Should characters who queue as vet dps pass a dps check ala gran turismo licensing requirements?

  • Aznarb
    These kind of thread are always fun :3
    Even with this system I wouldn't wast my time with pug, playing with friend is more fun than with people who don't do their job, don't know strat, don't ask/listen for it.

    DPS check is not magically gonna resolve the problem.
    DDs in this game is clunky to play that why most people struggle, you've to practice many time on dummies to start be good at it.
    I can 100% understand why most people don't want to do that : it's not fun.

    Dunno why people queue if they don't like it, just find guild & friend, we can have 5 guild and it's an mmorpg, the social aspect is what make it fun.
    Even when farming I rather doing it with friend or solo.
    I've done many pug before, tried to teach and explain all I can, but let be clear on that point : 90% of bad player don't care about learning and just wait to be carry. I've only met few exception that I've explain a lot about the game and are now doing pretty well in harder content. These type of guys are very rare sadly.

    So, yeah, kick the bad, leave or find friend, simple.
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  • Nomadic_Atmoran
    No, you shouldn't pass a dps/capability check
    BuildMan wrote: »
    If you want that kind of toxic in your gameplay there are other MMOs that will gladly accommodate you.

    What's more toxic. Implementing a system that makes sure you can successfully complete the content you are queueing for at the cost of lowering accessibility? Or allowing people to join content they are not ready for which will result in them getting kicked (while likely receiving no information as to why)

    Setting boundaries fixed the issue above.

    If you want players that can complete the content with no issue go find a premade. No one is forcing you into PUGs and no one is demanding you carry any of them either. But you dont get to dictate what content they have access to because you feel like you have a superior claim to the LFG tool because of your "knowledge" and DPS output.
    Edited by Nomadic_Atmoran on October 20, 2020 3:31AM
    Penniless Sellsword Company
    Captain Paramount Jorrhaq Vhent
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    Kheshna gra-Gharbuk - Gallisten Bondurant - Aban Shahid Bakr - Etain Maquier - Atsu Kalame - Faulpia Severinus
  • Aznarb
    Vet dungeons need to be more pug friendly.

    It's called "normal", you welcome.
    [ PC EU ]

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  • LordSarevok
    Yes, you must pass a dps/capability check.
    JB_den wrote: »
    OP, you could get a mod that shows group DPS and if they don't meet your personal threshold you could drop group. Problem solved.

    Have you not seen how many posts there are about fake tanks and healers? Will you be ok if I roll in and use 2h and resto as a tank in vet dlc?
  • LordSarevok
    Yes, you must pass a dps/capability check.
    Guess I'll start queuing as a tank with 2 hand and resto in vet dlcs. Wonder how much of this tolerance I see for dps will transition to me as a fake tank? I'll see how many times I get insta kicked and blocked.
  • LordSarevok
    Yes, you must pass a dps/capability check.
    BuildMan wrote: »
    If you want that kind of toxic in your gameplay there are other MMOs that will gladly accommodate you.

    What's more toxic. Implementing a system that makes sure you can successfully complete the content you are queueing for at the cost of lowering accessibility? Or allowing people to join content they are not ready for which will result in them getting kicked (while likely receiving no information as to why)

    Setting boundaries fixed the issue above.

    If you want players that can complete the content with no issue go find a premade. No one is forcing you into PUGs and no one is demanding you carry any of them either. But you dont get to dictate what content they have access to because you feel like you have a superior claim to the LFG tool because of your "knowledge" and DPS output.

    Do they actually have access to the content though really? Getting destroyed for hours on end and demoralized is not access. That's a set up for failure. It is a wall.
  • LordSarevok
    Yes, you must pass a dps/capability check.
    Well. I have queued 2 times as a tank with double 2h and no taunt. I have been kicked both times on first trash pulls. I got called a joke of a player by one person, and other things by the healer that aren't safe for the forums. Sure wish I had some of the tolerance shown to the terrible dps players, I just want to play how I want, they are denying me content!
  • LordSarevok
    Yes, you must pass a dps/capability check.
    I also think people are missing the point of this poll. These low DPS people for the most part had literally no idea what it takes. They were surprised and dejected. One guy was like idk why we can't do this, I just did vet fungal 1 and vet city of ash 1, must be lag or something. I'm not saying these people are bad, I'm saying they are walking blind into oncoming traffic and they need to understand the role at a moderate level. Hell, maybe even put difficulty rankings next to each dungeon. I'm not saying they are a failure ZoS is the failure.
  • Dunning_Kruger
    Yes, you must pass a dps/capability check.
    Interesting. I wonder if we could make a poll on the no population on their opinions on fake tanks ..... fake Dps vs fake tanks
    A G G R O - the legendary stamplar GM of <HALL MONITORS>

    For the Queen bby
  • LordSarevok
    Yes, you must pass a dps/capability check.
    I just got booted from number 3 vet dlc! I had Ebon and Yohln with double frost staves, actually effective. Guy kept asking where my shield was, I was like don't need one with frost staves. Keep in mind this guy was pulling about 6k dps. They initiated a kick and booted me before first boss. Where is the tolerance!!? Why are they gating me and not letting me play how I want!?!
    Edited by LordSarevok on October 20, 2020 4:19AM
  • GrimTheReaper45
    No, you shouldn't pass a dps/capability check
    zvavi wrote: »
    Vet dungeons need to be more pug friendly.

    Pugs need to be more vet dungeon friendly.

    Do you really think thats likely to happen? Its typical for pug groups to take 2hr only to fail because they cant beat one of the last bosses then probably kicking at least half the group and pulling in some new trials players. You expect everyone to just magically improve to the point a vet dlc dungeon can be completed in a timely 30 minutes with a decent success rate?

    If there going to keep adding Vet dlc dungeons at this level of difficulty they might as well not bother allowing you to que for them at all in dungeon finder, its pointless.

    Players have to be able to complete these for monster sets. Challenging content has its place but we need to give access to the gear to every player. They either need to make monster sets drop on normal or save the challenging version of the dungeon for hard mode. Either way, there has to be a way for a player of any skill level to be able to farm monster sets they need.
  • Nomadic_Atmoran
    No, you shouldn't pass a dps/capability check
    BuildMan wrote: »
    If you want that kind of toxic in your gameplay there are other MMOs that will gladly accommodate you.

    What's more toxic. Implementing a system that makes sure you can successfully complete the content you are queueing for at the cost of lowering accessibility? Or allowing people to join content they are not ready for which will result in them getting kicked (while likely receiving no information as to why)

    Setting boundaries fixed the issue above.

    If you want players that can complete the content with no issue go find a premade. No one is forcing you into PUGs and no one is demanding you carry any of them either. But you dont get to dictate what content they have access to because you feel like you have a superior claim to the LFG tool because of your "knowledge" and DPS output.

    Do they actually have access to the content though really? Getting destroyed for hours on end and demoralized is not access. That's a set up for failure. It is a wall.

    So I guess now youre going to argue that you are sparing them?

    Give me a break.

    They bought the content. They get to access it. Whether they can get to the end or not is up to them. But you dont get to demand they have to jump through extra hoops to gain access to it.
    Penniless Sellsword Company
    Captain Paramount Jorrhaq Vhent
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  • LordSarevok
    Yes, you must pass a dps/capability check.
    BuildMan wrote: »
    If you want that kind of toxic in your gameplay there are other MMOs that will gladly accommodate you.

    What's more toxic. Implementing a system that makes sure you can successfully complete the content you are queueing for at the cost of lowering accessibility? Or allowing people to join content they are not ready for which will result in them getting kicked (while likely receiving no information as to why)

    Setting boundaries fixed the issue above.

    If you want players that can complete the content with no issue go find a premade. No one is forcing you into PUGs and no one is demanding you carry any of them either. But you dont get to dictate what content they have access to because you feel like you have a superior claim to the LFG tool because of your "knowledge" and DPS output.

    Do they actually have access to the content though really? Getting destroyed for hours on end and demoralized is not access. That's a set up for failure. It is a wall.

    So I guess now youre going to argue that you are sparing them?

    Give me a break.

    They bought the content. They get to access it. Whether they can get to the end or not is up to them. But you dont get to demand they have to jump through extra hoops to gain access to it.

    That's the thing, they aren't accessing it. At all. Those new sets and monster helms? Effectively gated behind a wall. That's like telling a guy who bought a wrench that he has access to rebuild his cars engine.
  • Nomadic_Atmoran
    No, you shouldn't pass a dps/capability check
    BuildMan wrote: »
    If you want that kind of toxic in your gameplay there are other MMOs that will gladly accommodate you.

    What's more toxic. Implementing a system that makes sure you can successfully complete the content you are queueing for at the cost of lowering accessibility? Or allowing people to join content they are not ready for which will result in them getting kicked (while likely receiving no information as to why)

    Setting boundaries fixed the issue above.

    If you want players that can complete the content with no issue go find a premade. No one is forcing you into PUGs and no one is demanding you carry any of them either. But you dont get to dictate what content they have access to because you feel like you have a superior claim to the LFG tool because of your "knowledge" and DPS output.

    Do they actually have access to the content though really? Getting destroyed for hours on end and demoralized is not access. That's a set up for failure. It is a wall.

    So I guess now youre going to argue that you are sparing them?

    Give me a break.

    They bought the content. They get to access it. Whether they can get to the end or not is up to them. But you dont get to demand they have to jump through extra hoops to gain access to it.

    That's the thing, they aren't accessing it. At all. Those new sets and monster helms? Effectively gated behind a wall. That's like telling a guy who bought a wrench that he has access to rebuild his cars engine.

    You are seriously all over the place with your arguments tonight. You want to gate the "gated" content?

    Premades are the answer to your problem. But instead you want to punish others for not playing as well as you. Again, because you think you have a right to demand others have to pass a test to access content they have paid real money for.
    Edited by Nomadic_Atmoran on October 20, 2020 4:39AM
    Penniless Sellsword Company
    Captain Paramount Jorrhaq Vhent
    Korith Eaglecry - Laerinel Rhaev - Enrerion - Caius Berilius - Seylina Ithvala - Signa Squallrider - H'Vak the Grimjawl
    Yynril Rothvani - Tenarei Rhaev - Bathes-In-Coin - Dazsh Ro Khar - Aredyhel - Reads-To-Frogs - Azjani Ma'Les
    Kheshna gra-Gharbuk - Gallisten Bondurant - Aban Shahid Bakr - Etain Maquier - Atsu Kalame - Faulpia Severinus
  • Zer0_CooL
    No, you shouldn't pass a dps/capability check
    No i dont want to pay for carys. Also the number of faketanks wincrease dramaticaly.
  • oddbasket
    Yes, you must pass a dps/capability check.
    Zer0_CooL wrote: »
    No i dont want to pay for carys. Also the number of faketanks wincrease dramaticaly.

    If you can't meet a certain minimum standard as a dps, you are literally forcing others to carry you in the first place against their will.

    And why would you pay for carries, the TS isn't asking for dungeons to increase in difficulty.

    By 'fake' tanks increasing, you mean those dpses who can't dps queueing as tanks? Maybe it's for the better they learn to play another role then. Real tanks who queue won't have to bother with them being 'dps'.
    Edited by oddbasket on October 20, 2020 4:55AM
  • LordSarevok
    Yes, you must pass a dps/capability check.
    BuildMan wrote: »
    If you want that kind of toxic in your gameplay there are other MMOs that will gladly accommodate you.

    What's more toxic. Implementing a system that makes sure you can successfully complete the content you are queueing for at the cost of lowering accessibility? Or allowing people to join content they are not ready for which will result in them getting kicked (while likely receiving no information as to why)

    Setting boundaries fixed the issue above.

    If you want players that can complete the content with no issue go find a premade. No one is forcing you into PUGs and no one is demanding you carry any of them either. But you dont get to dictate what content they have access to because you feel like you have a superior claim to the LFG tool because of your "knowledge" and DPS output.

    Do they actually have access to the content though really? Getting destroyed for hours on end and demoralized is not access. That's a set up for failure. It is a wall.

    So I guess now youre going to argue that you are sparing them?

    Give me a break.

    They bought the content. They get to access it. Whether they can get to the end or not is up to them. But you dont get to demand they have to jump through extra hoops to gain access to it.

    That's the thing, they aren't accessing it. At all. Those new sets and monster helms? Effectively gated behind a wall. That's like telling a guy who bought a wrench that he has access to rebuild his cars engine.

    You are seriously all over the place with your arguments tonight. You want to gate the "gated" content?

    Premades are the answer to your problem. But instead you want to punish others for not playing as well as you. Again, because you think you have a right to demand others have to pass a test to access content they have paid real money for.

    It's not all over the place. You stated that they shouldn't be gated, I stated they in fact are. Just because chains are invisible doesn't mean they aren't effective. I run premades for all my achievement runs. I run pug to help people and get guild recruits. I'm astonished how many people just don't know what they are getting into. >80% of dps legitimately don't know. I have stated over and over again that I don't blame the player, I blame ZoS. ZoS is the one gating in reality. Those others also demand that I be a real tank. Can't I just play how I want?

    If they literally can't do the content, why would a test even matter. They are 100% gated either way. I want a way to inform them is all.
    Edited by LordSarevok on October 20, 2020 4:54AM
  • Zer0_CooL
    No, you shouldn't pass a dps/capability check
    oddbasket wrote: »
    Zer0_CooL wrote: »
    No i dont want to pay for carys. Also the number of faketanks wincrease dramaticaly.

    If you can't meet a certain minimum standard as a dps, you are literally forcing others to carry you in the first place against their will.

    They can still kick vote..
  • LordSarevok
    Yes, you must pass a dps/capability check.
    Zer0_CooL wrote: »
    oddbasket wrote: »
    Zer0_CooL wrote: »
    No i dont want to pay for carys. Also the number of faketanks wincrease dramaticaly.

    If you can't meet a certain minimum standard as a dps, you are literally forcing others to carry you in the first place against their will.

    They can still kick vote..

    Why is that always the answer? How does that benefit anybody? They need to understand before they go! A test would provide that. If they pass and still suck? Well, then boot.
    Edited by LordSarevok on October 20, 2020 4:56AM
  • oddbasket
    Yes, you must pass a dps/capability check.
    Zer0_CooL wrote: »
    oddbasket wrote: »
    Zer0_CooL wrote: »
    No i dont want to pay for carys. Also the number of faketanks wincrease dramaticaly.

    If you can't meet a certain minimum standard as a dps, you are literally forcing others to carry you in the first place against their will.

    They can still kick vote..

    Yes they can, and they will still have to suffer the hate whispers and tantrums from these dpses who got vote kicked because they didn't cut and and didn't get a carry...
  • Zer0_CooL
    No, you shouldn't pass a dps/capability check

    Why is that always the answer? How does that benefit anybody? They need to understand before they go! A test would provide that. If they pass and still suck? Well, then boot.

    How are you testing tanks? Same rights to all.
    If you dont want to have to deal with low dps find some friends.
  • LordSarevok
    Yes, you must pass a dps/capability check.

    If you want players that can complete the content with no issue go find a premade. No one is forcing you into PUGs and no one is demanding you carry any of them either. But you dont get to dictate what content they have access to because you feel like you have a superior claim to the LFG tool because of your "knowledge" and DPS output. [/quote]

    Do they actually have access to the content though really? Getting destroyed for hours on end and demoralized is not access. That's a set up for failure. It is a wall. [/quote]

    So I guess now youre going to argue that you are sparing them?

    Give me a break.

    They bought the content. They get to access it. Whether they can get to the end or not is up to them. But you dont get to demand they have to jump through extra hoops to gain access to it. [/quote]

    That's the thing, they aren't accessing it. At all. Those new sets and monster helms? Effectively gated behind a wall. That's like telling a guy who bought a wrench that he has access to rebuild his cars engine.[/quote]

    You are seriously all over the place with your arguments tonight. You want to gate the "gated" content?

    Premades are the answer to your problem. But instead you want to punish others for not playing as well as you. Again, because you think you have a right to demand others have to pass a test to access content they have paid real money for. [/quote]

    And can you explain to me how exactly they are accessing the content? Do they get a participation monster helm or gear set from just stepping in?
    Edited by LordSarevok on October 20, 2020 5:05AM
  • oddbasket
    Yes, you must pass a dps/capability check.
    Zer0_CooL wrote: »

    Why is that always the answer? How does that benefit anybody? They need to understand before they go! A test would provide that. If they pass and still suck? Well, then boot.

    How are you testing tanks? Same rights to all.
    If you dont want to have to deal with low dps find some friends.

    Tanks are so much more clearer cut than dps. In vet or vet dlc, you're either failing or you don't.
    If the tank is failing hard, just kick him. If the fight is dragging out and the tank is surviving and ressing the rest, then sorry, the blame is likely somewhere else.
    The dungeon itself is the test. From normal the tank could be anyone with a taunt, to vet dlc with a truly self sufficient tank, the above is still true.

    DPS on the other hand are so clueless, they always think they're the one doing great and blames everyone else and gets into a fit when told otherwise.
  • LashanW
    Yes, you must pass a dps/capability check.
    Yes for veteran dungeons. I'm surprised how many people are acting as if OP is talking about normal dungeons.

    I'm speaking mainly from a tank perspective. As a dd I can definitely carry a group through a vet dungeon. As a healer, I can still do some dps while providing heals and therefore help the group complete a vet dungeon (non-dlc) in a reasonable time. As a tank, if dds have absurdly low dps, there is nothing I can do but leave (unless I have a very high amount of free time to play ESO, which I don't always). A tank leaving is not a good experience for anybody involved.

    I have 3 tanks that I'd love to do vet pledges with but I don't want to use the dungeon finder because of these abysmal low dps groups I can run into. Most decent tanks don't use dungeon finder for similar reasons. And people complain all the time about long DD queues. A small minimal dps requirement would help the queue by removing the absolutely clueless DDs from veteran queues, and it will give a higher guarantee to the support roles that they can expect a bit more reasonable completion time for a vet dungeons (only for base game dungeons tho). And it might encourage more tanks to actually use the dungeon finder instead of waiting for pre-made groups, which will also help the long DD queue.

    I'm not talking about insanely high numbers, I'm happy with at least 15k single target dps from a DD on a stationary boss that I have debuffed to oblivion. So on a 3m dummy maybe even 10k would be enough (This might be too low considering my endgame stamplar can do 11k dps on this dummy by holding heavy attack button and doing nothing else). This is for base game version 1 dungeons.
    kargen27 wrote: »
    I said look at where they are at and help them go to the next step. If they are in mismatched gear suggest easily obtainable gear so they will be better on their next run. Maybe explain the benefits of equipping a full set. You don't have to go help them farm it but put the idea in their head. If you are in a guild that helps new or inexperienced players invite them to join. Ask them where they put their attribute points. A simple adjustment there can make a big difference. Of course it will not help the current run but it will help for future runs. That is the goal of helping inexperienced players. Making them better for next time.
    Last time I tried to talk to pug DDs about their low dps was about an year ago. In vet CoH 2. I told them that their dps was pretty low (on first mob group) because group dps was below 20k on a well stacked and debuffed mob group. I told them that they might want to look up a dps guide. Then one DD proceeded to insult me with a lot of name calling and some comments about my family tree. I told the group to kick me because I would not spend my time tanking a dungeon for a rude person like that. They kicked him instead because a good tank can be hard to find.
    SMH. if yer looking for good dps using the Group finder yer in for a bad time.
    Any group who wants 45k DPS min need a to join a guild lol.
    None of the 46 comments before you ever mentioned such an absurdly high dps requirement.

    Again, this dps requirement is only for veteran dungeons. In normal anything goes. A veteran dungeon is not a place to learn how to do basic role of a DD. This requirement will also make some people actually search and learn about how to do reasonable dps in this game. It's not hard to at all, there's just no proper information about it in game. I've seen so many players that light attack their way through everything and come into veteran dungeons and think it's enough.

    Tbh, this game desperately needs a role tutorial system.
    Edited by LashanW on October 20, 2020 6:22AM
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  • Grandchamp1989
    Yes, you must pass a dps/capability check.
    LashanW wrote: »
    Yes for veteran dungeons. I'm surprised how many people are acting as if OP is talking about normal dungeons.

    I'm speaking mainly from a tank perspective. As a dd I can definitely carry a group through a vet dungeon. As a healer, I can still do some dps while providing heals and therefore help the group complete a vet dungeon (non-dlc) in a reasonable time. As a tank, if dds have absurdly low dps, there is nothing I can do but leave (unless I have a very high amount of free time to play ESO, which I don't always). A tank leaving is not a good experience for anybody involved.

    I have 3 tanks that I'd love to do vet pledges with but I don't want to use the dungeon finder because of these abysmal low dps groups I can run into. Most decent tanks don't use dungeon finder for similar reasons. And people complain all the time about long DD queues. A small minimal dps requirement would help the queue by removing the absolutely clueless DDs from veteran queues, and it will give a higher guarantee to the support roles that they can expect a bit more reasonable completion time for a vet dungeons (only for base game dungeons tho). And it might encourage more tanks to actually use the dungeon finder instead of waiting for pre-made groups, which will also help the long DD queue.

    I'm not talking about insanely high numbers, I'm happy with at least 15k single target dps from a DD on a stationary boss that I have debuffed to oblivion. So on a 3m dummy maybe even 10k would be enough (This might be too low considering my endgame stamplar can do 11k dps on this dummy by holding heavy attack button and doing nothing else). This is for base game version 1 dungeons.
    kargen27 wrote: »
    I said look at where they are at and help them go to the next step. If they are in mismatched gear suggest easily obtainable gear so they will be better on their next run. Maybe explain the benefits of equipping a full set. You don't have to go help them farm it but put the idea in their head. If you are in a guild that helps new or inexperienced players invite them to join. Ask them where they put their attribute points. A simple adjustment there can make a big difference. Of course it will not help the current run but it will help for future runs. That is the goal of helping inexperienced players. Making them better for next time.
    Last time I tried to talk to pug DDs about their low dps was about an year ago. In vet CoH 2. I told them that their dps was pretty low (on first mob group) because group dps was below 20k on a well stacked and debuffed mob group. I told them that they might want to look up a dps guide. Then one DD proceeded to insult me with a lot of name calling and some comments about my family tree. I told the group to kick me because I would not spend my time tanking a dungeon for a rude person like that. They kicked him instead because a good tank can be hard to find.
    SMH. if yer looking for good dps using the Group finder yer in for a bad time.
    Any group who wants 45k DPS min need a to join a guild lol.
    None of the 46 comments before you ever mentioned such an absurdly high dps requirement.

    Again, this dps requirement is only for veteran dungeons. In normal anything goes. A veteran dungeon is not a place to learn how to do basic role of a DD. This requirement will also make some people actually search and learn about how to do reasonable dps in this game. It's not hard to at all, there's just no proper information about it in game. I've seen so many players that light attack their way through everything and come into veteran dungeons and think it's enough.

    Tbh, this game desperately needs a role tutorial system.

    Yes, Yes yes!

    I've said it before. Zos is not doing a great job at teaching new players how to play their role.
    They also do a very bad job at teaching their dungeon mechs.

    I regularly see people with sword-board in DPS role, healers with ice staff and tanks with 2handers. And why wouldn't they? Unless they look up 3rd party guides the game just let you pick stuff up at random.

    The "tutorial" is all of 3 minutes long with you doing 3 interrupts and 3 heavy attacks. It's just not good enough.
  • Tsar_Gekkou
    Yes, you must pass a dps/capability check.
    If people can't pull more than 5K dps, they don't need to farm a monster set since they aren't doing content that would have it make a difference. Everything they need is in the normal dungeons.
    Xbox NA healer main
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    Flawless Conqueror | Spirit Slayer | Dro-mA'thra Destroyer | Tick-Tock-Tormentor | Immortal Redeemer | Gryphon Heart | Godslayer | Dawnbringer | Planesbreaker |
  • Nyladreas
    No, you shouldn't pass a dps/capability check
    I say this as sub 10k dps has become a real plague. We talk about fake tanks and fake healers but dps is the reason 90% of groups fail.

    Honestly of if this was implemented (because y'all complaining) I'd be one of those people spamming bow LAs just to make you people mad.

    Why would I do that? Because this is one of the worst solutions to the problem and is absolutely asinine towards new players.

    A big NOPE from me.

    What ZOS should do instead is introduce in-game DPS guides, incentives, like a sort of cheap reward system and even NPCs that would teach you how to do decent DPS even with sub-par setups (because it's more than possible to do 30k+ DPS with doing almost nothing.)

    And an in-built, in-game Wiki link would also go a LONG way.

    Stop thinking people don't care. Most people just don't have a clue.
  • Gythral
    No, you shouldn't pass a dps/capability check
    Dont like what you get - Dont Queue

    If you really NEED to get a group you can live with form one, the queue is to help form a group, not an I WIN button!
    “Be as a tower, that, firmly set,
    Shakes not its top for any blast that blows!”
    Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy
  • TwinLamps
    Yes, you must pass a dps/capability check.
    Would be great, but how?
    Awake, but at what cost
  • AyaDark
    Yes, you must pass a dps/capability check.
    It was easy to expect 50+% of DDs are fake DPS,
    And thats why so many topics about fake tanks and heals.
    Some people, who play bad always blame othersin there fails.

    Those who did not, start play better.
    Those who do, always play bad.

    Why no tanks in Randoms? Bad groups.
    Why no one play tanks ? It is hard, but all DD will say DD is hard, other rolls are easy.

    Who asks for meta ? Fake dps again.
    Why ? If people go to over speed runs, it is well formed premade, tanks know what will be best for party.
    If people asks for that sets, they do not even understand purpose of it + play bad, because people who do not count on their own always play bad.

    If party fail who is responcible for it ?
    You, because you are dead. You can survive, play better, roll dodge.
    It is your fault that you are dead. You can heal yourself, not stand in aoe, run from boss, dodge. It is all your mistake. If you are dead, it is your only fault.

    No one must do anything for you.
    If you give nothing=you get nothing.
    Those who do not understand it are just useless.

    If you ask some thing from some one you need to give him something, thats like all work.

    If you need boss do not hit you, you ask tank hold it, but then you DPS it it is all.
    If you make a trade like that. But no one must anything for you, untill you make a deal.
    First ask you self,what you must do for them, before ask others about what as you think they must do !

    And if some one do not play good enough he get away.

    That is all.
    Edited by AyaDark on October 20, 2020 8:11AM
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