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Repair costs

  • jircris11
    im only lvl 25 but i heard a guildie who is vet2 saying that repair cost still kick him in the butt. That is why i mentioned blacksmith of certin lvl being able to repair the items if they had an x amount of mats. like iron armor repair with one ingot ect
    IGN: Ki'rah
    DC/AD faction/NA server.
  • thisisdustinsemail_ESO
    What if clothiers and blacksmiths could craft repair kits.............
  • jircris11
    hmm that would work as well....something to help with the costs atm when my armor is broke i just make new ones because its cheaper. but asi mentioned im a low lvl
    IGN: Ki'rah
    DC/AD faction/NA server.
  • Tetujin
    I have to wonder if it's a bug, if they are getting hit at the end of each combat as if you died.

    If not, then it would be worth lowering them at lower levels (ease people in) and to lower them dramatically for white items at least, which can be replaced so easily that they are in effect not getting the "gold sink" effect they are after.

    But I can really see this just being a bug, and that it should be from deaths.
  • feniks31_ESO
    there is no point in repairing until 50 lvl
  • kongkim
    You get alot of gold later on its not a problem. And also don't die :)?
  • Zilas
    While I never had the problem you're encountering, repairs where making my gold increasement like +200 per hour but that quickly changed as I ranked up more, The repairs are kinda heavy at low level, if you don't manage to sell like a bite or a motif you won't be sitting on a lot of gold untill veteran ranks.
  • danielgreen1987
    Soul Shriven
    With regards to the useless quest rewards. Dismantle it all. The mats you stack up doing this (and then selling what I didn't use - only kept enchant/ blacksmith) got me a nice little nest egg for later in the game :)
  • Garrix
    Don't repair your gear, replace it. I've found oventimes it's cheaper to craft an almost-as-good white piece and then buy an enchant or use one from my bank to enchant it. Repair costs should be high, the only problem I have is how durability works (melee classes get punished much more than ranged classes since it is based directly on how many hits you take).
  • Bluddite
    Keep a full set of toons. I have a crafter for each profession levelled to the point where they can craft to the level that my play toon runs at. They make gear from the stuff he feeds them. Each one researches 2 traits on each piece then they can craft set items from that. I never repair anything
  • indigoblades
    Read the whole forum post and they really need to either let crafters repair when they hit say veteren ranks or lower the decay on gear. I could easily just replace with pickups but what if u want to make matched sets of custom gear. It takes some time to make and there is no way to keep it upgraded economically which forces u to play with random pickups. That part bores me coz i like playing with nice lookin armor not mixed match.... also theres no point in upgrading anything past green .... stuff wears out faster than 7 crafter alts can get u mailed materials to replace (quality replacement). That makes purple and legendary pointless. Decided from here nothin higher than white for me. I looked up repair cost for Level 32 blue hat ... vendor repair is 240, repair kit 30 to 40 is 315, and the enchant ment to make another White replacement is 165.. so guess i will make a less power level 34 white gear... so the quality system and making matched armor is broken.... since it breaks so fast.

    Also as others said most damage is just fighting ... helps if stay at range, melee takes a hit bad ... i dont die much and still see huge repairs. The answer is obvious but i DONT Like it ... Just make white armor/use pickups ... i WAS researching and matching armor sets just moving from 4 set matches to 5 set matches but seem pointless now since armor is such a disposable quality.

    Please submit to ESO this bugged and whats the point selling/collecting/crafting armor if its worthless after one two hours in dungeon. At least make it so high quality armor BLUE, PURPLE, ORANGE decays less.
  • indigoblades
    Well i just submitted this bug report ..... its not that u cant avoid repair cost by making generic whites and usinig pickup that bothers me ... i am bother more with decay rate of BLUE, PURPLE and GOLD ... there to rare to make to be disposable..... just makes specializing in crafting pointless and collecting armor pointless that bugs me .... SEND ESO a bug report if u AGREE.

    "The Cost of Repairs is WAY TO HIGH for quality matched set BLUE, PURPLE and ORANGE armor.

    it forces players to only remake white armor ... makes little point in making matched armor set HIGH QUALITY armor/clothing because it will wear out in normal leveling. Example i specialize in Clothing .... i have level 32 Blue hat thats part of matched set.... i like to repair it but it will cost me 240g at vendor ... the repair kit is 315, or if remake it white materials are pretty much free for me except enchants so it will cost 165 which is high but acceptble .... but I AM downgrading from BLUE to WHITE by remaking because BLUE materials are rare.

    MY SUGGESTION is Make GREEN degrade 10% slower. BLUE 25%, PURPLE 45% slower and ORANGE 70% slower ... that will make quality armor not disposiable item ...

    it will create a market for it.... and if u have special set (either matched or styles u like it gives u an incentive to improve it) ... as it stands now there is no point in improving any armor and time spent at special crafting stations is wasted which is shame because it only give u a buff say 4x longer than eating a provision till YOUR armor is destoryed.

    Or let level 50 players or max skilled crafters get the ability to repair armor from raw materials (ore, raw clothing plants & hides not the quality part) this can by making repair kits."
  • YuccaPalm
    Im almost lvl 50 and I havent spend anything for repairing so far. I'll make use of repair as soon as I have ideal gear.
  • Mortelus
    The costs are high yes, I equipped my newly crafted lvl 8 medium set after 1 hour adventuring and no deaths, my repair bill was 318g.

    However, that said it is cheaper and easier to remake new gear and break down the old gear. The only gear I would repair would be blue and above, or some green with good traits.

    Maybe this was Zeni's intention all along. Because frankly, 300+ repair bill for one hours adventure and no death, where I probably made only about 40g max is not cool...

    Edited by Mortelus on April 25, 2014 2:49AM
    Who has time? But if we never take time how can we ever have time?
  • thilog
    Am I the only one who feels repair costs are way out of line?

    Last night I got into a situation where I couldn't even teleport due to repair costs. I was literally down to 3g.

    I'm okay with repair costs, but they seem to be a bit ridiculous.


    I haven't read every thread, it's likely, I'm repeating the same thing..

    From lvl 1 to say 30 ish.. don't repair. Level up and replace.. probably the cheapest way.

    That said, selling loot instead of deconstructing them for crafting will also make you alot of money, if you don't craft, you'll probably have a much better income.

    You can also gather resources and sell them for better income.

    Once you get past 30, you really should start repairing.. your armour rating and damage output starts to be affected, die 10 times in a dungeon.. go repair before continuing.. you'll notice the difference.

    Once you hit 40, you'll start getting repair bills of 1.5k just completing an instance and that's without dying.. esp if you play a tank or tank support. Melee really smashes you up. Or getting hit in general really.

    Alternatively, you can swap out green items for new green items, I wouldn't waste making blue items until around 36+ until then just gather the resources. You should also have enough money to maybe buy hemming or honing stones from players by this time as well. You can also save by not respeccing.. but finding all the sky shards and using those points where you need them. Leave respecs to when you have the spare cash.

    Edited by thilog on April 25, 2014 3:04AM
  • indigoblades
    i can make white gear cheap & i find more than enough pickups .... just seems pointless to craft anything better or waste time reseaching armor for matched sets that will cost u a fortune to repair.... before i read this whole forum i assumed either u made more money at vet rank or equipment decayed less..... after reading it sounds like the problem at higher ranks is worse ... i am at level 32 ... i dont fast travel, i dont buy many pack pack upgrades (spent ~10k) ... still i never make more than enough to get the next bag upgrade ... \

    MY PROBLEM is How much is it to repair BLUE PURPLE and ORANGE not generics stuff .... whats the point in wasting time crafting if Legendary stuff is too expensive to play the game with. or the special matched set is gonna to wear out in few hours play. For just power leveling i agree make a quick replacement off ur pickups or make a generic white quick at ur level. But end game whats is there for the crafters if what they make is disposable. (not economical to keep) ?????

    Guess the reason i am whining is i spend 1 hour crafting for every hour of play .... and i now feel like that time is wasted unless they fix this.
  • seaef
    Katrisa wrote: »
    So yes repair costs are way too high at lower levels. They are completely out of line. Enough so that I filed a bug on this issue today.

    You filed a bug because you don't like the repair cost rate? No wonder the important bugs don't get looked at.

    "The Illuminati are very achievement focused. It's like Xbox - only everything is hardcore."
    - Kirsten Geary
  • Altheina
    The current repair cost is manageable. I think it is calculated risk that we players have to consider the gear quality we want to wear at certain levels.
    Players will find it expensive to repair if they constantly want top quality gears even in the early levels and will always struggle with it throughout their leveling journey...
    Altheina - Wood Elf Nightblade
    TESO Fun-fact 1: It takes to kill 119,050 mudcrabs to reach level 50
    TESO Fun-fact 2: There are 61 million items in the game
    TESO Fun-fact 3: There are 40,656,000 different weapon variations in the game
  • RatsnevE
    Wow. That's good to know. Thanks for passing that along. But, the primary problem is outside of Cyrodil. You are spending half or more of what you've made on repairs.


    If your spending that much maybe don't die so often? That's the only time my armor takes a significant hit.
    I've been learning this the hard way too trying and dying way to many times and ending up with zeroes across my armor which at level 9 cost around 500K for the merchant or around 45 for each repair box--which was cheaper. My solution is to bail out of battles/quests when the going is way to tough and go do something else somewhere.

    [Thus said this ISN'T what I've been doing. Rather, I've destroyed my character completely two times now caught up with intense frustration trying to figure out combat tactics. :smile: ]

    Also, don't stay away from repairing so long and the cost will be much less from the merchant.

    It's been confirmed by two techs that the PC can level up but the quest giving trouble stays at its original level--I think that might be very helpful... [if I would only follow the advice.]

    Edited by RatsnevE on May 2, 2014 2:48AM
  • Enkshar
    Decay is too fast. its just stupid that after some questing i have half the amount of armor i had when i started and been force to go town to repair so i can keep on playing with decent mitigation.

    The way decay works now makes armor rating just useless. Its the same if ur gear is white, green, blue, violet, orange or if its vr10 or lvl 1, as soon as u play for a while u are down to almost no armor.
  • GLaDOS
    Can't say I've ever really had a problem with repairs or money since beta, even after a bunch of instance wipes. I just don't die that often. And if I fall through the world, I NEVER /stuck. I always log out and in. That has fixed it perfectly every time without damaging my gear.

    That being said, when I first started this game I was broke all the time because I was either being careless or had some horrible luck. I had to learn quickly that this is nothing like other mmorpg's in that I had to actually be mentally present or face to consequences of high repair bills or doing silly things like spending gold on unnecessary things. I am not saying that people with high repairs aren't paying attention, just saying that this is my personal experience. I personally don't have to capacity to give something part of my attention and do well. It needs to have my undivided eyeballs.

    I try to balance it out by selling what I can in one of the 4 trading guilds I'm in. I'm also working all crafting professions except for enchanting. So I'm basically only selling provisioning recipes that I've already learned, blues that I already have the trait researched for, and runes/glyphs.

    Also: Making money isn't just about what you make, it's about what you save as well.

    Hope this helps and take my post with a grain of salt as I haven't had any coffee which can have me sounding grouchier than I really am :P
    Still alive.
  • xMovingTarget
    Well, today i had a repair bill of ~1800 for VR6/7 gearmix blue and purple. Thats quite much. Since i didnt even die. Cost is only like normal use and decay of some sort.
    Only did a group public dungeon and some worldbosses/dolmen. Took around 30 minutes. So i dont know. Its pretty damn costly with such a decay when just playing without dying.
  • GLaDOS
    Well, today i had a repair bill of ~1800 for VR6/7 gearmix blue and purple. Thats quite much. Since i didnt even die. Cost is only like normal use and decay of some sort.
    Only did a group public dungeon and some worldbosses/dolmen. Took around 30 minutes. So i dont know. Its pretty damn costly with such a decay when just playing without dying.

    Yikes, that is pretty steep for not even dying. :(
    Still alive.
  • Saihung423
    I don't know what I am doing wrong. I die on all my characters every now and again, and pay to repair almost every time.

    And yet, I still have over 3k gold on all of my sub 15th level characters...I craft my own equipment most times....and don't buy things I don't need. I've also unlocked 3 or 4 backpack upgrades per character and am getting ready to unlock the bank upgrade after the 6k gold cost upgrade.

    What am I doing wrong? Should I tip that beggar more often or what?
  • Thesiren
    Has anyone played with their armor gone down to 0%? Does it break and fall off, or does it stay on anyway? And how much difference does it really make in your overall performance?
  • lichmeister
    a few quick points:
    • if you need to use /stuck or (like me) insist on testing the limits of your jumping capabilities) take off the armour 1st! Voila! no repairs needed!
    • if you have been playing for hours you should probably be high enough level to just replace any overly damaged gear. (this has been the 1st time ever in an mmo where i had everything to craft my next set well in advance of needing it!)
    • even tanks who don't die will eat a hefty repair bill after 1 dungeon. if you love your tank, feed him some gold! if you are the tank, drop a few hints about how damned expensive your repair bills are ;)
    • take advantage of the player economy! don't vendor anything that a player will pay more for! if you wont use em, sell those snowberries and onions!

    while i agree that the repair costs seem steep, you really shouldn't be paying them anyway at low levels!
    i just got my 1st character to level 50 a few days ago. over these almost 4 weeks if i had repaired my gear constantly i wouldn't have mounts for half my toons or any decent amount of bank space!
    for the 1st 20 or so levels i literally just wore whatever i picked up that was better/in better shape than what i had on. between 20 and 40 there were a few points where i was forced to repair but for the most part i would cherry pick a piece or 2 worth keeping and just craft replacements. a handful of hides and a few hemming are easier to acquire at low level than 500+ gold (assuming you are not taking advantage of the player economy). After level 40 this wont be as big an issue since the repair costs seem to even out and the coin you will make rises significantly.
  • GLaDOS
    I think the 'repair all' button also does everything in your bank etc, so that could be contributing to the high cost if you have old broken armor laying around waiting to get researched.

    And if you can, try to trade your more expensive items in person. The guild store/mail can charge an arm and a leg for a deposit. I lost a big chunk of cash by listing something in the guild store for almost 3k.
    Still alive.
  • BrierTOG
    it stays but you can't sell it anymore as it is worthless but you can still deconstruct it for crafting materials.

    Also you have no more benefit from wearing the items but that is logical i asume :).
    Edited by BrierTOG on April 25, 2014 2:10PM
  • xMovingTarget
    Thesiren wrote: »
    Has anyone played with their armor gone down to 0%? Does it break and fall off, or does it stay on anyway? And how much difference does it really make in your overall performance?

    You just loose the Bonus of the Item. Like "30 Magicka" goes invalid on 0 and grays out
  • Jeremy
    Am I the only one who feels repair costs are way out of line?

    Last night I got into a situation where I couldn't even teleport due to repair costs. I was literally down to 3g.

    I'm okay with repair costs, but they seem to be a bit ridiculous.


    You're not alone. I think they are too high also.
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