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Story Mode Dungeons: Do we want them?

There has been a lot of passionate arguing about adding a story mode for dungeons, meaning mode where a single person could easily complete the dungeon do as to experience the story but loosing the rewards for that run through. I have become genuinely curious whether this is just a couple players making lots of noise or if this is something the community wants. So let’s get some numbers. Feel free to say why but please refrain from criticizing others or invalidating their view. There are several other threads where you have had that chance. Let’s let the numbers speak for themselves here.

Story Mode Dungeons: Do we want them? 745 votes

YES. We want a story mode.
laurajfImryllomegatay_ESOSirAndyCasdhaMaddjujuMagenpiefirebabe.103_ESOOmyzNyteshadeThumbtackJakevailjohn_ESOlordxyrax_ESOtheyanceyRykothbenstuartyoungs_ESOCaligamy_ESOboldfacedtype1mirgalenae1b14_ESO 477 votes
NO. Do not add a story mode.
AlomarCasterialjsarthur_ESOBowserArrodisiaJD2013AimoraAdam_ChattawayAnonymousDaneSoupDragondennissomb16_ESOiqoologiceb17_ESOMedhirSeaUnicornSirCriticalEldartarDigitalHypele_spyCASP3R421nosecookie 130 votes
Yes. Although I don’t want a story mode, let people who want it have it.
Nestor85flyingbrick_ESOchuck-18_ESOnavystylz_ESOJdraydarthgummibear_ESOFaulgorGythralMaster_Flufftonne.backlinderb16_ESOfioskaljimijac0mestarlizard70ub17_ESOtaylorwilenskiub17_ESOHatchetHaroczarSinhalisj3crowCloudtraderVexarius 120 votes
idkkongkimbaratronpeacenotepod88kklagrueTyharShardan4968ShantuCelestialSlayerKiyakotariStShootMaxx7410FierceSamBisDasBlutGefriertPopotoSaladRasande_RobinCurious_Death 18 votes
  • Mannix1958
    Yes. Although I don’t want a story mode, let people who want it have it.
    I'm not sure what the downside of this proposal would be.
  • haelene
    Yes. Although I don’t want a story mode, let people who want it have it.
    As I've stated numerous times today - more options the better. People who play for story and lore alone are a part of this community already - including them in content that's already being made does no one harm.
  • zvavi
    NO. Do not add a story mode.
    Two main downsides.
    1. More instances on the server side means more lag, rip PC EU.
    2. Some players that came for the single player, have stayed for the multiplayer, if dungeons had story mode, those players wouldnt stay, and eso would lose customers.
    3. Stop flooding the forums with the same thread.
    Edited by zvavi on January 20, 2020 1:44PM
  • VaranisArano
    Putting story in dungeons Pros: being related to the year-long story arc is fine. Scalebreaker's "these are stories that happened at the same time as the Chapter but have no bearing on the plot" was perfect.

    Putting story in dungeons Cons: being part of telling the year-long story arc makes it impossible for new players to experience the story in chronological order. Wrathstone, while not necessary to understand the story arc, still mucks up the chronology something fierce for new players who started with Elsweyr Chapter (though the Elsweyr Prologue was by far the worse offender.)

    From a storytelling perspective, putting the beginning of the story in your Q1 Dungeons then starting new players off in the Q2 Chapter tutorial is just...what?
    Edited by VaranisArano on January 20, 2020 1:48PM
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    YES. We want a story mode.
    Either a story mode, or a global (base game & DLC dungeons) Difficulty overhaul. Perhaps maybe add lower difficulty settings with white gear drops and less achievements etc.
    Because, you know, people do base game stuff on vet, then they are shocked when they buy DLC dungeon and can't complete it on normal....
  • BejaProphet
    @zvavi i made this thread BECAUSE there are too many. I want to know why there are so many. Is this really the community speaking out, or is this a few players being really loud. This thread is seeking to answer that with actual data.

    Therefore, I suggest this is not merely a repeat thread. Though I understand why one would emotionally feel it is repetitive.
  • Mannix1958
    Yes. Although I don’t want a story mode, let people who want it have it.
    zvavi wrote: »
    Two main downsides.
    1. More instances on the server side means more lag, rip PC EU.
    2. Some players that came for the single player, have stayed for the multiplayer, if dungeons had story mode, those players wouldnt stay, and eso would lose customers.
    3. Stop flooding the forums with the same thread.

    #1 may be valid but I think it code be coded in such a way that the impact would be far less than many would suggest.

    #2 is likely true but that does not mean those who took advantage of the story mode may then be interested it then trying it in a group.

    #3 this is a poll rather than the rather passionate thread that is ongoing. So it can hardly be called a flood.
    Edited by Mannix1958 on January 20, 2020 1:50PM
  • BejaProphet
  • zvavi
    NO. Do not add a story mode.
    @BejaProphet the whole pain point of most the other threads was the dlc dungeons that has connection to the main story. A more proper thread would have been to ask if people prefer dungeon story to be tied to the dungeons, not, dont care, or other.
  • jcm2606
    NO. Do not add a story mode.
    Stop bending the game to what you want it to be, stop choosing the hardest option, choose the simplest. Suggest that instead of releasing the entire storyline as the dungeons, Zenimax should release a separate standalone quest line that runs alongside the dungeons, with the standalone quest line acting as the main line, and the dungeons maybe providing context and setting, with their own mini self-contained storyline.
  • Maxx7410
    If it is too easy to do then is not fun at all. i belive that we need npc companions to do the dungeons solo but there shouldnt be any rewards (motif, archivments, heads, etc)
  • BejaProphet
    @zvavi well at 31 votes I’m already surprised at what I’m seeing. So I don’t regret the poll. We’ll have to agree to disagree.
  • MartiniDaniels
    NO. Do not add a story mode.
    Like those people said, who dislike idea about veteran version of overland...
    "Why devs should spent resources on this" (c)
  • jcm2606
    NO. Do not add a story mode.
    Like those people said, who dislike idea about veteran version of overland...
    "Why devs should spent resources on this" (c)

    Good point, actually.
  • zvavi
    NO. Do not add a story mode.
    Mannix1958 wrote: »
    zvavi wrote: »
    Two main downsides.
    1. More instances on the server side means more lag, rip PC EU.
    2. Some players that came for the single player, have stayed for the multiplayer, if dungeons had story mode, those players wouldnt stay, and eso would lose customers.
    3. Stop flooding the forums with the same thread.

    #1 may be valid but I think it code be coded in such a way that the impact would be far less than many would suggest. well obviously it will still have impact, and since pc eu is lagging as it is, more impact=bad

    #2 is likely true but that does not mean those who took advantage of the story mode may then be interested it then trying it in a group.please. There are much, much, much more single player options in the game. If by the time a person reached his first dungeon he went story mode, chances are, that either he would never do it in group, or if he did, he would have done it anyway if story mode didn't exist

    #3 this is a poll rather than the rather passionate thread that is ongoing. So it can hardly be called a flood.pours water on everything

  • Mannix1958
    Yes. Although I don’t want a story mode, let people who want it have it.
    Like those people said, who dislike idea about veteran version of overland...
    "Why devs should spent resources on this" (c)

    Well this is likely one of the best arguments as its hard not to see other areas more deserving of attention. But then I again I liked the idea of a veteran version of overland.
  • Darkenarlol
    NO. Do not add a story mode.
    there is no story hidden behind vet HM

    if you can't complete normal...
  • VaranisArano
    VaranisArano your “con” was an interesting point. Thank you.

    I confess I misread the original request for story-mode and just started talking about putting stories in dungeons!

    I think putting stories in dungeons can be done well. White Gold Tower is probably the best example. The story in that dungeon caps off the main quest of the Imperial City DLC in spectacular fashion as you defeat the false empress and break the dark anchor over the Tower.

    Having a story mode for dungeons might make it possible for ZOS to tell more involved stories like that in their "year-long story arc" dungeons that are still accessible to new players. As it is now, those players have to be level 45 to queue up to see that portion of the story.

    So story mode has the potential to alleviate some of the storytelling problems that are happening in the year long story arcs. But that would require ZOS to switch gears from thinking about DLC dungeons as "these are our newest, hardest dungeons ever, designed to keep end game players busy in between new zones."
  • Olauron
    YES. We want a story mode.
    With story mode ZOS may finally persuade people like me to buy dungeon DLCs. Right now I am doing dungeons with friends (and even do quests there) but on principle refuse to pay for group content.
    The Three Storm Sharks, episode 8 released on january the 8th.
    One mer to rule them all,
    one mer to find them,
    One mer to bring them all
    and in the darkness bind them.
  • FierceSam
    Here’s what I want

    - I want each dungeon to have a unique story, but with better mechanics that enable all four members of the group to do/not do it and not miss out (so you don’t have the issue that the first player who goes through a door triggers a cutscene which the final player then misses as happens in LoM)

    - I want dungeon quests/stories to be repeatable so a character could do them again if they chose. Obv you only get the final reward the first time. That way if I go back to DoM I could actually follow the story again instead of only getting half of it (and the irritating half to boot).

    - I would really appreciate a ‘I’d like story mode’ in the group finder, so I could be more certain of doing the dungeon that way if I chose

    - I don’t want main quest/storyline content to be in dungeons as I don’t think this works as effective storytelling

    - and I want to happily race through dungeons without being held up by the story if that’s what my group wants. So no Banished Cells waiting for Rillis to deliver another godawful monologue in between bosses please.

  • redlink1979
    NO. Do not add a story mode.
    If you need to run dungeons in a "slow mode", run them with friends/guild mates willing to run them like this.
    "Sweet Mother, sweet Mother, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear"
    • Sons of the Night Mother [PS5][EU] 2165 CP
    • Daggerfall's Mightiest [PS5][NA] 1910 CP
    • SweetTrolls [PC][EU] 1950 CP
    • Bacon Rats [PC][NA] 1850 CP
  • FierceSam
    jcm2606 wrote: »
    Stop bending the game to what you want it to be, stop choosing the hardest option, choose the simplest. Suggest that instead of releasing the entire storyline as the dungeons, Zenimax should release a separate standalone quest line that runs alongside the dungeons, with the standalone quest line acting as the main line, and the dungeons maybe providing context and setting, with their own mini self-contained storyline.

    That sounds like a great idea too.
  • Mannix1958
    Yes. Although I don’t want a story mode, let people who want it have it.
    FierceSam wrote: »
    Here’s what I want

    - and I want to happily race through dungeons without being held up by the story if that’s what my group wants. So no Banished Cells waiting for Rillis to deliver another godawful monologue in between bosses please.

    This could be a great inclusion if added with story mode...the ability to skip all that in other modes.

    But.... as has already been pointed out in this thread this concept may not be worth the resources even without expanding the notion to include more features.
  • BejaProphet
    Like those people said, who dislike idea about veteran version of overland...
    "Why devs should spent resources on this" (c)

    The answer to that question would of course be, “If a large portion of the player base wants them.”

    And again it begs the question, is that the case? Hence the poll.
  • Cdub2382
    YES. We want a story mode.
    There should be an option to skip some of the quests for dungeons. Some of these quests are ridiculously long and impare the "groove" you get into running dungeons. Waiting for a NPC to walk to a spot and then talk for 2 minutes, just to have to click on them to get to the next boss, seems like a waste of time. Dungeons should be going in and killing things as fast as possible for gear. If people want to lolly gag and read all the lore and history of elder scrolls, that should be done solo, and not make 3 other people wait for dialogue that they have already been through. When I do a dungeon on a new character, and have to do the quest for the skill point, I make a point to let the others know that I have the quest. Then apologize that it may take longer for me to run through

    That being said, I voted yes to maybe get the quests out of the group aspect of dungeons, and let the quests be soloed.
    Edited by Cdub2382 on January 20, 2020 2:16PM
  • haelene
    Yes. Although I don’t want a story mode, let people who want it have it.
    Like those people said, who dislike idea about veteran version of overland...
    "Why devs should spent resources on this" (c)

    The answer to that question would of course be, “If a large portion of the player base wants them.”

    And again it begs the question, is that the case? Hence the poll.

    I agree. The argument of resources could be applied to anything after all. I could make the case that adding more resources into PvP isn't useful too me but that isn't necessarily fair to the PvP community (or the ESO community at large). It really does depend on how many want it.
  • snoozy
    YES. We want a story mode.
    zvavi wrote: »
    Two main downsides.
    1. More instances on the server side means more lag, rip PC EU.
    2. Some players that came for the single player, have stayed for the multiplayer, if dungeons had story mode, those players wouldnt stay, and eso would lose customers.
    3. Stop flooding the forums with the same thread.

    1. those instances are the same right now with people soloing. the players that want a story mode most likely would only play through each dungeon once or twice to experience the story. no issue here.
    imo story mode should only give the rewards upon first completion, so that it can't be abused as easy farming.

    2. i and many others enjoy both single and multiplayer. they are fundamentally different experiences though. solo play is about exploring and enjoying the story and environment at your own pace. multiplayer is about working together as a team to overcome a challenge. nobody is asking for group mode to be removed, only for story mode to be added. eso wouldn't lose any players.

    3. stop resisting to change that doesn't put you at any disadvantage whatsoever. learn to accept that different players enjoy different things. if you don't care, you don't have to reply.
    PC EU
  • Adam_Chattaway
    NO. Do not add a story mode.
    NO every game that did this killed off all social and online interactions. this is an MMO dont want to play with other go play an offline game. SWTOR did this and killed its entire online dungeon running community. if you ruin eso i WILL find you.

    The New World was an open world survival full loot pvp game, not they just announced becasue some people cried in alpha they are REMOVING ALL OPEN WORLD PVP... wtf x100000000000000000000000000000000000
    Edited by Adam_Chattaway on January 20, 2020 2:26PM
    I was once Banned for making a game criticism. Think about that.
  • snoozy
    YES. We want a story mode.
    Like those people said, who dislike idea about veteran version of overland...
    "Why devs should spent resources on this" (c)

    "i don't pvp. why should devs spend resources on this?"

    "i don't do trials! no need to develop any!"

    "i'm not interested in housing! remove the system altogether!"

    "i can't stand seeing other people get what they want! the whole game should revolve around my interests only!"

    PC EU
  • Adam_Chattaway
    NO. Do not add a story mode.
    snoozy wrote: »
    Like those people said, who dislike idea about veteran version of overland...
    "Why devs should spent resources on this" (c)

    "i don't pvp. why should devs spend resources on this?"

    "i don't do trials! no need to develop any!"

    "i'm not interested in housing! remove the system altogether!"

    "i can't stand seeing other people get what they want! the whole game should revolve around my interests only!"


    Seriously think before you speak, Adding harder content is more of a challenge which brings more people together in a social MMO************** EXPERIENCE... Adding solo content like many mmos before did and failed and died leads to a closed off online game where no one speaks or wants to group because they dont need to group because everything is soloable. Storys are told in SOLO quests which this game already have a billion off what little group content 99% of players who level up get to do it group dungeons. Ima get piers morgan on you now...
    I was once Banned for making a game criticism. Think about that.
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