Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Ps4 bluescreens, lag and skill delay since February

  • ZOS_Ragnar
    We have removed a few recent posts from this thread that were starting to derail the thread. Please ensure your posts are adding to the existing discussion an not taking it off-topic. Thank you for your understanding.
    The Elder Scrolls Online - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • SpiderKnight
    Btw, yesterday I had all sorts of issues like everyone else-in BGs, dungeons, even just in overland where it seems nobody was around. Came back on last night and today, not a single issue that I've noticed so far. Not sure if it was maintenance, or if they rolled a hotfix? Only issue I had was a temporary no network error.
  • Gatdangmayne
    ZOS_RyanM wrote: »
    We have removed a few recent posts from this thread that were starting to derail the thread. Please ensure your posts are adding to the existing discussion an not taking it off-topic. Thank you for your understanding.

    Ah finally a helpful response.

    Still seen ZERO acknowledgment of how console has the SAME ISSUES as pc despite being on a different patch.

    Not even a "yeah we hear you" but thank god theyre removing posts that don't add to the discussion they're ignoring.

    I am veryyyyy close to not even caring what update 25 does and just taking my time and money elsewhere.
  • valeriiya
    I don't even bother getting upset about combat changes because performance is so bad my skills only work 50% of the time. Last night in Kaal was terrible. Everyone was freezing or rubberbanding and all you can do is button mash and hope for the best. It's not just PvP, in Arx Corinium last night the whole group froze and blue screened. I don't think Update 25 is going to do anything positive based on how bad it was for PC
  • Gatdangmayne
    Btw, yesterday I had all sorts of issues like everyone else-in BGs, dungeons, even just in overland where it seems nobody was around. Came back on last night and today, not a single issue that I've noticed so far. Not sure if it was maintenance, or if they rolled a hotfix? Only issue I had was a temporary no network error.

    I've noticed this too, which goes in line with what I've seen from PC players.

    Sometimes there's a million people around and it works great, sometimes no.

    Sometimes you're nowhere near anyone and it is laggy as hell, sometimes no.

    Usually it does correlate with there being more people, but not always.

    Kind of like how mayhem was somehow mostly relatively smooth, but afterwards kaal became unplayable 90% the time, and even dead campaigns, overland, bgs are unplayable at times.

    I used to joke how ESO is a social experiment to see how much *** consumers will put up with, but the only thing that's a joke now is ESO itself.
  • RedGirl41
    Btw, yesterday I had all sorts of issues like everyone else-in BGs, dungeons, even just in overland where it seems nobody was around. Came back on last night and today, not a single issue that I've noticed so far. Not sure if it was maintenance, or if they rolled a hotfix? Only issue I had was a temporary no network error.

    I've noticed this too, which goes in line with what I've seen from PC players.

    Sometimes there's a million people around and it works great, sometimes no.

    Sometimes you're nowhere near anyone and it is laggy as hell, sometimes no.

    Usually it does correlate with there being more people, but not always.

    Kind of like how mayhem was somehow mostly relatively smooth, but afterwards kaal became unplayable 90% the time, and even dead campaigns, overland, bgs are unplayable at times.

    I used to joke how ESO is a social experiment to see how much *** consumers will put up with, but the only thing that's a joke now is ESO itself.

    Omg my friend said the same thing yesterday 😂 social experiment
  • Gatdangmayne
    @RedGirl41 I mean, im still moooostly joking about it. But in the weird, arguably immoral, and definitely data obsessed world we live in in the year 2020...

    Is it really that far fetched?
  • Hallothiel
    Kaal unplayable so guild switched to Laat and things much better - no lag/dc/blue screens/skill probs - and the fights are a lot better. Why stay in Kaal?

    Rest of game fine too; even the weekly trials running fine.

    Apologies if not what want to hear.
    This sums up eso right now.
    Edited by MCBIZZLE300 on March 9, 2020 10:48AM
  • stamcro
    It still baffles me that this is “new information” to them. You can’t be serious that you didn’t know this performance was so poor on console be it pvp or pve. Cmon zos.
  • RedGirl41
    Hallothiel wrote: »
    Kaal unplayable so guild switched to Laat and things much better - no lag/dc/blue screens/skill probs - and the fights are a lot better. Why stay in Kaal?

    Rest of game fine too; even the weekly trials running fine.

    Apologies if not what want to hear.

    Yeah a dead campaign doesn’t have much lag. If half of kaal population went there the same problems would arise.

    Yeah pve seems just fine
  • RedGirl41
    stamcro wrote: »
    It still baffles me that this is “new information” to them. You can’t be serious that you didn’t know this performance was so poor on console be it pvp or pve. Cmon zos.

    We’ve been spamming them with information since November. Idk how nobody has acknowledged bluescreens since novemberrrrrrrrr.
  • AgaTheGreat
    I keep having this freeze in random pve trials. This is definitely not my internet because people are still chatting normally 🤦‍♀ I've never had it before this patch.
    PS4 EU Aga_The_Grey - retired | PC EU AgaTheGreat
  • TheFM

    Its on PC EU now too , and with a vengeance.
  • RedGirl41
    It was even lagging during bgs and that’s a controlled setting 😂 I was fighting one guy and suddenly he was across the map. Makes sense
  • stamcro
    Keep this post updated during the update folks.
  • AgaTheGreat
    After patch... it's worse.

    Where is the performance?
    PS4 EU Aga_The_Grey - retired | PC EU AgaTheGreat
  • ZarkingFrued
    Update, game still having huge skill delays, skills not firing ect.
  • ZarkingFrued
  • Xandreia_
    It was fine for me last night until I said "I'm not lagging" then it started 🤦🏼‍♀️
  • dotme
    I doubt ZOS even reads this thread any more. There's still lag. But... (I have to admit it) there were some improvements too.

    Load screens when a keep flips or a postern wall goes up? Much faster... a second or less for me every time last night. Also didn't run into as many load screens riding cross-country.

    Lag - Didn't seem as severe as the Feb 5th patch, but still room for improvement.

    Didn't really enjoy having the block shield emblem in front of my character half the night. Took a force-close to get rid of that.

    Some were complaining in ZC of 2-second screen freezes. I didn't experience that. Makes me wonder if it's weapon/skill specific.
  • Vaoh
    So ZOS finally responded to us console players! :smiley: Definitely an improvement on communication. Sounds like they’re acknowledging the problems and are really hard at work on fixing the issues we’re experiencing based on the Dev comment below:
    ZOS_RyanM wrote: »
    We have removed a few recent posts from this thread that were starting to derail the thread. Please ensure your posts are adding to the existing discussion an not taking it off-topic. Thank you for your understanding.
    Edited by Vaoh on March 11, 2020 9:21PM
  • valeriiya
    I take back my earlier statement. WTF is going on with these load screens in PvP? They're worse than ever, almost as bad as the Clockwork City disaster
  • dotme
    valeriiya wrote: »
    I take back my earlier statement. WTF is going on with these load screens in PvP? They're worse than ever, almost as bad as the Clockwork City disaster
    Agreed - Last night was much worse for me than the night before. Riding from Chalman to Arrius (alone, I might add) I hit a triple load-screen followed by a dismount.

    Hope I stuck the landing :D
  • BalticBlues
    PS4 plays not well for me after the patch, FPS seems worse,
    and even Overland sometimes feels sluggish.
    Sometimes I am even riding meters more than intended when I want to unmount.

    Worst bug so far: I played "Unholy Grave" for the first time as tank,
    and sometimes I just cannot grapple a hook.
    After a while (half a minute or so) it works, but mechs only working sometimes suck.

    ZOS, do you release dungeons without testing them on PS4?
    Edited by BalticBlues on March 12, 2020 1:41PM
  • Xandreia_
    Anyone else having issues with immov pots not working? It's actually starting to drive me insane, I'll pop an immov pot and literally 1 second after I get cc'd, cant break and just drop dead!
  • okidokisg
    Just 3 days or so since the update and there's serious problems: especially in trials.... Delay in skill execution, delayed bar-swapping, and overall general animation not in sync... Therefore I can't play effectively! Now, prog groups I've happily been playing with and close to finishing are gonna have to replace me! Before this recent update it was fine.

    ZOS, I feel like pulling my hair out here. I mean spending so much of my time progging only for nothing in the end and all because of this update that was supposed to actually improve performance... What the heck?
  • gatekeeper13
    Skill and LA delay has cause a 8k drop in DPS in my magsorc. Was doing around 42k on the trial atronach dummy. After patch I cant get it higher than 34k.
  • Freakin_Hytte
    I've now Uninstalled the game. It's not playable anymore, I only play pvp because I've already done all the PvE stuff. But cyrodiil yesterday evening was a joke and I'm so god damn pissed off how they answer the pc threads constantly because they've had problems for 2 weeks, but completely ignores ps4 even though we've had these problems for months.

    I mean seriously, how hard is it to write a simple statement such as "we are looking into the problems which causes skill delay and crashes"?!

    We're not asking for much, we only want status updates on how it's going for the ps4 and want to be able to play the game...

    This company can go to hell for all I care.
  • RedGirl41
    @ZOS_GinaBruno please acknowledge this post. We are clearly still having major problems
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