Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Ps4 bluescreens, lag and skill delay since February

  • AMeanOne
    I think it's obvious at this point they don't care/are unable to fix it. It's been over 5 weeks of these problems and not one acknowledgement. If you're paying for eso+ on console you need to re evaluate your life
  • RedGirl41
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_SarahHecker @ZOS_BrianWheeler well we’ve had that update for almost a week and it did literally nothing for ps4. The lag is insane and no skills go off. This has been weeks for us. Months of game crashes. YOU UPDATE AND ACKNOWLEDGE PC POSTS ABOUT THEIR GAME CRASHES. They had problems for 3 days
  • SillyGT
    There’s was literally no point of reinstalling. Nothing is has changed in the slightest. If no one complains about it nothing is ever going to fixed.
  • Vietfox
    Yo guys, here's the fix: FF7 remake will be out in less than 1 month and Last of us 2 at the end of May. Enjoy!
  • Sanctum74
    Vietfox wrote: »
    Yo guys, here's the fix: FF7 remake will be out in less than 1 month and Last of us 2 at the end of May. Enjoy!

    Lol at least the last patch freed up disc space for games that actually work
  • AgaTheGreat
    I started playing GTA and Uncharted. I had to cancel all my participation in all trials next week. I'm going to see if there's any improvement with the next incremental patch, if not, well my eso plus end in April and I'm not going to renew.
    I might actually get a good PC rig to play the new MMO by Amazon. It looks really cool.
    PS4 EU Aga_The_Grey - retired | PC EU AgaTheGreat
  • stamcro
    Hopefully Sony steps in and cancels this mess of a game. Performance is a joke. Zos customer service is a joke. Bethesda studios allowing it to happen as well a joke.
  • Aurielle
    I started playing GTA and Uncharted. I had to cancel all my participation in all trials next week. I'm going to see if there's any improvement with the next incremental patch, if not, well my eso plus end in April and I'm not going to renew.
    I might actually get a good PC rig to play the new MMO by Amazon. It looks really cool.

    The new MMO looks interesting. I would have considered it, too... Been burned by one too many MMO developers at this point, though. :( I think I’m giving up on the genre entirely. They’re always great when the initial launch kinks are worked out. Everything “just works,” it’s fun, it’s new... Then, as the game ages, focus shifts to the cash shops, and the original devs move on to other projects, they all just deteriorate. I think I’m just going to stick to FPS games from now on for my PVP fix, and open world single player RPGs for my exploration fix.

    Sorry you guys are still having issues with ESO, but honestly not surprised. It’s dead.
  • RedGirl41
    Day 90000000 of insane lag, skill delay and random load screens. Every. Single. Fight my group was in tonight we got load screens and all died. I’m not exaggerating it’s been 6 so far. These are happening before the keep even flips OR after the keep has already flipped and it’s been one or two min, then we get a load screen?

    Hello? Are you ever going to fix one thing about this game? It been broken for a legit year. @ZOS_BrianWheeler isnt pvp ur realm?????????????????

    @ZOS_GinaBruno hello?
    @ZOS_SarahHecker we been sending tickets........hello?
  • SweepsAllClowns
    RedGirl41 wrote: »

    Hello? Are you ever going to fix one thing about this game? It been broken for a legit year.

    Hello, as Xbox player I think even I care more about Playstation situation than Zenimax at this point, they probably fix some things while adding new ones, also older long term issues come and go. Next year they probably just keep quiet instead of creating these amazing performance improvements plans, which will definitely be the only wise move in 2021 after all these years.

    My main Xbox EU account has now been legit broken for a year and 5 days, meaning I haven't been able to login even once, this could very well be the new common issue in 2021, however it's not too serious for Zenimax, it's all about business instead of actual playing nowadays.
  • regime211
    jadarock wrote: »
    regime211 wrote: »
    The fact I would complain about not being able to play on the 30 day locked campaign for PS4 NA. The lag is terrible I just don't understand how other people aren't dealing with this and I mean other people as in ZERGS

    I'm on xbox na and I've turned it off three straight nights at 8pm. Unplayable trash ultis barswaps skills potions doors seige npcs ect ALL not working correctly. I'm a strict pvper and legit cant play past 730 8pm smh ridiculous

    You and me both played just to do useless heist to get a set and did 2 BG's and then jumped into pvp it was utter garbage I turned it off.
  • dotme
    It's been 41 days (Feb 5 -> Mar 17) since crippling lag was introduced to PvP on PS4.

    41 DAYS!!!!

    What on earth is going on at ZOS that they can't address this? I know it's not @ZOS_GinaBruno or @ZOS_SarahHecker to blame here, but please... If your dev team doesn't know how to fix the game, at least come clean with us and admit it so those of us paying monthly ESO+ for this can make informed decisions.

    41 days with no patch in sight. Wow.

    Edited by dotme on March 17, 2020 1:48PM
  • AMeanOne
    Why on earth would any of you still be paying for eso+? 41 days of input delay and not a mention from zos. PC gets the input delay after console and they've had multiple replies from zos and a patch. Daaaaamnnn
    Edited by AMeanOne on March 17, 2020 5:16PM
  • BreakingBats
    dotme wrote: »
    It's been 41 days (Feb 5 -> Mar 17) since crippling lag was introduced to PvP on PS4.

    41 DAYS!!!!

    What on earth is going on at ZOS that they can't address this? I know it's not @ZOS_GinaBruno or @ZOS_SarahHecker to blame here, but please... If your dev team doesn't know how to fix the game, at least come clean with us and admit it so those of us paying monthly ESO+ for this can make informed decisions.

    41 days with no patch in sight. Wow.

    They know, they just don't care.
    Edited by BreakingBats on March 17, 2020 5:16PM
    Play Solo
  • CassandraGemini
    dotme wrote: »
    It's been 41 days (Feb 5 -> Mar 17) since crippling lag was introduced to PvP on PS4.

    41 DAYS!!!!

    What on earth is going on at ZOS that they can't address this? I know it's not @ZOS_GinaBruno or @ZOS_SarahHecker to blame here, but please... If your dev team doesn't know how to fix the game, at least come clean with us and admit it so those of us paying monthly ESO+ for this can make informed decisions.

    41 days with no patch in sight. Wow.

    They know, they just don't care.

    Yeah, I have to second that. And as far as paying for ESO+ is concerned: Don't expect them to exchange their greed for something akin to human decency by coming clean and outright telling you that there won't be a fix, at least not in the foreseeable future. It won't happen. I'm not going to say here what should follow from that, because I don't want this thread to get closed, but just think about it for a second.

    If a product doesn't deliver what it advertises there can and should only be one logical consequence.
    Edited by CassandraGemini on March 17, 2020 5:23PM
    This poor little Bosmer stealth passive had passionate friends and a big loving family!

  • RedGirl41
    Channeled acceleration is a 1.3 second cast time. Currently in pvp it’s about.... 8-10 seconds.

    Please let me know how I can possibly help you anymore with clips, word for word explanation..... there’s no way you can’t help fix this Disaster
  • Sanctum74
    I just gave up after 10 minutes tonight. You have to press a button 3 times just for 1 skill to go off, forget trying to do a full rotation.

    How could you let the game get to this state and worse yet refuse to even acknowledge it with the countless threads being posted.
  • Syrusthevirus187
    So fun
  • dotme
    Nov 7 to Feb 5 (91 Days total) - Crash to Dashboard every 60 minutes or less requiring full game restart.
    Feb 5 to Present (42 days and counting) - 2 or 3 second delays/lag on skills (even door repairs don't fire instantly) and Ultis not firing at all

    PS4 Cyrodiil has now been broken for 133 days. When will this be addressed???
  • WilliamESO
    Go to IC
  • ZarkingFrued
    RedGirl41 wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno please acknowledge this post. We are clearly still having major problems

    PC has shown zero improvement with the recent incremental Patch as well. We need a solution if we are going to continue to play. I've been only dueling and some Imperial City, but even doing those activities I lag and desync regularly
  • Xandreia_
    I can literally get 2 skills off then the next 10 are 1/4 animations, there is literally 0 point in even stepping foot in pvp right now, I d/C'd twice standing still in the middle of an empty field in the middle of nowhere, both in the span of 5 minutes, it's so bad yet we're still waiting for any sort of acknowledgement for these issues!
  • AgaTheGreat
    Guys, have you tried performing a tracert to the ESO servers to see where exactly the latency problems are coming from?
    PS4 EU Aga_The_Grey - retired | PC EU AgaTheGreat
  • AgaTheGreat
    This one's mine. Done in prime time EU server. I'm not sure if the IP is for the PS4 EU server, or just the PC one because @ZOS_BillE didn't provide me with the PS4 one like I asked.

    But clearly it shows, that the biggest latency problem for me is the penultimate server (located in Germany). So whoever is also connected though this one, might have lag.
    Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops
      1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms 
      2     3 ms     1 ms    <1 ms 
      3     5 ms     6 ms    14 ms [] 
      4     2 ms     1 ms     1 ms 
      5     6 ms     6 ms     6 ms 
      6     6 ms     7 ms     8 ms 
      7    33 ms    33 ms    33 ms [] 
      8    29 ms    29 ms    29 ms [] 
      9    29 ms    34 ms    29 ms 
     10   114 ms   129 ms     *     f-eh1-i.F.DE.NET.DTAG.DE [] 
     11   101 ms   104 ms   107 ms 
    Trace complete.
    PS4 EU Aga_The_Grey - retired | PC EU AgaTheGreat
  • reiverx
    It is a shame though. It's such a great game when it works. I don't know why they let it slip this far. When people leave the game they generally don't come back. The population is dwindling.
  • RedGirl41
    Day 9000000000 of no fix
  • xxthir13enxx
    Working as Intended
  • dotme
    Guys, have you tried performing a tracert to the ESO servers to see where exactly the latency problems are coming from?
    This isn't a network issue. It's a server/client issue.
  • AgaTheGreat
    dotme wrote: »
    Guys, have you tried performing a tracert to the ESO servers to see where exactly the latency problems are coming from?
    This isn't a network issue. It's a server/client issue.

    You know that your client doesn't connect to the ESO servers directly? It has to go though several, and one of them might be bad. Not sure if it belongs to ESO, but there's one that causes major latency problems for me. So before you start making assumptions about the cause, it's worth checking if you're not connecting though some garbage server.

    Like this one for example
    10   114 ms   129 ms     *     f-eh1-i.F.DE.NET.DTAG.DE []
    PS4 EU Aga_The_Grey - retired | PC EU AgaTheGreat
  • RedGirl41
    Shocker, the game is STILL laggy today and every fight we got in we get hit with a completely random load screen and we stay in it until the whole group is dead


    Imagine acknowledging the console pvp
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