol

    That would require all players to be able to play these classes, which is not the case. It would also require them to care about meta, which is also not the case. Players also had years to create characters for these 2 classes and still you dont see them as a mass representation anywhere.
    Souterain wrote: »
    I suspect it'd be easier to make account wide achievements, though.

    Achievments is only one aspect. I have a full complement of characters and i would like to have one of them changing its class. Thats not because of the achievment the character has, but because of the time it took to get the skillpoints, mount training and trait research. Replacing him with a new character would be possible, but take at least 6 months.
    groober13 wrote: »
    Also, leveling a new alt to 50 takes almost no time at all - like with a domem group; it's nauseatingly boring but effective. Leveling while questing and actually playing the game doesn't take that much longer either and allows you to actually learn your class, etc.

    I doubt that you will learn anything about a class by running behind the dolmen train at all.
    The core issue with new characters is also not leveling them to level 50. This is just a minor inconvenience. The real work is getting the character to be playable for whatever you want to do with it. Grinding to level 50 barely grants enought skillpoints to do anything in the game.
    Depending on what you want to do with a character you have to do the following tasks:
    - collecting skyshards and skillpoints
    - unlocking and leveling skillines
    - mount training (6 months)
    - trait research (6 months)
    - questing
    - PvP Rank for skillpoints?

    Against these things the 10 hour leveling period to get the character to level 50 is nothing. I did this exactly once to change my main 2 years back. It took me 9 months in total to get the character to the state my old character was in and that doesnt include any achievments.

    So you see the reason why ppl want a class change token is not because they are to lazy to spend 10 hours to level up an alt. Its because it can take months after that to shape the character into place for whatever they want to do with it.

  • Ippokrates
    Not sure if token is good idea BUT I am open to this idea, because:

    1. TES Universe always embrace versility of created character & even if they were some limitations, players could customize their "heroes" in very high degree.

    2. As many people says: games get boring & there is no challenge, so making people starts a new class from zero even with advancements in weapon or guild trees, could be challenging, as you most likely will be limited to those few new class abilities. Of course assuming you want to level them up ;)

    3. Remember what Sir Cadwell said about starting a new adventure where nobody remember who you are and what have you achieve? Now, that could be great moment to change a class ;)

    Of course I understand that MMORPG have their limitation, but it doesn't mean that change should be definitely out of hand. People will make alts for mules, TC & writs anyway ;)
    Edited by Ippokrates on May 10, 2021 1:47PM
  • ApoAlaia
    Yes please.

    From my 18 characters the 'least developed' has:

    - Horse training complete.
    - All class skills and morphs trained.
    - All weapon skills and morphs trained.
    - All guild skills and morphs trained.
    - All world skills and morphs trained except Antiquities (lvl 7) and Vampire (not unlocked on this char).
    - All Alliance War skills and morphs trained.
    - All crafting skills trained.
    - 440 (give or take) Skyshards collected.
    - All skill points from Public Dungeons and Group Dungeons.

    Those are the highlights anyway. If I were to delete a character, any character, from my account I would be deleting a lot of time put into them just to start over.

    Unless they make more character slots available I am well and truly 'stuck' with no class change tokens.
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    Souterain wrote: »
    Class change token = 99% necromancers and wardens or whatever the latest and presumed greatest class is. lol
    That is the only way we can achieve an actual class balance imho. Because what will happen next is a nerf to things that are popular the most.
  • HertoginJanneke
    If you have ever bought a race change you can only vote YES. Every argument for saying no to class change can be applied to the race change too. But a class change makes much more sense than a race change. Class = Knowledge, Race = Genetics. So it makes absolutely no sense that we can change our Race, but are not able to change our class.
  • PrinceDamien
    If you have ever bought a race change you can only vote YES. Every argument for saying no to class change can be applied to the race change too. But a class change makes much more sense than a race change. Class = Knowledge, Race = Genetics. So it makes absolutely no sense that we can change our Race, but are not able to change our class.

    There's a quest ingame where you literally help an NPC change race, so it's "cannon" that one can do so.
    But there has never been a quest where you helped one change their class.

    Just trying to poke fun of it all.
    But really, there is a quest where you help an NPC race change.
  • Serenez
    This would be a great improvement to the game, a revenue generator for ZOS and in my opinion prevent frustrated people from leaving the game when patches come out and they are unhappy with the class skill changes on their main character.

    Although account wide achievements may be a consideration in some cases, I do not think having instant Master Crafters is a solution to the problem below. I strongly dislike this concept. For those that are providing account wide achievements as a solution .. think about the implications on the market having every character on an account, a Master Crafter once it is accomplished on the primary crafter.

    It is one thing for people to put the time and effort on alt toons and have them do daily crafting writs. They deserve to have all the excess materials/master writ drops etc. Now imagine for one moment what account wide achievements would actually mean. Each toon would have access to know all those motifs, the research etc. and now have access to the same drops from the daily writs as soon as you achieve it on one. This would be a terrible idea. Huge difference regarding implications on the market, having a time sync (manually teaching each alt toon) than having multiple instant Master Crafters. People already complain about the high cost of materials. So those same people suggesting account wide achievements, who do not understand the time and effort putting into one main primary character (crafter), will then complain if account wide achievements become a thing, and the crafters have an even bigger market share in the economy.

    Sometimes when things are suggested the domino effect is not taken into account.

    A class change token is the more logical solution to this.

    For those that think it is easy to make a new character - it is not:

    1. Cost of retraining all the motifs on a crafter would be millions of in game gold.
    2. Researching on a crafter from scratch all over again on a new character without research scrolls takes well over one year to do. Even with research scrolls .. it is a long haul.

    A class change token is a much better option for players who are unhappy with their current class or simply want a change on their main character they have been playing for a while (which may be a crafter). Many players like having a main character that has earned the achievements and they have a nostalgic attachment to that particular character. Those that do not play this way will not understand the completionism or such attachment, but it does exist.

    So the option is to give a player (customer) a class change token or they possibly may get bored and/or frustrated and simply quit the game (if patch has altered their skills) . So from a business stand point, I think the logical solution would be to retain this player base, and if they wish to pay for it .. in my opinion, let them. Otherwise they may leave and a loss of revenue will result plus one very unhappy customer. I do not understand why this is not already offered. People will still make new characters but will be much happier if they can keep their main character that they started with and are attached to, but are given an opportunity to try out a different class with them.

    For those that do not want a class change token, you certainly do not have to buy one :) There are many players that I have read posts from over the years that have been asking for this, and most certainly will open their wallets for it.
  • Nastassiya
    Many people have a dedicated character for crafting and using a bank as a safe transfer method already exists. It's going to generate revenue from the sale of the token but take away revenue generated by their other products, such as instant skill lines, skyshards, riding skills, and so on. I do not want the company to make less money because that results in less development.

    Still, I only vote yes if it wipes the character of everything outside of name and appearance.
  • ArcVelarian
    Absolutely not. It would only further incentivize nerfing Base Game Classes to sell Premium Classes like Warden and Necromancer.
    Murphy's Law of PvP : If it can be abused and or exploited, it will be abused and or exploited.
    Create a character, play it, learn it, level it. It's that simple.
    PC NA - GreggsSausageRoll
    Xbox NA - CinnamonRoll266
  • Iccotak
    Sergykid wrote: »
    we want class change token because they made those paid classes too strong. [Snip] if we want to complete in either pve or pvp we have to drop our forgotten mains and move on the the better classes. It's not our fault we want to suffer less.

    And you can't see how such a system would be abused and actually harm the game?
    If you have ever bought a race change you can only vote YES. Every argument for saying no to class change can be applied to the race change too. But a class change makes much more sense than a race change. Class = Knowledge, Race = Genetics. So it makes absolutely no sense that we can change our Race, but are not able to change our class.

    There's a quest ingame where you literally help an NPC change race, so it's "cannon" that one can do so.
    But there has never been a quest where you helped one change their class.

    Just trying to poke fun of it all.
    But really, there is a quest where you help an NPC race change.

    What quest is that?
    Edited by ZOS_Volpe on May 11, 2021 12:59PM
  • Tandor
    AlnilamE wrote: »
    fbours wrote: »
    There are different ways to resolve some of the issues people mention here. Make skills shards account wide, ZOS did but they slapped $$, achievements account wide, mount riding, bag space, etc.

    Changing class main will be a disaster, everyone will continue to follow the meta/form class, diversity will be close to none. People now days do not want to play MMORPGs.

    The thing is, not everyone agrees that these things should be account wide. I, for one, enjoy finding skyshards on characters. A dead skyshard is a sad skyshard.

    So ZOS, understanding that, gave the people who don't want to hunt skyshards or repeat quests the ability to buy them with crowns (for a very reasonable price, IMO), while letting people like me gather them on our alts.

    So eventually, if they introduce class change, they will do the same, so that the people who don't want it don't feel like they have to do it.

    My only condition is that anyone who buys a class change token has to sign a waiver saying they'll never come to the forums and post things like "you nerfed my class to sell class changes".

    Plus a condition that they sign a waiver saying they will never kick someone from a group or guild for not changing to "the right" class.
    Edited by Tandor on May 10, 2021 9:02PM
  • PrinceDamien
    Iccotak wrote: »
    What quest is that?

    Ok, took me a while to find it since it's been years since I did it myself.
    And aparently I didn't remember it correctly
    Yes, he did change race, but only temporarily and no, it didn't work as he turned into an Argonian.
    But he said that perhaps with a bit of tweaking it might work.

    So I stand corrected as what I said before wasn't completely true.
    but he's on the right track to change race.
    And this was years ago, so perhaps the formula has been solved and now in a working condition (if people want a roleplay reason as of why race change is a thing).
  • Wild_Haggis
    I voted yes. I just a few days ago came across an issue where I had a DK toon that I was doing nothing with, and wanted to create a healer, but upon going to change his class, I discovered this was no option available in which to do it. So I had to start a new toon from scratch with a class with actual group healing ability... Where I could have picked up from a toon I was not playing but was eager to start using again.
    Just my three cents (adjusted for inflation).
  • Folkb
    Seems a bit much. Everyone and their mom would change to fotm classes.
  • KittyHazWares
    I want class change or account wide achievements

    Especially for grinding Alliance rank!
    Xbox One NA
  • Iccotak
    I can sympathize with wanting a token to change class if there is regret about class choice - because once you have any basic knowledge of the gameplay the overall questing experience is just not very engaging due to the gameplay that is aimed towards novices.

    However, I think a Class Change Token would just become abused and would make classes redundant to an extent.

    I think there are a couple of solutions to the problem.

    1. Separate categories of Account Wide Achievements & Character Achievements
    2. Implement a Normal / Veteran setting for Overland content - to make the content gameplay engaging for people who have more than the bare minimum skill.
  • Solid_Metal
    Souterain wrote: »
    Class change token = 99% necromancers and wardens or whatever the latest and presumed greatest class is. lol

    On the other hand, would be handy for some achievements: nb to get all the thieving/db ones, mag sorc for dd/dps, dk et al for tanking some stuff, templar/warden for healing etc....

    I suspect it'd be easier to make account wide achievements, though.

    no, the problem is how they manage to screw up certain classes and build and how elitism on Trial this game has

    for example :
    Stam DK : a year ago, viable for vet trial no problem, now?, stam not even allowed to do vet trial
    Mag DK : great damage dealer, but guess what?, most if not all of its class skill which gave higher DPS are melee and trial group only accept range damage dealer, use dest staff weapon skill line?, sure, but cut the total DPS in half, again, not viable for vet trial

    you could probably argue this is elitism problem on the game, but imho this more of design problem
    "i will walk through the fog, as i welcome death"
  • Xebov
    Nastassiya wrote: »
    Many people have a dedicated character for crafting and using a bank as a safe transfer method already exists. It's going to generate revenue from the sale of the token but take away revenue generated by their other products, such as instant skill lines, skyshards, riding skills, and so on. I do not want the company to make less money because that results in less development.

    That is based on the assumtion that all players use the current method and would swicth to the other one. Thats unlikely to be the case because the first method applies to new characters in general and the there are players that would do the second option but not the first.
    Nastassiya wrote: »
    Still, I only vote yes if it wipes the character of everything outside of name and appearance.

    Out curiosity, why is that?
    O_LYKOS wrote: »
    Create a character, play it, learn it, level it. It's that simple.

    You mean grind dolmen for 10h and still having no idea? Besides that what about players that already have a character of that class and know how to play it?
    Iccotak wrote: »
    I can sympathize with wanting a token to change class if there is regret about class choice - because once you have any basic knowledge of the gameplay the overall questing experience is just not very engaging due to the gameplay that is aimed towards novices.

    With all the lists made why ppl want a class change, how comes that ppl still refering to leveling or questing when there is much much more to it?

    Edited by Xebov on May 11, 2021 7:06AM
  • HertoginJanneke
    Folkb wrote: »
    Seems a bit much. Everyone and their mom would change to fotm classes.

    That is exactly the situation with the race change tokens. The moment races are rebalanced and the fotm changes, they are widely used to get this new flavor. So why not something simular for classes ?
  • Malkiv
    I would have voted "other" if it was an option. I wouldn't ever use that token, but I mean - if people want to, that's fine by me. If the meta shifts from one class to another? Okay, it's not like it doesn't only take 6 hours to level a new toon from 1-to-CP already, and acting like people won't have a new toon ready to go the day of a patch drop without a class change token is just being willfully ignorant.

    I personally think class change tokens are a silly idea. For me, I enjoy having multiple characters, as they all have kind of their own "thing" going on. Also, for me, part of the charm of leveling a new character is also just doing everything again, as though it's a fresh challenge. I don't bother maxing any crafting other than Alchemy - for Medicinal Use - and the only skill line I ever buy is the Mages Guild skill line; I HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE that grind, and I'm not a lore-centric person, so it's just not fun for me.

    But that's just me and my personal taste. It wouldn't do any harm to have them, even if I'd never use them.
    Edited by Malkiv on May 11, 2021 9:05AM
    PC-NA | PvP (Gray Host & BGs) | PvE (vTrials & vDGs)
  • rpa
    I actually would like to have a different class & profession for my crafter who is a stealth nightblade, thief, pickpocket, assassin &cet, but that's because the misdesign of green cp tree, not because I wanted a class change.
    Edited by rpa on May 11, 2021 9:27AM
  • Delgent
    Not being able to change my Main's class, which I chose 7 years ago, is the number one reason I'm starting to get more excited about the new game launching at the end of August. The fact that it is not a class based game is intriguing, and the aesthetics are similar to Tamriel from what I've seen.

    I love playing ESO, but it's been frustrating leaving my Main sidelined because the class I chose at launch, has changed enough to where I don't enjoy playing him anymore. I've been here for 7 years, but may not make it to 8. I was hoping to surpass the 10 I spent in WoW...

    I'm a one game guy. I get immersed, make friends, spend money on collectibles, etc. So if the time comes in the near future to put my Main to rest here, so be it. I have 12 other alts at max level, but none have the history that I appreciate of my Main.
    I don't really want to leave ESO, but not having an anchor character, is causing me to drift and start looking for a new port of call.

    A class change could bring back that excitement to continue his adventures and flesh out more achievements. For now, he kind of smells like moth balls, poor feller.
    To live for good is to die in the name of honor.
  • cptqrk
    I voted no, mostly due to being an alt-aholic.

    There are a few issues with class changing tokens for me.

    Some folks would level one toon to max, and not play another one, leaving some leveling zones dead, and devoid of other people. I for one enjoy the fact that even the lowbie zones feel alive with other people running around and fighting world bosses/delvs/public dungeons.

    I understand the desire tho' for account wide things like achievements, but again, in this day and age (and after playing WoW for as long as I had) there will be a lot of "well, I got mine, so I'm not going to do that again" mentality. New player? Good luck with getting some of those achievements.

    But that's just my 2c
  • waterfairy
    TheForFeeF wrote: »
    The only reason for class changes is because people don't want to give up all the achievements players have done on their main character. The better thing to do would be to make achievements account wide rather than per character.

    If you want to play a different class, ZoS gives you character slots for that purpose.'re forgetting the RP part of MMORPG. I have a character who is as old as the orc who rides the black bear and has his spirit bear help him in battle (selenes). The only thing missing to complete his character is the warden bear pet which didn't exist at the time he was created. I don't care about achievements or chasing meta, I want a class change to complete my main character who I've put so much time and love into and I don't care if it would mean starting all my skills at 0 with a new class.
    We have every other 'change' token besides class change and I've been patiently waiting with crowns since morrowind came out.
  • Dracuhl
    No need. Just change most if not all achievements to being account wide.
  • Sirvaleen
    That will be the last thing to cash in on. There are way easier means still available to them ;)
  • waterfairy
    Dracuhl wrote: »
    No need. Just change most if not all achievements to being account wide.

    it's not about that for most of us who want class my post above yours. Also who cares about achievements? High points doesn't mean you're a good player...actually the opposite because questers tend to suck at end game and pvp
  • Destai
    TheForFeeF wrote: »
    The only reason for class changes is because people don't want to give up all the achievements players have done on their main character. The better thing to do would be to make achievements account wide rather than per character.

    If you want to play a different class, ZoS gives you character slots for that purpose.

    It’s more than achievements, it’s other progress, memories, and purchases. Personally I want one because I cannot find any love for my necromancer and want him to be a class I actually enjoy.

    They should make most achievements and unlocks account wide regardless.
    Edited by Destai on July 8, 2021 4:08PM
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