• technohic
    Patch notes say they are still working on it and its a top priority. I call BS. At this point, whatever changes they did, update 25, or even the patch after that fixed the crashing but in stead brought huge desync; should have been rolled back. This is ridiculous
    Edited by technohic on March 23, 2020 12:28PM
  • gepe87
    Probably the whole game overhaul makes desynchs/delays a lot more complicated to solve as new code was made :/

    As always, rushed things dont work.
    Gepe, Dunmer MagSorc Pact Grand Overlord | Gaepe, Bosmer MagSorc Dominion General

    If you see edits on my replies: typos. English isn't my main language
  • gatekeeper13
    technohic wrote: »
    Patch notes say they are still working on it and its a top priority. I call BS. At this point, whatever changes they did, update 25, or even the patch after that fixed the crashing but in stead brought huge desync; should have been rolled back. This is ridiculous

    Personally, I ve stopped playing Cyro since Friday. I am fed up with it and aint going back there till it gets fixed (will make an exception today to reach Tier 1 in 2 char for reward). Only do daily undaunted pledges for crystals and log out instantly. Till the day I will abandon the game for good, ofc.

    Enough is enough.

    Edited by gatekeeper13 on March 23, 2020 12:44PM
  • abigfishy
    I did Elden Hollow yesterday and we finished it easily but it was hilarious that the game said I was inside the AOEs in the final boss where the skeletons put you under ground when according to the screen I was twice the width of the AOE away from the AOE and could just see the AOE on the far edge of my screen. Something is screwy...
    Level 50 Characters
    Odette Skullcrusher Nord DK EP Tank
    Hannah Smithee Breton Templar DC Healer
    Charlotte of the Wild Bosmer NB EP DPS
    Rabbath Amman Dark Elf Sorc EP DPS
    Lovely Twinkle High Elf Sorc AD Tank
    Nepith Dark Elf Warden EP Healer
    Tupac Shakoor Redguard Sorc DC Tank
    Faire the Last Snow Elf Altmer Warden EP Ice Staff Tank
    Soul-Shriven Breton Sorc DC DPS
    Makush gro-Shurgal Orc DK DC Tank
    Cleopatra Tharn Imperial Sorc EP Healer
    Daenerys Targaryin Nord Templar DC Healer
    Zar Saarshar Khajiit NB DC Thief
    Celrith High Elf Sorc EP Assassin
    Falcar Dark Elf NB DC Necromancer
    Myriam Blaylock Breton NB EP Vampire
    Nivrillin Wood Elf NB DC Werewolf
  • Mayrael
    we recognize that this is not yet fully resolved

    Not fully resolved? You actually made it worse. The people I've been grouping with have had an entire range of problems exacerbated since the last update like dying outside of aoe's, abilities not firing, bars not swapping, tanks not being able to block properly, abilities getting locked out, the list goes on. All this is while in a dungeon, not even Cyrodill. If this is "not fully resolved" I'd hate to see what you people actually consider straight-up broken.

    And today we have notes that fix nothing performance related. IMHO it will be done as usual. Let's pretend we do something till people are complaining, then when they get used to leave it as it is because we can make it only worse. In general, performance won't get better, there will be no meaningful upgrades because they have took a lesson now. They have broken something and don't even know what was it, game is going backwards.

    This is the reason why ZOS tactic of patching is bad. Major content updates require time, completely understand it, but things like performance and code efficiency patches should be made on weekly basis and only with small fraction of the code. This way you can determine which effect this small particular change has on game performance and if something goes wrong, you can reverse it easier. While with all this mess going around with big updates this will never work as PTS is not even close to good testing environment as it will never get such load as live servers - and load can change everything around, something that works better under lower tension can work worse under higher pressure.
    Say no to Toxic Casuals!
    I am doing my best, but I am not a native speaker, sorry.

    "Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game." - @AlexanderDeLarge
  • DjinnAeternam
    Desyncs are one of the most broken things in the game now, it breaks the gameplay of everyone, wether its PVE or PVP, prime time or not.

    Worse than that is ZoS politics of not providing feedback to players, or even acknowledge whats going on and working things out with the community. After all they are the costumers, the reason for the game to exist, and the ones with sustain it (€€€).

    Players now fear new patches, new updates, new content, will break even more of whats left of the game that they enjoy.

    Time is running out ZoS.
  • Emphatic_Static
    They don't know what they did or how to fix it. That is the only explanation. They've had a month to figure it out, and made basically no progress. Fixed crashes, did nothing about input delays and positional dysyncs.

    Keep in mind that they are working from home right now. I will give them some slack right now.


    This patch should NEVER have gone live in this state. They get no slack when it comes to that. This is the single worst performance patch in the history of the game, and any other developer would have immediately rolled it back if they didn't have an immediate fix ready.

    They've painted themselves into a corner now, rolling back would mean redownloading the old, larger game file, which will not happen. They will call a smaller game file but unplayable combat progress.

    I doubt this will be fixed anytime soon. This is the new normal. They don't know how to fix it and who knows when they will be able to get back into the offices to implement one when and if they figure it out.

    Remember people, this is their first stab at a performance improvement. We all should very much be questioning financially supporting this development team. If they wanted to focus on performance this year, they should have planned to release NO new content this year and actually do just that, focus on performance.

    They may never figure it out, and just wait for those of us who are willing to voice our opinions to leave the game, then they can continue to live in denial that anything is wrong while the casual flower pickers tell them what a great job they are doing.

    Shame. This game still has the potential to be the best mmorpg ever made, but alas, the management at zos is allowing this to occur. It will die a slow and painful death while being milked for as long as possible.

    I don't know what else to say. Performance will never improve. Give me one reason to think otherwise. I have the facts and prior experience on my side to support my assumption. Been here since beta, thousands of hours invested. I know what I'm talking about.

    Stamina sORCerer
  • Celephantsylvius_Bornasfinmo

    So this patch note does not look into or repair the issues we have been talking about on forums for the past 'month' now.
    When are we going to see some actual fixes? (67MB patch).....
  • Celephantsylvius_Bornasfinmo
    And still no word on boosting the server capacity during our 'stay at home' period.
    Will we only see it for this silly jester event?
  • Celephantsylvius_Bornasfinmo
    Please postpone your next DLC, no one wants a broken game with new content, thank you.
  • danthemann5
    No fixes and no progress, as predicted.

    "Please note that while we are making progress on ability desyncs/lag and have ruled some things out, we are continuing our investigations which remain one of our top priorities."

    Allow me to translate:

    "We're waiting for all of this to go away."

    My plan since the Update 25 debacle was to give them until the end of March to fix the problems before I made a decision about continuing with ESO, and I'm going to stick to that, but the lack of progress and communication do not bode well. I do not believe that ESO will come back from this.
    ZeniMax has no obligation to correct any errors or defects in the Services.

    Greetings! We've closed this thread due to its non-constructive nature.

    "You know you don't have to be here right?" - ZOS_RichLambert
  • actosh
    Don't think it will get better. If there would be a similar game they may feel a bit more pressure.

    Sad, cause I rly like eso but it's turning into a rp and casual only game.
  • Sm0ke
    They don't know what they did or how to fix it. That is the only explanation. They've had a month to figure it out, and made basically no progress. Fixed crashes, did nothing about input delays and positional dysyncs.

    Keep in mind that they are working from home right now. I will give them some slack right now.


    This patch should NEVER have gone live in this state. They get no slack when it comes to that. This is the single worst performance patch in the history of the game, and any other developer would have immediately rolled it back if they didn't have an immediate fix ready.

    They've painted themselves into a corner now, rolling back would mean redownloading the old, larger game file, which will not happen. They will call a smaller game file but unplayable combat progress.

    I doubt this will be fixed anytime soon. This is the new normal. They don't know how to fix it and who knows when they will be able to get back into the offices to implement one when and if they figure it out.

    Remember people, this is their first stab at a performance improvement. We all should very much be questioning financially supporting this development team. If they wanted to focus on performance this year, they should have planned to release NO new content this year and actually do just that, focus on performance.

    They may never figure it out, and just wait for those of us who are willing to voice our opinions to leave the game, then they can continue to live in denial that anything is wrong while the casual flower pickers tell them what a great job they are doing.

    Shame. This game still has the potential to be the best mmorpg ever made, but alas, the management at zos is allowing this to occur. It will die a slow and painful death while being milked for as long as possible.

    I don't know what else to say. Performance will never improve. Give me one reason to think otherwise. I have the facts and prior experience on my side to support my assumption. Been here since beta, thousands of hours invested. I know what I'm talking about.

    I agree
    In turn, I want to say that personally I will unsubscribe and ask for a refund for the pre-order of the chapter, I do not want to support a developer who can not provide a comfortable game for his users.
    I am sure that my message will be deleted soon, but do not forget that communication between the players does not end on your forum.
    A note in the patch that you did nothing was the last straw.
  • Coppes
    Malkiv wrote: »
    ZOS aint fixing anything. Ever. Either they can't or don't care or its not financially beneficial.

    Cyrodiil is (performance wise) the worst "area" or "pvp mode" or whatever you wanna call it I have ever seen in a MMO game. I ve never seen anything that broken before in my life to the point of being almost unplayable.

    But what annoys me the most, is that ZOS is totally silent on the matter. No plans for fixing it, nothing.

    They act as if the problem does not exist.

    I have to disagree about Cyro being the worst I've ever seen on an MMO. On SWTOR, when Ilum opened for open-world PVP it was a literal slideshow. You'd go to Ilum, speeder to your faction base, run to whatever base had action, and spam aoe's with 5 FPS in hopes of damaging an enemy player to get pvp rewards. The entire mess was so broken that half the Ilum map was completely remade, and a completely new system was put into place to earn pvp rewards.

    Ah... good memories.
    technohic wrote: »
    Malkiv wrote: »
    ZOS aint fixing anything. Ever. Either they can't or don't care or its not financially beneficial.

    Cyrodiil is (performance wise) the worst "area" or "pvp mode" or whatever you wanna call it I have ever seen in a MMO game. I ve never seen anything that broken before in my life to the point of being almost unplayable.

    But what annoys me the most, is that ZOS is totally silent on the matter. No plans for fixing it, nothing.

    They act as if the problem does not exist.

    I have to disagree about Cyro being the worst I've ever seen on an MMO. On SWTOR, when Ilum opened for open-world PVP it was a literal slideshow. You'd go to Ilum, speeder to your faction base, run to whatever base had action, and spam aoe's with 5 FPS in hopes of damaging an enemy player to get pvp rewards. The entire mess was so broken that half the Ilum map was completely remade, and a completely new system was put into place to earn pvp rewards.

    They shutdown Illum within a couple months of release. This game had somewhat working PVP and they made it worse.

    Ironically; both games were started on the Hero engine though. And both decided to bastardize it with their own code somewhere during development

    To be fair, SWTOR is a bit more flashy than ESO. Just playing Pyrotech burns my retinas.

    Ilum PvP was more massive and broken than anything I’ve ever seen in ESO ever.
    Edited by Coppes on March 23, 2020 2:40PM
  • technohic
    Im really starting to believe that the reason PS4 players cannot preorder the next chapter just 3 weeks or so away, is because Sony wont certify it. If it turns out to be true, I will have more respect for Sony than I thought. Should hold these developers feet to the fire on a quality product rather than just cashing in on IPs and being little more than cash shop gambling discuised as "gift boxes."
    Edited by technohic on March 23, 2020 2:47PM
  • Alinhbo_Tyaka
    I've reached the point where I am mainly logging in to do crafting dailies and maybe a couple/few quest dailies. If things don't improve soon I will likely start looking for a new game as I am starting to see the exact same issue of nothing getting fixed which was the reason I never continued the game after the Beta.
  • TheAlphaRaider
    actosh wrote: »
    Don't think it will get better. If there would be a similar game they may feel a bit more pressure.

    Sad, cause I rly like eso but it's turning into a rp and casual only game.

    you mean... NEW WORLD!
  • Celephantsylvius_Bornasfinmo
    Maybe Amazon paid ZOS so we go to New World (mind boggles...puts tin foil on head and stays home)
  • technohic
    It really feels like this entire light and heavy attack thing is a "Hey! Hey! Look over here!" by ZOS and it worked. No comments on the performance since.
  • Emphatic_Static
    Well, I've been told that the desyncs and input delays, basically everything funky going on right now is 100% coding issues, so it's out of the devs hands and into the engineers. It has nothing to do with blocking changes, those were inteded to be purely a visual change as portrayed in the live stream, but because the combat coding is borked since re-download, it's sluggish and weird just like skills.

    So no, the pts stuff isn't a distraction. The devs are working on that stuff, they don't have anything to do with fixing the dysyncs. In fact, the work that is currently on pts had been going on for a while, so it's not like they just did it.

    At least we know where to focus the frustrations. The engineers are wrestling with the coding, and chasing down exactly what part is messed up which is difficult because soooooo many things were changed coding wise with update 25.

    I was happy to get this insight as to what is going on, and it's from a reliable source on the dev team so I'm not just blowing smoke. The devs can't help the combat problems, they aren't even regularly in contact with the engineering department.

    Now who's job is it to ensure that the engineers figure this out as soon as possible? Idk. Not my business. But that is where the current problems lie, in the coding.

    It does need to be restated, though, that the team is working from home which will make it much more difficult to quickly address these issues. It's just unfortunate that the problems occurred directly before the quarantine orders. I hope this at least offers some form of explanation as to what the problem is and why it's taking extra time to address.

    This information should have been made by the team leads to the player base, without question, but here we are. I'll share what was said to me.
    Edited by Emphatic_Static on March 25, 2020 11:32PM

    Stamina sORCerer
  • technohic
    Well, I've been told that the desyncs and input delays, basically everything funky going on right now is 100% coding issues, so it's out of the devs hands and into the engineers. It has nothing to do with blocking changes, those were inteded to be purely a visual change as portrayed in the live stream, but because the combat coding is borked since re-download, it's sluggish and weird just like skills.

    So no, the pts stuff isn't a distraction. The devs are working on that stuff, they don't have anything to do with fixing the dysyncs. In fact, the work that is currently on pts had been going on for a while, so it's not like they just did it.

    At least we know where to focus the frustrations. The engineers are wrestling with the coding, and chasing down exactly what part is messed up which is difficult because soooooo many things were changed coding wise with update 25.

    I was happy to get this insight as to what is going on, and it's from a reliable source on the dev team so I'm not just blowing smoke. The devs can't help the combat problems, they aren't even regularly in contact with the engineering department.

    Now who's job is it to ensure that the engineers figure this out as soon as possible? Idk. Not my business. But that is where the current problems lie, in the coding.

    It does need to be restated, though, that the team is working from home which will make it much more difficult to quickly address these issues. It's just unfortunate that the problems occurred directly before the quarantine orders. I hope this at least offers some form of explanation as to what the problem is and why it's taking extra time to address.

    This information should have been made by the team leads to the player base, without question, but here we are. I'll share what was said to me.

    This doesn't really matter. I mean so you're telling me not only are the community managers not responsible for coding, but neither are the devs because there is another level to take the blame in the "engineers." It doesn't matter as ultimately its ZOS as a whole that is responsible. Nobody cares who involved in offering the product is responsible, (although I would not want to take it out on the community managers specifically) but they there is a problem.

    They also may not have intended the PTS to be a distraction; but that's where all the player focus got turned and the silence has only increased.

    Its not even worth arguing about I guess. Regardless of who's fault or what intent is, it certainly doesnt help players arguing amongst them selves on the details. Especially as players start to just not care anymore. And that's the problem they're going to face, because more and more players are starting to not care.
  • Emphatic_Static
    technohic wrote: »
    Well, I've been told that the desyncs and input delays, basically everything funky going on right now is 100% coding issues, so it's out of the devs hands and into the engineers. It has nothing to do with blocking changes, those were inteded to be purely a visual change as portrayed in the live stream, but because the combat coding is borked since re-download, it's sluggish and weird just like skills.

    So no, the pts stuff isn't a distraction. The devs are working on that stuff, they don't have anything to do with fixing the dysyncs. In fact, the work that is currently on pts had been going on for a while, so it's not like they just did it.

    At least we know where to focus the frustrations. The engineers are wrestling with the coding, and chasing down exactly what part is messed up which is difficult because soooooo many things were changed coding wise with update 25.

    I was happy to get this insight as to what is going on, and it's from a reliable source on the dev team so I'm not just blowing smoke. The devs can't help the combat problems, they aren't even regularly in contact with the engineering department.

    Now who's job is it to ensure that the engineers figure this out as soon as possible? Idk. Not my business. But that is where the current problems lie, in the coding.

    It does need to be restated, though, that the team is working from home which will make it much more difficult to quickly address these issues. It's just unfortunate that the problems occurred directly before the quarantine orders. I hope this at least offers some form of explanation as to what the problem is and why it's taking extra time to address.

    This information should have been made by the team leads to the player base, without question, but here we are. I'll share what was said to me.

    This doesn't really matter. I mean so you're telling me not only are the community managers not responsible for coding, but neither are the devs because there is another level to take the blame in the "engineers." It doesn't matter as ultimately its ZOS as a whole that is responsible. Nobody cares who involved in offering the product is responsible, (although I would not want to take it out on the community managers specifically) but they there is a problem.

    They also may not have intended the PTS to be a distraction; but that's where all the player focus got turned and the silence has only increased.

    Its not even worth arguing about I guess. Regardless of who's fault or what intent is, it certainly doesnt help players arguing amongst them selves on the details. Especially as players start to just not care anymore. And that's the problem they're going to face, because more and more players are starting to not care.

    I agree. I'm at my wits end about the performance right now. I'm just saying that confirmation that it's not going to be fixed anytime soon allows me to adjust my expectations accordingly. I'm throwing my hands up and walking away, like so many others. I'll try and keep away from content that is drastically dependent upon abilities... ya know... working.

    I'm angry, frustrated, and justifiably disappointed. I also shouldn't have to go through back alley channels to hear about things. A formal large scale announcement should have been made in regards to the extreme combat misbehaviors and an explanation as to how it went live.

    But admitting that they don't know how to fix it is bad optics, and that is typically the most important thing in their eyes.
    Edited by Emphatic_Static on March 26, 2020 3:04AM

    Stamina sORCerer
  • technohic
    Yeah; Im kind of ranting because I guess I do care. I have a NB build I really like for how it plays as a brawler. I use cloak but more to just evade some pressure and get the crit and surprise attack bonus. I know they are down, but its especially down when I cant rely on getting an attack off after cloak. Just frustrating to not see it played out. Just wind up sticking to my other classes to where I at least know what they worked like in the regualr, pre-update 25 lag.

    I might finally try battlegrounds for the first time until the next game comes out as ive heard they work better, even if not perfect; but I came to ESO for Cyrodiil. Had plenty of battlegrounds/warzones/arenas in every MMO out there. Only so much complaining about premades, or just poor matchmaking with bad PUGs I can take.
  • Rukia541
    technohic wrote: »
    Yeah; Im kind of ranting because I guess I do care. I have a NB build I really like for how it plays as a brawler. I use cloak but more to just evade some pressure and get the crit and surprise attack bonus. I know they are down, but its especially down when I cant rely on getting an attack off after cloak. Just frustrating to not see it played out. Just wind up sticking to my other classes to where I at least know what they worked like in the regualr, pre-update 25 lag.

    I might finally try battlegrounds for the first time until the next game comes out as ive heard they work better, even if not perfect; but I came to ESO for Cyrodiil. Had plenty of battlegrounds/warzones/arenas in every MMO out there. Only so much complaining about premades, or just poor matchmaking with bad PUGs I can take.

    GW2 world vs world is same as cyrodiil and it doesn't lag.
    Edited by Rukia541 on March 26, 2020 3:30AM
  • Emphatic_Static
    technohic wrote: »
    Yeah; Im kind of ranting because I guess I do care. I have a NB build I really like for how it plays as a brawler. I use cloak but more to just evade some pressure and get the crit and surprise attack bonus. I know they are down, but its especially down when I cant rely on getting an attack off after cloak. Just frustrating to not see it played out. Just wind up sticking to my other classes to where I at least know what they worked like in the regualr, pre-update 25 lag.

    I might finally try battlegrounds for the first time until the next game comes out as ive heard they work better, even if not perfect; but I came to ESO for Cyrodiil. Had plenty of battlegrounds/warzones/arenas in every MMO out there. Only so much complaining about premades, or just poor matchmaking with bad PUGs I can take.

    BGs are currently solo queue, no premades. Still get the occasional stacked team, but it's rng rather than same team all night.

    Stamina sORCerer
  • Mitrenga
  • danthemann5
    Lest anyone forget, the lag/de-sync problem is still present, and it appears to be getting worse.

    We haven't gotten an update in a number of days.

    So, what's the status? Still "investigating"?

    Is it time to inquire up the ladder?

    A little openness and communication goes a long way.
    ZeniMax has no obligation to correct any errors or defects in the Services.

    Greetings! We've closed this thread due to its non-constructive nature.

    "You know you don't have to be here right?" - ZOS_RichLambert
  • precambria
    I can barely attack people in PVP right now, I don't know why the servers are still up.
  • mav1234
    just so disappointed to not have had any udpate.

    really disheartening that we don't hear more regular updates from devs. instead, insiders need to feed us information they get. I appreciate they are doing so, but would be nice to hear some kind of update to this from ZOS.
  • redgreensunset
    mav1234 wrote: »
    just so disappointed to not have had any udpate.

    really disheartening that we don't hear more regular updates from devs. instead, insiders need to feed us information they get. I appreciate they are doing so, but would be nice to hear some kind of update to this from ZOS.

    And if they know no more than they did two weeks ago and the update is "we're still looking into this but no eta on a fix"? How do you think the forum here would respond? I doubt it would be positive or even neutral so I understand them saying nothing if that's the case.
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