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Ps4 bluescreens, lag and skill delay since February

  • RedGirl41
    @ZOS_RachelM hello there! Thank you for being a mod and checking out the topic. We’ve been dealing with a completely broken game since November 2019 (even before then tbh) can you guys give us an update on when you’re gonna fix this? I think we’ve been waiting a long time 🙂
  • RedGirl41
  • stamcro
    Can we get some feedback instead of babysitting this thread zos.
  • dotme
    stamcro wrote: »
    Can we get some feedback instead of babysitting this thread zos.
    Agreed - The state of PS4 is shocking. 90 days of blue screens, followed by a Feb 5th "fix" that introduced really bad skill lag, even when you're solo-ing a resource against NPCs, far from any action.

    It just feels like there's no acknowledgement, no plan. It's crazy to me that so much investment is being made in new content for the game, when it's not performing anywhere close to its potential.

    An official statement on this, along with some info on steps being taken, or progress being made, would go a long way at this point.
  • Shardaxx
    Still getting freeze screens, usually when approaching Keeps. A cynical person might suggest they have swapped the crashes to freezes because then you don't get the opportunity to send an error report.
    PS4 - Europe - Shardaxx - Wood Elf Nightblade - Aldmeri Dominion
  • RedGirl41
    Are we really going into greymore with “know delay input”?

    This been happening way before u all had to work remotely. So maybe fix console?
  • RedGirl41
    Sos. Still very broken. Nobody has acknowledged in months
  • RedGirl41

    Pvp is so laggy skills don’t go off

    Same in battle grounds.

    Same in 4 man dungeons.

    Same in dungeons.

  • Kel
    Guys... seriously.

    It's time to pack it in.

    Zos isn't going to fix this. This is why there's no acknowledgement of these issues. They either don't know how to fix it, or they aren't being given the funds to fix it.
    You can't even pre-order Greymoor for PS4 to this very day, although why would you. Some speculation I've heard is that Sony is holding it up due to all the crash reports that ESO has had.

    Do you hear the bell? The bell tolls for ESO on console. Time to collectively pull your heads out of the sand and face cold hard reality....this isn't going to get fixed. Yes, we all love this game when it works, but those days are over. If you can't deal with the facts and reality, by all means keep yelling into the void. But for your own sanity, might be time to seriously consider walking away from this broken mess. Because this is how it is and will probably always be from now on.

    They can't fix this.
  • dotme
    Kel wrote: »
    Guys... seriously. It's time to pack it in.... ...They can't fix this.
    I hope you're wrong. I really do. I can't speak for other platforms, but on PS4 they (and we) know exactly what date the lag issues started. It was the update released for console on Feb 5th, 2020

    If I knew that code I released on a specific day introduced a specific issue like this, I would be able to go back through that code and in fairly short order identify (through a series of rollbacks) what caused it, and then I would have a starting point to make changes and tweaks to fix it. The Feb 5th update they pushed out to address the PS4 constant memory crashes was the start of the lag fest for us (weeks before the same lag was introduced to PC etc).

    It's just hard for me to comprehend that, given the exact date of the start of the issue, they're unable to go back to the code and - if nothing else, through trial and error - fix this.

  • AuraStorm43
    I think at this point, ZOS either doesn’t care about these issues or simply can’t fix them, and wants to keep milking whats left of the player base to fund Starfield and ES6

    The thing is, the game is fun for me, but the game keeps fighting me to enjoy it. As an end game player, the skill delay prevents me from parsing without a skill suddenly locking up and costing me dps, i can’t get a 21m parse in without an ability locking up, so i’m stuck at less than the 70k required for my end game guilds. PVP’s been a laggy mess since whatever they did in Dragonhold, and their band aid of making the game more laggy to avoid the constant blue screens is a joke

    At this point i’ve been playing eso less and less, and ik i won’t be touching graymore with the amount of issues that elsweyr had on release. ZOS no longer cares or can’t fix the issues the game has, so i suggest canceling your eso plus and playing the game casually instead of giving ZOS more money to fund other games
  • Destai
    Hello! We've removed some posts from this thread given their baiting and off topic nature.

    It’s okay to disagree and debate on the official ESO forums, but we do ask that you keep all disagreements civil, constructive, and on-topic.

    God, imagine being a long-time paying customer and facing these issues, month after month. Then you come to the forums, hoping for some ZOS engagement. If not an answer, but at least some empathy. At least an acknowledgement of these deep issues that were concretely introduced on February 5th.

    You'd think with a company so concerned with marketing they could at least simulate empathy on these forums. Imagine if these babysitting comments were replaced with a simple acknowledgement this is an extremely frustrating state. Imagine if these babysitting comments were replaced with a "hang in there!" or "we're working on it!". For sure it'd make your company look better.

    Instead it's this. Ask yourself if you'd be happy to see this in every thread.
    Edited by Destai on May 4, 2020 7:23PM
  • Destai
    Kel wrote: »
    Guys... seriously.

    It's time to pack it in.

    Zos isn't going to fix this. This is why there's no acknowledgement of these issues. They either don't know how to fix it, or they aren't being given the funds to fix it.
    You can't even pre-order Greymoor for PS4 to this very day, although why would you. Some speculation I've heard is that Sony is holding it up due to all the crash reports that ESO has had.

    Do you hear the bell? The bell tolls for ESO on console. Time to collectively pull your heads out of the sand and face cold hard reality....this isn't going to get fixed. Yes, we all love this game when it works, but those days are over. If you can't deal with the facts and reality, by all means keep yelling into the void. But for your own sanity, might be time to seriously consider walking away from this broken mess. Because this is how it is and will probably always be from now on.

    They can't fix this.

    I highly suspect there's some PlayStation specific issues going around. Like you're saying, maybe Sony's not happy and won't allow preorders based on what we're seeing. Good, honestly. It's going to cost ZOS money, which will hopefully get them to move quicker than our pointless-albeit-cathartic forum complaining.
  • sudaki_eso
    dotme wrote: »
    Kel wrote: »
    Guys... seriously. It's time to pack it in.... ...They can't fix this.
    I hope you're wrong. I really do. I can't speak for other platforms, but on PS4 they (and we) know exactly what date the lag issues started. It was the update released for console on Feb 5th, 2020

    For me it was way earlier, wird the Release of southern elsweyr it started to get real real bad for me. So bad that i took a 4 month break from September to february. The game had tons of problems before but thats when they introduced the lag in pve...After all these performance patches till today i have to admit that the state of the game is even more worth then half a years ago....
    PS4 EU - StamDK
  • Shardaxx
    I heard that Sony was looking into the mass of crash reports, I reckon that's why ZOS changed the crashes to freeze screens, to stop the reports flooding in.
    PS4 - Europe - Shardaxx - Wood Elf Nightblade - Aldmeri Dominion
  • ZarkingFrued
    Update: I still can't play ESO due to insane lag and skill delay in Cyro. Hello? Is the game being functional somehow less important than making new stuff?
  • AMeanOne
    I could live with the normal eso lag if they would just fix whatever they broke on February 5th and introduced the input delay.
  • apri
    dotme wrote: »
    If I knew that code I released on a specific day introduced a specific issue like this, I would be able to go back through that code and in fairly short order identify (through a series of rollbacks) what caused it, and then I would have a starting point to make changes and tweaks to fix it. The Feb 5th update they pushed out to address the PS4 constant memory crashes was the start of the lag fest for us (weeks before the same lag was introduced to PC etc).
    The issue with this is that the problems did not start with the Feb 5th update. They began earlier. Another milestone was the November 5th 2019 update on console, the Dragonhold DLC patch. Dragonhold introduced the crashes (so-called bluescreens) which resulted in the tremendous increase of crash reports we sent to Sony.
    Shardaxx wrote: »
    I heard that Sony was looking into the mass of crash reports, I reckon that's why ZOS changed the crashes to freeze screens, to stop the reports flooding in.
    That's basically what happened. They traded crashes (which are super transparent to the platform holders like Sony or Microsoft) for issues that are not reported automatically like lag and other in-game annoyances. So while I'm on the fence of speculation here, it could as well be a liberate choice to have the current issues over others. Hopefully this trade is just an in-between step while they fix the real issues beneath it.

    Considering the amount of time that passed by, it's hard to believe that there will be a proper fix ever. I hope I'm wrong but with the lack of official feedback there's not really much that backs up our hope.
  • redlink1979
    Skills can be stuck in pve or pvp, it doesn't matter where you are and how low the population might be...

    Improved the performance and created new bugs/issues...
    "Sweet Mother, sweet Mother, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear"
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  • reiverx
    PVP is so bad and it doesn't look like it'll be fixed anytime, ever. I dount I'll be renewing my yearly sub when it comes up in January. Who know, maybe ZOS will surprise me.

    There was some chat in PVP over the weekend about Sony looking into the ESO mess and how they're not happy with the performance of a AAA game on their platform. Can't find anything about it online though.
  • Sanctum74
    Last night was real bad, had 3 fights in a row where I couldn’t use any skills or even drink a potion.
  • AgaTheGreat
    I blue screened today while porting to Tideholm :)
    PS4 EU Aga_The_Grey - retired | PC EU AgaTheGreat
  • Lixiviant
    Sat down in a chair in a dungeon and my ass got stuck to the seat. Finally after repeatedly asking to get me "unstuck"
    PS5 NA/PS5 EU

    Daedroth might bite, just letting you know
  • Lixiviant
    was returned to the beginning of the dungeon. Could be worse - could of been returned to the wayshrine.
    PS5 NA/PS5 EU

    Daedroth might bite, just letting you know
  • AgaTheGreat
    Edited by AgaTheGreat on May 13, 2020 9:46AM
    PS4 EU Aga_The_Grey - retired | PC EU AgaTheGreat
  • RedGirl41
    PVP IS STILL UNPLAYABLE. Yet u are pushing another dlc when we all just want BASIC THINGS TO WORK ON PS4.

    We’ve told you about these problems for months. (This specific thing since November.)

    Are you ever going to say anything? Or just keep pushing out trash as all ur streamers quit. People will stop buying crown houses if everything is broken btw.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_BrianWheeler @ZOS_JessicaFolsom

    We been submitting tickets like you asked -_-
  • LeHarrt91
    PS NA
    Have played all classes.
    Warden Main
  • blkjag
    It’s clear they don’t care. Screw Greymoor and the mythic grind. Who wants to pay for a game that doesn’t work? You broke the game months ago and can’t fix it. You said this was the year for performance improvement. It’s only gotten worse, but they will continue to push out new content. Everyone is screaming for fixes. Tons of people on the forums, steamers and people in game are fed up. Give the people who pay your salary what they want. This is your wake up call zos. If you can’t tell by now a huge part of your player base is pissed off. At this point just shut it down and fix it or lose your paycheck. People will leave when it doesn’t work because it isn’t fun. You guys are awful at addressing your player base. We deserve better as paying customers.
  • blkjag
    Normal night in cyro for PS4 na users. I guess zos thinks this is ok.
    Edited by blkjag on May 15, 2020 1:26AM
  • Steel_Heart777
    Yeah can confirm, again, still completely unplayable. I fight like one fight, slideshow where skills don't fire then I'm dead, where's the point in trying to play? Really sad after years of time and lots of money sunk into this ***.
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