Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

POLL: Performance fix or new content(vote and help show zos)

  • stpdmonkey
    Even with a small sample here in the forums this is a great example to show what's going on with the game
  • rager82b14_ESO
    I got the best of the best computer and this game runs like dog ***.
  • Daviiid_ESO
    stpdmonkey wrote: »
    Even with a small sample here in the forums this is a great example to show what's going on with the game

    Absolutely. The majority of players probably don't even have a forum account or even know the forums exist. The sample we have here and in many other threads are representing a larger part of the playerbase.
  • idk
    You can't fix the performance. It's an engine limitation.

    The only way performance will improve is if they make an ESO 2 one day with a new engine.

    Being they have loaded the engine and hence the servers with their design and what they have added to it since launch, yes. At launch they plainly had a mess of their own doing which had nothing to do with the engine, but that is a different story.

    At launch much more was done client side plus we had fewer buffs/debuffs and did not have CP. With the changes to all of this Zos just added more to the servers which exasperated what was already going on and essentially did more harm than what Zos did to improve the situation.
    Edited by idk on June 11, 2019 5:23PM
  • stpdmonkey
    The players on this forum are commonly the ones who care. The players that invest time and money (usually) into the game. Those who teach and help the newer player base. Those who have been around for awhile. Those on the forums are essentially the representatives of the game. If those on the forums were the only ones experiencing the issues and bugs then they wouldn't be around anymore. They hear others have the same issues and experience the same things. So it is viewed as common and we try and work past it. Zos needs to see and understand that if there was a better game they would loose their player base. But at the moment there is not. Soon that will change. And that does not mean that players will jump to another game of their creation. If they cant make one game right after 5 years why would I trust them to make any other right. Wow went for 20 years before a mass loss of players. Eso has the same potential. But it needs to be fixed to keep that a possibility
  • elfantasmo
    Once again, content and bug / performance fixes are TWO SEPERATE DAMN THINGS!


    [Edit for bait.]

    Let’s all write words and hope they are true, without knowing what we are talking about. I’ll go next. Faction lock is great.
  • Noblis01
    I got the best of the best computer and this game runs like dog ***.

    But you see, it at least runs ... like a three legged dog.
  • SirAxen
    One has no bearing on the other. Two different teams. Halting one isn't going to increase the others production.
  • stpdmonkey
    SirAxen wrote: »
    One has no bearing on the other. Two different teams. Halting one isn't going to increase the others production.

    As said in the original post and poll. It should be understood that there will be no halt in content production. I am personally getting this going to show zos that us the players who currently play want the game fixed over new content. Maybe to have them pause and fix bugs in the new content before releasing it. Every patch introduces many bugs. With each "fix" there are 3 new bugs that appear. If the fix is even correct. The voices of the players is being ignored. The problems ignored. If they stop new content there is less pull to bring in new players. They need the announcements and show of new content to entice new players. But how can you keep players if they cant even complete your content due to bugs. For them to invest alittle more resources into big fixes will in the end increase their bottom line. Players will be more willing to pay and stay.
  • crisfire
    Performance = keep actual players ; *Old players spend more money than the new players.

    New Content = attracts new players;

    If the performance is bad sooner or later the game will run out of players.

    Zos please fix your game.
  • Kagukan
    Skip one of the dungeon DLC and focus on performance.
  • Elsonso
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • mobicera
    Kagukan wrote: »
    Skip one of the dungeon DLC and focus on performance.

    Speak for yourself, I say skip an overworld questing zone and focus on performance.
    If it's not a dungeon pack or doesn't contain a trial I'm not even going to buy it.
    Dungeon DLCs help keep me here.
    That being said I would love performance fixes that are desperately needed..
    Though what should be done since new content also keeps people playing and attracts new people, is spend a little bit of the money they got for "killing it" on hiring some more people/devoting more people to bug and performance fixes while keeping new content coming.
    I mean they are killing it so is that too much to ask:p
  • stpdmonkey
    Large vote base soo far. Would like to see more
  • stpdmonkey
    Would like to break 500 before I start to let it go
  • Daviiid_ESO
    crisfire wrote: »
    Performance = keep actual players ; *Old players spend more money than the new players.

    New Content = attracts new players;

    If the performance is bad sooner or later the game will run out of players.

    Zos please fix your game.

    Yep, new players is short term profit. Fixing performance and keeping both new and old players in addition to growing the playerbase will bring more long term profits, longevity to the game and a more sustainable playerbase for years. Feels like they want to cash out early.
    Edited by Daviiid_ESO on June 12, 2019 7:30AM
  • navystylz_ESO
    stpdmonkey wrote: »
    I am creating a poll to try and help press zos to possibly give the true players the game they want. Do note that it is understood new content will not stop. But maybe just maybe we can get a bigger focus on fixes started.

    Wow. I wasn't expecting the number of people that said hold content fix performance. It's not even close.
  • LennoxPoodle
    The problem is, that many of the people involved in new content are designers for different aspects (classes, models, textures, balancing, sound, animations, ...) which would be of little use in optimization. My hope is that the upsurge in player activity means an increase in revenue, which partly flows back into thus game. I'd prefer if those funds (should they be coming) would be invested into a bigger tech team.
  • navystylz_ESO
    Chrysa1is wrote: »
    I'm on console and have no issues whatsoever.

    With the amount of angry threads about performance, its literally got me thinking well maybe its not the game, maybe its your bad internet or bad pc. Upgrade people, upgrade!

    Why are votes hidden? i voted yellow

    PCNA. Game is currently unplayable on my Necromancer. Can't mount. Can't Sprint. Can't weapon swap. Desynched mobs and items. Lag. Broken animations especially with block.

    FPS is fine
    Latency fine
    ~430 mbp/s download
    Gaming rig is good

    That is all to say, it's most definitely the game. Right now money is wasting away on my ESO plus as I can't even play.
  • frostz417
  • stpdmonkey
    My goal was 1000 votes before bringing it to their attention
  • stpdmonkey
    This may be a small sample size for the games supposed 13.5 million players. Once you remove inactive accounts and people who use multiple accounts I doubt true numbers of those that play are no where near that many. But this does show that there is clearly some major issues that need to be resolved.

    Last night my guild ran VHRC to try and get a score for the weekly. The lag was soo bad that we almost wiped multiple times due to people being either almost killed or killed before they even saw the aoe under their feet or that it was about to happen. You cant defend against anything if your dead before it happens. You cant kill a boss if your skills wont activate. Cant heal players if it doesn't even acknowledge they are hurt until they are dead. Cant even res people when you cant target them. This was one trial. Then the dungeons ran after were even worse. In mazzatun I couldn't do anything at all besides move. On top of that one of the daily pledges was not available. Urgarlag. This is ridiculous. Frustrating to the point I almost stopped playing.
  • stpdmonkey
    Sad to see more votes on a ah system then about the game in general. Maybe players really do care more about content then performance overall.
  • stpdmonkey
    Thank you to those who put in an opinion. This has reached a peak and I do not see much more happening. Maybe one day more players will say and do something. Until then the bugs wont be bothered with in a general fix and we will watch a plummet in the game. I'm sorry for all those who have the bugs and issues that make a large part of the game too glitchy to play.
  • Delsanab14_ESO
    They can do both, they have the money, or are we going to ignore the crown store?
    Account: @Delsana
    FREE CRAFTING (NA PC) SIDENOTE: Hel'phaer is a Grand Master Crafter with almost every motif (excluding Buoyant, Meridian, Coldsnap, Grim Harlequin, Tsaesci, Pellitine, and Elder Argonian because can't afford it) and will craft attractive quality and visually appealing training gear or combat sets for those interested. FREE gear for players below CP 160 (equivalent level of 210), and paid gear in some form from those CP 160 or higher.
  • stpdmonkey
    They can do both, they have the money, or are we going to ignore the crown store?

    We will never be able to convince enough people to make a move like that. Making them realize that fixes are more important to players then more new content is the only way to possibly get them to do something about it. Even then with their future games that are coming out they are hoping to have us transfer to those. Eso may be reaching the end of its life soon. There has to be a fix to keep the game going. Or eventually a crash will happen. I know that if there is a big enough outcry they will do something. But as long as there is only alittle complaining here and there they wont. They want us to report bugs. But then they get ignored. We are told it's being looked into but never a fix. Hell ebon cant be used on weapons or it cuts out on bar swap. A issue around since its release and that hasn't been fixed. One of the most used tanking sets. A large number of players showing they are tired of it and joing in a common voice is the only way to make it change. This isn't just for this game this is what happens with anything thru history and in every industry.
  • Mysanne
    The new content only increases the frustration if the bad performances prevent to play it.

    I am more and more frustrated because with each new chapter, my ping is more and more often at 999+.
  • Daviiid_ESO
    They can do both, they have the money, or are we going to ignore the crown store?

    They have the money but they won't spend the money if there are no complaints about the performance, hence this thread. If people keep throwing money at them and forget all about the issues as soon as they apply the smallest bandaid they will just keep doing so instead of fixing the real issues at hand.
  • stpdmonkey
    They can do both, they have the money, or are we going to ignore the crown store?

    They have the money but they won't spend the money if there are no complaints about the performance, hence this thread. If people keep throwing money at them and forget all about the issues as soon as they apply the smallest bandaid they will just keep doing so instead of fixing the real issues at hand.

    I dont know if anyone has paid attention to the few fixes that have made over time. They act like they are doing some amazing job. Fixing the spelling in a book. Wording on set pieces. A table slightly off. Fixes that do not affect any game play. All the while ignoring long standing problems. Changing so your weapon enchantments still proc when you weapon swap. But they cant fix ebon so it doesnt loose its 5 piece boost. A problem that's been around since ebon was introduced. Put our money into this game. Not fallout or some new game. Fix what is loved and played. And maybe just maybe we will want to play other games made knowing they will be quality also.
  • ApostateHobo
    Performance has gone down considerably since I started playing. Used to have no issues whatsoever. Now there's ridiculously long load screens, random load screens in the middle of nowhere, audio desync, bar swapping doesn't work half the time, can't really weave anymore as skills tend to cancel each other out, skills sometimes just don't go off at at all, general lag and fps drops even in the middle of the night, I can go on forever.

    I love this game, but something really does need to be done to fix these things. Game performance is just as important as new content. People aren't going to stick around to buy crap if they can hardly play the game.
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