Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Ps4 bluescreens, lag and skill delay since February

  • Tsukyme
    Yesterday on Kaal PS4 NA was INSANELY BAD, everytime zergs would fight each other massive lag starts, teleporting, then no server response and kicked back to log screen and trust me its not my internet the problem i have 150mbps down and 65mbps upload, fix the damm server, pay for a better one ffs, iv been playing this game since beta on pc, 3 years on xbox and 3 years on ps4 and whatever platform i choose same problems wth
    "A'tvar where are you?"
  • Tsukyme
    Hawco10 wrote: »
    And the silence from @ZOS_GinaBruno is deafening while the tumbleweed drifts by.

    They just answer and give attention to youtubers and players that lick they boots, and say the game is perfect and blablabla ZOs is slowly becaming EA
    "A'tvar where are you?"
    We're are witnessing the fall!
  • Deedleqwerty
    RedGirl41 wrote: »
    The last update we got was “in January “ do we have a date for this update? The last patch to fix ps4 did actually nothing. People bluescreen 10+ times a day. Looking to see if they have an actual game plan to fix this

    Edit: bluescreens are semi fixed. Still get multiple ones per day but not nearly as many. BUT now cyrodiil has such insane lag and skill delay it’s almost impossible to play in Kaal. This is effecting everyone. It’s all over zone chat and guilds, not just people with poor connection

    It is truly insane. On my sniper, lethal arrow can take 3-5 seconds to fire. Mounting the catm 1-2 seconds before beginning the animation. Going in or out a door is always an adventure.

    Healer is no better. Lag is brutal.
    ~Deedleqwerty [PS4] / NA / EU
    CP 1980 NA / CP 1400 EU
    Aldmeri Dominion - Wardevils
    See you in Cyrodiil
  • dotme
    Going in or out a door is always an adventure.
    Defending Chalman last night I tried to exit the outer door for a push, and ended up back inside, facing the wrong way. Turned around, tried again, same result. On the third try, I finally made it outside... and straight into a load screen with an "unusually long load time" :neutral:

  • redlink1979
    Yesterday happened a new "thing": for quite a long time I couldn't log in into NA server (Couldn't retrieve announcements n when I tried to log in anyway, a message appeared stating "Connection to server timed out")

    On EU, loading screens were those usually long but I managed to play for a couple of hours... Lagless free? No, never.

    PS - Lagging everywhere, not only in Cyro... Just to be consistent...
    "Sweet Mother, sweet Mother, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear"
    • Sons of the Night Mother [PS5][EU] 2165 CP
    • Daggerfall's Mightiest [PS5][NA] 1910 CP
    • SweetTrolls [PC][EU] 1950 CP
    • Bacon Rats [PC][NA] 1850 CP
  • stamcro
    So can we get someone more tech savvy to upload some footage because It appears they had “no idea” about this anomaly on consoles.
  • Kel
    stamcro wrote: »
    So can we get someone more tech savvy to upload some footage because It appears they had “no idea” about this anomaly on consoles.

    They do know.
    But since everyone keeps playing anyway, they obviously don't care all that much. They don't even test on console, they test on PC then push to console.
    They do not care about anything but your money.
    Time to give up on this broken game.
    Edited by Kel on February 13, 2020 1:13PM
  • RedGirl41
    Hey all, for those of you who are reporting lag on PS4 after the recent patch, can you submit a ticket detailing what you are experiencing? Getting more info from those of you experiencing this would greatly help us identify commonalities between players and help identify the issue.

    This problem has been happening since the last maintenance for bluescreens. By now you are well aware of the problem and have seen hundreds of tickets from my guild alone. You need to actually make a post about this and what you are going to do to fix it.

    The lag in Pvp campaign specifically The lag is constant. Which causes a massive delay in skills. Either is a 5+ second delay per ability or they just never go off. Breaking cc doesn’t work or has zero cool down. Heals don’t go off. You get rubber band backwards constantly but meteor and many other abilities. Doors don’t work, die in camp load screens. Potions won’t go off when standing completely still etc

    This is constantly happening nonstop in ps4 NA pvp Kaalgrontiid campaign. (Other servers I heard are struggling just as much) This is happening to everyone not just a few people. It’s all over every zone and guild chat. You don’t hear as much cuz not as many ps4 players use the forums.

    I’ve been playing this game every.single. Day. Since it released. I know what it’s been during it’s highs and lows. But it’s honestly ridiculous that it has been just about unplayable since November. You didn’t even fix the necro bash builds on console for months, yet pc got an instant nerf. You have the resources and ability to make this game work on a basic level, so maybe you should focus on that instead of more dungeon that Have been made for casual gameplay.

    You have free insight on what’s broken and what’s wrong in the game from us players. Can you actually listen? It’s ginas job to be a community manager so she should probably acknowledge this game breaking problem and make an official post about it

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_BillE @ZOS_RichLambert @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_SarahHecker
  • paulychan
    I check these forums every week hoping for a fix. I'll check next week.
  • dotme
    Cyrodiil on PS4 is a slideshow. There are actually players in Zone chat begging for the Bluescreens to come back. That's how bad performance has been post-patch.
  • RedGirl41
    @ZOS_SarahHecker update? We been submitting tickets for days now. Are you guys able to just get a PS4 and log into an account? Would be best to see it for yourself and not on a pts stress test
  • RedGirl41
    dotme wrote: »
    Cyrodiil on PS4 is a slideshow. There are actually players in Zone chat begging for the Bluescreens to come back. That's how bad performance has been post-patch.

    It’s so awful. Right now my character isn’t even doing skills. Half the skill animation goes off then it stops. Like wtf? 😂
  • Kalante
    Here is an example of what is going on.
  • jecks33
    2am on Kaal, 1 bar for each faction, campaign pretty empty... skills don't work on npcs, imagine against players....
  • Puzzlenuts
    I will say that I did not once blue screen in Cyro all weekend. But had alot of what the videos above are showing
  • reiverx
    The lag is crazy bad.

    Coming back after a 6 month break I was thinking I bet those guys are on top of things with performance.

  • jecks33
    reiverx wrote: »
    The lag is crazy bad.

    Coming back after a 6 month break I was thinking I bet those guys are on top of things with performance.

    imho pve works very good, better that 6 months ago. Pvp works good in campaigns with less people (20/30 players in total) but kaal with 1 bar per faction is a disaster
  • Hotdog_23
    Long loading screens still happening after today's update. PS4 NA. Every one of them.
  • SillyGT
    It’s actually insane that this is ok. If you play in cyrodiil at literally any given time none of your skills will cast. It’s actually mind blowing. Your character will have a spasm attack trying to cast stuff. I went back to check it literally took not even exaggerating 37 time to cast my self heal. Like hello?
    Why to I have to press literally over 70+ buttons just to get a combo to go off???? This is coming from someone who plays on ps4 but it’s literally a slide shows at some point. Again not even joking realistically 4-12 frames a second. I don’t see how this is just ok? Please someone at zos just needs to login into a ps4 account and see if for themselves because I guarantee they would be like “wow this is bad like bad bad, we are making people pay for this?” @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_SarahHecker
  • Xandreia_
    How many tickets do people have to submit before you do something about this issue? Having a game you pay for and play daily but developers wont address known issues isnt ok!
    Load screens at keeps when upgrading/downgrading, blue screens, game breaking lag and other bugs like class abilities not working, siege hitting for 30k+ damage, not being able to barswap... are you actively trying to reduce the player base? Or just basically have no idea how to fix your game?
  • AgaTheGreat
    I sent a ticket and they said that I should turn my console off and on. The support doesn't have a clue about what is happening here. No point sending tickets.
    PS4 EU Aga_The_Grey - retired | PC EU AgaTheGreat
  • Hotdog_23
    I sent a ticket and they said that I should turn my console off and on. The support doesn't have a clue about what is happening here. No point sending tickets.

    For the record, this had no effect whatsoever for me. Still getting long load screens with a few blue screens thrown in for good measure. :s
  • butterrum222
    Imp city is performing good during peak time, in my experience it’s only been Kaal that has the game destroying lag. The other non locked 30 day and the city are in a much better place but probably only because of the population discrepancy
  • Gatdangmayne
    In the past week or two kaal has been legitimately unplayable pretty much every time ive tried, worse than its ever been.

    Imperial city is sometimes as bad but sometimes works. Battlegrounds are the same.

    I don't know what's changed in the past couple weeks, but performance has tanked.
  • LeHarrt91
    How are things after yesterdays Maintenance? I havent been in Cyrodiil today.
    PS NA
    Have played all classes.
    Warden Main
  • stamcro
    No difference.what are we even paying for anymore ?
  • dotme
    I sent a ticket and they said that I should turn my console off and on.
    Haha that's hilarious! "Have you tried turning it off and on again" lol

  • AMeanOne
    No maintenance for console next week. That's pathetic. I cancelled my eso plus a month ago and zos just keeps justifying that decision. I would take the blue screens back over this horrendous lag any day.
  • Aurielle
    Just making my monthly pilgrimage to the forums to check if PS4 performance is fixed. Starting to wonder why I even bother. :D

    Back to playing other games that work, I go!
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