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Ps4 bluescreens, lag and skill delay since February

  • Aurielle
    Aurielle wrote: »
    RedGirl41 wrote: »
    stamcro wrote: »
    stamcro wrote: »
    Does zos even monitor this stuff anymore or they just watching from the pc side of things

    Of course they see it, people in here tag them all the time, they probably just choose to ignore it. I don't know, maybe I'm just being overly cynical about this, but to me it feels like whenever someone posts about the atrocious state of PS4, ZOS goes: "Oh boy, here we go again. I really wish these guys would just shut up, can't they see we have bigger problems right now?"

    And then they go back to dealing with PC.

    Yea I’d say a bit cynical. You haven’t heard of the squeaky wheel gets the grease. I guess we all could just let it go. Not say anything. Not let them know when the product they are selling us isn’t working at all...

    If no one speaks up then nothing would have a reason to be changed.

    I agree they probably are annoyed cuz I personally tag them daily but we been having problems since November. Pc has a chaotic update for 3 days and Gina acknowledges that post. Remember when we had to deal with bash builds in pvp for months and pc for a hot fix for the ulti nerf? Crazy world

    Mark my words, the next patch will include all the issues launched with PC’s patch, and it will only get fixed with the next incremental patch, because that’s how this multi-million dollar company rolls. More PS4 players need to cancel their subscriptions and uninstall — hitting them financially is probably the only thing that will work, because they sure don’t seem to care about console customer satisfaction anymore.

    While I absolutely agree with you on that account, I don't think we should promote this idea too loudly here. ZOS is probably already looking for an excuse to close this thread down, and I bet they're going to see this as a "boycott" - us trying to get people to cancel their subscriptions to put some pressure on ZOS - which, of course, is agains the TOS.

    I do think you're right, though, when it comes to that next patch. I pretty much dread the day it'll hit, don't even want to think about when we will see a fix for all the additional problems that are sure to hit us with it. I remember seeing a thread here the other day where some PC players were complaining that it took ZOS a few days to fix the bugs the new patch introduced - I was very tempted to go in there and tell them that we had to wait for months before the blue screening got better, just to have it replaced with the insane lag we're dealing with now, but thought better of it in the end. Would've probably "derailed" the thread. Yeah, right.

    That’s fair enough. I don’t want to see another PS4 performance thread silenced so I will just say this: I have happily been giving my money to other video game companies over the past 5-6 months, and have not once felt gypped. It’s rather nice to play games that work. :)

    I’ve told PC players how long we’ve been waiting for a fix in their complaint threads, and hardly any of them have said a word about it. Even our PC Cyrodiil brethren ignore us. :D
  • dmar613
    Aurielle wrote: »
    Hotdog_23 wrote: »
    No mention of consoles is a little concerning to me, but the main problem is with the PC where the last update was released. I can see the PS4 go to hell in a handbag when the next update comes out.

    Because I have no faith in ZOS to have the fixes in time for launch on console in place in time for the certification process. Especially if the process takes 2 weeks. With the possible fix coming next week for PC that leaves to little time for consoles. Makes be think we are screwed when the next update hits.

    This is also why I think PS4 cannot yet buy the next chapter. Sony will not let them sell it because Sony is getting all the crash reports as well as ZOS.

    TBH, I’m surprised Sony hasn’t shown ZOS the door. The sheer volume of crash reports from ESO compared to other games must be obscene.

    I remember reading from a post from a mod recently that stated ZOS’s QA team does not actually test the stability of their updates on actual consoles. All testing is done on PCs. Given that 2/3 of the ESO player is on console, this seems... I dunno, unwise? Like cutting corners?

    I remember the whole hdr (high dynamic range) change that happened one patch for console, the mistake was so obvious, that all the devs had to do was turn on the game and go to the login screen to see something was off.... they failed to even do that.

    this was my post

    "I understand you are being facetious but that in fact is what it feels like at times. I mean i know this is not being on focus with this tread but issues like the hdr messing up on console, all they had to do was start up eso on a 4k hdr device and upon entering character selection they would have noticed something was off, right?

    All this does is reinforce the opinion that they do not have proper quality control for their game, it must be an (quality control) oxymoron for them or something, at this point you just cannot help but chuckle. It is hard for me to wrap my head around."
    Edited by dmar613 on February 29, 2020 3:11PM
    4th Grand Overlord For DC Xbox One. 123,486 pvp kills Crip from the Sexy Time Slayers aka Leaps of Dreamz
  • Aurielle
    dmar613 wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    Hotdog_23 wrote: »
    No mention of consoles is a little concerning to me, but the main problem is with the PC where the last update was released. I can see the PS4 go to hell in a handbag when the next update comes out.

    Because I have no faith in ZOS to have the fixes in time for launch on console in place in time for the certification process. Especially if the process takes 2 weeks. With the possible fix coming next week for PC that leaves to little time for consoles. Makes be think we are screwed when the next update hits.

    This is also why I think PS4 cannot yet buy the next chapter. Sony will not let them sell it because Sony is getting all the crash reports as well as ZOS.

    TBH, I’m surprised Sony hasn’t shown ZOS the door. The sheer volume of crash reports from ESO compared to other games must be obscene.

    I remember reading from a post from a mod recently that stated ZOS’s QA team does not actually test the stability of their updates on actual consoles. All testing is done on PCs. Given that 2/3 of the ESO player is on console, this seems... I dunno, unwise? Like cutting corners?

    I remember the whole hdr (high dynamic range) change that happened one patch for console, the mistake was so obvious, that all the devs had to do was turn on the game and go to the login screen to see something was off.... they failed to even do that.

    this was my post

    "I understand you are being facetious but that in fact is what it feels like at times. I mean i know this is not being on focus with this tread but issues like the hdr messing up on console, all they had to do was start up eso on a 4k hdr device and upon entering character selection they would have noticed something was off, right?

    All this does is reinforce the opinion that they do not have proper quality control for their game, it must be an (quality control) oxymoron for them or something, at this point you just cannot help but chuckle. It is hard for me to wrap my head around."

    Yup. I remember that too.

    If they’re not going to properly test and support this game on console platforms, then they need to stop wasting people’s time and money and just shut down the console servers completely. They’ve demonstrated time and time again that PC takes priority. Really tired of feeling like the red-haired stepchild of this game studio.
  • CassandraGemini
    Aurielle wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    RedGirl41 wrote: »
    stamcro wrote: »
    stamcro wrote: »
    Does zos even monitor this stuff anymore or they just watching from the pc side of things

    Of course they see it, people in here tag them all the time, they probably just choose to ignore it. I don't know, maybe I'm just being overly cynical about this, but to me it feels like whenever someone posts about the atrocious state of PS4, ZOS goes: "Oh boy, here we go again. I really wish these guys would just shut up, can't they see we have bigger problems right now?"

    And then they go back to dealing with PC.

    Yea I’d say a bit cynical. You haven’t heard of the squeaky wheel gets the grease. I guess we all could just let it go. Not say anything. Not let them know when the product they are selling us isn’t working at all...

    If no one speaks up then nothing would have a reason to be changed.

    I agree they probably are annoyed cuz I personally tag them daily but we been having problems since November. Pc has a chaotic update for 3 days and Gina acknowledges that post. Remember when we had to deal with bash builds in pvp for months and pc for a hot fix for the ulti nerf? Crazy world

    Mark my words, the next patch will include all the issues launched with PC’s patch, and it will only get fixed with the next incremental patch, because that’s how this multi-million dollar company rolls. More PS4 players need to cancel their subscriptions and uninstall — hitting them financially is probably the only thing that will work, because they sure don’t seem to care about console customer satisfaction anymore.

    While I absolutely agree with you on that account, I don't think we should promote this idea too loudly here. ZOS is probably already looking for an excuse to close this thread down, and I bet they're going to see this as a "boycott" - us trying to get people to cancel their subscriptions to put some pressure on ZOS - which, of course, is agains the TOS.

    I do think you're right, though, when it comes to that next patch. I pretty much dread the day it'll hit, don't even want to think about when we will see a fix for all the additional problems that are sure to hit us with it. I remember seeing a thread here the other day where some PC players were complaining that it took ZOS a few days to fix the bugs the new patch introduced - I was very tempted to go in there and tell them that we had to wait for months before the blue screening got better, just to have it replaced with the insane lag we're dealing with now, but thought better of it in the end. Would've probably "derailed" the thread. Yeah, right.

    That’s fair enough. I don’t want to see another PS4 performance thread silenced so I will just say this: I have happily been giving my money to other video game companies over the past 5-6 months, and have not once felt gypped. It’s rather nice to play games that work. :)

    I know what you mean. I have found myself going back to single-player gaming more and more during the last few months as well, which is actually more my kind of thing anyway. Just finished Death Stranding, which is a huge, amazing looking game, that really tests the PS4's power, and what can I say... in all the 115 hours I have put into it, I have not blue screened even once, nor have I lagged or had any other performance related problems. Not even once and not even a bit!
    That was absolutely awesome after the desastrous performance we've seen in ESO for months, not gonna lie, and it really does make you wonder whether you want to keep supporting a company that obivously doesn't care about you as a customer even one bit.
    This poor little Bosmer stealth passive had passionate friends and a big loving family!

  • Kalante
    Ps4 server performance acts like its in life support. Skills dont activate... attacks dont register... people rubber banding... dsyncs galore...

    Eso is not even a pvp game at this point on ps4.
    Edited by Kalante on February 29, 2020 6:09PM
  • Gatdangmayne
    Ive said this in game as well, but in case nobody noticed -

    When your character animates break free, but you don't actually break free...yeah, that still uses your stamina. So you can "break free" multiple times, run yourself out of stam, and then uh...still not break free.

    100%, seen it multiple times when rewatching clips.

    I'm less sure its happening with other skills, but it sure seems like my mag skills do this sometimes too.
  • Aurielle
    Kalante wrote: »
    Ps4 server performance acts like its in life support. Skills dont activate... attacks dont register... people rubber banding... dsyncs galore...

    Eso is not even a pvp game at this point on ps4.

    And PC players are upset that they’ve had to deal with Cyrodiil being in an unplayable state for seven days. :)

    After crashing non-stop for about 100 days, this is the “fix” PS4 players got. Insane skill lag, rubberbanding, attacks not registering... And it’s doubtful that ZOS will delay the upcoming patch, which means we’re going right back to constant blue screens. Looks like I won’t be reinstalling any time soon.
  • AMeanOne
    Ps4 already has the skill delay people are complaining about on PC, I wonder if our skills will take 10 seconds to fire after the update instead of it's current 5 seconds :#
  • SpiderKnight
    Loadscreens have been taking almost 3 minutes switching between characters for the past week for me. This is added onto increased bar swapping issues, crashes when doing absolutely nothing. I seem to pick the worst times for actually wanting to play the game, like more than just training my new alt, and writs.
    Based on pc feedback, things are about to get worse and it'll be just mount training until June.
  • RedGirl41
    Ive said this in game as well, but in case nobody noticed -

    When your character animates break free, but you don't actually break free...yeah, that still uses your stamina. So you can "break free" multiple times, run yourself out of stam, and then uh...still not break free.

    100%, seen it multiple times when rewatching clips.

    I'm less sure its happening with other skills, but it sure seems like my mag skills do this sometimes too.
    That bug happens a lot when an enemy streaks through you, happened to me last night for hours till I closed app
  • RedGirl41
    AMeanOne wrote: »
    Ps4 already has the skill delay people are complaining about on PC, I wonder if our skills will take 10 seconds to fire after the update instead of it's current 5 seconds :#

    Must really suck for them cuz they never have problems like we do, but I’m afraid of the skill today to be even worse for us
  • ZarkingFrued
    PS4 pro na, good internet, Kaal skills misfire regularly, half animations but no effect, and game is unplayable. Works in low pop campaigns only. Been playing other games even tho ESO is my preferred gaming media and have been a daily player for 4 years. Sucks, but I haven't even seen any feedback from ZoS about it. This happened immediately following the last patch
    Edited by ZarkingFrued on March 1, 2020 11:53PM
  • stamcro
    Not a lick of feedback from zos What are we even paying for.. this will definately affect any future games I think of purchasing from zos.
  • AgaTheGreat
    They're too busy playing ESO trivia xD
    PS4 EU Aga_The_Grey - retired | PC EU AgaTheGreat
  • stamcro
    Too busy laughing at us
  • AMeanOne
    This delay is comical. I can hit sub assault and go make a sandwich before the bugs fire off
  • WilliamESO
    I will give 150k € to each developpers if they managed to delete the unplayable lags
  • stamcro
    Try firing a ballista during prime time. Press the button 15x before it fires. Ps4 pro. Highest speed internet available. Hard wired.
  • RedGirl41

    A little gem of the lag tonight. I should done some more skills to show the delay but I was too busy laughing at the slide show
  • AgaTheGreat
    This is awful.
    PS4 EU Aga_The_Grey - retired | PC EU AgaTheGreat
  • AMeanOne
    Its mindblowing how hard it is to get a response. Gina can give multiple updates on the progress of the PC fix and console gets no word. Makes us assume there is no work being done to help fix the unplayable state console is in.
  • SillyGT
    All of this is happening and we don’t even have harrow storm yet. Pc is complaining about lag and skill delay and we have already had it since the beginning of February. 🤣
  • AgaTheGreat
    AMeanOne wrote: »
    Its mindblowing how hard it is to get a response. Gina can give multiple updates on the progress of the PC fix and console gets no word. Makes us assume there is no work being done to help fix the unplayable state console is in.

    Because they aren't doing anything.
    PS4 EU Aga_The_Grey - retired | PC EU AgaTheGreat
  • AMeanOne
  • RedGirl41

    Tonight’s lag was god awful. Almost none of my skills worked, weather I was in a zerg fight or a 1v1 in the middle of an empty field.

    Watch how I die 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
  • stamcro
    Brutal. And This has been going on for months now for us.
  • AMeanOne
    Remember like a year ago or so zos said they realized their communication had been poor and made a post about how they were gonna be better about it? :D
  • dotme
    AMeanOne wrote: »
    Remember like a year ago or so zos said they realized their communication had been poor and made a post about how they were gonna be better about it? :D
    "I'll change, baby - I swear. Don't leave..." :D
  • DragonRacer
    stamcro wrote: »
    Brutal. And This has been going on for months now for us.

    And now we got another thread where some of the PC folks are like "LOL suffer like us!" in regards to our impending update next week.

    When... we've been experiencing their horror for a month now. We were ahead of their curve.

    PS5 NA. GM of The PTK's - a free trading guild (CP 500+). Also a werewolf, bites are free when they're available. PSN = DragonRacer13
  • reiverx
    It's dreadful. You waste so much time trying to cast a spell that you're dead when it finally goes off.
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