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Ps4 bluescreens, lag and skill delay since February

  • SillyGT
    I’m in pvp right now not even prime time and no skills can cast. My character does like a quarter of the animation and just stops. And it’s like this for every skill every day any time of the time. Like how?
  • SillyGT
    We don’t even have harrowstorm yet......
  • SpiderKnight
    So the skill delay has now hit BGs, major health desyncs as well. I have lost my only means of enjoying any pvp. Almost 3 second delay in ults (hit soul tether, can hear it go off, enemies move away, soul tether activates). BGs used to be clear of most lag.
  • Vicinia
    I don't know if any of you guys played DCUO in it's heyday, but I see this game going down the same path. DC coasted on no competition for years. There really isn't like anything like ESO for now....

    DCUO did the FOTM unnecessary buffs/nerfs, lag was an issue as well, and the devs favoured the PC crowd over console. But since they were the top MMO on ps4 (During most of the PS3s lifestyle and a bit into the PS4), they didn't care.

    Things got real when FFXIV and ESO came on the scene. That game is still around but is population is significantly lower, especially on the villain side. It got so bad that they merged PC with PS4. Don't quote me, but I recall that they were also denied when they proposed a sequel to DCUO. The reasoning was because of how the game was doing.

    I see this game is going down a similar path. You hate to see it. The PvP is excellent when functional. When actual competition it's console (Maybe next gen?) it's gonna hit ESO hard if these issues persist.

    In the meantime, I play without a sub and won't be getting anything from the CS or any DLC 🙂
    Edited by Vicinia on March 4, 2020 10:03PM
  • RedGirl41
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_RichLambert @ZOS_BrianWheeler @ZOS_SarahHecker

    Ur daily reminder that pvp is a dumpster fire and you all should actually play on a real server at home and take a look. Been unplayable since NOVEMBER, gonna acknowledge this?

    Pc got fixes and messages 2 days after their problem. Sarah hecker told us to submit tickets. That doesn’t do anything
  • Sanctum74
    And still total silence, if we’re lucky we will get a mod to come in and troll the thread.
  • blkjag
    woild love to get an update like pc did
    Edited by blkjag on March 5, 2020 2:55AM
  • AgaTheGreat
    It's not even just pvp that has problems.

    My friends has good internet but every time we do veteran halls of fabrication he DCs in the exactly same place on the first add pull. And a lot of time after that, usually when there are adds involved. Otherwise he's got nothing else besides your usual stuff. This is crazy. Because of that he missed our tick tock tormentor run and we have to do it again.

    He had to download the game again because we thought there must be some file corruption that makes him DC in that place. We'll find out today because it took him all day to download the game.
    PS4 EU Aga_The_Grey - retired | PC EU AgaTheGreat
  • ZarkingFrued
    ✭✭✭✭✭ @ZOS_GinaBruno posting this in hopes that it will help the devs fix this issue. A clip with just NPCs and one with players of the delay/lag
  • ZarkingFrued
  • ccfeeling
    PS4 performance is dead
  • RedGirl41
    Sanctum74 wrote: »
    And still total silence, if we’re lucky we will get a mod to come in and troll the thread.
    @ZOS_SarahHecker was already here once and told us to submit tickets every time we experience the lag and to explain what’s happening 😂🙄
  • CassandraGemini
    RedGirl41 wrote: »
    Sanctum74 wrote: »
    And still total silence, if we’re lucky we will get a mod to come in and troll the thread.
    @ZOS_SarahHecker was already here once and told us to submit tickets every time we experience the lag and to explain what’s happening 😂🙄

    Hmm, and how long ago was that, I wonder? *looks through the thread* *ends up on page 5* Oh, so February 7? Almost a month, since we last heard something from ZOS, not counting the removal of some posts 2 days later, that were apparently "not constructive". Yeah. I know some other things that are "not constructive" right now, and it's not the posts in this thread!
    This poor little Bosmer stealth passive had passionate friends and a big loving family!

  • xxthir13enxx
    They should just ask Sony for all the videos submitted with the BlueScreen reports....

    I’m certain they have 1 or 2
  • ZarkingFrued
    @ZOS_GinaBruno patiently awaiting your response.
  • stamcro
    @ZOS_GinaBruno also waiting.
  • ZarkingFrued
  • ZarkingFrued
    We're really not finna let this one die @ZOS_GinaBruno. I have multiple Facebook posts to multiple groups collecting clips to submit for the devs to research. It's not just a campaign, it's a movement out here 😆. The only reason you're not seeing a mass influx of posters is that the majority of players only play in 24 man groups and probably assume it's the normal lagfest they encounter, in addition to the amount of players who have simply given up hope and just don't care anymore. Small group and solo players have been entirely purged from the main Camp as they are unable to function in this skill delay. Please acknowledge the issue and let those of us who still plan to play ESO PVP on PS4 know if there is any hope
    Edited by ZarkingFrued on March 5, 2020 11:10PM
  • ZarkingFrued
    RedGirl41 wrote: »
    Sanctum74 wrote: »
    And still total silence, if we’re lucky we will get a mod to come in and troll the thread.
    @ZOS_SarahHecker was already here once and told us to submit tickets every time we experience the lag and to explain what’s happening 😂🙄

    You're ok with a month ago and zero update? PVP is ignored entirely in ESO.
  • ZarkingFrued
    SillyGT wrote: »
    I’m in pvp right now not even prime time and no skills can cast. My character does like a quarter of the animation and just stops. And it’s like this for every skill every day any time of the time. Like how?

    Drop some clips Silly
  • DragonRacer
    Can’t say I’ve ever encountered this before: in Rimmen, run up to the alchemy table to do daily crafting writs, click to interact with table and get shunted into a Northern Elsweyr long load screen. As if I had chosen to wayshrine to somewhere else on the map.

    I waited a while, hoping the screen would stop and I could then use the crafting table. Nope. Blacked out for a second and loading screen started all over again.

    Had to close the app and log back in again to fix it.

    Guys, why?
    PS5 NA. GM of The PTK's - a free trading guild (CP 500+). Also a werewolf, bites are free when they're available. PSN = DragonRacer13
  • stamcro
    Most console users don’t pay attention to forum because they only cater to pc as your seeing now zarking.
  • ApostateHobo
    Can confirm I've been getting some really janky desyncs and delays in bgs today. Half the time it acts like enemies are out of range, other half my skills just don't go off. Also keep getting hit by 10 things all at once after I'm already dead so that's cool beans.
  • itscompton
    Vicinia wrote: »
    I don't know if any of you guys played DCUO in it's heyday, but I see this game going down the same path. DC coasted on no competition for years. There really isn't like anything like ESO for now....

    DCUO did the FOTM unnecessary buffs/nerfs, lag was an issue as well, and the devs favoured the PC crowd over console. But since they were the top MMO on ps4 (During most of the PS3s lifestyle and a bit into the PS4), they didn't care.

    Things got real when FFXIV and ESO came on the scene. That game is still around but is population is significantly lower, especially on the villain side. It got so bad that they merged PC with PS4. Don't quote me, but I recall that they were also denied when they proposed a sequel to DCUO. The reasoning was because of how the game was doing.

    I see this game is going down a similar path. You hate to see it. The PvP is excellent when functional. When actual competition it's console (Maybe next gen?) it's gonna hit ESO hard if these issues persist.

    In the meantime, I play without a sub and won't be getting anything from the CS or any DLC 🙂

    DCUO was what I played before coming to ESO and I remember when they completely refactored how damage worked and broke a bunch of instances for a couple of months but for the most part that game ran 1000% more smoothly than ESO has the last couple of years. There were two problems that led to it's downfall: #1 was that the combat got boiled down to chaining abilities in a set order to get a big hit of damage at the end with none of those abilities having any utility outside of being part of the damage combo. #2 was the way they would massively overbuff a different class each patch in order to sell class change tokens, which resulted in that being the only desired class for groups.
    It's too bad that game went so far downhill, the actual mechanics of the 8 player raids were most often quite inventive and could be very tough without resorting to random one shots.
  • RedGirl41
    RedGirl41 wrote: »
    Sanctum74 wrote: »
    And still total silence, if we’re lucky we will get a mod to come in and troll the thread.
    @ZOS_SarahHecker was already here once and told us to submit tickets every time we experience the lag and to explain what’s happening 😂🙄

    You're ok with a month ago and zero update? PVP is ignored entirely in ESO.

    100% 😂 pvp is a dumpster fire rn
  • RedGirl41
    We're really not finna let this one die @ZOS_GinaBruno. I have multiple Facebook posts to multiple groups collecting clips to submit for the devs to research. It's not just a campaign, it's a movement out here 😆. The only reason you're not seeing a mass influx of posters is that the majority of players only play in 24 man groups and probably assume it's the normal lagfest they encounter, in addition to the amount of players who have simply given up hope and just don't care anymore. Small group and solo players have been entirely purged from the main Camp as they are unable to function in this skill delay. Please acknowledge the issue and let those of us who still plan to play ESO PVP on PS4 know if there is any hope

    Also not many console people come here for help because it’s instantly ignored. Yet pc gets instant help. I feel for them dealing with this skill delay, they never hve to play with such game breaking problems
  • Hotdog_23

    I believe the pain and anger console players are feeling is how we where ignored for over a month last November when it started to get really bad on PS4 and finally some form of a response was given that they see the problem and are working on it. Then we were given a patch but had to wait for them to release it in a few weeks and when it came it fixed nothing and we had to wait for another response some weeks to month later for another response that the next update in a few weeks again will hopefully fix things for us. Thankful the help finally did come after several months.

    To add insult to injury when we complained on the forums about it, we where ignored by ZOS and ridiculed by some PC players because of our hardware choice. Some even suggested to stop working on it for console altogether. Then the same thing happens after an update on PC and you (PC Players) get a response and a follow response the next day again about how the fix is coming soon. So yes we are a little salty about it and the feel the need to remind ZOS every day we are here and still having issues also and not just PCland.

    [Removed quoted content]
    Edited by ZOS_Ragnar on March 6, 2020 2:01PM
  • xxthir13enxx
    I’d also like to mention that on
    PS4 NA Kaal Server
    We are having random
    Rollbacks of the Server
    If these are being done by the Dev team Great! (Would be nice if they could pop a banner Announcement prior)
    Shows they are doing something...
    However, the other alternative for these Rollbacks is that the Server itself has suffered a Critical Error and Rebooted itself

    It’d be nice to know WHICH of these scenarios is occurring
    Edited by xxthir13enxx on March 6, 2020 1:14PM
  • xxthir13enxx
    February 24 edited March 2 in Bug Reports
    Staff Post
    In an effort to consolidate the status of various reports we've seen today after the launch of Update 25 for PC/Mac, we wanted to create a thread of current known issues. Note this does not include all current open bugs, but just some of the larger ones we've seen.

    Spamming block kicks you from game [WORKING ON A FIX]
    UPDATED - Game Crashes [FIXED IN 5.3.5]
    PC patch 5.3.5 included a number of crash fixes, including those affecting Cyrodiil. These are being rolled into the console patch.
    UPDATED - Crown Store GUI transparent [FIXED IN 5.3.5]
    This was an unintended change, and was fixed in PC patch 5.3.5.
    UPDATED - No Stamina recovery [FIXED IN 5.3.5]
    This was fixed in PC patch 5.3.5.
    Cloudrest missing jump pads [HOTFIXED 2/25]
    This has been hotfixed as of 2/25 at ~3pm EST. It affected Normal or Veteran +1 and above.
    UPDATED - Morkul Stronghold invisible walls [FIXED IN 5.3.5]
    This was fixed in PC patch 5.3.5.
    UPDATED - Hooded Figure is missing [FIXED IN 5.3.5]
    If you create a new character, the Hooded Figure from the Soul Shriven in Coldharbour quest never appears; fixed in PC patch 5.3.5.
    UI Scaling removed from Gamepad Mode [NOT A BUG]
    This was an intentional change and noted in the patch notes, due to it causing a myriad of other issues. However, we’ve seen everyone’s feedback and will investigate the possibility of re-adding this option in a future update, contingent on scheduling.
    Cyrodiil Campaign ordering [NOT A BUG]
    We’ve seen some of you mention you were expecting to see the order of the Cyrodiil campaigns to be different, to match what was listed in the patch notes. We’ll take this feedback into consideration for future updates, but as of now, the current order will remain as-is.

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