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Story Mode Dungeons: Do we want them?

  • Dusk_Coven
    YES. We want a story mode.
    DaveMoeDee wrote: »
    Dusk_Coven wrote: »
    So instead of continuing the model, FFXIV did the logical thing to not inconvenience players any more by simply NOT putting huge story cutscenes in their mandatory story content going forward.
    In their story-progress-dungeons, the story is told as you run through it. You don't have to stop and no one misses anything. Because the style of storytelling for the dungeons is different.

    Except everyone misses the story when it is being told in the middle of combat. Like those audio recordings in BioShock. I love those. But if I am listening to one and get attacked, I need to replay it after to get the narrative. The same in FO76. The fix for that would be long walks where nothing happens, but who wants that in a dungeon?

    Not exactly. The story is built up before the dungeon and then into the ACTION. In FFXIV they've realized this and adjusted where they tell what portions of the story.
    When the boss comes out, what you see is part of the story -- we realize that the boss has become changed into the new boss you see.
    Or when you do a mechanic to snatch up gold coins before the boss can -- we realize the boss is a mercenary who just cares about gold.
    Or what the boss says during various phases of the fight.

    They keep the story lighter for the dungeon -- they don't try to pack too much story in. Dungeons are for action. So the story is mostly set up before and then they finish up after.

    ESO hasn't learned that. They are treating dungeons like mini-zones trying to put story in without placing it on the overland map. SWTOR does that -- but then they also have a SOLO STORY MODE.

    Instead, ESO has solo-mode story telling elements, just without solo mode support. For instance, in Imperial City Prison, the first person to take a step forward will trigger the scene where the daedra execute their prisoners. Everyone else will miss that while they're still loading in.
    Edited by Dusk_Coven on January 31, 2020 4:19PM
  • snoozy
    YES. We want a story mode.
    since dungeon finder is broken AGAIN, i thought i'd necro this :#

    if you can't make group finder work, give us a solo mode!
    PC EU
  • zvavi
    NO. Do not add a story mode.
    snoozy wrote: »
    since dungeon finder is broken AGAIN, i thought i'd necro this :#

    if you can't make group finder work, give us a solo mode!

    Werent you the one screaming that it wont affect performance because they are making performance upgrades? What is your stance about it now?
  • snoozy
    YES. We want a story mode.
    zvavi wrote: »
    snoozy wrote: »
    since dungeon finder is broken AGAIN, i thought i'd necro this :#

    if you can't make group finder work, give us a solo mode!

    Werent you the one screaming that it wont affect performance because they are making performance upgrades? What is your stance about it now?

    i don't remember screaming anything about performance upgrades, but feel free to check all 543 replies if you want to make sure ;)

    my stance now is that performance is *** and we need an alternative to the non-functional group finder.
    PC EU
  • zvavi
    NO. Do not add a story mode.
    snoozy wrote: »
    i don't remember screaming anything about performance upgrades, but feel free to check all 543 replies if you want to make sure ;)

    my stance now is that performance is *** and we need an alternative to the non-functional group finder.
    Apologies, it wasnt you, it was barnie.
    But ye, you shrugged off the performance issues it will create for other aspects of the game.
    Edited by zvavi on March 18, 2020 10:52AM
  • TheFM
    NO. Do not add a story mode.
    The new dungeons are ridiculous easy. What more do ppl want?
  • Magenpie
    YES. We want a story mode.
    I've changed my mind about this a little...

    If we're not getting story-mode dungeons 'at this time' (or in the near future,) if they are ever considered, I'd like them to be designed properly as solo content, with vet and hard modes, and with rewards and appropriate achievements.
  • AdamBourke
    YES. We want a story mode.
    I try to solo dungeons where I can - but there are some I know that I won't be able to solo. I will group them, because I want the trophies - but I have missed stories before when doing groups, and I don't want that to happen again, so I'd like to be able to do the story first by myself.

    The dungeons in a story mode should not be _easy_. The final bosses should be on the level of bosses from normal Maelstrom Arena, with the other bosses maybe a little easier - public dungeon level, maybe. It should still be endgame content, and you should still get the skill point for doing it solo.

    But you should not get the furniture rewards, or undaunted keys, or mask drops. Maybe they could add a new level of reward, but I don't think that it's necessary.
    PS4 - EU

    Please put the Eyevea/EarthForge wayshrines back on the map?
  • navystylz_ESO
    Yes. Although I don’t want a story mode, let people who want it have it.
    They put so much work into all the dungeons. Honestly I feel like there are way too many of them, but if they are going to insist on constantly bringing out dungeons then why not?

    That being said. Maybe they could make the story a little more robust in them...
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