Maintenance for the week of June 3:
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance June 5, 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Ps4 bluescreens, lag and skill delay since February

  • RedGirl41
    Still not word on the lag on ps4 NA? Not only is there insane skill delay but the skills aren’t even going off. They stutter and do half an animation and just cancel.

    Also every.single.time. I was cc’ed today (everyday for weeks) I have to break free 2 times or even more. And immobilizations have zero cool down
  • RedGirl41
    Any updates on this? Or just ignore it until June and let it be a dumpster fire
  • Hotdog_23
    Looks to be ignored. :(
  • TequilaFire
    I foresee the game ending it's years as overland questing and crown store only.
  • dotme
    I foresee the game ending it's years as overland questing and crown store only.
    Agreed. The state of PvP on PS4 is absolutely disgraceful, as is the lack of any sense of urgency on ZOS' part to mitigate.

    Nov 7 to Feb 5 (91 Days total) - Crash to Dashboard every 60 minutes or less requiring full game restart.
    Feb 5 to Present (50 days and counting) - 2 or 3 second delays/lag on skills (even door repairs don't fire instantly) and Ultis not firing at all

    Day 141 and I'm about done.
  • RedGirl41
    dotme wrote: »
    I foresee the game ending it's years as overland questing and crown store only.
    Agreed. The state of PvP on PS4 is absolutely disgraceful, as is the lack of any sense of urgency on ZOS' part to mitigate.

    Nov 7 to Feb 5 (91 Days total) - Crash to Dashboard every 60 minutes or less requiring full game restart.
    Feb 5 to Present (50 days and counting) - 2 or 3 second delays/lag on skills (even door repairs don't fire instantly) and Ultis not firing at all

    Day 141 and I'm about done.

    Thank you for the accurate list. HELLO ZOS?!

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_BrianWheeler @ZOS_RichLambert @ZOS_SarahHecker (Sarah you told us to just submit tickets. A month ago.)

  • LeHarrt91
    PS NA
    Have played all classes.
    Warden Main
  • AMeanOne
    I wouldn't expect much improvement in the near future with this pandemic going on. Might have to wait until greymoor comes out. Since harrowstorm released on console, bg's have been playing pretty well for me so that's where I've spent most of my time lately
    Edited by AMeanOne on March 25, 2020 11:34PM
  • RedGirl41
    AMeanOne wrote: »
    I wouldn't expect much improvement in the near future with this pandemic going on. Might have to wait until greymoor comes out. Since harrowstorm released on console, bg's have been playing pretty well for me so that's where I've spent most of my time lately

    -Obviously I respect the pandemic situation-

    But! Even if this world virus didn’t happen we would still have till chapter update or even longer. This forum post was up before the covid19 outbreak even happened.

    I respect they may be working limited hours but since Gina is probably working from home she could be an announcement of some sort acknowledging the 141+ day problem on ps4 :c
  • dotme
    Day 144

    But by all means, keep adjusting those light attacks. Nero fiddled while Rome burned.
  • RedGirl41
    Next part of the maintenance road map thing focuses on the way non combat pets and characters load in 😂
  • Steel_Heart777
    I agree PS4 NA has been absolutely and utterly unplayable for the past few months. Lag, bluescreens and freezes were always common, and sometimes unplayable, but it is now at heights that are almost unbelievable. Skills won't fire, or take 5-6 button presses to go off (after a 5 sec delay) by which time targets are long gone. It is literally a Windows 95 powerpoint presentation and completely unplayable. It's incredibly frustrating and as a day 1 player who has put a lot of money and time in to this game and who has submitted hundreds of tickets pertaining to this horrible problem, I'm playing less and playing other games more. Unless this is seriously addressed I think everyone should cease payments if they haven't already, and ask others who agree to do the same. This seems like the only way to get the issues actually even considered for looking at, which is very sad.
    Edited by Steel_Heart777 on March 28, 2020 8:06AM
    • PS5 NA - EP Since Launch
    • CP 2400+
    • 2nd Ever EP Grand Overlord PS4 NA - Spartan Ze - Stamblade AR50
    • PactBerserkr - Stamden AR50
    • Lord Bigdaddysmash - Stamcro AR50
  • Spartabunny08
    Just like the theme song on fallout 3. It's all over but the crying. Must be there theme. Most unprofessional game company ever. I don't understand how they expect to keep anyone playing this game. Even the unaware noobs will become aware sooner and sooner until it's finished. As far as pvp is concerned it's been finished pve isn't far behind.
  • valeriiya
    Not to brag, but, I only had to press X three times last night before I got in the door at Chalman.

    They don't care about performance in PvP
  • SillyGT
  • WilliamESO
    This one's mine. Done in prime time EU server. I'm not sure if the IP is for the PS4 EU server, or just the PC one because @ZOS_BillE didn't provide me with the PS4 one like I asked.

    But clearly it shows, that the biggest latency problem for me is the penultimate server (located in Germany). So whoever is also connected though this one, might have lag.
    Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops
      1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms 
      2     3 ms     1 ms    <1 ms 
      3     5 ms     6 ms    14 ms [] 
      4     2 ms     1 ms     1 ms 
      5     6 ms     6 ms     6 ms 
      6     6 ms     7 ms     8 ms 
      7    33 ms    33 ms    33 ms [] 
      8    29 ms    29 ms    29 ms [] 
      9    29 ms    34 ms    29 ms 
     10   114 ms   129 ms     *     f-eh1-i.F.DE.NET.DTAG.DE [] 
     11   101 ms   104 ms   107 ms 
    Trace complete.

    German players makes me lag a lot since many years their internet is OP
  • RedGirl41
    Day 9000000000 of having to break cc 3x from one ability.
  • dotme
    Wow. So yesterday's "fixes" actually made it worse. Again! How do you even do that?

    In addition to skill lag (which the v2.02 patch was supposed to help with but didn't) now we have freezing near keeps and times when, for several minutes, you run around with no skills or abilities at all. Can't crouch, can't light attack, can't do anything except move. And it still takes 5 seconds to fire a ballista, or execute a skill.

    And that block shield that never goes away. Turn that off! If you can't make it go away when it's supposed to, remove it from the game. I'm tired of looking at that stupid shield when I'm riding a mount.

    Every "improvement" delivered to PS4 for the past 6 months has just broken things even more. I don't know what is actually happening, but it feels like total incompetence.

    Can we roll it back to pre-Feb 5th? I'd rather blue screen every hour than continue to deal with this under-water play style that we've been stuck with for the past 2 months.

    Sorry for the rant, but here we are busy adjusting light and heavy attacks (because everybody asked for that...) when most of the AvAvA population on PS4 can't even play the game. I can't believe the state of PvP at the moment. Makes me sad.

  • Steel_Heart777
    dotme wrote: »
    Wow. So yesterday's "fixes" actually made it worse. Again! How do you even do that?

    In addition to skill lag (which the v2.02 patch was supposed to help with but didn't) now we have freezing near keeps and times when, for several minutes, you run around with no skills or abilities at all. Can't crouch, can't light attack, can't do anything except move. And it still takes 5 seconds to fire a ballista, or execute a skill.

    And that block shield that never goes away. Turn that off! If you can't make it go away when it's supposed to, remove it from the game. I'm tired of looking at that stupid shield when I'm riding a mount.

    Every "improvement" delivered to PS4 for the past 6 months has just broken things even more. I don't know what is actually happening, but it feels like total incompetence.

    Can we roll it back to pre-Feb 5th? I'd rather blue screen every hour than continue to deal with this under-water play style that we've been stuck with for the past 2 months.

    Sorry for the rant, but here we are busy adjusting light and heavy attacks (because everybody asked for that...) when most of the AvAvA population on PS4 can't even play the game. I can't believe the state of PvP at the moment. Makes me sad.

    This..all of this. Underwater slideshow is the literal state of the game. Last night it was so bad it was insane. Couldn't do anything at all, just watch zergs skip around in time like I was flipping a comic book (comic book is actually faster). Nothing I pressed went off and trying to set up or use any siege was actually pointless. Try to set up a siege and the character goes through the whole animation but sets nothing up. Repeat 3-4 times before it deploys. Hit skills over and over but nothing happens, especially ultimates. Was actually no point to continue, and sadly this is the daily normal state now.
    • PS5 NA - EP Since Launch
    • CP 2400+
    • 2nd Ever EP Grand Overlord PS4 NA - Spartan Ze - Stamblade AR50
    • PactBerserkr - Stamden AR50
    • Lord Bigdaddysmash - Stamcro AR50
  • Deedleqwerty
    Still awful. *sigh*
    ~Deedleqwerty [PS4] / NA / EU
    CP 1980 NA / CP 1400 EU
    Aldmeri Dominion - Wardevils
    See you in Cyrodiil
  • SillyGT
    This is a joke at this point literally nothing works even after 3 maintenance updates
    Edited by SillyGT on April 13, 2020 3:51AM
  • RedGirl41
    Been dealing with unplayable lag and skill delay since FEBRUARY. @ZOS_GinaBruno this needs to be fixed. Don’t even try to say “our servers are overloaded cuz everyone is home cuz of the pandemic “ that’s just ignorant for anyone to suggest because console has had unplayable problems since NOVEMBER last year. Everyone is in cyrodiil because they bored with nothing else to do. Just walking around unable to kill each other.

    If you fixed problems instantly as they break you wouldn’t have such a dumpster fire to deal with while trying to work from home.

    Don’t worry I’m uploading more video of the garbage game play on ps4 for you all to ignore.

    BTW this problem isn’t just in pvp. Maybe one it Affects pve you’ll care? It’s happened to me in delves and quests too
  • Shardaxx
    Game doesn't crash anymore it just freezes so you can't send an error report LOL good job ZOS. It's crashing less than it was tho.
    PS4 - Europe - Shardaxx - Wood Elf Nightblade - Aldmeri Dominion
  • Karmanorway
    "We have been aware of the issue for the last 5 years, we are still looking in to it"

    "Here, have this patch to make it even worse"

    --- ZoS
    *Goes back to designing crown crates and making DLCs*
  • devilsTear
    SillyGT wrote: »
    This is a joke at this point literally nothing works even after 3 maintenance updates

    Maybe today's maintenance will be different.. 😅
  • apri
    RedGirl41 wrote: »
    BTW this problem isn’t just in pvp. Maybe one it Affects pve you’ll care? It’s happened to me in delves and quests too
    Very true, it happens at dolmens or even in houses, as well. Randomly AOE attacks do not work anymore. None. Then out of a sudden it may work for one attack eventually. It's just utterly ridiculous, regardless where you play. PVP, PVE, anywhere.

    Even quests bug out so that's not an alternative either. I won't go into details because it is another topic but the common bottom line is that the game piles up so many problems by now. This makes it hard to have much faith in the future of what is up to come, based on the feedback we get upon the current issues.
  • ZOS_Lunar
    Hello! We've removed some posts from this thread given their baiting and off topic nature.

    It’s okay to disagree and debate on the official ESO forums, but we do ask that you keep all disagreements civil, constructive, and on-topic.
    The Elder Scrolls Online - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • grannas211
    RedGirl41 wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_RichLambert @ZOS_BrianWheeler @ZOS_SarahHecker

    Ur daily reminder that pvp is a dumpster fire and you all should actually play on a real server at home and take a look. Been unplayable since NOVEMBER, gonna acknowledge this?

    Pc got fixes and messages 2 days after their problem. Sarah hecker told us to submit tickets. That doesn’t do anything

    Spoiler: No, they are not.
  • devilsTear
    Bg's are getting even worse then cp cyrodiil now..
  • RedGirl41
    Still broken
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