Maintenance for the week of June 3:
· [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance June 5, 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

POLL: Performance fix or new content(vote and help show zos)

  • rpa
    Seems like either you are one of them who make excuses all the time, game is not in such state that it is not playable, at-least on PC its working fine except some issues appeared in PC EU after maintenance.

    I used to play on PS4 and game was running best all the time but moved to PC.

    Yes it's totally unplayable mostly only after maintenances but game is having issues with server performance for everyone during prime time and generally on group content on PCEU. Its fine to play solo other times. For me that's not service worth paying for, if that is fine for you, your wallet not mine.

    I'll keep enjoying it as buy-from-sale2play until I find something better. (If you know a better live MMO, please let me know and I'll give it a serious try!)
  • Bigevilpeter
    Problem is they really dont know how tp fix it and every time they try they less something else up. Its not a matter of giving them time, they took some time to fix stuff before, but as you can see
  • Cążki
    Fix the game please lol
    Edited by Cążki on June 11, 2019 8:12AM
    Altmer skooma dealer.

  • Chrysa1is
    I'm on console and have no issues whatsoever.

    With the amount of angry threads about performance, its literally got me thinking well maybe its not the game, maybe its your bad internet or bad pc. Upgrade people, upgrade!

    Why are votes hidden? i voted yellow

    Edited by Chrysa1is on June 11, 2019 9:37AM
  • Solid_Metal
    at this point i do believe that zenimax not really sure how to fix their own server, either bcause of poor programming since start of development, use "wrong" technology, or simply theres lack of experience backend engineer in ZoS
    "i will walk through the fog, as i welcome death"
  • Tigerseye
    Shouldn't have to choose between one, or the other.

    Other companies manage to do both simultaneously.

    But, if I really have to choose, then fix the game first.
  • Tigerseye
    Edaphon wrote: »
    What's a "true player"? :*

    People who actually play, as opposed to just lurking around on a forum trolling and also, people who don't work for/with ZoS, in some capacity.
  • MLGProPlayer
    You can't fix the performance. It's an engine limitation.

    The only way performance will improve is if they make an ESO 2 one day with a new engine.
    Edited by MLGProPlayer on June 11, 2019 9:54AM
  • VeryEvilPuma
    Chrysa1is wrote: »
    I'm on console and have no issues whatsoever.

    With the amount of angry threads about performance, its literally got me thinking well maybe its not the game, maybe its your bad internet or bad pc. Upgrade people, upgrade!

    Why are votes hidden? i voted yellow

    I play on the xbox one x with ssd, 300 mbit internet connection and have terrible performance issues in ESO which make my playing practically impossible. What should I upgrade in this case?
  • EasyTiger
    Absolutely overwhelming
  • twev
    idk wrote: »
    twev wrote: »
    idk wrote: »
    I think most that understand how things work understand that the people who design new content are not the same people who work to find fixes for bugs.

    So that begs the question as I expect OP is knowledgeable. Is OP suggesting Zos fire their content creators then once these bugs are fixed they find some reasonably competent content creators? I ask because that is literally what OP and the poll are asking.

    One of the reasons we get so many bugs and busted crap is because they hurry the schedule.

    Why fire the guys who are writing the code?
    Just give them more time to write the stuff correctly the first time, and meanwhile the augmented bugteam guys (remember? we want them to add bugteam guys) can catch up killing the infestation.

    It's really not so hard to understand <3

    Again, that is an assumption. I have seen in what was a major MMORPG at the time do one expansion a year and still have bugs. One assumption you make is somehow Zos will find all the bugs if they just take longer. The other assumption, which is related to the first, is that you seem to assume Zos takes only 3 months on an expansion. They are likely already working on the next years chapter.

    Not to forget, there are no MMORPGs without bugs. There are no MMORPGs that have fixed every bug. Some bugs they fix like the current bug delaying chat and causing issues with friends lists and more. Some bugs will never get fixed because they are deemed to not have a big enough impact or it will take to much effort for the impact those bugs do have. That is a fact of any MMORPG.

    Further, I have not suggested we should fire any of the creative talent. I am not sure why you are asking that question in reply to my post. That question seems a little off but I am sure you have a perfectly good reason for that.

    You didn't say 'fire any of the creative talent'.
    But you did introduce the issue of firing anyone.
    So I responded in a way to dissuade any pursuit in that direction as part of any solution while discussing the topic.

    I never said 'all', and I never assumed 3 months.
    I said more time to write it correctly.

    I've done my share of working on multimillion dollar projects, many of us here have. They're really common in the real world.
    We understand timetables and what things like 'critical path' and 'busted schedule' mean.
    Many of us also know how the stuff that gets the 'hurry up, we'll fix it later' treatment is suddenly no longer important once it's been released into the wild and 'It's too late now...."..

    Exactly what happens when all the bug reports get posted to the test server forums and then all those bugs are in there at release anyway?
    You know as well as the rest of us.
    Nothing happened, nobody had the time to do anything.
    Time ran out, the bugs get fixed 'later'.
    And later never comes for the bugs that get compounded with every new DLC.

    Some bugs will never be fixed, you're right.
    But some bugs that aren't being fixed seriously need to be fixed.
    And many of those bugs that need to be fixed are put on the ignore pile because ZOS assumes that we just don't matter enough to fix them.

    Edit: It was 6AM, I had to omit a second 'e' from an instance of 'the' and insert an 'of' that I omitted.

    Edited by twev on June 11, 2019 2:58PM
    The problem with society these days is that no one drinks from the skulls of their enemies anymore.
  • frostz417
    Chrysa1is wrote: »
    I'm on console and have no issues whatsoever.

    With the amount of angry threads about performance, its literally got me thinking well maybe its not the game, maybe its your bad internet or bad pc. Upgrade people, upgrade!

    Why are votes hidden? i voted yellow

    Nice troll attempt.
  • stpdmonkey
    Thank you for 300 votes in under 24 hours. This is showing how big of a issue bugs really are. Let's keep this going
  • Palidon
    I voted to stop all new content but in the long run ZOS does not listen to anything that will not make them money.
  • VeryEvilPuma
    stpdmonkey wrote: »
    Thank you for 300 votes in under 24 hours. This is showing how big of a issue bugs really are. Let's keep this going

    I wish it would bring at least some result. As for now we receive only total ignore.
  • stpdmonkey

    I wish it would bring at least some result. As for now we receive only total ignore.[/quote]

    As far as zos is concerned we are showing only a .01% of the community here. There is a lack of realization that of their claimed 13.5 million users there are many multiple accounts for users and many inactive this is a better representation of maybe 5% of actual players. As well as a higher percent of those who actually care about the game enough to say something. All we can do is keep increasing the number of people saying something and eventually there will be a point they have to do something. If we can possibly get in thousands of votes and show them what's going on they will have to do something
  • KappaKid83
    When I am just running through a Public Dungeon collecting a skyshard and doing the group event I wish my ping wasn't 110 steady. It is ridiculous to think in an instance where I am maybe 1 of 5 players(Vardenfell Pub. Dungeons) I can not get anything better than that.
  • VeryEvilPuma

    I wish it would bring at least some result. As for now we receive only total ignore.
    stpdmonkey wrote: »
    As far as zos is concerned we are showing only a .01% of the community here. There is a lack of realization that of their claimed 13.5 million users there are many multiple accounts for users and many inactive this is a better representation of maybe 5% of actual players. As well as a higher percent of those who actually care about the game enough to say something. All we can do is keep increasing the number of people saying something and eventually there will be a point they have to do something. If we can possibly get in thousands of votes and show them what's going on they will have to do something

    The only thing that makes them worry is a decrease in the flow of money. And in order for it to decrease, players must stop playing. But many will not do so.
    Edited by VeryEvilPuma on June 11, 2019 2:31PM
  • stpdmonkey

    The only thing that makes them worry is a decrease in the flow of money. And in order for it to decrease, players must stop playing. But many will not do so.

    It's a sad day when companies dont care about they customers. I understand needing to bring in income. But that should not be the only worry.
  • JadonSky
    Id be ok with them taking an entire quarter just to fix performance and no new content
  • Fata1moose
    About 85% of you have no idea how game development works.
    Edited by Fata1moose on June 11, 2019 2:37PM
  • stpdmonkey
    Fata1moose wrote: »
    About 85% of you have no idea how game development works.

    This is not to get them to stop developing new content. This is to show that players want the fixes over content. They wont stop new content. But maybe if they see that there is enough evidence that players want fixes as the priority they may put alittle more effort into it. Complete group wipes due to bugs is getting to the point of making it unplayable. Quests that dont work right. Skills that are bugged. Chat issues. Lag issues. That's the stuff we want fixed. Zos needs to make money so new content will never stop. But to ask for them to devote alittle more into fixing a badly bugged game is not unreasonable to ask. They claim server capacity has been upgraded but when the issues dont seem to improve on that side either it makes us question if they are even doing anything or just saying they are!
  • Evergnar
    Haven't seen this many problems with performance/bugs since the first year of the game. I understand Zos needs to continue to release new content but they need to find a way to do it without sacrificing performance.
  • stpdmonkey
    Evergnar wrote: »
    Haven't seen this many problems with performance/bugs since the first year of the game. I understand Zos needs to continue to release new content but they need to find a way to do it without sacrificing performance.

    When you can go into a new trial just barely released and your healing stops working how can you be expected to continue to want to do new content. My group had 3 wipes Sunday due to the fact my healing would not work. Multiple skills. Before elsweyr this was not an issue.
  • Ogou
    You can't fix the performance. It's an engine limitation.

    The only way performance will improve is if they make an ESO 2 one day with a new engine.

    Doubt it. Most of the performance issues don't seem like the kind of issues caused by game engines.
    My guess would be that a lot of these issues are caused by some legacy code that no one wants to go through.
  • Maxx7410
    If they cant do it right then dont do it. This game is really broken now too many problems too much wait time too much lag ping PVP is a no go, PVE in zones like Elsweyr is a no, i cant understand so much incopetence
  • JamuThatsWho
    Fix the servers, EU in particular.

    Gives my new kitty Necro more of a chance to catch up with my old main 😋
    @JamuThatsWho - PC EU - CP2000

    Vasiir-jo - Khajiit Necromancer, AD

    Sul-Mael Hlarothran - Dunmer Sorcerer, EP

    Ushaar-Ixaht - Argonian Nightblade, DC

    Rorbakh gro-Khraag - Orc Templar, AD

    Anduuroon - Altmer Warden, EP

    Travanius Braelia - Imperial Dragonknight, DC
  • GeorgeBlack
    I just moved back to australia and with the current ping I lose interest in PvP.
    I would say fix issues but it wouldnt make a difference in our region.
    So.. more content? I cant be bothered with that as well because the overland pve is sooooo easy it makes me fall asleep. In addition I find the story less and less thrilling and exciting.
    Furthermore I dont see the games combat going in a better direction.
    Stam PvE is the same for all classes.
    PvP is all about builds turtling and bursting big, a handfull.
    SnB rules stamina. It's getting boring.
  • lardvader
    I voted it need fixes first before any new content. At this rate it's hard to enjoy what we already got.

    If the community is growing the suits at ZoS has to invest in whatever resources is needed to fix this thing.
    CP 1200+ PC EU EP
  • Noblis01
    There is nothing wrong with server proformance or lag. If there was a problem, then the game's
    managers would fix the problems. This game's managers are, after all, the most forward thinking
    and innovative people in the industry. They would fix it promptly. SMH

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